Something from Nothing, Possible?

Brian talks about a recent podcast episode he had with Jocelyn Schmidt of Fusion Performing Arts Alliance


How Important Are Relationships? ๐Ÿ‘ซ (B2B Networking)

Thoughts on the value of relationships and networking after Brian just recorded an upcoming podcast with Grants Pass local, Cat Bonney.


How important is relationships?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, I wanted to discuss the concept of relationships in business specifically. So it’s all about being relationship reliant for me.

In fact, there are three pillars at

The first one I like talking about the most, right off the bat, at least, is being relationship reliant.

This is something that came later in life for me, even though I was surrounded by it, and the evidence was everywhere. It didn’t occur to me that the relationships you have the strength of the relationships, but even the loose ties that you have out there in life, or that one of the most important things possible.

That all business is based off of people, you know, like and trust, it’s based off of some form of relationship.

Now, sometimes you don’t necessarily have a relationship with the person, most of the products and services you use, that you spend money on, you don’t know the person behind it. But you have a relationship with that brand.

There is something there, someone has created something, put it forth, and you’ve taken it and exchanged it for money.

There’s a relationship there even at the most crass you know, just financial interaction, you know, even just that there’s still a relationship, and it goes on from there. The strongest relationship you have with someone the people that you paid the most amount of money on the most regular basis.

That’s some of the most powerful stuff and it can tell you something about even the things that you pay a small amount for. It all has to do with the same thing. It all comes back to some form of relationship.

I was reminded of this today because I had a really good podcast interview.

So I have a podcast that’s local. It’s called Grants Pass VIP. And what it does is it covers basically stories of movers and shakers in Josephine County, Oregon. And Grants Pass is the largest town here.

It’s named Grants Pass VIP, because that’s where most of the people will relate to it. Up this past year, about Yeah, about a year about this past year, I’ve been working very closely with the Chamber of Commerce.

Even though a good portion of that year, we weren’t even meeting in person. But meeting over over video chat. So I got to meet somebody that we had known each other kind of at a distance or name’s Cat Bonney.

Cat, she’s just a million different things in town. And she’s one of these people that I finally got to sit down and have an interview with for my podcast, this will be coming up. Not available yet if you’re watching this right away, but you’ll see it soon over at

Cat is a very interesting person, her entire life has been built on the idea of getting out there and making a difference and encouraging other people to do the same thing. And having her hands and a whole lot of different items.

But all around this concept of really making a difference for people and in doing things that that stirs her soul, not just a way to pay the bills, you know, obviously, there’s always that end of it, but you have to have things that really make a difference for you.

Even the short period of time we hung out today at the coffee shop, recording the podcast, even that short period of time I found it really interesting how useful her knowledge is. I mean, just she asked what she can do for me and I just tossed something out there.

And she threw some advice out that I know is gonna save me many hours, and many headaches. And so I thank her so much for that. That’s one simple, subtle relationship that I that I’ve had that I have that I share with her.

You can’t put a price tag on that. But at the same end, it’s going to profit me if you could put a price tag it’s going to profit me greatly over time. If nothing else in the saving of time just for a brief moment, a brief conversation.

These are the things that are true throughout. And if you’re looking to grow things, if you’re looking to look at the world differently, if you’re looking to think more like people who have something that you want out of life.

It comes back down to a relationship. My entire way of building my business for the past, you know, two-plus years, via podcasting, and via the book that I wrote, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

These are things that that happened because of relationships because I connected with other people, sometimes at a distance will originally at a distance online with a lot of people.

And then also in person talking with people and going through it and wanting to reach out and meet certain people that I couldn’t find a way to get a conversation with until I could find a gift that I could offer them.

The gift in this situation was the Podcast, the podcast allows me to offer a gift of publicity to somebody.

In exchange, I get to meet this person to get to know them better, and find out if there’s anything that I can do in their life and maybe even learn something from them. Simple, simple concepts, these simple ideas, but it all comes back to the relationship.

Business is about other human beings. It’s about you and other human beings connecting. That’s all it is. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re making dog food, it doesn’t matter what you’re making. I don’t know, why do I always go back to dog food, it’s interesting.

