Something from Nothing, Possible?

Brian talks about a recent podcast episode he had with Jocelyn Schmidt of Fusion Performing Arts Alliance


Nothing Happens, Without A Connector

Building relationships in business and how they can help you find the right people to help you reach your goals.


Making Personal Connections πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘

Brian talks about a recent event he went to locally called, First Crush.


How Important Are Relationships? πŸ‘« (B2B Networking)

Thoughts on the value of relationships and networking after Brian just recorded an upcoming podcast with Grants Pass local, Cat Bonney.


How important is relationships?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, I wanted to discuss the concept of relationships in business specifically. So it’s all about being relationship reliant for me.

In fact, there are three pillars at

The first one I like talking about the most, right off the bat, at least, is being relationship reliant.

This is something that came later in life for me, even though I was surrounded by it, and the evidence was everywhere. It didn’t occur to me that the relationships you have the strength of the relationships, but even the loose ties that you have out there in life, or that one of the most important things possible.

That all business is based off of people, you know, like and trust, it’s based off of some form of relationship.

Now, sometimes you don’t necessarily have a relationship with the person, most of the products and services you use, that you spend money on, you don’t know the person behind it. But you have a relationship with that brand.

There is something there, someone has created something, put it forth, and you’ve taken it and exchanged it for money.

There’s a relationship there even at the most crass you know, just financial interaction, you know, even just that there’s still a relationship, and it goes on from there. The strongest relationship you have with someone the people that you paid the most amount of money on the most regular basis.

That’s some of the most powerful stuff and it can tell you something about even the things that you pay a small amount for. It all has to do with the same thing. It all comes back to some form of relationship.

I was reminded of this today because I had a really good podcast interview.

So I have a podcast that’s local. It’s called Grants Pass VIP. And what it does is it covers basically stories of movers and shakers in Josephine County, Oregon. And Grants Pass is the largest town here.

It’s named Grants Pass VIP, because that’s where most of the people will relate to it. Up this past year, about Yeah, about a year about this past year, I’ve been working very closely with the Chamber of Commerce.

Even though a good portion of that year, we weren’t even meeting in person. But meeting over over video chat. So I got to meet somebody that we had known each other kind of at a distance or name’s Cat Bonney.

Cat, she’s just a million different things in town. And she’s one of these people that I finally got to sit down and have an interview with for my podcast, this will be coming up. Not available yet if you’re watching this right away, but you’ll see it soon over at

Cat is a very interesting person, her entire life has been built on the idea of getting out there and making a difference and encouraging other people to do the same thing. And having her hands and a whole lot of different items.

But all around this concept of really making a difference for people and in doing things that that stirs her soul, not just a way to pay the bills, you know, obviously, there’s always that end of it, but you have to have things that really make a difference for you.

Even the short period of time we hung out today at the coffee shop, recording the podcast, even that short period of time I found it really interesting how useful her knowledge is. I mean, just she asked what she can do for me and I just tossed something out there.

And she threw some advice out that I know is gonna save me many hours, and many headaches. And so I thank her so much for that. That’s one simple, subtle relationship that I that I’ve had that I have that I share with her.

You can’t put a price tag on that. But at the same end, it’s going to profit me if you could put a price tag it’s going to profit me greatly over time. If nothing else in the saving of time just for a brief moment, a brief conversation.

These are the things that are true throughout. And if you’re looking to grow things, if you’re looking to look at the world differently, if you’re looking to think more like people who have something that you want out of life.

It comes back down to a relationship. My entire way of building my business for the past, you know, two-plus years, via podcasting, and via the book that I wrote, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

These are things that that happened because of relationships because I connected with other people, sometimes at a distance will originally at a distance online with a lot of people.

And then also in person talking with people and going through it and wanting to reach out and meet certain people that I couldn’t find a way to get a conversation with until I could find a gift that I could offer them.

