Does Content Marketing Happen Before, During or After The Customer Cycle? 😵

Yup, this is episode 1,100 and it’s the longest title we’ve ever had for a show.


Does content marketing happen before, during, or after the customer cycle?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This was a question that came to me as I’m putting together an initial training for content marketing. It’s kind of a beginner’s training to kind of get the business owners and people managing businesses to contemplate whether content marketing is right for them.

So what is content marketing, content marketing, and I’ve worked with a bunch of different definitions, I’m trying to craft one made up of all the different ones, because I haven’t found one that really hits it directly.

What I would say just off the top of my head is that content marketing is a form of marketing that has content, no, what it has is it has a very significant amount of information, and or entertainment, that provides value.

So within the marketing itself, you are getting value, or you have a value-oriented thing that has marketing attached to it.

So as far as the company is concerned, it’s marketing. But as far as the person looking at it, taking it in reading it listening to it, they are getting some form of value from it being all the entertainment end information end, or hopefully a little bit of both.

So that’s what I call content marketing.

Now, where does Content Marketing Land, if you took Dean Jackson’s concept, if you look at the lifetime of a customer, and he calls it the before, during and after unit.

The before unit is before they become a customer, so everyone out there who has never been a customer of yours, they’re in the before unit, and you have a certain way of handling people that aren’t a customer yet.

Then you have the during unit and those are all the people that are currently customers, or recently customers, depending on how your how your, your basis that how the customer function is in your business.

But that’s the during unit, and then there’s the after unit. And that’s when they’re no longer a customer, or they haven’t been a customer for a certain period of time. So you got before, during and after.

So where does Content Marketing Land?

Well, initially you think, well, it’s marketing.

So it happens before, this is for the new people coming in, right?

But then it started occurring to me, I’m like, wait a second, really, you need to market to your current customer base very much.

So you have to have pieces in there. That is marketing, even a lot of what you sell, has may have elements of marketing that markets the next thing or the next service. Because you always want people to be able to ascend, right.

And then after, you’re still gonna want to market to people, which is very uncommon.

Nowadays, people, most businesses do not focus much on this. But you still want to market to the people after they’ve already gone to try and bring them back to coax them back in to find out what’s going on with them and to keep in contact.

So content marketing really affects all those areas, it never goes away. And certain elements of content marketing never go away.

So for example, if you know anybody that is heavy into content marketing, maybe they do a regular social media posts, or they do a regular podcast, or regular email blast, or what have you.

Anyone that does that, they tend to make it relatively broad. And what I found in working with a lot of these people is it’s because they are playing to people who are finding them for the first time, or there are people who are that they know them very well. And this is just a way of getting to know them better.

Or it’s people that have known them in the past. And it’s a way for them to keep in touch and bring them back into the fold. So that content marketing never goes away.

And that’s just the most basic stuff that you can see, let alone all the stuff when you’re talking content marketing that’s internal, that is going to you know, lists of former customers or list of recent customers or any type of lead list if you have leads people who have raised their hand and say I’m interested in a topic that you’re you’re discussing, that leads into into a purchase.

All of those conversations you may not see be able to see from the outside. But those companies that are using content marketing to to help take that person to the next step. are the ones that are succeeding out there content marketing, never fully goes away. It gets specific in certain areas, it’ll speak more and more specifically, especially if you have a very competent marketing staff that’s involved within the content marketing.

It gets specific, but it never fully goes away and it speaks to everyone. All the time.

Hopefully you have content that is always out there that is always available with the 24 hour nature of the internet, it’s definitely a good thing to have, let alone all the other offline forms of marketing, your direct mail and everything else.

So something to keep in mind when you’re looking at content marketing is looking at all the different types of people you’re speaking to go check out my book, 9 ways to Amazon-Proof your business.

I go through more broad based ideas on ways that you can beat out your competition, especially in using content marketing, especially when you’re talking personality based marketing and so forth. I go through that a lot in this book nine ways to Amazon prove your business.