Maybe it’s because I have no experience in the dog food market. And but for some reason, my mind always jumps to dog food when I’m thinking about things. It doesn’t matter what your industry is all a relationship based.

This is very difficult. If you have a task oriented mind, my mind is very much at least on the forefront is initially task oriented. I have a little bit of people orientation back there. But mostly it’s task oriented. And it took me many years to realize the practical benefit of relationships.

I hate to say it that was sounds weird, doesn’t it? If you think like a robot, it’s difficult to put it into words. But that’s a sadly that’s where I come from. So that’s all I got for today.

Go check out my book if you want to hear some more about about how to take relationships and take them to the next level and also meet people that you would have never met before. That can be really helpful to you.9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

And I’m going to be back here tomorrow talking about the second or the three pillars for Stay tuned for that, we’ll see.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Wait…For The Answer ๐Ÿคจ

Value of patience.


Wait for the answer.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m a Business investor, we talk on this show about things that affect business people. So whether you own a business, whether you are the executive and in charge of a business, we like to see things from that perspective and kind of talk about the issues that you deal with.

What are some shortcuts?

What are some tactics, strategies and principles that you could put into play right away in your business?

This is a situation that has been a long time coming for me. And I’ve been getting bits and pieces of this all for really the last 12 months, 12 to 18 months?

I’ve been waiting on a very specific answer about a problem that I’ve been having in one of my businesses, it’s one of my favorite ones.

I wasn’t quite sure what to do and I had a huge piece of that answer come to me today in the form of a book that I was reading, which I would have never guessed. Out of all the books that are out there, that would be this book that would be helpful to me.

I’ll tell you, maybe we’ll talk about that tomorrow, or in a future episode, what book that is and give you a little book review.

I’m waiting for my hard copy to come because I listened to the audio already. And so I’m really jazzed about it. It was, it’s been one of the best books I’ve read in the last couple of years.

Actually, some of the best books that I’ve read recently, have all been about this same subject matter. And these things have just started coming to me. Really not.

Not through any fault of my own but I wanted to talk about this.

This is a scenario that I hear I hear from a lot of different people, but specifically about business people they’ll say this in conversation, but it never gets brought up enough in terms of the scenario that we almost all go through.

This is it, we hit a problem, we hit a wall, we hit a plateau, we hit something with our business, and with and with how we’re handling and how we’re thinking about it.

When you reach that point, what do you do?

Really, you just have to wave your hands up in the air and say, I don’t know what the next step is. I don’t know how to fix this. But I still have ideas on things to try.

We’re going to keep trying things but I’m going to wait for the answer.

There are a lot of different ways that answers come to you. Sometimes it just comes in the middle of the day while you’re doing something else.

Sometimes it can be while you’re working with your hands or something. I’ve heard that from a lot of people if they’re working if they’ve got themselves engaged physically in something, that’s when the answers come to them.

Other people say it’s when they take a shower when they’re taking a shower on a daily basis, the answers just pop into their head, other people to first thing when they wake up in the morning or in the middle of the night, they get an answer.

They have to make sure they write it down so they don’t forget it.

Sometimes it comes in very specific forms. Sometimes it comes in the form of conversation, you’re talking to someone. So it could be someone that has nothing to do with business.

This could be a business question you have on your mind but something they say opens up something in here, that gives you the answer of where you need to go next. And then sometimes it can come from something as simple as a book, every once in a while.

Usually one that was recommended to me, it’s usually from a book that I recommended. I tend to not read books and less than recommended from somebody I know, or from somebody with that I’m at least familiar with someone I trust of some sort. And so this was a book that was recommended. Up until this point, I’ve heard a million people talk about this book.

I mean, everyone’s jazzed about the end, because everyone was jazzed about it. I didn’t want to read it. I’ve run away from the majority of what most people do. And because it was so popular, I’m saying Why can’t be very good if it’s that popular.

Otherwise, you’d hear more about it. I mean, you just hear people say it’s a great book. But I didn’t hear much else than that. And I thought it had a stupid title. So I’ll tell you about that later. But that’s not what I’m talking about today.

