Stop Spinning In Circles 😵‍💫

Find yourself frustrated by not hitting those goals from the start of the year?

If yes, then listen in to today’s video!


Stop spinning in circles.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m a Business Investor and I work with a number of different businesses that I usually end up buying into or having a part of, or partnering up with the owners. In that process, my specialty is going in and helping out with a strategy.

What that really means is that oftentimes, there’s a spin to business, this chaotic whirlwind that businesses find themselves in, and it’s like, you’re not going anywhere, it’s like, you may be surviving, and you may even be growing, your numbers may be going up, but you’re not going where you want to go.

If you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, this is a real common place to be close to around this time of year.

So I’m recording this and in springtime. And so there’s kind of an explosion that happens at the beginning of the year, where everything starts moving, and everything starts rolling.

As you start going along, as with, you know, a new workout routine or something like that, there’s a point at which things start to unravel. You start to lose balance and start to realize that you’re not really going anywhere that you’re just spinning.

What do you do at that point?

What have you done in the past at that point?

How do you get out of that?

Do you just hunker down and, you know, bite down and just do your best to just survive?

What do you do?

Where do you go?

Here’s what I’m going to recommend, I’m going to recommend you reach out to someone that can be an anchor point for you reach out to somebody that you trust or that you think you might be able to trust and be able to start working on building up that trust.

Just start talking to someone that’s willing to walk you through the process. It’s easier said than done unless you already have those people in your life.

If you have those people, if you have a business mentor, if you have an advisor, if you have a consultant of some sort that you’ve relied on in the past, go to them, do whatever you can to just kind of get back on track, there’s always going to be chaos involved in the business.

But you should know where you’re going, you should have an idea of how you’re getting there and whether you’re actually getting there. You should be able to maintain and contain, I should say a lot of the chaos points in your business. And so it’s one of the things that I provide for the partners that I team up with.

If it’s something you’d be interested in, go to

Click on the grow my business button and we can talk about it we can talk you know where you’re at where you want to be, and how you think you’re going to be getting there. And sometimes it’s all it takes is just a simple conversation.

I don’t mind offering it if you qualify for this type of thing. If it looks like something that I can help with, I’d be happy to help. And if not, no big deal.

If there’s no way that we could ever do business together, that’s fine. But if we do find a way that’d be great too. So just putting out that word for tonight and if you’re wanting to still kind of do a lot of this stuff on your own, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Go buy yourself a copy off Amazon or the Books a Million or all the other places where you can find books. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you don’t mind reading off your phone. I give you a free copy at You can download one right there. That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Why Do The Numbers Matter In Business? 🔢

Brian talks about the importance of numbers, as he helps a friend sell their business.


Why do the numbers matter in business?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

If you own a business, if you run a business, if you are the main person in charge, one of the toughest things to deal with for most people that get into business is keeping track of the numbers.

I’m working with a friend selling her business. And I’ve worked at purchasing businesses before.

The most common issue that I’ve seen over and over and over again with business owners, especially ones that are looking to sell, is that they did not keep close enough track of the numbers.

Most of the time, I would say it’s not like just a little bit not keeping track, they really did not keep a track of the numbers. They’re gonna have a very specific situation of business, I was looking at purchasing here locally.

We were looking at the back end of her business, she can pretty precisely detail income coming into the business about how much money she’s making on each different sector of the business. She even knew how much money she’d be able to make off of other things that she had done in the past or that she knows other people that have done.

If we added these on, you’d make this much more money from the business. She could kind of guesstimate slightly what the expenses were, but could not give me a number by number, how much it would cost. Even a general estimate from month to month or year to year of how much it costs, expenses-wise.

So she had the end really figured out. She couldn’t calculate the out. And I think it was a lot of personal issues that she was going through at the time that she didn’t feel like she had the bandwidth to be able to sit there and really crunch the numbers she was really looking for, for a quick sale.

I think because of that she wasn’t able to do it. But because of that, also, I wasn’t able to move forward because I was bringing in other investors, I wasn’t looking to put it all down myself, I was looking to bring in other investors to help make it happen.

So that was a very interesting dilemma. I had seen it a little bit with business owners before but now I see it over and over and over again, especially if you’re a solopreneur.

It’s your baby and you’re the main one in charge, it’s really easy to smudge numbers here and there when you’ve got access to the till when you’re doing any form of cash business whatsoever. You can just take that money and go home without much of a trail that temptations too high for most people, most people are going to do it, they’re going to not be all that clear cut on their taxes.

You know, they’ll make up the numbers that look reasonable. They’re able to skate by on that.

Over time, though, here’s the real problem, is when you’re ever looking to sell your business, it’s really tough, you really should know those numbers while you’re running your business. But if you’re making enough money, and you don’t feel like you’re spending too much money, then you’re going to keep going.

Even though a little adjustment here and there can make a big difference. I mean, you could be making twice as much money just by cutting an expense here, making sure this money goes here instead of here, making sure your money is coming back in the right way that can make all the difference in the world to you initially.

