Do I Have To Meet New People? 🙃

Brian talks about the value of being Relationship Reliant in business and in life.


Do I have to meet new people?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of the things that’s become more and more apparent to me over time, is this concept of being relationship reliant.

This is a concept that I learned pretty early on in my business career but didn’t really learn it, it didn’t really sink in, and it sinks in more year after year after year.

You got to think about this relationship reliant is one of the three pillars of

It’s something I talk about a lot and I still don’t think it fully sets in.

A lot of people who see my last video would be asking, you know, why would you just put yourself out there just to meet new people.

I think the real reason is, is because nothing ever changes in your life until you have a connection with the right person, or until the right person you have a connection with, you learn something new about them, or they learn something new about you so that you can go the next level.

So you can take things beyond you know, and I don’t mean, just within the relationship, I mean, having it when we’re talking business, having that breakthrough, it happens only through one medium and that’s people, other people, people you know or people you don’t know, that’s the those are your only options.

If you don’t know them, it’s really tough to figure out whether they can help you or not.

Now, if you already know the people that can help you, then all you got to do is move them from column A people you don’t know when to call them B people you do know, right?

It’s really that simple.

Nowadays, look, we’ve got cell phones, we’ve got a lot of people still have landlines, especially businesses or traditional businesses and people with traditional offices, you’ve got an email, you’ve got all the different social medias, which is more than just one, obviously, it goes on and on and on and on.

The You’ve Got Mail, snail mail addresses, okay, there’s just a handful of ways that you can go out and meet people let alone if they’re public, and individuals who show up to things, right?

They show up to meetings, they show up to if they’re an outgoing person, they may be given a speech somewhere, there are so many ways to get in touch with somebody and meet somebody for the first time.

You may have a connection to somebody that knows that person, and they can introduce you.

Everything in life, every problem you have right now. Besides the real heavy, you know, spiritual stuff, I would imagine some of that stuff is just things you got to it’s between you and somebody else.

But in general, I think every problem you have or every problem you think you have, can be solved or eliminated by the right relationship.

Keep that in mind as you’re going through the day, and trying to figure out okay, how am I going to get through this?

Or how am I going to fix this problem that I’ve been having for years and years and years?

You’re one person away from fixing it.

Start reaching out, touching base with people who you think might have an answer, or who you think might know the person that has the answer.

Get to know people that you connect with, not just intellectually, but people you connect with on a kind of subconscious level, I guess you would say, you know when you come across somebody on YouTube, and you’re like, that person seems cool.

Don’t put them up on a pedestal and don’t get all caught up and say all this is the one this is gonna make all the difference. Not just reach out, see if you connect with the person, some people don’t want to connect.

You might be one of those people. But realize if you open yourself up to it, and you allow people into your life, and you go out there to find people to bring into your life.

I think your life’s gonna get better, as long as you do well at handling people that aren’t perfect because it turns out, I found this out. Most of them aren’t perfect. You know, they really are.

They really most of them are really screwed up but they can be fun at the same time.

So if you as long as you’re cool with that, and you’re cool with learning how to be a better person, by letting the little things go, then there’s nothing better than getting more connections in your life more relationships can lead to a better thing in the long run.

When we’re talking business, there’s really no way around it from at least from what I found. If you found something else, please leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. That’s all I have for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Self-Evident Business 🇺🇸 (Happy Independence Day)

The power of self-evident truths that you can see for yourself and how it can change you life and business. Happy 4th everyone!


Self-evident business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Happy Independence Day.

If you’re seeing that right when it came out, it came out while I’m filming it on July 3, but it’ll be out on July 4th, 2021. But the message is the same no matter what. It comes from that first line in the Declaration of Independence, which says, We hold these truths to be self-evident.

What does that mean?

I think it’s key, not only to the entire philosophy behind America, but it’s key to a point that I like to bring up a lot, which is being reality grounded.

There’s three pillars of One is being System-Based. We talked about that two nights ago. Two is being Relationship Reliant, which we talked about last night. And the third is being Reality-Based.

It’s the most important of all three because if your Reality-Based, you’ll figure out the rest, depending on what level of reality that you’re based in, but raw, excuse me, Reality- Grounded, if your Reality-Grounded, that’s what it’s all about.