What I’m talking about is in this book came a big piece of the answer that I was looking for. And it’s an answer that I’ve gotten a few pieces about this these questions.

I’ve gotten a little piece like I said, I probably really asked it hard about a year ago, and I just get little bits and pieces it comes to me and it comes a little bit in conversation but really every once a while I’ll get it from an expert, somebody who has the experience that can talk about it in a way that automatically I know, they know what they’re talking about and it fits my scenario.

This situation was that the magic isn’t in the book. The magic isn’t what he was talking about, even though it’s so great stuff. And it’s some of the stuff that I’ll pass on to a million people. Because it’s that good but that’s not the real magic.

The magic isn’t exactly and asking the question in saying, I don’t know, tell me. But that’s the beginning of the magic. The magic starts there. You got it.

You can’t it doesn’t work without that until you admit that you don’t know, you can’t go on the search for the answer. You won’t be looking for it. But whatever it is, that brings it to you. There’s something and tells you when it’s right.

Pay attention, pay attention. That’s it.

There’s something on the inside that tells us when things are right. And you call it intuition you can call it you know, Holy Spirit thing. You call it whatever you want but that’s the magic. That’s an important thing. You got to start by waiting for the answer.

If you wait for the answer, the answer will come. I guarantee it will come unless you die beforehand. But you can’t do anything about that. And then then the answer. Well, it wasn’t that important anyways, hopefully.

But if you’re really willing, and you’re open, the answer comes to you and you know, it already has. I know this has happened to you because it happens to everybody. It’s just we don’t talk about it often enough, because it seems weird and seems like coincidence type of thing. It’s not a coincidence. It’s the answer to your question.

It comes in a very directional way. I’m certain of it. We don’t need to get into religion or details or anything like that, but I’m certain it’s, it’s an actual thing. So don’t doubt it. Be ready for the answer and wait for it because it’s coming.

I have a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you haven’t if you haven’t seen this before, I promoted every episode. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is all about how to overcome competitive forces regardless of what industry you’re in.

Go get yourself a copy wherever books are sold, or you can download a free copy. That’s all I have for tonight. Be patient, wait for the answer.

We’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Who Is Your Villain? ๐Ÿ‘บ

Using villain’s to help support you in business.


Who is your villain?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos here because these are very common villains in different worlds, okay. Right now, you could say, anti-vaccine places.

Bill Gates is a villain very much a very large villain because of his very pro-vaccine stance is his shady background, with a business in the vaccine market and everything else.

Then you’ve got Jeff Bezos, he’s a villain in a lot of places, but specifically in small businesses.

So one of the reasons why I wrote my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business was because people were scared of And they considered Jeff Bezos, the absolute devil, and specifically the areas that I was working in, in the E-commerce realm.

They were having more and more and more issues, fighting off Amazon and all the things that Amazon was bringing to the table. But that’s okay because then that was one of the main reasons why I went with this the title of this book because I wanted to be able to reach out to them and say, I’m one of your type of things, and be able to have that common relationship.

You got to know who your ideal client is their villain, and you have to stand united with them against that villain, whoever, and sometimes it doesn’t need to be a real person.

It sometimes it’s an industry sometimes that you know, big pharma big this big that, you know, you hear her all these different terms being thrown around.

It’s one of those things, and you probably already know what it is but you ought to talk about it more often. You ought to bring it out more often that there is a villain, and why they’re the villain, not because your ideal market needs to hear it directly, but they need to hear it from you.

They need to know that your brand that your company that you as a person if you’re a person who is has got their face out there, they’ve got to know that you’re on their side. And so having a common villain will help is a simple little idea.

That can be a really big deal in the long run, in terms of really connecting you up with your market, which is really how you build that trust, that creates that unshakable bond. Alright, so hopefully that makes sense. You can find out more details about these types of ideas in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

In a very short book, I cover a lot of areas, and I give you a lot of other places you can go to for more information. Go check out you go pick up a copy of this book. It’s simple to read. a short book, you get one at

Wherever you buy books, you’ll probably find them there. And then you can also download a free copy if you want That’s all I’ve got for today.

