Simple Direct Mail Content Marketing 📦 (NeoLife Nutrition)

Brian talks about some content marketing done via direct mail by John Chambers and his wife Debbie Musack

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How Important Are Relationships? 👫 (B2B Networking)

Thoughts on the value of relationships and networking after Brian just recorded an upcoming podcast with Grants Pass local, Cat Bonney.


How important is relationships?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, I wanted to discuss the concept of relationships in business specifically. So it’s all about being relationship reliant for me.

In fact, there are three pillars at

The first one I like talking about the most, right off the bat, at least, is being relationship reliant.

This is something that came later in life for me, even though I was surrounded by it, and the evidence was everywhere. It didn’t occur to me that the relationships you have the strength of the relationships, but even the loose ties that you have out there in life, or that one of the most important things possible.

That all business is based off of people, you know, like and trust, it’s based off of some form of relationship.

Now, sometimes you don’t necessarily have a relationship with the person, most of the products and services you use, that you spend money on, you don’t know the person behind it. But you have a relationship with that brand.

There is something there, someone has created something, put it forth, and you’ve taken it and exchanged it for money.

There’s a relationship there even at the most crass you know, just financial interaction, you know, even just that there’s still a relationship, and it goes on from there. The strongest relationship you have with someone the people that you paid the most amount of money on the most regular basis.

That’s some of the most powerful stuff and it can tell you something about even the things that you pay a small amount for. It all has to do with the same thing. It all comes back to some form of relationship.

I was reminded of this today because I had a really good podcast interview.

So I have a podcast that’s local. It’s called Grants Pass VIP. And what it does is it covers basically stories of movers and shakers in Josephine County, Oregon. And Grants Pass is the largest town here.

It’s named Grants Pass VIP, because that’s where most of the people will relate to it. Up this past year, about Yeah, about a year about this past year, I’ve been working very closely with the Chamber of Commerce.

Even though a good portion of that year, we weren’t even meeting in person. But meeting over over video chat. So I got to meet somebody that we had known each other kind of at a distance or name’s Cat Bonney.

Cat, she’s just a million different things in town. And she’s one of these people that I finally got to sit down and have an interview with for my podcast, this will be coming up. Not available yet if you’re watching this right away, but you’ll see it soon over at

Cat is a very interesting person, her entire life has been built on the idea of getting out there and making a difference and encouraging other people to do the same thing. And having her hands and a whole lot of different items.

But all around this concept of really making a difference for people and in doing things that that stirs her soul, not just a way to pay the bills, you know, obviously, there’s always that end of it, but you have to have things that really make a difference for you.

Even the short period of time we hung out today at the coffee shop, recording the podcast, even that short period of time I found it really interesting how useful her knowledge is. I mean, just she asked what she can do for me and I just tossed something out there.

And she threw some advice out that I know is gonna save me many hours, and many headaches. And so I thank her so much for that. That’s one simple, subtle relationship that I that I’ve had that I have that I share with her.

You can’t put a price tag on that. But at the same end, it’s going to profit me if you could put a price tag it’s going to profit me greatly over time. If nothing else in the saving of time just for a brief moment, a brief conversation.

These are the things that are true throughout. And if you’re looking to grow things, if you’re looking to look at the world differently, if you’re looking to think more like people who have something that you want out of life.

It comes back down to a relationship. My entire way of building my business for the past, you know, two-plus years, via podcasting, and via the book that I wrote, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

These are things that that happened because of relationships because I connected with other people, sometimes at a distance will originally at a distance online with a lot of people.

And then also in person talking with people and going through it and wanting to reach out and meet certain people that I couldn’t find a way to get a conversation with until I could find a gift that I could offer them.

The gift in this situation was the Podcast, the podcast allows me to offer a gift of publicity to somebody.

In exchange, I get to meet this person to get to know them better, and find out if there’s anything that I can do in their life and maybe even learn something from them. Simple, simple concepts, these simple ideas, but it all comes back to the relationship.

Business is about other human beings. It’s about you and other human beings connecting. That’s all it is. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re making dog food, it doesn’t matter what you’re making. I don’t know, why do I always go back to dog food, it’s interesting.