So how do you know what reality is?

And you get back to a whole day I took a class in high school, and it was an extra class, you had to come in early to do it. It had college credit associated with it.

It was called the theory of knowledge, and the basic idea, the main question of the class that you explore throughout the class, and throughout philosophy and everything else was, how do you know what you know and how do we know what we know?

How do we know what we know is real or not?

What was a question that haunted me for a long time. I don’t think I ever finished that class. But it was one of those things where I thought, Well, it’s interesting to think about.

I kind of let it sit in the background for a long time. And then and then I heard a couple of people say through time, that the secret is that it’s self-evident.

Alright, and you’re saying, well, what’s this have to do with business, and I’ll get into that in a second. This has to do with business because business requires you, if you’re the business owner, if you’re the executive, if you have a really key job in the company that you work with, then it requires you to be very aware of the scenario that’s happening at the moment because things are always changing.

You’re always going to have to make a decision that just out of nowhere, you’re going to have to make a decision. So that’s based on everything that you know, at that time, and also based on your gut. And that’s really what self-evidence is all about.

Either something is true, deep down, or it’s not. If it’s not true, deep down, then it’s not really one of those hardcore truths, one of those principles, like I’ve talked about before.

But if it is, then it’s undeniable. It’s a self-evident truth. It’s planted in there.

There’s something deep down in each of us that tells us what’s true and what’s untrue. What’s reality, what’s not reality, and if your reality grounded, then you’ve got at least have a feel for that self-evidence.

Self-evidence is what it’s all about the entire country is based on it, you can’t have a system of laws without self-evidence. You can’t have a system, you certainly can’t have a constitutional republic without self-evidence.

You can’t really run things long-term without tyranny. Because tyranny, the basic idea behind old tyranny, right, is the idea that somebody knows something better than you do.

And what the Declaration of Independence said is that there’s, you know, there are differences between everybody but what we’re talking about the most basic rights of humans is a self-evident thing.

The fact that we we have rights at all, the fact that we shouldn’t be subject to murder, that we sue shouldn’t be subject to all these horrible things, it’s self-evident.

Either you get it or you don’t get it and if you don’t get it, you’re living in a whole different reality.

But the fact that the idea that there are truths, and that everyone has access to acknowledge them, is the basis for everything. It’s the basis for running a good business.

If you understand that, I think we’ll be able to have a longer conversation about this as time goes on just about any of my videos or podcasts out there about being reality-based comes back to this over and over and over again.

So being that it is Independence Day, and I don’t like focusing on 4th of July the date, because it’s it’s an arbitrary date, if you know anything about history, there was nothing specifically special that happened on 4th of July.

In fact, the founders disagreed that that should even be celebrated as the day. You know, some thought it should be the second or the 3rd, because there was a different day that the resolution was passed by everybody to accept the declaration, there were different days beyond that in which each person signed because it had to go all over the country to get signed by these specific individuals.

July 4th really doesn’t have a very specific significance other than they stamped it as, okay, this is the date. This is the day that they ended up agreeing on as saying, Okay, this will be the birthday that is close enough.

The Declaration of Independence is a fabulous read, read it again sometime this year if you get a chance, because there’s so much good stuff in there.

Any one of those lines especially in the preamble, there’s so much in there that you can go on for days and days and days on because it’s all based on self-evident truths. And either you acknowledge them or you don’t, but everyone has the ability to see them as being true. You may disagree, but you’re wrong.

Hopefully, that makes sense.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on self-evidence in business leave me a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. You check it out over at, if you don’t have the ability to comment where you’re at, and we’re going to be back here tomorrow night.

Be sure to stay Reality-Grounded and do everything in your power to get there. It’s there’s nothing better.

You have a great night, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free copy at

You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Relationship Marketing: Are You Taking Care Of Your Network?

As Brian says about the people you know, “Your connection to the rest of the world is the people who already know you.”

Thoughts on reconnecting with people who know you around the time of your birthday or other events in life.


Are you taking care of your network?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you every day, from more than most days coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon.

I’m here at the headquarters for, and I want to talk a little bit about your personal network.