But then when you’re looking to sell it, you’re not going to be able to sell it without those numbers, not to anyone that would be able to keep it running. If you’re selling with someone that hasn’t ever done business or anything else, and they are looking at those numbers.

That’s not the type of person you want running your business to begin with. Unless you’re just looking to make the money and run and not worry about what happens to your business. If it fails tomorrow. You don’t care. That’s a different story.

If you do care about your business, if you do care about what happens to it and what happens to your customer base and everything else for your sake, and the sake of your customers and the sake of your business running beyond you.

You got to watch the numbers. And if you need help not all of us are numbers people. And some of us kind of have an interest in numbers but aren’t very good at them. Like I’m that way.

I really liked numbers, but I’m not very good at them. I’m not very good at keeping them and tracking them and doing all that stuff. I automate as much of that stuff as possible. I outsource as much of that stuff as possible wherever I can.

It’s just something to keep in mind as you’re going through with the life of your business, or if you’re looking to sell, you’ll want to bring someone in who understands the numbers and can help you fix the numbers figure out exactly how much it took.

For this particular business I’m thinking of that I’m working on right now with helping sell, we’re having to kind of back things up and say, okay, with today’s prices, everything else, how much does everything cost?

How much can we expect to get back in, and you have to base the numbers off that that you can’t go on past performance because there’s very little record of past performance. So that’s just a quick tip for me to you.

Hopefully, that’s helpful. If you want some more ideas, I have a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business I wrote this book. It’s all about how to make your business competition-proof. So this will make your business fun and exciting to run. While at the same time, if you’re ever looking to sell it, you’re gonna make a pretty penny off of it. If you could make a competition proof.

You can go pick up a copy wherever books are sold, or you can buy a copy or you can download a free copy of the digital copy at It’s all I have for today. You have a good one, we’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Start Your Business 😊

Thinking about starting a business?

Reach out and talk with Brian at the link below.

link –


Start Your Business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

So there are these different sections of my website and there are three main sections, which is kind of how I get in contact with people.

Yesterday, we talked about, you know, growing your business, and where you’d, you’d be able to contact me if you were looking for help with growing your business.

Another area, which is a very specific area, it’s a very different type of area, it’s starting your business.

So if you have an interest in starting a business, and doesn’t matter, even if you have zero ideas of what you would start it over. But you have an idea that you probably would like to go into business, and you’d like to live off from that side of life, as opposed to just get a paycheck all the time, and being an employee.

If you’d like to try that out and see whether you’d be a good fit or not, then I’d love to have a conversation with you.

I do not charge anything to be able to have that conversation but I also make no promises that I can help you whatsoever.

But I do have some tips, I do have some ideas and if it works out, I’m a Business Investor.

So I can help invest in your business, I’ll invest time and so forth. I’ll show you what it would take for you to be able to do it too. That’s if you if you would qualify for that type of thing. It’s not for everybody. Business Ownership is not for everybody.

But if you would like to have that conversation, then I’d like you to go to

Now from there, you can go to the menu and you can type in, you can click on start my business.

Speaking from your perspective, are you going to just

Real simple for those of you watching, you could see it across the screen. So hopefully that’s helpful for you.

That’s all I’m going to talk about today.

I’m a Business investor, I have these talks on a regular basis. But sometimes I don’t always just give a straight idea for something that you can do right off the bat.

So if you’d like to contact me, it’s another great way for you to reach out and contact me and I’d love I’d love to be able to talk with you and see see if there’s anything I can do to help. So go check that out.

Tomorrow, I’m going to be talking about the final way that people get in contact with me via my website.

We’ll continue talking about strategies, principles and tactics that you can use to grow your business every day and just make your life better.

So we’ll be talking about that more in episodes up ahead. But I have nearly 1000 episodes behind me. If you go and check out

In the media section, you’ll be able to see all these see and listen to all these episodes I have at both in audio podcast form and in video form. So go check it out.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Grow Your Business 📈

Want to expand your business?

Reach out and talk with Brian at the link below.

link –


Grow Your Business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

There’s some areas that I wanted to cover from this commentary that I got earlier last week.

I wanted to get to that but first, I wanted to cover some areas of my website that you may not have seen it on the front page, and in the menu, there are three significant sections there.

If you’re looking to reach out to me, the first has to do with growing your business, and it says, grow my business.

Now, if you click on grow my business that will take you to a page and you can go there directly from here. It’s

Brian J will get you there, if you click on the menu, you’ll be able to find it.

But it is the grow my business page where you can sign up, or at least apply to be to have a business strategy session with me. So go check that out, see if you can apply.

It does cost money but if you if you qualify, you may be able to qualify for a discounted rate.

So go check it out, apply and see if see if it’s even worth your while to be able to talk with me about how to grow your business from where it’s at.

You know, yeah, must have some idea of where you’re at and where you want to be and how soon you want to get there. Let’s have a chat about it. And you’re guaranteed to be able to walk away with some value, otherwise you don’t pay a dime.

So how’s that for a good deal?

Go check out

That’s all I got for today.

Tomorrow, I’m going to be talking about another section of my website that you might be interested in. If you’re not interested in growing a business.

Maybe you’ll be interested in this one. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.