Relationships & Mastermind Groups (Bob Regnerus of Feedstories Interview)

Bob from Feedstories talks about the value of relationships and mastermind groups and how he became a co-author with names like Perry Marshall and Robert Skrob.


Brian: You’ve co-written books with some great names out there.

You have a book out there with Robert Skrob, you’ve got a book with Perry Marshall, how did you go about doing that? How did you go about co-authoring, with people that had a name in a different area?

Bob: Well, in that case, it’s about relationships.

So, you know, Robert Skrob is well known these days. I knew Robert before he was Robert.

One of the things I did early in my career, and I should say this, this is another thing I did is I took giant leaps by joining mastermind groups, not just like, hey, let’s get together on zoom five days a month, or, you know, this is like, I paid Bill Glazer, at that time, I think it was $12,000 a year, quoting Hamilton, I wanted to be in the room where it happens, right?

I was in there with people that were above my pay grade. But the reason I did that was I wanted the mentorship from a guy like Bill Glazer, mentorship from Dan Kennedy.

But then I wonder the relationships of people who are doing better than me, and there were some people that were below me. But when you’re in a group like that, it just pulls you forward.

And so that’s where I met a lot of people who I still consider friends and met friends that introduced me to others. By knowing Perry Marshall, I got to meet and become friends with Brian Kurtz.

I was in the same mastermind group as Ryan Deiss, before Digital Marketer was even a thought in his eye.

I got to know Jeff Walker before he was the Product Launch Formula Genius.

So part of it is you you know, there are these names that we all kind of revere, they’re just normal people. But I got to know them really, before they became famous, okay.

And they’re all more famous than me, by the way, which is fine with me. But I really was intentional about joining those organizations, attending conferences and networking, I’m not naturally drawn to do that.

Like, I’m really good with talking and sharing what I know I’m not really good at meeting new people, but I’ve had to force myself to do it.

And so writing the check and taking the leap really like makes you go I’m gonna make the most of it.

Outro: For full conversations, go to BJP

Part 2: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories & The Ultimate Guide To Facebook Advertising

Part two, of our seven-part interview with Bob Regnerus of Feedstories.

Topics covered in this episode

  • How Bob Co-Authored on Books with experts like Perry Marshall and Robert Skrob
  • How Masterminds & Networking: Establishing Relationships with good people
  • When Markets Shift: Hard times, Lessons Learned & Business Growth from it
  • Investing in Flexibility


Brian Part 2: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories, part two.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is part two in the series of an interview that we had with Bob Regnerus. You can hear the whole interview over at

If you’d like to be on the show, or if you’d like to have me on your show, or have me speaking at an event, go to

And now here is part two.

Brain: So you’ve co-written books with some great names out there. You have a book out there with Robert Skrob, you got a book with Perry Marshall, how did you go about doing that?

How did you go about co-authoring, with people that had a name in a different area?

Bob: Well, in that case, it’s about relationships.

So you know, Robert Skrob is well known these days.

I knew Robert before he was Robert.

You know, one of the things I did early in my career, and I should say this, this is another thing I did is I took giant leaps by joining mastermind groups.

Not just like, hey, let’s get together on zoom five days a month. This is like, I paid Bill Glazer at that time, I think it was $12,000 a year.

Quoting Hamilton, I want to be in the room where it happens.

I was in there with people that were above my paygrade. But the reason I did that was I wanted the mentorship from a guy like Bill Glazer, mentorship from Dan Kennedy.

But then I wanted the relationships with people who are doing better than me. And there was some people that were below me, but when you’re in a group like that, it just pulls you forward.

And so that’s where I met a lot of people who I still consider friends and met friends that introduced me others.

By knowing Perry Marshall, I got to meet and become friends with Brian Kurtz.

I was in the same mastermind group as Ryan Deiss, before Digital Marketer was even a thought in his eye.

I got to know Jeff Walker before he was the Product Launch Formula genius.

So part of it is you know, there’s these names that we all kind of revere, they’re just normal people. But I got to know them, really, before they became famous, okay. And they’re all more famous than me by the way, which is fine with me.

But I really was intentional about joining those organizations, attending conferences and networking.

I’m not naturally drawn to do that. Like, I’m really good with talking and sharing what I know, I’m not really good at meeting new people, but I’ve had to force myself to do it.

So writing the check and taking the leap really, like makes you go, I’m gonna make the most of it. That’s kind of how it happened.

So I met Robert in a mastermind group.

Perry I met through a connection in my mastermind group, a friend of mine also knew Perry.