Maybe it’s because I have no experience in the dog food market. And but for some reason, my mind always jumps to dog food when I’m thinking about things. It doesn’t matter what your industry is all a relationship based.

This is very difficult. If you have a task oriented mind, my mind is very much at least on the forefront is initially task oriented. I have a little bit of people orientation back there. But mostly it’s task oriented. And it took me many years to realize the practical benefit of relationships.

I hate to say it that was sounds weird, doesn’t it? If you think like a robot, it’s difficult to put it into words. But that’s a sadly that’s where I come from. So that’s all I got for today.

Go check out my book if you want to hear some more about about how to take relationships and take them to the next level and also meet people that you would have never met before. That can be really helpful to you.9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

And I’m going to be back here tomorrow talking about the second or the three pillars for Stay tuned for that, we’ll see.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Video Interview Podcasts? 🎥👀 (Show Your Work, Austin Kleon)

Brian looks back on the week that was after we launched our first interview podcast on BJP Live.

Also, some thoughts on his inspiration to share his behind the scene work, from reading Austin Kleon’s, Show Your Work.


Video Interview Podcasts.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is one where I’m going to just take a little bit of time to go over kind of what I experienced over the last couple months, putting together a new process for doing video interview podcasts.

So, up until now, this show has been me and my phone, talking. And that’s about it, every once a while, I’ll take you on the road, every once in a while, I’ll have my business partner or my children and so forth pop in here.

But for the most part, it’s me and it’s you and that’s it.

What ended up happening is I have another two other podcasts currently.

One is called Grants Pass VIP, which is a local based podcast. It’s all around Grants Pass, Oregon and Josephine County, and that it’s an interview podcast, but it’s completely by voice, very easy to edit, very simple.

If anything goes wrong, we can usually fix it, we usually make things sound pretty good.

So, done that for a little while now you can go check those out of Grants, we’ve had a lot of great fun with that show.

The show before that, that I started was Off The Grid Biz Podcast, which interviews industry people within the self-reliance niche. So businesses and organizations that help people to become more self-reliant in some way of their products or services.

And so that has been a whole lot of fun too. Same type of deal, it’s an audio podcast, very easy to edit, very easy to get somebody either on the phone, or over zoom to be able to do that.

Now with video, it’s a whole different thing.

It’s a little more difficult to edit. And so it’s kind of a one-shot and you’re done type of deal, kind of like what we’re doing tonight, maybe most of these that you see are completely unedited. I mean, I’ll put a little title over the front. That’s about it.

That’s pretty much what we do for the dailies.

And so what we decided to do was take the whole concept of the dailies, which are each under 10 minutes. And what if we took a video podcast of full-length one, and then split it up. And so we had this last interview with Bob Regnerus over the last handful of nights, which was recorded over a short very short period of time, but took an entire week of content.

So normally when I’m doing these on a nightly basis, I wasn’t doing for the past week.

So I was able to leave town, and I’m always able to leave town, but I was specifically able to leave town to go see a wedding for my cousin and got to see family and everybody else. Be able to do it without having to worry about jumping into my car or something to record so that I don’t wake people up, because I do these tend to do these late at night.

So this is one of those examples of an episode where I kind of give you a little bit of behind the scenes.

And they all came from this book, Show Your Work, one of my favorites, by Austin Kleon. It’s a short book, lots of pictures, lots of diagrams and stuff. Great one you want to go out and check out this book show your work by Austin Kleon.

And the whole concept is 10 ways to share your creativity and get discovered.

So all I do is talk about what I do and how I go about doing it here on daily basis. So if you’re interested in this, be sure and go to sign up for an email.

And you’ll get in fact, we just recently fixed that we were having some issues with that too and a little behind the scenes there. But we send out an email every day with updates on the website. It’s usually just one video, one audio, either watch or listen to and you can go check that out at,

If you want to check out all the interviews that we’re going to be doing, we just put out the one so far it’s spread out over a week, but the Bob Regnerus interview, you could see the full thing at

And video interviews are fun, they’re different. It’s something I’m not used to doing.

But it was easy because having used zoom, I’ve been using zoom for years now.

Having used it almost exclusively during the COVID-19 pandemic, got pretty darn good at it.

And the best thing is everyone else has too, so it’s made it easy to get people on to a video interview and be able to do a pretty decent job.