Go get yourself a copy wherever books are sold, or go to my website, get download a free copy

That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Dean Jackson’s Focus Finder 🧐 (I Love Marketing Podcast)

Brian mentions an I Love Marketing Podcast Episode in which Dean Jackson talks about being a focus finder.

show here –


Dean Jackson’s focus finder.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Dean Jackson is a very popular very, very smart marketer, and has put out loads of podcasts, both as a host and as a guest I’ve heard on podcasts before.

He’s a really interesting guy.

I’ve talked about his different ideas here previously, one of his ideas that I haven’t touched on is mainly because I haven’t taken full advantage of this yet. But I wanted to pass it along because I know it’s been helpful to other people.

I’m looking to try it out myself but I’d like to hear what your thoughts are on it if you’ve had a chance to try his focus finder technique. If you’re wanting to know more about what this is, it’s, it’s the concept that we’re always distracted, that we’re being pulled in a million different directions, by our email, by the Internet, by the thoughts in our head, all these different things that are constantly pulling at us, keeping us from staying focused.

Now, some people have a natural ability to be able to zoom in or they built up the skill. Depending on how you look at it, they’re able to zoom in and fully concentrate on one thing at a time.

In fact, they have some people have the inability to be distracted, and they sometimes get too focused on certain things that are popping Podcast Producer, Sean Douglas is an amazing focuser he can just zoom in on something and just drill down and look at something from a million different directions. He’s amazing at that.

On the other hand, I’ve always struggled with the ability to focus, even the desire to focus is not there as much. And so it’s one of those things that it is it is something that even getting myself down to try this focus finding technique.

It’s been difficult, but it is something that I’m looking into, and I’m gonna look to put in more effort into doing something like this. I’m not going to go through all the steps of it because he has an excellent podcast of a speech he gave I believe this was a speech he gave live. And it’s really, really good.

I want you to go listen to it. It’s really short. I’ve got a link in the description.

If you’re watching this on Instagram or someplace that you can’t see the link, go to and check out this post in the media section. You can go directly over to it. It’s, The Focus Finder.

This was on the I love marketing podcast that Dean Jackson has been hosting with Joe Polish for years and years. So go check that out. Love to hear what you think on the focus finder and we’ll talk to you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Dean Jackson’s VCR Formula 👍

To findout more about Dean Jackson’s VCR Formula, follow the link below.

link –


Dean Jackson’s VCR formula.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to talk a little bit about Dean Jackson, who’s a bit of a marketing genius, you can hear a lot of his podcasts out there. I love marketing, welcome to Cloudlandia.

All this other stuff out there is great stuff, Deanism is an amazing person to get to know and to find out more about. So be sure and look into him because he’s got some great ideas.

This is one of them and the reason why I’m bringing up this idea is that it came back to me in my own voice with different words.

It’s only because I had already heard it. So I had written down oh, well, there’s really only three things that you need to be able to be successful in business to be able to move forward in business.

I kind of wrote down the kind of what was in my mind, these three things.

Then I went back and yesterday we were talking about this honey situation, you go back and watch or listen to that. And it reminded me of these three things. And I said, Well, we’re really that’s really tied to the VCR thing.

So I went back and I looked the VCR thing is identical, I came up with the same thing with different words and the words that Dean came up with are even better.

So VCR stands for three separate words.

Okay, and this is a formula, you got to find out what you you got to look at it in terms of what you bring to the table, and what you need from somebody else.

Now, sometimes you’ve got a wide enough spectrum of coordination, I should say that you can do this all on your own. This is why you see some people able to start good sized businesses and do it completely on their own.

Most of us aren’t so lucky and most of us have a difficult time with that. And we were so good at one area, and not good at all. There are others.

So V is for vision.

C is for capabilities.

And R is for reach.

How explain this. So in no matter what type of business venture you’re talking about, there’s always a vision person, the vision person is the one that has an idea of where you’re going.