You have a good one, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do Business Names Matter? ๐Ÿ˜•

Just how important is the name of your business anyway?


Do business names matter?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

For those of you listening, I have on the screen here a picture of the head of Facebook, when he introduced the new name for the entire company as being Meta. And instead it says Feta.

It’s a play off of words but it also brings up the idea of how silly and how outrageous people were getting over this name.

Whether it was a good name or a bad name, whether it meant the beginning of something completely new, or the end, as we know it of Facebook.

It’s an interesting concept but it brings me back, it’s a thing that I get pulled into a conversation I get pulled into, especially with people starting new companies, where they really spend all a lot of time on the name.

A name can be important, but not for the same reasons that you probably think many times the name is they people go after a name that has a uniqueness or a goofiness to it, or I remember in the late 90s and early 2000s when everyone was trying to emulate Yahoo, and all these companies that had come out with these, these names that were not traditional.

Remember when Google came out, that was a very nontraditional name, but it was very instyle for them. It’s like, just come out with something wacky and goofy and something that’s memorable.

But it’s also spelled funny, you know, and I don’t see the value. Honestly, I think what Google brought to the table and the reason why Google Yahoo, in the long run when it came to the search engine game, it’s because they had a better product. Plain and simple.

People went to Google because Google had a better product, and they to this day has the best search engine available in terms of just pure search, pure search going to where you want to go now there are people that are coming out with some pretty good search engines now.

Ones that are based on different algorithms that and not as in some that aren’t as political and aren’t, as, you know, maybe aren’t as advertising heavy and things of that sort. So there’s a there’s a lot of options out there.

Now, I don’t want to make this a conversation about search engines. But the search engine battle really shows you how names don’t really matter.

They matter in a sense that here’s one sense they do matter. They matter in a sense, in areas where if you are trying to get a point across about what it is that you bring to the table that unique your unique selling proposition. If you can find a way to tie that into your name, then you’ve crossed a huge hurdle that most people take forever to get through.

That is making it very clear about what it is that you offer right off the bat if you can do that with a name. That is the best use of a name I’ve ever seen.

There are a lot of examples out there and you could think of well even something like Kentucky Fried Chicken. It very simple straightforward said what it is to this day, it’s still pretty much means the same thing.

Even though it means something more because it’s going beyond just that original recipe and it’s something much bigger, which is why they switched it to KFC and so forth, I imagine. But the name said it, it said what it was you either wanted it or you didn’t want it and you can move on.

Those type of names I think is the most powerful, those names that really just say what they are. Those are great. You can always come up with something funky you can always come up with something unique.

Nowadays unique is necessary because you got to make sure you can get the domain name and get a trademark and everything based on it. But besides that, don’t obsess about the darn name. Whether metal works doesn’t work.

How that ties into the metaverse and everything else, I don’t think it’s going to be based on the name. I think that is going to work or not work based on the solidness of the idea, especially when you have a company as large as Facebook, coming out with it, I mean, it is, it’s either going to fly or it isn’t going to fly.

There are just no two ways about it and the name is not going to make or break any company. Unless, and I’ll tell you how you could do a name wrong. If you come up with a name that’s difficult to remember and spell.

If you do that, then you could definitely say that the name is a really bad thing to your company. Other than that, don’t sweat it. And here’s the secret.

You can always change it in the future, you know that, that you don’t like to say that, but it’s true. You can change your name.

So don’t freak out about especially if you’re just starting out, which like I said, I’ve worked with quite a few startups.

I highly suggest just grab something run with that. You could always change it later. So that’s all I got for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you’re looking to overcome competitive forces in whatever industry you’re in.

That’s why I wrote this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s to make it Amazon-Proof and everything proof to where you don’t really have competition. You can get a free copy at

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Whoopi, Joe and Celebrity ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ

Ahh, people and opinions.


Whoopi, Joe and celebrity.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m going to take two characters out of today’s headlines. Those you watching in modern day you won’t be tough to know what’s going on with Whoopi Goldberg and Joe Rogan.