The gift in this situation was the Podcast, the podcast allows me to offer a gift of publicity to somebody.

In exchange, I get to meet this person to get to know them better, and find out if there’s anything that I can do in their life and maybe even learn something from them. Simple, simple concepts, these simple ideas, but it all comes back to the relationship.

Business is about other human beings. It’s about you and other human beings connecting. That’s all it is. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re making dog food, it doesn’t matter what you’re making. I don’t know, why do I always go back to dog food, it’s interesting.

Maybe it’s because I have no experience in the dog food market. And but for some reason, my mind always jumps to dog food when I’m thinking about things. It doesn’t matter what your industry is all a relationship based.

This is very difficult. If you have a task oriented mind, my mind is very much at least on the forefront is initially task oriented. I have a little bit of people orientation back there. But mostly it’s task oriented. And it took me many years to realize the practical benefit of relationships.

I hate to say it that was sounds weird, doesn’t it? If you think like a robot, it’s difficult to put it into words. But that’s a sadly that’s where I come from. So that’s all I got for today.

Go check out my book if you want to hear some more about about how to take relationships and take them to the next level and also meet people that you would have never met before. That can be really helpful to you.9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

And I’m going to be back here tomorrow talking about the second or the three pillars for Stay tuned for that, we’ll see.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Gifts for Local Business 🎁🦊 (ROE Motors & GP CarFox)

Brian shares a gift he got from GP CarFox of ROE Motors, while attending his local Grants Pass Chamber Greeters Meeting.


Gifts for local business.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I have here a gift from a local, I guess we could call her an influencer. Amy fox, GP CarFox here in Grants Pass is a bit of a local celebrity among people who know her.

She has developed kind of a persona, and I’m here to talk with you about it today.

First, I want to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at Or you can purchase a hardcopy wherever books are sold, including

But I want to show you now what is this gift.

This is a gift that I received from attending the Chamber of Commerce meeting today. And that’s why I wanted to go over it, and haven’t even taken the ribbon off of it yet because we are going to unwrap it right here.

I want to I want to kind of break this down for you.

Now what happens it specifically at our chamber of commerce and you can I don’t old Chamber of Commerce work a little bit differently, but they tend to have a weekly or bi weekly mixer type meeting. We call ours greeters.

You go to a greeters meeting and everybody has Well, in our case, we have 30 seconds in order to give kind of an elevator pitch for our business, and a lot of them mostly people you’ve heard something from them before, but some people try and wrap in news and other things.

They’re also allowed, you’re also allowed to bring a gift every time. So to pass on to the next speaker, whoever gets their card pulled next. Now let’s take a look at this. This was a gift that I ended up with. Right take this ribbon off, let’s break this down.

So who is Amy Fox?

Amy Fox is a as a car salesperson here locally. And so she always gives away Little Hot Wheels. Cars. Here’s one here.

That’s cool. It’s a Rally Baja Crawler. Tyler is going to love that. My son is a Hot Wheels junkie, so he’s definitely going to love that.

Along with that I’m saving some of the best pieces here for last. We’ve got Baby Ruth funds eyes for people that enjoy their candies. I mean, how do you get go wrong with candy?

If you if you don’t eat candy, you can always pass it on to somebody else. So that’s I mean how you go wrong with that. That’s awesome.

Also, this is unique, the $2 bill one of these nice, fresh $2 bills, unusual because you don’t see them very often.

The famous for Jefferson being on the front, if you don’t know about $2 bills go and look it up. It’s fascinating history.

Then here’s the cool part. She’s got her card, which is very cool.

But look at this…she has her own kind of logo, Amy Fox, and she’s got the little cartoon Fox there with her phone number. She’s with ROE Motors here in Grants Pass.

She always has kind of little updates on what they’re doing locally at ROE Motors in terms of what they have available and so forth.

It’s always very interesting.