Perry and I live eight miles apart, literally, I can draw a straight line from my house to Perry’s. We spend quite a bit of time together, we became friends.

You know, a lot of it like yeah, there’s gonna be another wave. It’s like, there’s always new people coming in. So want to be friends with people who are driven, who are successful, that can challenge you that could bring you up, that could kind of pick you up when you’re let down.

That’s another thing that’s been really powerful.

My career is just establishing relationships with good people.

And I’ve come across people that frankly, were terrible for me. Learned my lessons from them. You know, fortunately I could cut bait and move on.

But that’s what the entrepreneur life is about is like, you’re constantly honing your radar and your sonar and everything.

And it’s not a straight line. There’s a famous meme where it’s like a squiggly line. I mean, that’s really what it’s all about these days. That’s just another way to kind of do something like that, you’re not going to just approach a Perry Marshall and say, hey, I’m gonna write a book with you.

You’ve got to have some cred.

You know, Perry’s got a reputation in mind. But Perry has been known to pull people up who are kind of unknown, who’ve proven they’ve got chops, but all of them kind of have already established a little bit of a foundation of expertise.

But if you can do that, I mean, you can find somebody to kind of pull you up to their stage, very powerful.

Brian: Yeah, that’s fabulous.

So many great nuggets in there, so many great ideas that you brought forth.

Taken in a different direction. You talked about the highs and lows, and we always tend to focus on the highs, it just makes sense to do that.

But give us an example of something that you just thought was going to end everything. Whether it’s something recent or something from years past, where you just had a scenario where it just felt like everything was going to come crashing down.

Bob: I’ll share an experience that happened during the real estate crash.

So 2008, 2009, I had been speaking, I had been riding the wave from a book. Like I said, I grown my agency to seven figures in a year, it was amazing. I had a great team, a lot of clients.

Well, what I ended up doing though is I had a stable of a lot of information marketing clients, and specifically, a good portion of them were marketing real estate stuff.

As you know, real estate was the thing that crashed the market in 2009.

There’s nothing like having all your clients suddenly run out of money and declare bankruptcy and not paying you.

In a span of about three months, my business went from a million down to like 150,000 a year, had to lay off my entire team. So I spent probably two months like just hovering in a corner. Literally, I spent a couple nights in the hospital panic attacks.

Not being able to pay your staff, having to lay off people you love and care about. It was awful.

But I was either gonna let it break me or I was gonna learn a lesson, I decided to learn a lesson.

I learned that I needed to be more diverse and my client base, I needed to have a stool that was more than one leg. All right, you can balance on a stool with one leg for a long time. But eventually, you’re going to break and you know, if something knocked that leg out, you’re gonna fall.

I diversified my client base, I diversified my services.

But the other thing was that I was flexible with my team.

So I don’t have employees anymore. But I have a large team of contractors that I could go up and down in terms of payment. Like if I’m busy, I could pay them more, get more hours.

But if things pull back, we slow down. I don’t have that big nugget, right, like of the payroll and the benefits and things like that.

So I said to myself coming out of 2009 to 2010, I’m going to be much more nimble in the future. I’m going to have a value of cash in my business, I’m not going to be living on credit. And I’m also going to have a team that’s very flexible.

So COVID hits, right. And I’m like, okay, you know, I was ready for this. We had cash in the bank. We had a team and we had some clients that kind of pulled back for a time, we were able to pull back contractors, so I was not out a bunch of money.

But what happened was is we actually had a service which is remote videos, like you and I are doing this video right now. We have a service that does video through an iPhone or iPad, high quality.

And all of a sudden, once people got over the shock of COVID come April this past year, a year ago, our lead list absolutely exploded.

People who were on the fence about doing video came out of the woodwork.

We actually had our three best months of our company’s career, April, May and June of last year, because we were poised, we were ready. We invested in a technology that we thought was going to be important. People kind of push it to the side and then there was an event we were ready for it. So I was really happy.

Obviously wasn’t happy about the world situation, a lot of things changed. But I learned my lessons 10 years ago and I positioned myself to be flexible to be nimble, to be you know, value cash to not have a big piece of overhead.

I survived a couple weeks of like, what the hell’s going on?

But then we were positioned to really like take advantage of what was going on to be ready for the marketplace. You learn that through experience. You know I could tell the story and people are gonna be like, that’s a great, Bob is already prepared.

The pain I had to deal with at the start of the decade to be ready for that was awful but never want to live through it. But I survived it and learn from it. I certainly wouldn’t want to go through it again. Which is why I made sure I was prepared for kind of the next big thing that came along.

