How Important Are Relationships? 👫 (B2B Networking)

Thoughts on the value of relationships and networking after Brian just recorded an upcoming podcast with Grants Pass local, Cat Bonney.


How important is relationships?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, I wanted to discuss the concept of relationships in business specifically. So it’s all about being relationship reliant for me.

In fact, there are three pillars at

The first one I like talking about the most, right off the bat, at least, is being relationship reliant.

This is something that came later in life for me, even though I was surrounded by it, and the evidence was everywhere. It didn’t occur to me that the relationships you have the strength of the relationships, but even the loose ties that you have out there in life, or that one of the most important things possible.

That all business is based off of people, you know, like and trust, it’s based off of some form of relationship.

Now, sometimes you don’t necessarily have a relationship with the person, most of the products and services you use, that you spend money on, you don’t know the person behind it. But you have a relationship with that brand.

There is something there, someone has created something, put it forth, and you’ve taken it and exchanged it for money.

There’s a relationship there even at the most crass you know, just financial interaction, you know, even just that there’s still a relationship, and it goes on from there. The strongest relationship you have with someone the people that you paid the most amount of money on the most regular basis.

That’s some of the most powerful stuff and it can tell you something about even the things that you pay a small amount for. It all has to do with the same thing. It all comes back to some form of relationship.

I was reminded of this today because I had a really good podcast interview.

So I have a podcast that’s local. It’s called Grants Pass VIP. And what it does is it covers basically stories of movers and shakers in Josephine County, Oregon. And Grants Pass is the largest town here.

It’s named Grants Pass VIP, because that’s where most of the people will relate to it. Up this past year, about Yeah, about a year about this past year, I’ve been working very closely with the Chamber of Commerce.

Even though a good portion of that year, we weren’t even meeting in person. But meeting over over video chat. So I got to meet somebody that we had known each other kind of at a distance or name’s Cat Bonney.

Cat, she’s just a million different things in town. And she’s one of these people that I finally got to sit down and have an interview with for my podcast, this will be coming up. Not available yet if you’re watching this right away, but you’ll see it soon over at

Cat is a very interesting person, her entire life has been built on the idea of getting out there and making a difference and encouraging other people to do the same thing. And having her hands and a whole lot of different items.

But all around this concept of really making a difference for people and in doing things that that stirs her soul, not just a way to pay the bills, you know, obviously, there’s always that end of it, but you have to have things that really make a difference for you.

Even the short period of time we hung out today at the coffee shop, recording the podcast, even that short period of time I found it really interesting how useful her knowledge is. I mean, just she asked what she can do for me and I just tossed something out there.

And she threw some advice out that I know is gonna save me many hours, and many headaches. And so I thank her so much for that. That’s one simple, subtle relationship that I that I’ve had that I have that I share with her.

You can’t put a price tag on that. But at the same end, it’s going to profit me if you could put a price tag it’s going to profit me greatly over time. If nothing else in the saving of time just for a brief moment, a brief conversation.

These are the things that are true throughout. And if you’re looking to grow things, if you’re looking to look at the world differently, if you’re looking to think more like people who have something that you want out of life.

It comes back down to a relationship. My entire way of building my business for the past, you know, two-plus years, via podcasting, and via the book that I wrote, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

These are things that that happened because of relationships because I connected with other people, sometimes at a distance will originally at a distance online with a lot of people.

And then also in person talking with people and going through it and wanting to reach out and meet certain people that I couldn’t find a way to get a conversation with until I could find a gift that I could offer them.

The gift in this situation was the Podcast, the podcast allows me to offer a gift of publicity to somebody.

In exchange, I get to meet this person to get to know them better, and find out if there’s anything that I can do in their life and maybe even learn something from them. Simple, simple concepts, these simple ideas, but it all comes back to the relationship.

Business is about other human beings. It’s about you and other human beings connecting. That’s all it is. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re making dog food, it doesn’t matter what you’re making. I don’t know, why do I always go back to dog food, it’s interesting.

Maybe it’s because I have no experience in the dog food market. And but for some reason, my mind always jumps to dog food when I’m thinking about things. It doesn’t matter what your industry is all a relationship based.

This is very difficult. If you have a task oriented mind, my mind is very much at least on the forefront is initially task oriented. I have a little bit of people orientation back there. But mostly it’s task oriented. And it took me many years to realize the practical benefit of relationships.

I hate to say it that was sounds weird, doesn’t it? If you think like a robot, it’s difficult to put it into words. But that’s a sadly that’s where I come from. So that’s all I got for today.