At least some it may be completely vague, but they have some idea of what you’re trying to accomplish, what you’re trying to put together to sell in the marketplace or what have you. That’s the vision person.

Now, entrepreneurs tend to be tend to lead toward the vision side of things, the people who we call entrepreneurs, or the business owner, that’s, that tends to be the area that they at least have some idea of see is for capabilities capabilities, is the actual ability to do what needs to get done to be able to make to get the thing out to the market to get the product or service out there and done and functioning.

Providing and never all the things that go along with whatever your widget is. And I’m not talking product or service. When I say widget, it’s anything.

That’s what capabilities are. And a lot of us don’t have that many capabilities, we have a lack of capability.

You need to find somebody who has that capability and the quicker you could do that. Rather than having to build up the capability yourself, you can do it yourself.

But if you can find somebody that already has the capability, you can take that shortcut, and get further the final thing is our reach reaches, how are you going to reach the final audience.

My understanding of it is reaching the final audience. So you think, you know marketing and so forth. There’s a whole lot of shortcuts to this too.

So you could if you knew somebody that already had the reach, they already have a YouTube channel that’s got millions of people following it. They already have a podcast, they already have an email list, what have you.

Some people already have that reach, and you can go through to them and team up with them. Even if you are only a vision person and you have someone else who has the capability. You find somebody with the reach. Now you’ve made it.

These are the three things necessary to be able to move forward with this. They may not just be one person, each of these slots, it may take 10 people to be able to accomplish or 100 people to accomplish any of these things.

But when you think about it, it’s really a magic formula because it takes up it takes away the need for you to have to be them all.

The bit the best thing that happened to me in businesses when I realized that I can’t do it all and keep my sanity.

Me personally I tend to be much more on the vision side of things less so on the capability depending on what it is we’re dealing with, and usually less so on the reach depending on what it is that we’re dealing with.

But if you can put all those pieces together, I’ve got a project I’m working on right now where somebody really has a whole, they have to have a big piece of the vision.

They have some of the capability and I actually have a piece of the capability and they have but they definitely have the reach.

Because even if you don’t know anybody that has these things, well who does?

Well, Google and Facebook and and the company that owns the the billboard, I can’t think of the word billboards, I mean any type of media out there that you can purchase, a person that the newspaper. Anything that can be purchased media, what we call advertising, any type of advertising is reach.

All you’re doing is you’re exchanging money for that rate for that reach to that audience to that end user.

That’s VCR there’s it’s a very magical formula because it simplifies something that can be overly the top complicated.

If you look at each of the little details that go on with every single business. But if you could step back, every business comes back to that formula. It’s a brilliant thing. Thank you so much Dean Jackson for coming out with it. I can’t take any credit.

All these ideas i i hear at some point and the nice steel and then I twisted around and sometimes I don’t even know I did it. And that’s why I could never be a comedian because I end up using everybody’s jokes, and not know that I was using their joke.

So go check that out VCR formula. There’s a podcast I’m gonna put a link in the description. You go listen to it from I love marketing, an episode where they discuss the VCR formula. Very interesting.

Both Dean Jackson and Joe Polish talking on there. That’s all I got for today. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

Hey, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you really want to just completely dominate your industry dominate your marketplace. This is the book for you. This is where there’s a good starting block.

This is where you can sit down and really make some long-term strategies. Great for the new year.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a Free copy at That’s all I got you have a good night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Metacognition and Your Business 🧠👀 (Power of Critical Thinking)

Brian uses a fancy word to talk about critical thinking in your life and business.


Metacognition and your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk about metacognition, which is basically the science of, you know, thinking about your thinking, okay. I love this topic, it’s one of my most favorite things to talk about is something having to do with our thinking.

And it all starts with us thinking about what we’re thinking, not about what we’re thinking, but thinking about our thinking or itself, thinking about the thinking process, thinking about how we think, why we think, and everything around that idea.