So today, I sent out a message. And I get this opportunity at least once a year, okay, every birthday period, I have a time when everybody reaches out I mean, huge numbers of people reach out and say happy birthday, on my Facebook profile.

So if you have any type of social media profile, it’s a great opportunity to be able to reach back out to people because they’re reaching out to you. And you know, having that conversation that’s already going on in your customers mind in a sentence, you know, and that not that everybody who knows you or customers, but there are resource, everybody’s a resource.

That’s not a bad thing, it doesn’t mean that you don’t love them, and that you don’t care for the people in your life and everything. But they’re also a great resource, they’re your connection to the rest of the world is to the people who already know you.

And if they know you, like you and trust you even better.

But I sent out this message, and it was because my birthday a few days ago, sent out a video just saying, “Hey, I’m going to be reached out to more people.”

One of the things that I realized, especially this year, it’s something that’s for years, it’s becoming more and more clear. And that’s that everybody you know, is a resource for something.

And that you’re a resource back to them for something they may be able to use at some point or be able to get help with. It may not be you particularly but you’re at the connection to the rest of the world for them.

And so it’s in all of our best interest to stay connected.

On top of all them major issues with social media, I think one of them is it gives us a false sense of connection.

I mean, we are connected more than we ever have been, right?

I mean, I don’t think anybody has stayed as well connected to their people they went to high school with and other other groups like that, then we do because of social media. I mean, it’s amazing what we we do have some type of connection.

And we are able to see each other’s pictures and things of that sort, on occasion here and there. But for the most part, we are really connected with them, we are really talking back and forth with them.

In most cases, we aren’t necessarily even getting on the phone with them or having a video call with them. But we can you see it gives us the opportunity, we can start that conversation at any point.

The easy thing is to watch a feed a social media feed and seeing someone bring up something that then you can add something on to and then you can reach out to them based on that concept. It’s all about staying connected. And so what I told myself is what I’m going to try and do.

We’re just an experiment, we’ll see if I can actually get along with if I can build up a habit of calling people on a weekly basis.

Somebody from my past a random person that I’m connected to somewhere I either have a phone number, or we’re connected via social media or something and I’m going to reach out to them, I’m going to reach out over instant over the the messaging system, I’m going to reach out via phone, if I’ve got a phone number, I’m going to reach out and just say hi.

And if they want to talk, they’re always welcome to call me back and just chat and just pick up wherever we left off even that was 20, 30 years ago. So it’s just an idea.

It’s an experiment, it’s a chance for me to get out of my comfort zone but also to feel more connected. I mean, honestly, on a completely selfish level. I want more connections, I want to know more people.

Everything that’s good that’s happened in my life has been because of a very subtle, small connection that I had with somebody. I was looking back every job I’ve ever had, was because of a previous connection.

I mean, every single one of them I was connected to somebody their previous to working there, whether even if I knew it or not, and they probably had something to do with me working there.

Every job I had, and I’ve been self employed for quite a few years now. But up until that point, I knew somebody somewhere at some time and it was because of that that I had that opportunity. Most of the places that I’ve lived at for the for for quite a few years now.

Have been places where I knew the person that owned the property, or I knew the person that the places that I was looking to purchase it, I had a connection with them ahead of time, or had a connection with somebody that had a connection with them.

That just time after time after time, again, business connections, everything else, it’s all this long stream of people that I already had some type of previous connection with. And you got to attend that garden on a regular basis, whether you want anything or not.

But if you’re offering help, if you’re offering any year, if you’re offering yourself out there, I think you’re going to get more from it. Because in the end, it’s all about being relationship reliant, which is one of the three pillars of, being relationship reliant of big one.

It’s one that we are all dependent on, but so many of us forget how powerful and how important it is. It’s really the only thing that matters in the long run.

When you’re talking about continuing living on Earth, you got to know the right people and the right people have got to know you.

So hopefully that makes sense to you.

I don’t know if it does at all.

I’m not sure if my Facebook post to all my friends and family made sense, but I’m getting some good reactions off of it. We’ll see. So much of my life is not making sense to others.

Eventually I come up with the right wording and somebody gets it eventually. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Come on back. In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s especially for people that own businesses, or are executives are businesses and are looking to overcome competitive forces via the process of standing out, making yourself different and appearing different to your ideal marketplace.