For full conversations, go to BJP

Part 1: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories

Our seven-part interview with Bob Regnerus of Feedstories begins.

Topics covered in this episode

  • What led Bob to become a digital marketing and paid advertising expert
  • The THREE POWERFUL THINGS Bob’s done in his career to help him thrive in business, and attract clients
  • How Victor Cheng encouraged Bob to write his first book, Big Ticket Ecommerce
  • What are the main advantages of writing a book?
  • Finding Your SUPERPOWER

Full Convo ➡️


Brian: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories, part one.

This is a series of conversation that we had with Bob Regnerus.

You’re really going to enjoy it, you can watch all the other parts of it over at

And you can see everything else that I’m offering my book, you can have me as a guest on your podcast if you’re interested on being a pet guest on this podcast or the other ones we provide. Or if you’d like to have me as a speaker at your event, go check all of that out over at

Now, here’s the show.

Brian (Intro to show): Coach Bob Regnerus is the co-founder of Feedstories, a digital marketing expert and the author of five books, including, The Fourth Edition of The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising.

Bob, welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Bob: It is so good to be with you, Brian. Looking forward to a lively conversation today.

Brian: Yeah, good deal.

So I like to jump into these things without a whole lot of research in general. But the issue is, is that I already knew who you were, because I’d seen you around. I knew that you had co-authored this book. And I’d seen your name around probably for years, because I think we have ran in similar circles.

Bob: Yeah, that’s probably likely.

Brian: Yeah, just tell me…we’ll get into the details as far as where you’re at right now, eventually. But tell me how did you end up where you are?

Bob: Yeah, well, I guess I took a little bit of an indirect approach to being an entrepreneur. I was a programmer by trade, I went to college, you know, studied computer science, studied business, I had a dual degree.

And I ended up working for a large corporation out of college doing programming on mainframe computers, that’s the computers that take up a whole room.

Did that worked at a couple different corporate jobs, and I met a guy at one of my gigs who was there on contract. And like, I was an employee, he was on a contract, I thought that was interesting. He kind of made his own hours.

And he was making, you know, I mean, he wasn’t getting benefits from the company but it felt like he was making more money than me doing kind of what he was doing.

So I became friends with him and eventually, I went on my own with him and was doing some contract work. I worked for TransUnion, the big credit bureau. That was about 1998, I really got the bug for the internet.

Obviously 1998 we’re going back a few years, internet wasn’t what it is today. Right?

But I was a coder.

I actually developed my first e-commerce website, I built a shopping cart for a business from scratch. By the way, there’s still a client today, there’s still a client. So it’s pretty awesome.

But we launched that thing in 98 and it was pretty funny. The business owner who I’m friends with is like, this is great, you know, we’re getting orders, like the middle of the night, you know, when we’re closed, it was a big deal.

He’s like, how do we get more people to the site?

I said, oh, that’s not a big deal, I know exactly how to do that. And of course I had no idea how to do that.

So that’s where I dove into the World of internet marketing and direct marketing.

Discovered Dan Kennedy and Perry Marshall and all those things. I really became a student of marketing.

And I shifted from being a technology person to a marketing person, just kind of felt really comfortable for me, it felt like the next step. And I felt like I could provide more value to the marketplace.

So I think was a pretty good decision.

I’ve done a lot of training and, you know, work with clients over the years. But yeah, I mean, I’ve been in the business now 20 to 23 years, written some books and helped 1,000s of people. So it’s pretty cool.

I really love the paid marketing, like paid search. I got really good at Google and then Facebook was just the perfect media for me, because I really love telling stories. We can dive into that a little bit. But I’ve been doing Facebook advertising and coaching for people now since 2013.

Have some really great successes over the years.

So I love the predictability of paid advertising, like put in $1 and make five, make 10 you know, whatever the case may be. Never really got into SEO, we never understood it, was too frustrating.

I like the predictability of paid advertising.

That’s what’s been paying the bills and what people have been paying me for over the last two decades and really proud to keep rockin on and teaching people all the cool stuff that I learned.

Brian: Wow, that’s fabulous.

For full conversations, go to BJP

The Most Unbelievable Secret Experts Want Kept Hidden

Truth across the universe!

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


What is the most unbelievable secret that experts want kept hidden?

Well, we’re gonna get into it right now. Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, we are going to uncover something that if you can wrap your mind around it, it will save you a whole lot of time and money and effort. But it will also allow you to be able to look at things from a different angle, because there’s a lot of experts out there.

