Start Your Business 😊

Thinking about starting a business?

Reach out and talk with Brian at the link below.

link –


Start Your Business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

So there are these different sections of my website and there are three main sections, which is kind of how I get in contact with people.

Yesterday, we talked about, you know, growing your business, and where you’d, you’d be able to contact me if you were looking for help with growing your business.

Another area, which is a very specific area, it’s a very different type of area, it’s starting your business.

So if you have an interest in starting a business, and doesn’t matter, even if you have zero ideas of what you would start it over. But you have an idea that you probably would like to go into business, and you’d like to live off from that side of life, as opposed to just get a paycheck all the time, and being an employee.

If you’d like to try that out and see whether you’d be a good fit or not, then I’d love to have a conversation with you.

I do not charge anything to be able to have that conversation but I also make no promises that I can help you whatsoever.

But I do have some tips, I do have some ideas and if it works out, I’m a Business Investor.

So I can help invest in your business, I’ll invest time and so forth. I’ll show you what it would take for you to be able to do it too. That’s if you if you would qualify for that type of thing. It’s not for everybody. Business Ownership is not for everybody.

But if you would like to have that conversation, then I’d like you to go to

Now from there, you can go to the menu and you can type in, you can click on start my business.

Speaking from your perspective, are you going to just

Real simple for those of you watching, you could see it across the screen. So hopefully that’s helpful for you.

That’s all I’m going to talk about today.

I’m a Business investor, I have these talks on a regular basis. But sometimes I don’t always just give a straight idea for something that you can do right off the bat.

So if you’d like to contact me, it’s another great way for you to reach out and contact me and I’d love I’d love to be able to talk with you and see see if there’s anything I can do to help. So go check that out.

Tomorrow, I’m going to be talking about the final way that people get in contact with me via my website.

We’ll continue talking about strategies, principles and tactics that you can use to grow your business every day and just make your life better.

So we’ll be talking about that more in episodes up ahead. But I have nearly 1000 episodes behind me. If you go and check out

In the media section, you’ll be able to see all these see and listen to all these episodes I have at both in audio podcast form and in video form. So go check it out.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Grow Your Business 📈

Want to expand your business?

Reach out and talk with Brian at the link below.

link –


Grow Your Business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

There’s some areas that I wanted to cover from this commentary that I got earlier last week.

I wanted to get to that but first, I wanted to cover some areas of my website that you may not have seen it on the front page, and in the menu, there are three significant sections there.

If you’re looking to reach out to me, the first has to do with growing your business, and it says, grow my business.

Now, if you click on grow my business that will take you to a page and you can go there directly from here. It’s

Brian J will get you there, if you click on the menu, you’ll be able to find it.

But it is the grow my business page where you can sign up, or at least apply to be to have a business strategy session with me. So go check that out, see if you can apply.

It does cost money but if you if you qualify, you may be able to qualify for a discounted rate.

So go check it out, apply and see if see if it’s even worth your while to be able to talk with me about how to grow your business from where it’s at.

You know, yeah, must have some idea of where you’re at and where you want to be and how soon you want to get there. Let’s have a chat about it. And you’re guaranteed to be able to walk away with some value, otherwise you don’t pay a dime.

So how’s that for a good deal?

Go check out

That’s all I got for today.

Tomorrow, I’m going to be talking about another section of my website that you might be interested in. If you’re not interested in growing a business.

Maybe you’ll be interested in this one. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Schedule Growth Activities 👨‍🦱✂️

Value of having activities scheduled to help you get projects done.


Schedule growth activities.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I got a haircut, okay. It’s a funny story about my haircut.

And I’ve discussed it before I cut my own hair. So not only do I cut my hair, but I also cut my two sons’ hair, I cut their hair also, okay.

And then it’s funny how I ended up doing this, it was one of those things where I never liked having to schedule my time to go into town, to find an open barber to go in to go through the whole hassle of sitting there waiting in line to get your haircut.

Sit there, make chit-chat with the person go through this whole rigmarole. It’s just I never liked it.

I never liked it ever since I was a kid. Well, when I was a kid we had a lot of really decent barbers for very little, they didn’t cost much.

And so I liked doing that but I’ve never been able to find a barber in this area that I was really super fond on. So I started cutting my own hair years ago, and have kept it up. Another thing is I figured because I was a cheapskate, I would cut my hair more often.

If I didn’t have to pay for it, I could just you know, once a week, every other week, whatever, I’ll just go through cut my hair, well, it’s a little bit more difficult to cut your hair than that in most cases, at least with my hair, my hair is like wire.

So it’s not the most manageable and you got to cut it just right otherwise it doesn’t work. And even then I it oftentimes does not look that great after I’m done. It grows in and it works out fine. But it’s not the best.

And so it’s one of these things where I don’t cut my hair. As often as I would probably if I had someone else cut it if I found somebody that I liked and could go back over and over again.

But I still keep doing it and but it really comes down to being lazy.

When it comes down to is I don’t…because it’s all available, you know, I’ll do it when I do it. And I put it off and put it off and put it off.

So what’s this have to do with business?

What’s this have to do with all the things that we talk about here on a nightly basis?

Well, here it is, I find that I don’t do things that I don’t want to do and will put them off indefinitely as long as I possibly can. Except on two occasions.

Number one, that I schedule it.

The second piece of that is if someone else is depending on me if I’ve scheduled it with a second person if I have someone else tied to it. The only other way that that happens is if I build that daily habit, well, I’m not daily going to cut my hair.