Get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Getting To Know You, by Chris Carey 📖

The 3rd and final installment of our personality profile series, Brian talks about what might be the best book ever put together on this topic by the late Chris Carey.


Getting to Know You, by Chris Carey.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’m going to be reviewing, Getting to Know You, by Chris Carey. The late, great Chris Carey, he put out quite a few books, this was my favorite of his.

This one came out in 2002. This is still, I believe, my original copy.

I’m surprised it doesn’t have more highlights and so forth. And I think I know why though, it’s because I really do see a worn out it is, I enjoyed this book so much that I’d really didn’t know where to start with the highlighting.

It was probably during a period of time where I wasn’t doing that much in books when it came to that. But this book, just front to back, I thought was one of the best books I’ve read on the DISC personality model.

Now, we talked for the last two episodes. So if you’re wanting to know more about the four part personality concept, the theory behind personality, you want to check out the other two videos that I put out, one on, Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer, and one positive personality profiles by Dr. Robert Rome, both really good books.

And I want to go back to Robert Rohm for a second because it will allow me to explain Chris’s book a little better. This one is positive personality profiles that he goes through.

I think he has given the easiest way for me to ever describe personalities to people, the first step is to really take it and say, you know, are you outgoing or are you reserved?

That’s the first step, are you more outgoing or more reserved?

Now, there’s a lot of us that are kind of in between, depending on where we’re around and everything else. But in your what you will consider your most natural state are in the part the when you’re being the most you are you more outgoing?

Are you more reserved?

Okay, that’s the first step.

Then you ask yourself, are you more task or are you more people oriented?

That’s the other one.

And based on how you answer that, so for example, a, an outgoing, task oriented person, if that’s your main trait, you would say that your a D on the which is Florence Littauer would refer to as a cleric.

If you’re an outgoing people oriented person, you’re an I. Okay, also known as sanguine, if you’re a reserved task person, you’re a C, or a melancholy. And if you’re a reserved people person, you’re an S, or a phlegmatic.

So that is how Robert Rome describes the DISC, it’s actually my favorite way to describe it to people, if I’m talking personalities with somebody. That’s the first thing I say, and we tend to be, we tend to at least have two strong ones on that you have a major one and a second, and a secondary one. And you can probably figure out what that is, with yourself.

For me, I’m a strange one, you don’t see this very often, but I’m a DS.

So I mainly D, I’m task oriented and and outgoing. But secondarily, I’m the exact opposite, which is people oriented and reserved. So that’s just an example.

Now what Chris does, he goes through a similar thing except instead of saying outgoing or reserved. He says fast or slow, which was a different way of looking at it what you’ll find is that in most cases, people that consider themselves it’s not it’s not a synonym, you know, these are not things that are that are that are completely related to each other but you will find that most outgoing people consider themselves fast and most reserved people conserves themselves slow so it’s kind of a play on the same thing.

I prefer reserved and and outgoing but it is a quick way to be able to see it you can actually see it fast slow he bases, I don’t know if he bases his perspective of DISC on Robert Rohms work.

I know that they I’m pretty sure they knew each other. I had a feeling that they wrote a book. I guess I should have researched this before doing the video. Either way, Chris Carey, his book is so simple and easy to read everybody that I have passed this on to either had the borrow it or I’ve actually had a handful of copies that I’ve passed out to people over the years and everyone I know that has read it has said they really enjoyed it.

Once again, it’s an interesting thing within the personality community. He comes at it from a Christian perspective, from kind of that, that background, and I don’t know why it has been such a big thing within that community within, within a religious community and people of that nature.

I mean, his foreword is by John Maxwell, if you don’t know who that is, go and look it up, because it’s, it’ll tell you something about, about the perspective here, the leadership and so forth.

But just across the board, I’ve passed this along to people who had nothing to do with religion, and they got something out of it. And it is really, the quintessential book that I found on personnel is the best one I’ve read, I haven’t read them all. I’m sure there’s better books out there. This is one that’s out of print.

Chris died many years back and I always wanted to get in touch with his family.

If you know Chris Carey’s family, or you know, the people that own the rights to his materials, I would love to find out, if they’re interested in at least getting it electronically published, if not republished altogether.