This is the most some of the most fascinating things that I’ve ever thought about. And considered and actually made some of the largest changes of my life based on the concept of metacognition.

Now I’ve never, honestly, I’ve never used the term metacognition, I think I may have looked at it once when I was taking psychology classes in college but forgot about it.

And just recently, I was looking at things all about thinking about your thinking, and that term came up. So I thought I thought that was interesting.

Besides the term itself, this is something that gets brought up a lot by Dan Sullivan.

If you ever listened to Dan Sullivan, you could find him on a whole lot of podcasts out there, including one of my favorites. So, Welcome To Cloudlandia, this was the one that was that’s hosted with Dean Jackson.

It was also previously called, The Joy of Procrastination.

I’ve discussed it before, Dan Sullivan is the one that heads up that he’s both the creator and the lead mind over at Strategic Coach, where they talk a lot about thinking and stepping back and looking at why we do the things we do and how we can make slight tweaks to be able to create different results in our life.

And this is another thing that came into my mind when I was going back and looking at this book, Keep Going. I’ve talked about this one before previously, keep going by Austin Lleon, Awesome book.

I love Austin’s books, they’re simple, they’re straightforward, very little to read on each page.

So you can make a whole lot of progress quickly and this the idea that he brings up, I don’t always agree with every last idea in here. But they’re definitely causing you to think about what you’re thinking.

This particular page I wanted to bring your attention to, he says pay attention to what you pay attention to. It’s really kind of a microcosm of thinking about your thinking. And I really liked what he says here, I wonder I wanted to read some of this for you.

He says your attention is one of the most valuable things you possess, which is why everyone wants to steal it from you. First, you must protect it. And then you must point it in the right direction.

As they say in the movies, careful where you point that thing. What you choose to pay attention to is the stuff your life and work will be made of my experience is what I agree to attend to psychologist William James wrote in 1890, only those things which I notice shaped my mind.

We pay attention to the things we really care about. But sometimes what we really care about is hidden from us.

I keep a daily diary for many reasons. But the main one is that it helps me pay attention to my life, by sitting down every morning and writing about my life. I pay attention to it. And over time, I have a record of what I’ve paid attention to.

And he goes on and on about the importance of diary or journal writing. Great stuff.

I think the first step is to realize I think we all to some extent or another think about what we’re thinking, think about how we think, think about our thinking and some context, but probably we don’t do it enough and we don’t question it enough.

We don’t question what where thoughts are coming from or whether they’re necessary or whether they’re habitual and everything else and how to go about either maneuvering around them, ignoring them, backing up from them, questioning them, you know, how do you go about doing that, but the first step I think is really paying attention to what you pay attention to.

That comes on a moment-by-moment basis. But it also comes at looking at it on a daily basis and whatever you need to be able to do that.

One of the things that I do is I got it. The easiest way for me to be able to work person through this process, because I’m a business strategist. So I work with different people that own businesses and help them get from point A, where they’re at, to point B where they want to be, right?

And to get you just focused on that point, and taking you day by day and said, Okay, why were we not able to make this step from here to here, what’s getting in our way?

That brings us all back to mindset. And the people that I work with the best of the people that are most open, about digging in there, into their own brain, watching what you’re doing on a daily basis, watching your thoughts on a daily basis, watching your emotions on a daily basis, and not getting obsessed about it.

But quite the opposite, just having enough perspective where you notice it, if you could just start noticing things, your whole life will start changing, I can pinpoint a period of time when I started noticing my thoughts.

And over time, I’ve gotten better and better and better.

At least I hope I’ve gotten better at backing away, and not getting caught up with it with all the things that I’m going through. But in the best-case scenario, being subjective to it. I mean, being objective to it, excuse me, at little Freudian slip there being objective to it being just far enough away, that I don’t have to claim it.

And I can just kind of watch it and see it and see where it leads me and not get take so much credit for everything that goes through your brain as if you intentionally meant for it to be there, right?