She also does a lot of social media videos on social media, which is very cool and unique for local. A lot of local businesses do not take full advantage of video. So that’s a quick tip on top of anything else and doesn’t have to be fancy video, you could just be behind the wheel, giving an update.

She’s got her own logo sticker with phone number and email address. So this works as a quasi business card, but also something that you could put up that people were saying, what is that, right?

How do you go wrong with having having your own logo that reminds people of your last name, that’s just the coolest thing of all. Hey, Amy, we’d love to have you on Grants Pass VIP, the podcast that’s all about Grants Pass and Josephine County as a whole, the movers and shakers that work here.

So if you know Amy, be sure and send this to her, make sure she sees it and Amy reached out to me and let’s let’s get you on the show because this is quality stuff.

It’s really important whether your chamber of commerce offers a gift giving a situation like this, or whether you just need to do it yourself.

If you’re if you have a local community or you have any type of community that you’re able to plug into of professionals, of potential clients, customers, patients, parishioners, what have you, it whatever you’re looking for.

You need to give out gifts in order to get attention It’s a simple concept. It’s not over the top, and people aren’t going to hate you for it.

They’ll enjoy the gift even if it’s something simple and or silly, and you can’t go wrong, you can’t go wrong with a gift. That’s just another way to be able to stand out. And the more unique your gift is, the more you stand out, the more people will think about you talk about you.

Maybe they’ll even talk about you on their video podcast. So that’s all I have for tonight, you have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing Is A Great Reminder πŸ’­ (Remind People You Exist)

Why consistent content marketing is a great tool to remind others that you and your services exist.


Content marketing is a great reminder.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I get this all the time. But the more active I am, the more out there I am and the more people I talk to, the more people I realize watch or listen to this show on a semi-regular basis.

So nobody listens to every episode.

I mean, that’s pretty close to a given every once in a while, you may have someone that gets obsessed for a little while and they’ll go through and they’ll binge a whole bunch.

But for me, in my circumstances, I found that most people catch it every once in a while.

Because I’m available in so many different places, that makes it easy to do. And so I’ll show up in their Facebook feed or LinkedIn, or YouTube or what have you.

If you’re going to get into content marketing, you want to be in a whole lot of places, and you want to do it semi consistently.

You want to be there on a regular basis, you remind people you exist.

You remind people that you may do something that they’re interested in finding out more about or your mind people that they need to call you up or to or send you an email.

There’s such a value in that, it’s unbelievable.

Every once in a while I’ll hit on an episode, that’s usually something off the wall. It’s usually not something that people are searching for, or people are necessarily thinking directly about.

But then I’ll have a whole bunch of people come back to me and say, I really liked that episode.

I had a couple of episodes last week that had that effect where I had people coming out of the blue, saying, “Boy, I really like what you said there. It reminded me I need to get back together with you and reminded me that we need to talk or whatever.”

You might find yourself in that camp. If you’re watching this, listen to this, and this isn’t your first time. It’s a reminder for you, it’s a reminder of the things that we talk about on a regular basis.

Maybe me talking about content marketing, remind me about how you got to get that going for your business or your organization or what have you.

I’ll be having a book that is specifically focused on content marketing, and whether it’s really good for you or not, because it’s not right for everybody, it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of effort takes a lot of energy.

The real question is, is that going to pay off for you or not?

Well, another way you could find out is go check out this book, this is kind of the intro book, this is, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I talk about it on every show but you can go get a copy over at or anywhere that you buy books. You can also download a free copy at

That’s how I am able to keep this thing going.

One is because I keep reminding people that I that I’m here that I’m available that we should talk, and also reminding people of my book over and over again.

If they have a copy that reminds them to go and read it. So all these old things help. It’s all pieces of things that all add into overall marketing. But it adds to overall networking.

It’s the concept if you’re if you’re wanting to be out there and be known and wanting to stand out from the rest, you got to have that consistency, consistency creates that reminder effect.