Even through self publishing, if I’d love to be able to talk to them, please pass this video on to them.

And let them know that I would really love to have this book. And it’s been one that has not just changed my life, but it’s one of those books I passed on to others, it’s changed theirs. And now that it’s difficult, relatively difficult to get, I’d like the ability to be able to get it to more people.

So that’s a great book, the subtitle, if you can’t read, it says how you can solve your people puzzles, and increase success in all your personal and professional relationships.

That’s really what it’s all about.

That’s why I’m talking about personality theory is because we talk a lot here about business. And, but really, it’s the inside game.

It’s the inside game, the business owner, and the one of the main pillars of the three main pillars of is being Relationship Reliant.

If you’re going to be Relationship Reliant, you have to get better at dealing with people.

I am not a natural people person, like I said, my main quality is D, I am more task oriented. Even though I’m outgoing, I’m task oriented, I don’t see people in the way that a natural people person sees people, I see people as a function of a task, which is a weird, a weird way to talk about it.

But it’s honest and if you don’t see the world that way, it’s really tough to bend your mind to think that way. If you do think that way. It’s tough to see it from a people perspective, even though I have a secondary people oriented trait in my side.

So these are great conversations to have, I’d love to have more conversations with you in the future, about personalities, I’d love to have Dr. Rohm, or anybody else who has concerns themselves an expert on personality theory, I’d love to have them on the show.

As we’re going to be doing more interviews, I already have to that we’re going through the editing process slow because it’s the first time we’ve done video editing for this podcast.

But we’re going through the editing process, I’m going to be putting out these other interviews, I have a lot of great stuff going on tonight.

I’m recording this on, it will probably show up for you on May 7, I’m recording and it will be May 6, which is the second year anniversary of Brian J. Pombo Live, I have had such a blast making this show for two years straight.

And hopefully we’ll be able to continue it in two years ahead and be able to grow it and bring on new dimensions like these interviews and conversations that we’re gonna start having more of, hey, one of the things that was born of this podcast was my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, I talked about it in the book.

The book was designed off of nine separate episodes of this show. And it shows you how you can take one form of content and grow it into another form. If you want a copy of this, go check out

And you can get your very own free digital copy of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business otherwise you could find it wherever books are sold, especially online.

So we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Positive Personality Profiles, by Robert Rohm 📖

2nd night in a row talking about personality profiles of people from Robert Rohm’s classic, Positive Personality Profiles.


Positive Personality Profiles, by Robert Rohm.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the second video in a series that I’m doing on the top three books that I’ve come across dealing with the four personalities and the theory behind four personality types.

But basically a four personality quadrant, if you will.

The first one I talked about was Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer. And the only reason I mentioned that one is because it was the original book that I came in contact with, I knew a lot of people that they consider that their Bible when it came to understanding the four personalities.

This was another gentleman that that has added a whole level and is probably probably one of the leading experts out there relating to the DISC model of that referring to each personality trait as a D, I, S or C and go into the detail over what those are and what those are not.

And this is, this is one of those books that is it’s almost like a textbook.

Now Robert Rohm’s an interesting fellow, you can find out a whole lot about him just by doing a search.

He also comes at it from a from a Christian perspective, similar to Florence Littauer. So he uses a lot of analogies and references, back to the Bible, and so on, so forth.

So it is one of those things that you have to realize that going into it.

Robert Rohm is an amazing speaker, I think he is the best I’ve seen at giving live presentations, he has a basic presentation that I’ve seen him do both in person and on video a number of times, and it is one of the best.

It’s one of those that I like to show people who are just learning about the personalities, I will either show them a video or I have an audio version of the of the speech also. And he is entertaining.

He covers the whole gambit, he talks about how he came across it. In book format, this is almost more like a textbook.

I mean, he takes you from beginning to end, he covers this side of it that side of it, it’s not for me personally, it’s not the easiest read. But it is the most informative across the board and one that I go back to over and over again, when I’m looking to find out something specific about you know what personality.

We may be more interested in this or that what which which one, you know, gives off this versus that and so on so forth.

Very interesting book. Any I recommend any of Robert Rohm’s materials, he has a large, large assortment of materials, he does speech and he’s done speeches for a million and has been a consultant for a million corporations.