Go check out my book if you want to hear some more about about how to take relationships and take them to the next level and also meet people that you would have never met before. That can be really helpful to you.9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

And I’m going to be back here tomorrow talking about the second or the three pillars for Stay tuned for that, we’ll see.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Start Now, Times Ticking ⌚

Times moving y’all. If you have a project or a dream on hold, now might just be a great time to get started.


Start now, time’s ticking.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I just heard today….well, let me start over. I have a list, and it’s not all in one place, multiple places, I’ve got several notes on my phone, notepads full of things that are part of my unorganized way of working. That and I have this list that spread out all over the place. And a lot of it’s still in my head that needs to get down on paper of the people that I’d like to meet and interview.

Up until now, it’s been this far distant concept of, how would you ever meet these people? So and so and so on so forth.

And something hit me today, I was doing a little bit of research and found out that one of the people on my list passed away in May, and I wasn’t aware that he had died.

But he was one of these people and kind of an icon of an industry that I was interested in meeting. I wanted to see what he was like in real life and be able to have a one on one conversation with them and go from there.

Many of the people that I’ve had a chance to interview via podcasts have allowed me I’ve been able to start pull friendships off of that and be able to grow it from there.

If nothing else, I’ve opened a door that I can go back to it anytime Hey, I’m Brian, I interviewed you for such and such a, there’s a doorway open there that I have that wasn’t there previously. So it’s been really useful as far as that goes. And it’s one of those things where I want to reach out and meet these people.

I’ve done it in different parts of my life. I’ve talked about this before about meeting heroes, I’ve gone out and tracked people down and just see if I can get hold of them. If you haven’t done this, I highly recommend you do it.

What you have to prepare yourself for is the fact that they are not exactly who you think they are.

They might be who you think they are. But they’ve got more baggage, they’re more human, everything else. And I’ve done this on a number of occasions throughout my life.

I’ve always been happy I did because it allowed me to see things for what they are. It allowed me to stop putting people on pedestals and to just realize that we’re all just people.

That you would think that’d be disappointing, but it also brings to life, and brings to light the idea that if they can do it, we anybody can do it, you know, it’s available that life is available to anybody. And including in this scenario.

So in this scenario, what I found is, over the last handful of years started doing podcasts, start interviewing people, and interviewing people at a distance, especially using zoom, you’ll notice so many, especially during the pandemic of 20 and 21. People have been using zoom to produce podcasts because people clinic be one on one with each other, it was extremely difficult to.

And so that opens up the whole world to you, especially since so much of the world knows how to use that technology where they didn’t a good two years ago. So exciting things happen ahead.

But it’s also this little push, finding out that this gentleman died, and at a relatively young age, find out that he died and knowing that times ticking I don’t know if I’m going to do it, I got to get it done.

That’s the whole idea for tonight is just if you’ve got something that’s right there on the tip that you have the ability to do it, then just start it, start the process, get it out there get moving, you don’t have to do it all at once.

It doesn’t have to be overnight. You don’t have to feel stressed about it.

What you have to do is just start, know what the next step is and do the next step. You don’t have to plan the whole thing out even just know what the next step is and take it and go from there.

Step one, it all starts with step one, you got to take it. We don’t know how much time we got. So you got to do what you got to do. So it’s a similar idea that I promoted multiple times, but it’s one that keeps going into my head so I figured I’d feed it right back to you. So hopefully that’s helpful. We’ll be back tomorrow.

Go get a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get you by it, buy a hardback copy or you can get a free copy at

Be back here tomorrow night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Is It Who You Know Or Who Knows You?

Spoiler, both matter about the same. Now please watch the video, or not. 😉

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Do You Connect Enough? 📞

COVID-19 is going on, but Brian reminds us it’s an important time to connect with others in business and in life.

Also, a recommendation for Keith Farrazzi and Tahl Raz book Never Eat Alone, as a good one for the power of relationships and connecting.

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Who Are You Surrounding Yourself With?

Some thoughts on Brian Tracy’s book – 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires

  • Get around the right people
  • Importance of networking 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
  • Get some good books in your hands and read them! 📚

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Are You Willing To Do Whatever It Takes?

Brian talks about hear an inspiring message that a local business owner told him.

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Norman Wolfe: Machine or Organic?
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Brian shares a recent conversation he had with Norman Wolfe from, on his unique perspective for success in business.

How to Network for Your Business
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B2B Networking on LinkedIn and in your business. How networking is changing with internet social media.