So hopefully this is helpful to you. Just a quick little reminder for you that content marketing is a reminder.

And it goes both ways. I get the same effect from other people where someone I haven’t thought about for a long time shows up in my timeline and my Instagram or wherever and I’m like oh yeah, I gotta give so and so a call.

Oh, yeah, I wonder what they’re doing now. That type of thing. It’s very cool.

That’s all I got for tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do I Have To Meet New People? πŸ™ƒ

Brian talks about the value of being Relationship Reliant in business and in life.


Do I have to meet new people?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of the things that’s become more and more apparent to me over time, is this concept of being relationship reliant.

This is a concept that I learned pretty early on in my business career but didn’t really learn it, it didn’t really sink in, and it sinks in more year after year after year.

You got to think about this relationship reliant is one of the three pillars of

It’s something I talk about a lot and I still don’t think it fully sets in.

A lot of people who see my last video would be asking, you know, why would you just put yourself out there just to meet new people.

I think the real reason is, is because nothing ever changes in your life until you have a connection with the right person, or until the right person you have a connection with, you learn something new about them, or they learn something new about you so that you can go the next level.

So you can take things beyond you know, and I don’t mean, just within the relationship, I mean, having it when we’re talking business, having that breakthrough, it happens only through one medium and that’s people, other people, people you know or people you don’t know, that’s the those are your only options.

If you don’t know them, it’s really tough to figure out whether they can help you or not.

Now, if you already know the people that can help you, then all you got to do is move them from column A people you don’t know when to call them B people you do know, right?

It’s really that simple.

Nowadays, look, we’ve got cell phones, we’ve got a lot of people still have landlines, especially businesses or traditional businesses and people with traditional offices, you’ve got an email, you’ve got all the different social medias, which is more than just one, obviously, it goes on and on and on and on.

The You’ve Got Mail, snail mail addresses, okay, there’s just a handful of ways that you can go out and meet people let alone if they’re public, and individuals who show up to things, right?

They show up to meetings, they show up to if they’re an outgoing person, they may be given a speech somewhere, there are so many ways to get in touch with somebody and meet somebody for the first time.

You may have a connection to somebody that knows that person, and they can introduce you.

Everything in life, every problem you have right now. Besides the real heavy, you know, spiritual stuff, I would imagine some of that stuff is just things you got to it’s between you and somebody else.

But in general, I think every problem you have or every problem you think you have, can be solved or eliminated by the right relationship.

Keep that in mind as you’re going through the day, and trying to figure out okay, how am I going to get through this?

Or how am I going to fix this problem that I’ve been having for years and years and years?

You’re one person away from fixing it.

Start reaching out, touching base with people who you think might have an answer, or who you think might know the person that has the answer.

Get to know people that you connect with, not just intellectually, but people you connect with on a kind of subconscious level, I guess you would say, you know when you come across somebody on YouTube, and you’re like, that person seems cool.

Don’t put them up on a pedestal and don’t get all caught up and say all this is the one this is gonna make all the difference. Not just reach out, see if you connect with the person, some people don’t want to connect.

You might be one of those people. But realize if you open yourself up to it, and you allow people into your life, and you go out there to find people to bring into your life.

I think your life’s gonna get better, as long as you do well at handling people that aren’t perfect because it turns out, I found this out. Most of them aren’t perfect. You know, they really are.

They really most of them are really screwed up but they can be fun at the same time.

So if you as long as you’re cool with that, and you’re cool with learning how to be a better person, by letting the little things go, then there’s nothing better than getting more connections in your life more relationships can lead to a better thing in the long run.

When we’re talking business, there’s really no way around it from at least from what I found. If you found something else, please leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. That’s all I have for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Marketing To Relationship 😊

Building relationships from marketing your products and services.


Marketing to relationship.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk a little bit about business marketing, shall we, and how that leads into having a business relationship. Because in the end if you really look at it carefully, and you really look at building a business that lasts, that works as an asset that continues to produce.