And if you’re an expert or someone that wants to be seen as an expert in your field, then you just need to understand this one, this one thing is going to save you a whole lot of time in thinking that you need to be original or anything else. Here’s what it basically comes down to experts when you’ve been in the field for some time.

Whether you’re some type of celebrity expert, or you’re some type of very niche expert, you deal in a very specific area. The thing that you bring people in on the way that you gain attention is oftentimes on very specific little items, very specific things that people go after. I’m thinking, this just popped in my head, a Perry Marshall wrote some great books on Google AdWords, he wrote the Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords, he wrote one on Facebook marketing, he got really into online advertising, and became famous for those books and all of the courses that he put out regarding those.

Over time, the people that do really well go beyond those specific items, the whole tactical deals that they have. And they stretch it out and into more strategy and eventually go into deep seated principles. Perry Marshall is a perfect example of that I bought a whole lot of his material over time.

Some of his stuff is extremely deep and goes really deep into principles of what I mean down into into faith and into the his perspective on the universe and physics and all this other stuff that you wouldn’t expect from somebody who’s the AdWords guru, right? But it’s there. And everybody who is an expert that goes to the next level and really makes a decent income added and is able to build out a really strong following goes from something very specific to something very, very broad and big and more principle based, something that is very truth oriented. Well, here’s the secret that’s not really the secret unto itself. The secret is, is that that real, heavy duty truth based stuff, when it’s really true. It it goes across all boards, and oftentimes they can present it as this is the truth about the health.

This is the truth about psychology, this is the truth about faith. And it doesn’t matter where you go. If you actually gain the truth in one area, you are gained the truth, a principle that can be applied to all other areas.

We really think we’ve got an entire piece of our society that to this day, it’s scary, how strong this is, how strong the scientist is, or the doctor, or the the studied person in a specific area as if they they have some magical knowledge. It’s very scary, because it puts a whole lot of us in an entire generation.

I’ve talked to a lot of people coming from the younger generations, for millennials to the Gen Zers.

There’s very much a mentality that’s been spread, that there are certain people with secret knowledge that you can’t pass possibly understand, unless you’ve gone to school and done studying and all this other stuff.

Now, I’m not saying there isn’t a whole lot that can be attained through school and studying and being very specific in your research. But the real truth behind everything is knowable by everybody.

It’s not that difficult. science itself is a great example, is one of those things that is completely not if you understand one area of science, it can be applied to all areas of science. It has reason spread throughout and truth. Whatever you define truth as truth in and of itself goes across the board.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking psychology or religion, if it’s a true thing, it’s true in all areas, in some in some way or fashion. But the real idea of experts is that, well, we’ve got a secret knowledge. So this has been done over time, whether they’re a religious expert, and they’re, they’re the expert on the Bible, and they know things that you can’t possibly know. Or they’re an expert on this or an expert on that. It’s true.

People that pay attention to it may know more, but a real good expert is a person that can get straight down and get you to the truth as quickly as possible down to the principle of what’s going on.

Because the principle is, is the thing that we all should have access to, there’s no reason why someone that doesn’t really know their stuff, that that really has a handle on it can’t make it plain and simple. So that an idiot like you and me can figure it out and you have to have to understand that going in so that you don’t think that you’re not an expert, because I guarantee you, you are an expert on something, because you just have a little bit of knowledge.

The real experts, the people that will make good money are the people that can help make that link between the everyday person, someone coming in off the street, and being able to show them the reality that’s hidden. That’s almost purposefully hidden through the secret societies and all these things.

I don’t mean conspiracy secrets sites, I mean, the actual secret societies that are out there in front of us, that all these organizations and everything else that give credentials to people, they give the appearance as if it’s, it’s this impossible knowledge that you can’t possibly wrap your mind around until you go through them. You have a way to be able to break through that.

I encourage you to do that with people allow people to see that what you do isn’t black magic. It isn’t anything. It’s probably very special and you probably have abilities and skills that you’ve worked up. I know I do. You’ve been able to work up through the years.

But the principles behind what you do are attainable. It’s understandable. And if you can explain it to people quickly and get them to that idea as quickly as possible and really get them to understand it.

Then you’re an expert, and you need to be out there and people need to hear what you’re saying. That’s what I’m all about is helping you to stand out. Okay, this is the process.

That’s what my whole books about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s all about how to stand out apart from your competition, but standing out just the same.

Go get your own free copy at or you can just go and buy it on or anywhere else that books are sold.

