Start Your Business 😊

Thinking about starting a business?

Reach out and talk with Brian at the link below.

link –


Start Your Business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

So there are these different sections of my website and there are three main sections, which is kind of how I get in contact with people.

Yesterday, we talked about, you know, growing your business, and where you’d, you’d be able to contact me if you were looking for help with growing your business.

Another area, which is a very specific area, it’s a very different type of area, it’s starting your business.

So if you have an interest in starting a business, and doesn’t matter, even if you have zero ideas of what you would start it over. But you have an idea that you probably would like to go into business, and you’d like to live off from that side of life, as opposed to just get a paycheck all the time, and being an employee.

If you’d like to try that out and see whether you’d be a good fit or not, then I’d love to have a conversation with you.

I do not charge anything to be able to have that conversation but I also make no promises that I can help you whatsoever.

But I do have some tips, I do have some ideas and if it works out, I’m a Business Investor.

So I can help invest in your business, I’ll invest time and so forth. I’ll show you what it would take for you to be able to do it too. That’s if you if you would qualify for that type of thing. It’s not for everybody. Business Ownership is not for everybody.

But if you would like to have that conversation, then I’d like you to go to

Now from there, you can go to the menu and you can type in, you can click on start my business.

Speaking from your perspective, are you going to just

Real simple for those of you watching, you could see it across the screen. So hopefully that’s helpful for you.

That’s all I’m going to talk about today.

I’m a Business investor, I have these talks on a regular basis. But sometimes I don’t always just give a straight idea for something that you can do right off the bat.

So if you’d like to contact me, it’s another great way for you to reach out and contact me and I’d love I’d love to be able to talk with you and see see if there’s anything I can do to help. So go check that out.

Tomorrow, I’m going to be talking about the final way that people get in contact with me via my website.

We’ll continue talking about strategies, principles and tactics that you can use to grow your business every day and just make your life better.

So we’ll be talking about that more in episodes up ahead. But I have nearly 1000 episodes behind me. If you go and check out

In the media section, you’ll be able to see all these see and listen to all these episodes I have at both in audio podcast form and in video form. So go check it out.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.