Definitely somebody that’s worth looking into and reading his material. And he had a way of simplifying it even more succinctly, the fourth let our dead.

So that’s why this is definitely one of my top books, when it comes to personalities. Now, if you’d, if you’d like to get a copy of one of those videos, I actually have a link for a copy.

So if I still have it at the time, you’re watching this and you’re wanting or listening to this and you’re wanting it, I’m going to flash my email address across the screen.

And if you’re listening to this, you’ll have to go to my Youtube or to one of the videos at I should say, and find my email address.

I don’t like to say it out loud or put it out there. Because I don’t want the spam robots picking it up. But if you’d like a copy of that, send me an email with the subject line Rome, and you spell that R O H M, subject line Rohm. That’s doc for Dr. Robert Rohm.

And if you send that to me, I will send you a link. And so that’s all I’ve got for today. Tomorrow. I’m going to mention the third and possibly my most favorite book when it comes to personality theory.

So we’ll get back to that tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer 📖

Thoughts on personality profiles of people from Florence Littauer’s classic, Personality Plus.


Personality Plus, by Florence Littauer.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to talk about this book today and how it would affect you in your business. But first I have to move by chair this is this is we record these live, we do not edit them. And my chair for the last handful of episodes keeps hitting the back.

But me with personality that does not. That gets distracted easily. I think about it every time we’re doing these videos. And then as soon as I’m done with the video, I forget about it.

Night after night, I come back and if you watch the earlier videos, you might hear a little clunking in the background because I’m hitting the bookshelf that has a a metal lunch pail on the top of it.

It makes this clanking sound, it’s a horrible thing anyway, so you didn’t need to know that, but it does.

It does have something to do with our topic tonight is personality plus, this was the first book I read on the four personality theory, which is the idea that everyone has a certain amount of all of the four quadrants of personalities. And depending on the amount of each one that you have is how your personality exudes itself in public.

As I’ve studied this through the years, I’ve come to the conclusion that Kathy Colby, I believe is correct that this is from the affective of side of the brain.

So it has to do with the side of your animal side of who you are. That is deals in emotion, it deals in communication, and so on so forth.

It’s a very specific area of the brain, that people are considered 1,2,3,4 of the four different quadrants.

These quadrants go by different names, you’ve probably heard of the colored ones where you have certain colors that represent I believe it’s green, red, blue, and yellow, I believe. And then there’s ones where they named after animals.

This particular one of the oldest one that I’m aware of, which was first developed by Hippocrates, of famous from the Hippocratic oath, one of the first major doctor minds back in ancient Greece, he noticed that people, certain people had a large amount of fluids in their system because he was one of the original ones to start documenting, taking apart cadavers.

He found that certain people had a large amount of bile or a large amount of phlegm in them, and he pointed it back to their personality, which is where you come up with these four names that Florence Littauer uses in her book.

Which are the four names of the personality extremes, which is called choleric, melancholy, sanguine, and why is my mind blanking…choleric, melancholy, sanguine, and phlegmatic.

Each one of those is based on the amount of fluids that was in a person’s system.

Now through the years different people have come up with different versions of this different actually famous philosophers have an I can’t remember them all off the top, I think Aristotle may have been one of them, that thought that there may be five personality extremes and so forth.

And so this is this has been bandied about throughout time, but it all plays to the same general concept that you probably have one major personality feature that shows up the most and probably a secondary one that is that’s most visible.

In most cases in most people. That is the situation.

Hers is a very…it’s a very, very casual look at the whole thing she she goes into it deeply because of her personality but she also it comes at it from a very unique perspective.

She also pulls in a whole lot of her Christian perspective into it.

If you’re offended by that type of thing, this book probably wouldn’t be for you. If you can look past it, whether you’re for or against it or see it the same way she does. It’s worth a read. It’s one of the is the first book I ever read on personality.

About 20 years ago is when I first ran into this there are two other books that have really influenced my look at personality, one a little more than the other but each of them bring with it a different perspective and a different look.

So that the first is those those four there those four also go by a different name that you may have heard of also which is the DISC model, the disc model. Still the exact same personalities it just handles it a little bit slightly differently the testing forward is different and everything else but worth reading.