I know there’s a little bit of a deeper thing. But if you could start just noticing things, it’ll make a huge difference, of course to your entire life, and then initial and then eventually it’ll, it’ll result in better business, which is what we try and promote here.

So if you really want to build a better business, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. These are more wide range concepts of ways that you can change your business in the long run. These aren’t going to make huge dramatic changes overnight. This is more long-term strategic changes. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You could buy it anywhere but you can also get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there, start noticing things and let the magic happen.

Psychology and Mathematics 🧠

Thoughts on an old Dan Kennedy line about psychology and mathematics and how they apply in your business.


Psychology and mathematics.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What am I talking about, when I’m talking about psychology and mathematics?

Well, it comes from paraphrase of a quote, which I think it came from Dan Kennedy, is where I originally heard it, I have reused it so many times that until I asked myself today, where it came from, I forgotten that it came from Dan Kennedy.

I’m pretty sure that’s where I heard it, because he was basically talking about marketing, and how marketing is is nothing more than mathematics and behavioral psychology. But really all business is psychology and mathematics. It really is.

Think about it, and this word came to me today, because I was having a conversation with some entrepreneurs. And I was talking about that it really does all come back to numbers.

Then we start going over some of our favorite books on another topic. And I said, all these books are really just to get you to do what you have to do, which is to get the numbers, get the numbers up.

How do you get multiplication happening?

How do you get addition and then multiplication, and you get enough numbers.

Everything else takes care of itself, it’s mathematics.

It’s the purest form of mathematics possible. That’s what businesses mathematical, it’s a very cut and dry thing. The only problem is you’re dealing with people, which are predictably unpredictable.

In that case, you have to bring in the behavioral psychology first, it has to be done on you, right, you got to shrink your own head, and figure out what’s going on in there.

What’s holding you back, would you’ve probably done if you’re a successful entrepreneur, if you’re a business owner, or you’re an executive of a larger company, you’ve already had to do that trick, or are constantly trying to re trick yourself into doing what you know you’re supposed to be doing. That’s psychology and a whole lot of things play into it. I’m not saying, you know, an act of faith doesn’t play into it.

I’m not saying that your diet doesn’t play into it, those are all part of it. But the whole thing is, is to get your brain to do what you need it to do.

When would you know it’s possible. The second part is the mathematics which always have to come into play and they are completely amoral.

Mathematics is money itself is mathematical, it’s nothing but numbers.

It doesn’t care whether you’re good or bad, or anything. It’s a mathematical thing. It’s add or subtract, it’s in and out. That’s all it is all business can be broken down into the most basic mathematics.

Then the other part of the psychology is how do you get everyone else to do what you know they should be doing, which is buying your product or services.

Now, if you fully believe in your product and services, and you believe it’s going to make a better life, for them, it shouldn’t be that difficult for you to go through that process of conveying that message.

But you got to remember, all these different issues that come along with that. You’ve got to figure out what conversation they’re telling themselves. And you’ve got to enter that conversation through your marketing and you have it has to be constant.

It has to be before it has to be during your relationship and it has to be after they’ve already left. You’ve got to have a different plan for each.

We’ve talked about the before, during and after unit that that Dean Jackson talks about, it’s really important. But understanding just the two basic elements of all of your business, psychology, specifically behavioral psychology, and mathematics so important.

It’s important to really keep these things in mind when you’re going forward because it’ll keep you from over complicating things if you just realize, okay, all I really need to do is achieve these mathematical ends.

To do that, I got to have the right psychology both for me and my potential customers and current customers and past customers. It’s all comes down to its most basic form.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. Hey, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get your own free copy at

I guarantee it’ll be an addition to your life. If not, hey, I’ll give you your money back.

How about that?

Send me a message and I’ll send you a check. You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

15-Mile Famous Dean Jackson

Brian talks about a local marketing celebrity idea as talked about by Dean Jackson on his podcast, More Cheese Less Whiskers.