We’ll be back here tomorrow, just like we are every night. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Towels for Naked Swimmers 🌊 (Perry Marshall / Ed Rush Interview)

“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who has been swimming naked” – Warren Buffett

Perry Marshall / Ed Rush Video

I don’t think ya’ll deserve to watch this. 🤨

Since Brian disagrees with me, I’m letting him have his way this time. 😒

Here is the Marshall / Rush interview as mentioned in our Daily Live, enjoy! 🖕➡️


Towels for naked swimmers.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m coming to you from a slightly different location. I’m inside, I’m still in the city of Grants Pass, but I’m out in a new office. So check this out.

My friend Bruno is allowing me to we’re doing a project together. So don’t do it right from in the side of this office. So it’s pretty cool.

We’re going to talk about towels for naked swimmers.

What does that mean?

Well, I’ll tell you, I’ve got a quote here.

By the way, if I didn’t mention, my name is Brian Pombo, and this is Brian J. Pombo Live.

Only when the tide goes out, do you discover who’s been swimming naked?

That’s a quote from Warren Buffett, okay.

And what’s it mean?

What it means is that only when the bad times come or the times that are less desirable. So maybe the economy’s shrinking or whatever. Is when you start to see who really doesn’t have their stuff together?

And that’s what we’re seeing right now. So currently, as I’m putting this out, today is June 6, 2020.

And so this is we’re still in the on the very tail end…I would hope it’s the tail end of the Coronavirus scare. And so that we’ve ended up right after we’ve been dealing with riots, we’ve been dealing with protests all having stemmed from the George Floyd police officer incident.

So you go look it up. If you haven’t watched the news, or if you’re watching this way in the future, go check out the history because it’s a very interesting time being said from someone who’s in it, and it’s affecting the economy, the economy is kind of going up and down.

We had a pretty good overall if you whatever you consider the economy, you know, as far as what the experts tell us, the economy is right.

But if you’re talking about general economic measures, everything was relatively high up into the point of when Coronavirus started going crazy and there was a lockdown.

So when that happened, everything went in the tank all at once everybody all at once. And really not just you the United States, but across the world. The economy has been in the dumps, and so it’s at this time that you start seeing who’s got their stuff together and who doesn’t.

It doesn’t mean that you know if your business is going up and down that you don’t have your things together.

What it really means is where do you go from here?

Can you handle it when the tides low?

And I love this quote, and I’m going to have our producer Sean put this quote out. He’s gonna put the link going to the video with Ed Rush, and Perry Marshall discussing this was a great talk a little bit back.

And but it was it it it was right on the cusp of a lot of the Coronavirus happening.

And he said, You got to hand out towels to naked swimmers. Okay.

And that’s why I want to talk about if you’re at a point where you’re either looking to transfer your business or transform your business are going in a different direction, because it’s not working out right just the way you want it to right now that I’m going to highly suggest, find out who the naked swimmers are and get them a towel. Find the people who are in trouble right now.

Find the people who don’t know what to do and be able to deliver them what you do, or products that you provide or services you provide. That’s where you got to be looking right now.

Because there’s a whole lot of people and a whole lot of trouble right now. Can you help them?

That’s the real question.

If you can go and find them, go and get into if you’re still if you still consider the same market that you’ve been playing to still a viable market, talk to that market, find out where the pain points are, and do your best to solve it for them.

We got to come together right now as a country and as a people and as a world we got to come together and help each other out.

Because that’s the only way you get out of this you’re not going to get out of this shooting, shooting your way out, or stealing your way

out or anything else, the only way we’re going to get out of this is by helping each other out. So go and find someone that’s willing to let you help them, and hopefully willing to part with some money in order to do it so that we can all keep eating and living and doing what we do best.

So that’s just a quick tip that doesn’t come from me that comes from Perry Marshall.

And, but I love it, it speaks directly to what we’re doing. And if you’re needing a towel and your business, and you’re wanting to know exactly, you know, where do we go from here? You know, I’ve been dealing with all this stuff, and now it seems like the big guys are even bigger after the Coronavirus, you know, so I mean, uh, you see a lot of companies fall over. But right now, Amazon is through the roof. And I’ve got a book coming out the, 9 Ways to Amazon-proof your business.

That’s gonna be coming out soon, and it has to all has to do with fighting off the big competitors in your space, who’s the big competition that you’re trying to find out?

And do you need help in doing that?

If so, I’m gonna recommend you go check out the Amazon proof strategy session. It’s over at That link is in the script in the description.

Go check it out. We’ll be back here tomorrow. We got new ideas every day. I’m going to tell you a little tip about why I give credit to people and that’s coming up tomorrow. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there.