Go check out forklift our just passed away last year. I believe she was 92 years old.

She’s she was a she was a dynamic speaker. A really interesting writer interesting perspective on personalities. So go check that out, if you want to know more of it, this all comes back to the concept that I have about being relationship reliant.

If you want to develop better relationships, whether you’re a people person or not, I’m not a naturally direct people person, I’m outgoing person, but I’m not a people oriented person.

It’s helped me a lot to be able to handle people and be able to work with them and try and see it from their perspective, by learning about personalities through the years. It’s one piece of a larger puzzle of what makes up people.

And it really is the animal side of people, it’s interesting that you could see the exact same thing, if you spent a lot of time with one certain type of animal, like dogs, is one in particular that you can really see the personality very clearly.

You can tell personality, it’s not just something that humans have. All animals have, to one extent or another.

It seems like the more inner communication that you have with animals, the more you can see their personality, and you will be able to see sanguine dogs and melancholy dogs, everything else. It’s a very, very interesting thing.

That’s why I really do believe it’s an animal. It’s the animal part of our brain that comes with the personality and you don’t really have much of a choice over it.

It’s just one of those things that you’re born with. But I’d love to hear your thoughts on personality, leave them down below and watch the next two episodes where we’ll be looking at those other two books.

That’s all I’ve got for tonight.

Hey, while I’m here, don’t forget about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get your very own free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

3 Tips For Overcoming Overwhelm 😵

Brian shares his three ways to overcome overwhelm in your business.


3 Tips for Overcoming Overwhelm.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

That these kind of came to me as I was dealing with my own issues of overwhelm, which comes and goes, it’s nothing major.

I’m usually able to….I kind of stepped back and took a look and said, Okay, what are the ways that I’ve been able to overcome it every time that I come across a situation of overwhelm, which is common in business, especially if you’re still managing your business.

If you’re still running things, then you’re going to get to the point to where you’re going to get overwhelmed, you’re going to have too much going on. And so these are three ways that I have been able to get around it. And ironically….I don’t know if it’s ironic but it tends to be the three places I go to every time when it comes to fixing a problem.

And it tends to be where I take all my clients through, which is why I refer to them as my three pillars.

The first thing I look at is reality grounded, is being reality grounded, are you grounded reality, most of the time overwhelm is an emotional issue.

It’s getting too caught up with situations that are out of your hands that you don’t have any control over and getting all worked up and emotional and fussy or whiny, and depressed over things, you just don’t it, they don’t matter.

It’s a temporary thing it comes and goes and you have to be able to step back, step out of all of that resentment and frustration. And just look at things the way they are reality as close to reality as you can get is where you want to focus on.

So that’s number one. That’s the first thing I tried to do is try to center myself as best as possible.

Second thing that I tried to do is find somebody to help, which I refer to as being relationship reliant. Find a who that can help you.

Oftentimes we get all bogged down with how to fix something. There’s a great book out there, Who Not How. And it’s a fabulous concept, because we all get caught up in, okay, how am I going to get around this?

How is this going to get fixed?

And we get into the specifics, the details, the tactics, when really we ought to be asking who can help me who can fix this, who can I hire to take this off my hands.

That switch is major, you got to be emotionally stable enough to handle it first. But if you can then go from there and find find a person that can do it perfect.

The third thing that I use to overcome overwhelm, is build a system around it, especially if I don’t have a person to do it. But even if I do have a person to do it, I need to build a system that they can run it through so that even if that person goes away, or that person quits working for me or isn’t available, I could plug someone else into that and be able to fix the problem again and again.

And again, regardless of what the issue is. You got to have a system that that handles it.

That’s all about being system based.

So those are my three pillars of is being reality grounded, relationship reliant and system based.

If you do them in that order, you’re going to get a whole lot more success. Sometimes it helps having someone just to help you through that process. It’s one of the things that I help my clients out with.

You’re welcome to find out more about how I go about doing that by checking out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It handles a whole bunch of that philosophy. It’s a quick read, you can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Is It Who You Know or Who Knows You?

Is it who you know or who knows you?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to discuss the ongoing, meme that’s kind of out there within the business community. I’ve heard it discussed more and more often ever since Grant Cardone came out and said, it’s not about who you know, it’s who knows you.

