Offer More Often

The value of offering your product or service more often.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Offer More Often.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

Today I want to talk about the eighth way of Amazon proofing your business called, offering more often. And this is a specific chapter in my new book, nine Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You go check that out wherever books are sold, including, Barnes&, so on and so forth. You can get electronic copies, hardback copy, whatever you want.

You’d also get a free copy if you’d like over at or this right here that’s That’ll take you straight to a place where you can get an electronic copy downloaded to wherever you read your books.

You can read it right off the computer screen or right off of your phone or tablet.

So go check that out And just by having this here, I am offering more often, if I have to keep these words up, keep these words up the entire time, I am pointing at myself the words right here.

If I keep this address up the entire time I’m making the offer. It’s always there, it’s always available for someone to go back to. And see, also if you go to the description, this will also be there to Wherever that’s included, I’m giving people a chance to get it.

The more often that I mentioned it, the more often the more likely it is that they’re going to get it or at least take a look at it or go that direction. So the more often you offer, the more often people are going to take you up on it.

The less often you offer, the less often people think it’s it’s pretty common sense but you’d be surprised how many people are so scared of making that offer more often.

Where if you do it in in not a rude way, not an odd or off way. But you’re just straightforward about it like, this is what’s going on, this is the offering, then you get more and more people that will be interested in it.

The more eyeballs that see it, the more ears that hear it, the more likely you’re going to get somewhere, the less likely you do it. But if you’re still putting out content and you’re not making clear offers, or not making them as often as you can, you’re going to have less success. It’s pretty straightforward.

But I’ve got a chapter on it.

Like I said, at my book, this whole thing seems like a big commercial for my book, doesn’t it?

Well, the whole thing’s a commercial for me. I mean, the book is a commercial for me too.

I mean, that’s just how these things work. But it doesn’t mean you can’t get value from it.

Take the point. Offer more often.

If you have something to offer people if you have something that people want.

Let that give them a chance to think about it, give them a chance to consider it. By putting it out there more often people don’t think about these things often enough on their own, you’ve got to remind them.

So hopefully that’s helpful. We’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Movie: The Jerk

A Rags to Riches to Rags Story. 😥💰😥

Don’t tick off the people you meet on the way to success, cuz you just never know.

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Burn The Boats, Not the Bridges!⛵🔥

Do negative people drain you?

Tune in and hear Brian’s thoughts on handling toxic relationships in business and life.

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This 1 Tip Will Boost Your Ad Response

Value of demonstration and how it can help build trust in the 👀 of you consumers and or clients.

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Business Feel Stuck? 😩

Brian’s 3 Questions to help you breakout of being stuck.

1.What would you have to offer your current customers that would get them to pay more?

  1. What would you have to add that would get your customers to pay more often?
  2. How much would you pay per new customer?

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Hook, Story, Offer

A convo about Russell Brunson’s talk on Hook, Story and the Offer.

He also talks about Cats and Teeth. 😺

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Towels for Naked Swimmers 🌊 (Perry Marshall / Ed Rush Interview)

“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who has been swimming naked” – Warren Buffett

Perry Marshall / Ed Rush Video

I don’t think ya’ll deserve to watch this. 🤨

Since Brian disagrees with me, I’m letting him have his way this time. 😒

Here is the Marshall / Rush interview as mentioned in our Daily Live, enjoy! 🖕➡️


Towels for naked swimmers.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m coming to you from a slightly different location. I’m inside, I’m still in the city of Grants Pass, but I’m out in a new office. So check this out.

My friend Bruno is allowing me to we’re doing a project together. So don’t do it right from in the side of this office. So it’s pretty cool.

We’re going to talk about towels for naked swimmers.

What does that mean?

Well, I’ll tell you, I’ve got a quote here.

By the way, if I didn’t mention, my name is Brian Pombo, and this is Brian J. Pombo Live.

Only when the tide goes out, do you discover who’s been swimming naked?

That’s a quote from Warren Buffett, okay.

And what’s it mean?

What it means is that only when the bad times come or the times that are less desirable. So maybe the economy’s shrinking or whatever. Is when you start to see who really doesn’t have their stuff together?

And that’s what we’re seeing right now. So currently, as I’m putting this out, today is June 6, 2020.

And so this is we’re still in the on the very tail end…I would hope it’s the tail end of the Coronavirus scare. And so that we’ve ended up right after we’ve been dealing with riots, we’ve been dealing with protests all having stemmed from the George Floyd police officer incident.

So you go look it up. If you haven’t watched the news, or if you’re watching this way in the future, go check out the history because it’s a very interesting time being said from someone who’s in it, and it’s affecting the economy, the economy is kind of going up and down.

We had a pretty good overall if you whatever you consider the economy, you know, as far as what the experts tell us, the economy is right.

But if you’re talking about general economic measures, everything was relatively high up into the point of when Coronavirus started going crazy and there was a lockdown.

So when that happened, everything went in the tank all at once everybody all at once. And really not just you the United States, but across the world. The economy has been in the dumps, and so it’s at this time that you start seeing who’s got their stuff together and who doesn’t.

It doesn’t mean that you know if your business is going up and down that you don’t have your things together.

What it really means is where do you go from here?

Can you handle it when the tides low?

And I love this quote, and I’m going to have our producer Sean put this quote out. He’s gonna put the link going to the video with Ed Rush, and Perry Marshall discussing this was a great talk a little bit back.

And but it was it it it was right on the cusp of a lot of the Coronavirus happening.

And he said, You got to hand out towels to naked swimmers. Okay.

And that’s why I want to talk about if you’re at a point where you’re either looking to transfer your business or transform your business are going in a different direction, because it’s not working out right just the way you want it to right now that I’m going to highly suggest, find out who the naked swimmers are and get them a towel. Find the people who are in trouble right now.

Find the people who don’t know what to do and be able to deliver them what you do, or products that you provide or services you provide. That’s where you got to be looking right now.

Because there’s a whole lot of people and a whole lot of trouble right now. Can you help them?

That’s the real question.

If you can go and find them, go and get into if you’re still if you still consider the same market that you’ve been playing to still a viable market, talk to that market, find out where the pain points are, and do your best to solve it for them.

We got to come together right now as a country and as a people and as a world we got to come together and help each other out.

Because that’s the only way you get out of this you’re not going to get out of this shooting, shooting your way out, or stealing your way

out or anything else, the only way we’re going to get out of this is by helping each other out. So go and find someone that’s willing to let you help them, and hopefully willing to part with some money in order to do it so that we can all keep eating and living and doing what we do best.

So that’s just a quick tip that doesn’t come from me that comes from Perry Marshall.

And, but I love it, it speaks directly to what we’re doing. And if you’re needing a towel and your business, and you’re wanting to know exactly, you know, where do we go from here? You know, I’ve been dealing with all this stuff, and now it seems like the big guys are even bigger after the Coronavirus, you know, so I mean, uh, you see a lot of companies fall over. But right now, Amazon is through the roof. And I’ve got a book coming out the, 9 Ways to Amazon-proof your business.

That’s gonna be coming out soon, and it has to all has to do with fighting off the big competitors in your space, who’s the big competition that you’re trying to find out?

And do you need help in doing that?

If so, I’m gonna recommend you go check out the Amazon proof strategy session. It’s over at That link is in the script in the description.

Go check it out. We’ll be back here tomorrow. We got new ideas every day. I’m going to tell you a little tip about why I give credit to people and that’s coming up tomorrow. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there.

Get Them To Come To You👈

What is General Theory of Sales Relativity? 👀

Well, let’s talk about sales and how it applies to your marketing…and how it can change your business completely!🤩

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