If you’re watching or listening to this anytime later, though, you may have to be reminded that what’s going on right now is Whoopi Goldberg is on The View on TV.

She set a line about Holocaust say that it wasn’t a racist situation.

And like went back and forth on it and embarrassed herself.

Then Joe Rogan has had many people on his show questioning the mainstream viewpoint being promoted out there regarding COVID-19.

Because of that, he’s gotten a lot of flack from numerous people like all that all the famous people that are out there, saying they want him off of the streaming services.

So what’s the same, what’s the same between these two people?

Well they’ve both been doing something that that they either are or not embarrassed about. But here’s the thing about being a celebrity.

This is how it ties back into your business, or whoever’s handling your content marketing specifically. Because with content marketing, you have to realize if you’re putting enough information out there, you’re going to say something that’s embarrassing, you’re going to say something that is going to upset somebody.

I mean, I just guarantee I don’t care how careful you are whatsoever, you will do something that will upset somebody, it’s just a guarantee, there’s no way around it.

There’s no way to be so politically correct, that you are not going to upset somebody. And when that happens, people will call for you being taken off, or taken out of whatever scenario you’re in.

Maybe taking off as a sponsor, if you’re if you’re sponsoring anything, these things are going to happen and you have to realize it’s that it’s going to happen.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re Whoopi Goldberg or whether you’re Joe Rogan, does matter how famous you are. It’s not just because they’re famous, that they’re getting flack.

You will always get flack, you will always say something stupid, or something you really believe in but but that not everybody else does. These things are going to happen as long as you’re out there being yourself or you’re putting out content on a regular basis that somebody is out being themselves.

So I talk about this all in my book, in chapter four, on being somebody, this concept of using limited celebrity, to be able to promote business is a really major deal.

It doesn’t mean you are a celebrity to start with.

It means that through the power of content marketing, you become a celebrity to at least a small group of people. So go check that out.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy, if you just want to download one,

And that’s all I got for tonight.

Be careful. Don’t get offended by by anybody. It just pulls you down but see the activity that’s going on out there in the headlines and realize it’s completely predictable.

It’s nothing to get freaked out over. So hang in there. We’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

DigitalMarketer and Brian J. Pombo ๐Ÿ‘€

Brian talks about a recent interview (link below) that he did with Digital Marketer President Mark de Grasse.

Podcast Interview here –


Digital Marketer and Brian J. Pombo.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a very special episode where I am promoting someone else’s podcast.

That’s right. The Digital Marketer Podcast.

Digital Marketer is a company, if you haven’t heard of them, you need to find out about them because a lot of the great things that I talk about here they talk about in even better ways and can communicate to more types of people.

Ryan Deiss was somebody that I had met very early on in my digital marketing career, he’s been a huge inspiration. As are all the others that Digital Marketer has built up that company, the new president, I’ve gotten to know Mark de Grasse. He’s a great guy.

He interviews me on this podcast on this particular episode this I believe it’s episode 184. Go check it out. I’ve got a link in the description if you’re watching this where you can’t see the link, go to and check it out or go to Digital Marketer Podcast and check out the December I believe was December 3 is when it came out.

But it’s a very special episode where I get to be on their show, which was a great honor. Lots of fun had. And it’s just it just amazes me that I’ve had the ability to be able to get on to their podcasts. It’s a great honor, and just go take a listen.

I’m not going to spend any more of your time. I want you to hear it. Tell me what you think.

Leave a comment down below after you listen to it. And we’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Shtick Like Norm ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ (Remembering comedian Norm MacDonald)]

In case you missed it, we lost a great comedian this week in Norm MacDonald. Brian shares his thoughts on a very funny man.


Shtick like Norm.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today it was announced that Norm MacDonald, comedian extraordinaire, famous for his time on Saturday Night Live, his television show Norm, many other accomplishments his movie Dirty Deeds.

I mean, he’s done a million things that he’s passed away from cancer at an early age, I believe he was 61. And it’s a funny thing with comedians, I don’t always feel as attached to comedians, as everybody else does necessarily, and entertainers in general, I don’t connect with all of them.