Then most things you don’t do daily, you don’t, you can’t necessarily make a daily habit out of everything. It’s a great thing to do. And we’ve discussed that here before, but you can’t do it out of everything.

So when it comes to cutting my hair, really, it would be helpful if I just pay someone to come to my house and do it. And it’s all in the schedule. And it’s done. And it happens every two weeks or every month. And it’s just like clockwork, it just happens, I would do it, it would get done. It wouldn’t be something that I would enjoy as much as doing it myself.

But on the same end at the person was good. And they were quick. I’d be a-okay with it. And it’s like that with everything I’ve ever done in my life. And to this day, the pieces of business that I don’t want to do or are more difficult for me, it’s easier to either make it a habit or schedule it.

If I can schedule it in and tie it in with another person to where they’re, they’re gonna hold me to it. That’s when the magic happens. And so if you find that there’s a huge block in your business if you can’t outsource that activity if it has to be done by you, schedule it and have someone hold you to it. So a little tip made all the difference in the world to me when I’ve stuck to it. When I’ve done that things get done when I have it. They don’t get done. So hopefully that’s helpful to you.

I wrote a book, nine ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s all about how to make your business competition-proof. It’s a really simple read. You can get a free copy of it. we’ll be back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Qualities Business Investors Look For: No. 6 🕵️ (Unlimited Growth Potential)

Part 6 in a series of videos on what what Brian looks for in companies.


Qualities business investors look for Part Six.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is part six of a seven-part series, all on the qualities that business investors look for, when they’re looking for partners when they’re looking for people to team up with when they’re looking for businesses to purchase, these are all things that apply.

And we’ve gone through the top five, so far, these are in no particular order, by the way, and we’re going to go through number six, number six is an interesting one. Because it’s one that can be really cliche. And I don’t want to fall into that I want to see if I can describe this very clearly to you as to what the number six is and it’s even more important, what it isn’t.

Everyone once in a while you see a business that has a whole lot of things going for it.

But they get stuck in this one area, which is well, let me tell you the positive end of it.

What I look for when I’m looking for a business to partner up with is I’m looking for unlimited growth potential. That’s number six, unlimited growth potential.

This is very simple.

If you have a business that’s limited in its ability to grow, okay, and there’s gonna be a number of reasons why it could be way oversaturated in the number of things that are competing for the same spot. That’s not a problem I run into too often. Because if a business has been somewhat successful, hopefully, it’s overcome that.

But if you’ve kind of reached the end game where there’s already somebody, that’s the low price later, there’s already somebody that’s getting the very high end of it, and it’d be difficult to be able to beat them out of that spot.

If there’s no real clear path for victory, then that is limited growth potential. There’s a cap somewhere, there’s something stopping us and it happens, and most of the time it’s self-imposed.

Most of the time, it’s a lack of vision on the people that are running the business, whoever’s in charge, whoever’s the vision person lacks the ability to see the path past these obstacles.

That can be a number of obstacles that run in the way most of the time, it is a lack of vision in product and service development, inability to be able to see what else that same market that you’re already playing to what else they need, and what else you can connect them with.

Because they’re people, they need something else, it doesn’t even have to be in the same grouping in terms of my niche, excuse me a niche, I guess you would say, or industry, it doesn’t have to be in the same area, it can be in something completely different.

But it has to play to the same market, the same person, the same ideal person for you currently purchasing your products and services, now, there’s something else they need, and you’ve got to sell it to them, you got to find a way to get it in their hands.

If you don’t have a pathway for that, that that limits your business, it limits the vision and it’s you might as well be starting from scratch. In many cases, if you’ve got those types of limitations on your business, if it doesn’t have completely unlimited growth potential, then that’s not a business I’m looking to venture with.

I need to see something I need to see be able to look at it and see the next 510 20 years in a business. If there’s a cap somewhere if there’s something holding it back.

Something’s not right. It’s usually with the visual person, the business owner, the CEO, whoever’s in charge, whoever’s making the decisions for where that where we’re steering the ship.

If they can’t make up their minds and figure out how to get past things. That’s not a good partner. That’s not someone I want to work with and that’s I know that sounds extremely negative. But this is just the reality of it.

There are so many options when you’re a business investor out there, there are so many options and people you can work with, you’re not going to waste your time on a business that has these issues.

So if you’re a business that has these issues, I’d suggest fixing them and fixing them quickly, because the more people that you can either partner with or have the potential of partnering with in the future, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to survive. any bad times that come any second round of COVID-19, or anything else that may pop up war, pestilence, or any of the other craziness that the world can throw at us, you got to be flexible when you’re in business.

This is a great example of that tomorrow, I’m going to go over the seventh thing that I look for when looking for a business to partner with. And this is a very, very, very important one.

Honestly, if it’s done right, you could be messed up on a lot of the other numbers and we can overcome it, if you’ve got this seventh one right.

That’s why I said these are in no particular order the seventh one. It’s pretty spectacular. It’s nothing I haven’t discussed before, but it’s something you may not quite have a grasp on, be sure and come back tomorrow for that.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you want nine specific strategies on how to make your business completely competitive proof. Whether you’re working with a business investor or not nine ways to Amazon prove your business. You get a free copy at

We’re going to be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, you have a great one. Get out there and just let the magic happen.

Reaching Out To Customers

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Unabomber Marketing Secrets

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What the heck could the Unabomber and marketing have to do with one another? Brian gives you his thoughts on the matter in tonight’s daily vid.