Grants Pass VIP Podcast ➡️


15-mile famous. That’s a concept by Dean Jackson, who’s a marketing genius out there has a lot of podcasts and other things. And I will talk a little bit about him and his idea today.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Just get this idea out there, Dean Jackson, if you’re familiar with him or not, if not, you go look him up. He’s got some good podcasts, one called More Cheese, Less Whiskers.

I was just listening to an episode where he was going into depth on his idea of 15-mile famous, which is the concept is, and it’s really good for people that have local based businesses, to say, basically, if you took a map of the area you live in.

And you put a dot, where you’re at where your businesses at, and you just did 15 mile radius all around and said, okay, everything within that circle, what if I was famous, what if every single person that lived or worked with inside that circle knew who I was?

That I couldn’t go around without people knowing who I was and what I did.

And that’s it.

That’s the concept of being 15 mile famous. It’s really focusing all of your efforts in a small area, it doesn’t need to be 15 miles, it could be five miles, it could be 100 miles, but having a focused concept.

And the reason why this makes a whole lot of sense, on a lot of levels is because there’s only so much focus that you have as a business owner. If you work locally, it you’re going to get so much more by just focusing on those people that are closest to you.

Especially if you have something that has broad appeal, you hit everybody that is as close to you as possible, that could be an ideal customer, you’re going to save money on marketing, you’re going to have, it’s not going to take much to market because they’re all nearby. You can basically send somebody out with flyers, or anything else to get the message out there.

And even on social media, you can get very, very, very close to a very small area, when you’re doing any type of paid advertising out there, whether it be YouTube or Facebook, or what have you.

It’s a great idea. It really is.

And it’s one of those things where we always think of being famous as something that has to be, you know, worldwide or country wide or universal universally known.

It’s not necessary, you could be famous in a small area, on a very small budget, it would not take much for you to be able to do it. And it’s a great stepping stone.

If you’re looking to become famous at a bigger area, you start small and work your way out. And this is a little bit of the concept that I’ve worked on with this new podcast is Grants Pass VIP.

Grants Pass VIP, is the whole idea is how do we take local celebrity and be able to play off of it to build a very specific brand, which is the brand of this podcast.

So if you want to see how that’s going go check out and that is our website for the podcast. You could also listen to us it all the places that podcasts are available.

You go check that out type in Grants Pass VIP. Grants Pass is the city I live in.

So very small town, out here in Oregon, Southern Oregon, we’re kind of out in the middle of nowhere very, very close to the California border.

And it’s a neat, really cool place to live. And I’ve gotten to know so many people, because I’ve created my own form of media in order to get out there and to get meeting people. And there’s a lot of room for it. And you don’t see a whole lot of localpeople using podcasting for one.

But a lot of forms of social media are not being fully utilized by people who are on a local area and who are looking to become 15 mile famous.

So something to think about with your business but also with businesses that might be able to work with yours.

Run that through your brain a little bit and get back to me let me know what you think about that concept. Like I said I didn’t come up with it.

Guy’s name’s Dean Jackson. He you could find a couple episodes where he discusses this concept over at more cheese less whiskers fabulous podcast where he walks through one business owner at a time how to get over their dilemma and find what they’re looking to get out of their business.

So kudos to him. If you’d like to find a way to be able to get your business and take it to the next level. It’s also a service that I provide. And you can check out a little bit more about me from my book, 9 Ways to over….. Why do I keep saying that?

I keep miss pronouncing my own book title. I don’t know what’s less professional.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s my new book.

It just came out last month. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. We’re back here every day. subscribe, follow wherever you’re looking at this. Come on back and watch another one.

Leave me a comment. Let me know what you think about these concepts. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

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Unabomber Marketing Secrets

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What the heck could the Unabomber and marketing have to do with one another? Brian gives you his thoughts on the matter in tonight’s daily vid.