Do I Have To Meet New People? 🙃

Brian talks about the value of being Relationship Reliant in business and in life.


Do I have to meet new people?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of the things that’s become more and more apparent to me over time, is this concept of being relationship reliant.

This is a concept that I learned pretty early on in my business career but didn’t really learn it, it didn’t really sink in, and it sinks in more year after year after year.

You got to think about this relationship reliant is one of the three pillars of

It’s something I talk about a lot and I still don’t think it fully sets in.

A lot of people who see my last video would be asking, you know, why would you just put yourself out there just to meet new people.

I think the real reason is, is because nothing ever changes in your life until you have a connection with the right person, or until the right person you have a connection with, you learn something new about them, or they learn something new about you so that you can go the next level.

So you can take things beyond you know, and I don’t mean, just within the relationship, I mean, having it when we’re talking business, having that breakthrough, it happens only through one medium and that’s people, other people, people you know or people you don’t know, that’s the those are your only options.

If you don’t know them, it’s really tough to figure out whether they can help you or not.

Now, if you already know the people that can help you, then all you got to do is move them from column A people you don’t know when to call them B people you do know, right?

It’s really that simple.

Nowadays, look, we’ve got cell phones, we’ve got a lot of people still have landlines, especially businesses or traditional businesses and people with traditional offices, you’ve got an email, you’ve got all the different social medias, which is more than just one, obviously, it goes on and on and on and on.

The You’ve Got Mail, snail mail addresses, okay, there’s just a handful of ways that you can go out and meet people let alone if they’re public, and individuals who show up to things, right?

They show up to meetings, they show up to if they’re an outgoing person, they may be given a speech somewhere, there are so many ways to get in touch with somebody and meet somebody for the first time.

You may have a connection to somebody that knows that person, and they can introduce you.

Everything in life, every problem you have right now. Besides the real heavy, you know, spiritual stuff, I would imagine some of that stuff is just things you got to it’s between you and somebody else.

But in general, I think every problem you have or every problem you think you have, can be solved or eliminated by the right relationship.

Keep that in mind as you’re going through the day, and trying to figure out okay, how am I going to get through this?

Or how am I going to fix this problem that I’ve been having for years and years and years?

You’re one person away from fixing it.

Start reaching out, touching base with people who you think might have an answer, or who you think might know the person that has the answer.

Get to know people that you connect with, not just intellectually, but people you connect with on a kind of subconscious level, I guess you would say, you know when you come across somebody on YouTube, and you’re like, that person seems cool.

Don’t put them up on a pedestal and don’t get all caught up and say all this is the one this is gonna make all the difference. Not just reach out, see if you connect with the person, some people don’t want to connect.

You might be one of those people. But realize if you open yourself up to it, and you allow people into your life, and you go out there to find people to bring into your life.

I think your life’s gonna get better, as long as you do well at handling people that aren’t perfect because it turns out, I found this out. Most of them aren’t perfect. You know, they really are.

They really most of them are really screwed up but they can be fun at the same time.

So if you as long as you’re cool with that, and you’re cool with learning how to be a better person, by letting the little things go, then there’s nothing better than getting more connections in your life more relationships can lead to a better thing in the long run.

When we’re talking business, there’s really no way around it from at least from what I found. If you found something else, please leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. That’s all I have for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.