What do you think about that?

Do you think that’s true?

I think it’s a huge piece that is always forgotten is that who knows you is very important to how big you can get and how large your ability to network and your ability to grow with your business comes down to how many people know about your business, know about your products, your services, what have you.

But I think it’s both. I think it takes both.

I think it is about who you know, especially initially because no one’s going to know you initially.

It’s about who you know. And then eventually it’s about who knows you. I think those are two major elements that have to come together though you can’t have just one or the other. Otherwise there’s only going to be so large you can grow as a business, as a person that’s looking to create influence or have influence out in the community or the Earth’s community at large.

If you’re looking to get out there and really change things and really make a huge difference and make an impact, dent the universe as they say, then it does come down to who you know and who knows you.

In other words, relationships.

So I’ve talked before about the three pillars that make up a lot of the philosophy that I help train people on.

One of them is relationship reliant.

You need to be relationship reliant. You need to realize that all business is a relationship. Whether they know who you are or not, your customers have a relationship with your product and service.

If there’s a human behind that product or service, even just the likeness of a person, even if it’s someone that doesn’t, isn’t even walking around anymore like Colonel Sanders. If there’s someone there, if there’s an idea of a person there, they’re going to relate with it more and therefore relate with the brand more.

This has been proven over and over through time that people buy from people and people buy from people they trust. We’ve talked about that a lot.

So how do you build that back into your business?

Where do you go from there?

Well, sit back and look at the largest growth patterns that you’ve had in your business.

If you’re new at business, this is a great lesson to understand. Look at other businesses.

Read biographies from people that have done well in business or done well at any form of influence on the planet. It doesn’t matter if they’re a politician or a religious figure. It all comes down to relationships and being able to leverage one relationship to the next.

I was having a discussion today with my podcast producer, Sean E. Douglas, who also is a producer here for our video series. He was saying, if you look at all the different businesses that we have worked in through the years, the one thing is true is you bounce from relationship to relationship, to relationship to relationship.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete newbie to business young and maybe your first exploration into business is something like network marketing or direct sales or stuff like that. Same thing’s true.

The people who are able to bounce from relationship to relationship to relationship, not ignoring their original relationship, but being able to help that grow and have that person introduce you to someone else and then someone else, someone else, whether they’re a customer or a business partner of yours.

Being able to do that long-term builds huge success.

That’s how you have any form of exponential growth in a business, in an organization, in a movement, doesn’t matter. It all comes back to the relationships. Don’t ignore it, just because you may not naturally be a people person. I know some of you out there and saying, I don’t like people. I don’t want to be around people.

I know where you’re coming from on that, but you have to realize the nature of the beast. If you’re looking to make money from people, if you’re looking for people to do something that you want them to do, that you think is in their best interest to do or in the best interest of the earth or your religion or anything else, you’re going to have to have a relationship.

Someone’s going to have to have a relationship.

The person who has the most real direct, clear-cut, authentic relationships, those are the people that are really able to make a huge impact out there.

So keep that in mind as you’re growing.

When you’re looking at business strategies and you’re looking at growth strategies, look at which one will allow me to create more relationships.

I think you’ll find that that will be the best case scenario. That will be the best way for you to grow and not just think of addition, just adding one at a time in a very linear fashion.

You got to think multiplication, you got to think exponential growth in the long run.

How can one become 10 become a hundred and so on and so forth. So hopefully that’s helpful to you. Hey, if you’d like to discuss it.

One of the things that I do is I’m a business strategist so I work with businesses one-on-one. If you’d like to work one-on-one with me or like to find out more about the opportunities there, go to

That’s If you happen to be in the self-reliance field, you can check out a very special offer that we have over at

So if you’ve got products or services for your company that help people to become more self-reliant, go to and watch the video, go and check that out.

I’m back here every day. You’re welcome to watch all the other videos that I have out there. I never take anything down or listen to any of the podcasts, which are just audio versions of the videos over at and at basically any social media that you have access to.

You’ll probably find me around there somewhere and if I’m not somewhere, let me know that you frequent a lot. Let me know. I’d love to find out whether it makes sense to go over there because I like being where people are.

You have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.