Norm was one of those that was interesting because he was somebody that I did connect with it early on in my partial career as a comedian and writer and comedic actor. I guess you could say that he was one of the early ones that I would watch on Saturday Night Live and paid very close attention to how the jokes were delivered.

He was a person also who studied the art and a lot of people refer to him as the comedian’s comedian. He wasn’t as wildly popular as a lot of the other people that he surrounded himself with. But most people who have a comedic tendency, have huge respect for Norm McDonald. Because of what he was able to accomplish.

I just wanted to point out one little thing that you can use in your business, especially in content marketing, one of the things was just one of the lessons that norm did on a regular basis. And you can see it in his work on Saturday Night Live.

So on Saturday Night Live, he played a lot of characters, he did a Burt Reynolds impression, the absurd impression really wasn’t Burt Reynolds. But for some reason, everyone went along with that.

But when you can create those type of characters that always has an effect, but the most famous thing he did was Weekend Update, which is the regular news program, a satire news program on Saturday Night Live that’s been on forever, and where they oftentimes will pull a piece of news out, and then make a little joke about it, or create an absurd piece of news and put that out there.

So he would do odd things that no other host of Weekend Update had ever done. One of the things that he would do is he would pick an absurd statement and he’d repeated every week, in a very odd way.

So one of the first ones he did was this con, he’d say, or so the Germans wishes to believe. And he saw he would say a piece of news that wasn’t funny at all. They turn in the camera would grab him from a different angle and say, or so the Germans wishes to believe. And he’d hold it.

Then there was odd laughter because people didn’t understand what it was. But when he repeated it over and over and over again, it became a joke unto itself, because it made absolutely no sense.

Like he said, himself, it’s a non sequitur. He had this non sequitur humor, meaning it was something that didn’t go anywhere. And it was funny because it didn’t go anywhere, because it had no reason for being there.

He would do this with little sayings. He said, he would say, you know, which proves my theory Germans love David Hasselhoff, and he’d say it in odd times. He bring it up every episode every week.

He used these terms, he get obsessed about one thing, like this was during the OJ Simpson trial, and so forth. And so he’d make a joke about OJ Simpson, being a killer on a regular basis, where he just drove it into the ground.

And this is early on when a lot of people were still given the benefit of doubt and everything. But he had just stuck to it.

He’d pick one thing, he’d stick to it with his own confidence. And you could tell them, and from what I’ve read about his time on the show, there were a lot of people that disagreed with the directions that he took on the show, and I think he probably partially got fired because of it.

But he would, he would stick on something. And it proved out in the end because he stuck to it.

If he would have stuck to it. If he wasn’t confident about it. It would never have flown, it would never have worked in the short run.

You see any of these video clips you go watch clips of this. Go find it on YouTube. You could find clips where originally it doesn’t happen. People don’t laugh. It’s a live show.

So you got to get the people to laugh and even if the applause signs on, they aren’t necessarily laughing. And but he would do it week after week after week, and he did this, he does this in his comedy, everything else that because he was a stand-up comedian. So he does, you could see a lot of these elements in his comedy. He just sticks with something. And he keeps going and keeps going.

Eventually, you’re laughing at the fact that he’s stuck on that one thing. The same thing, it’s not just humor. It’s anything that you are passionate about, that matters to your business that you think would help the end-user at all, especially when it comes to content marketing.

If you stick with it, if you just sell out to that concept, and look at it from a million different angles, and keep bringing it up and keep bringing it up and keep bringing it up. It will stick eventually, you have to stick to it. Like normes, McDonald’s stuck to things. That’s just a quick, quick little thing.

There are a million things you can pick from any performer. That’s good at what they do. You can pick something you can pick a million things out of what they do and be able to use it. That’s one thing that I’ll pass on today, just in memory of Norm Macdonald who is a who’s really great at his craft. So hopefully that’s helpful. If you’re looking for strategies that you can use in your business. I’ve got a book can’t see it that well. There it is. I had it kind of off to the side a couple of nights ago it dropped and I put it back up there haphazardly.

So, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at It’s my book, I wrote it, who will be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.