With at least less effort put in over time, at least from you, as a business owner or the executive, then it’s going to take being relationship reliant, which is one of the three pillars that we teach here at

It’s one of the three things that I look for the three major pieces that I look for when I’m looking for a business to invest in or to partner up with is those ones that already have that relationship reliance built in.

In the end, the understanding that every thing that you do in business has to do with other humans, whether you deal with them directly or not, it’s you’re dealing with other humans, and if it’s going to work for the long run, which is be ideal in all circumstances.

So whether you’re talking about your customers or clients, whether you’re talking about your business partners, the other executives that you may work with your employees, co workers, vendors, anybody that you have any form of business relationship with, it needs to be as stable relationship as possible, it needs to be one of these things that solid, and that starts from the very beginning.

In your marketing, if you understand that with your marketing, you’re trying to do a few things I understand initial marketing is you’ve got specific calls to action.

You’ve got a specific demand that you’re making of the person or command I should say, as I think Perry Belcher used to say that it’s really a command that a call to action is a command.

You’re saying this is what you need to do?

This is the next step.

And that’s all important in in the terms of the short term strategy. So in terms of short term strategy, your marketing is trying to get them to do something.

You’re trying to get them to either purchase a product or service, or sign up for something, maybe give exchange you their email, in exchange for some type of item or some type of idea.

I mean, there’s a million things of what that first processes, but in the long run, you just need to understand that the long run is going to take a relationship and you need all the things that every relationship needs.

A whole lot of that is is under this auspices, it said over and over again but it can’t be said often enough with the right context. People do business with people they know, like and trust. In that order, they got to know you first, they got to know I killed next, and then they got to trust you.

It goes beyond trust and a long run. But they at least need to get to that point to have a solid relationship with you over the air does, I don’t care if they’re buying dog food from you, on a monthly basis.

Whatever it is, it all comes back to that it all comes back to a trust based relationship. If you know that you’re marketing, everything you do in marketing, everything you do in any form of communication, with your potential customer, with your current customer with your previous customers.

All of that changes if you realize that the real goal is to have a connection, to have a relationship with that person. If you’ve got a solid relationship, then the money flowing back and forth and products and services flowing back and forth will happen so easily and without any friction whatsoever.

That makes everybody happy because they get their products and services. You get your money consistently. And it’s perfect.

As soon as that trust is broken anywhere along the line, or any type of doubt whatsoever enters into that relationship, it starts getting tougher and tougher for the exchange to happen. Everything’s about exchange.

It’s all about free exchange. That’s what business is. It’s the free exchange of value for other value Okay, in basic in the most basic terms product or service for money.

If you can get that part, then marketing becomes a very simple thing, but it also becomes a long term game.

Yes, you’re trying to get them to take the next step. Yes, you’re trying to get them from point A to point B and eventually to point Z.

But in that process, you have to be building trust, you have to be building likability, you have to be building. So many people get caught up on the knowing that they just know who you are. That’s just the first step.

That’s the brand awareness, you know, that they that they discussed. So often, just you just seen your logo, recognizing you Yeah, that’s, that’s a huge step, huge step forward. But it’s only the first step.

You then got to get people to like you, you got to get people to trust you. This is a relationship game. And it’s going to take time, and it has to be genuine.

Otherwise, somewhere along the line, they’re going to get the real you when they’re used to getting the fake you, or the real, you as a company versus the fake you as a company.

It’s got to be genuineness built into it.

It has to go throughout the entire company, throughout anybody that has any connection whatsoever with the customer.

These are very broad ideas, but it’s important to wrap your mind around so that you can build solid content marketing over the long run, which is a big piece of what we’re working on right now. Another thing is having the back end strategy to back up that content marketing.

That’s what my book, my first book is all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy. It’s a short book, quick read, free copy at

We’re gonna be back here tomorrow night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.