We’ve had two interviews so far the next ones coming up soon. We’re going to have more video interviews as we go along.

Oh, I didn’t get that…So we’ve done the audio interviews through the other podcasts, but having the video interview the reason why we started doing that is because I have this video chat show anyways.

So we figured, why not just bring everybody that doesn’t fit into either off-the-grid biz or Grants Pass VIP, have him on this show. Or if they don’t fit anything else, we’re gonna have them on this show that if they do fit those, but we want to explore a different angle of what they’re about.

That’s what we’re going to be doing, you’re going to be seeing more of those interviews style, I’d love to see what you think about them. I’m going to try and make them a little more obvious because I had the intro on so many of them I didn’t have a good title card for a lot of those. So because not every format allows me to show that.

It’s one thing or another those of you who are listening to this you got to hear the audio version of it anyway, but you can find the video version over at and we’re going to keep that going.

It’s just a special page at, that is going to include all of the video interviews, I know I kind of bouncing all over on this today but one to kind of give you a little bit of background and see if you can see what I’m doing with it.

Maybe you can see whether it’d be something you’d be interested in doing.

If you’d like to talk to me about how you can be able to introduce this into your business. The first step I’m going to recommend you do before you ever call me or, I mean you’re welcome to watch and listen to more of the podcast.

That’s definitely a way to get to know me better.

But also check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. I got a free way for you to get a copy of it at

I’m going to be back here tomorrow night. We’re going to be doing more of these nightly ones. So I’m happy to be back in the saddle again.

Have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Content Marketing is the Gateway Drug 💊

Why content marketing can be a smart move for any business or person trying to get their message out to to the world. Also, some added thoughts on how it plays into information marketing.


Content Marketing is the Entryway Drug.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What is content marketing the entry way drug to, and who is it the entry way drug for?

I’m going to cover all of that in today’s a little talk, but first, I wanted to remind you about the book that I have, which is the entry way drug to content marketing itself.

So if you have a business, or you’re an executive within a business, if you’re one of the decision makers, so to speak. You should be looking very heavily, I don’t care what kind of business you have, you should be looking very heavily at the concept of content marketing, and whether you’re doing it and whether you’re doing enough of it.

And whether you’re hitting all the right places and hitting specifically, your ideal clientele, your ideal customer base.

I talk all about that and the potential of all these things in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It is kind of the start, to thinking about content marketing and other ways of how to stand out in your marketplace. So that you won’t even have competition like the big guys like That’s where Amazon-Proof comes into play.

If you can be Amazon-Proof, you can be everything, right?

You don’t need competition, you can get over it by standing out by making yourself different enough and then getting out there in front of your ideal clientele and getting to know them so that they can know like and trust you.

That’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can go and grab it wherever books are sold, or you can get your own free digital copy at

So let’s talk about content marketing itself.

What is it an intro drug for?

Well, two things.

One thing it is, and it is an entry way drug for information marketing. So a lot of people that are advanced in marketing terms understand how powerful information marketing is.

And really, it’s the same thing as content marketing, except content marketing is a very quick, simple, especially the way that people are thinking about today with in terms of the internet.

It’s a very quick, simple way to go about doing it, especially if you’re doing it consistently. If you’re putting out content on a regular basis, trying to get more attention coming back to you, and your company, or your cause, or your nonprofit or what have you, your organization.

If you’re doing that regularly, you’re creating content, that content, repackaged the exact same content can be repackaged, and put out there as information marketing and information products, okay.

That’s a great deal, because one thing, it produces another income source.

Another great thing is that it’s producing another form of advertising that has immediate benefit for the people that purchase it.

Plus, it’s advertising the next step in your process, whether that be the products and services that you currently have, or more advanced products and services that you can come out with in the future.

I’m hoping you’re following all this.

So I’ll give you a great example, because it’s been this way with myself as well.

I started doing content marketing for my company on an ongoing basis. Back in 2019, when I introduced the the podcast, Off The Grid Biz, which is a audio podcast interviews with business owners in the realm of the author grid space, in other words, the self reliance space.

So anything that had to do with self reliance that teaches people or trains people or has something to do with people becoming more self reliant, not self dependent, not closed off to the rest of the world, but self reliant.

So able to be to create more, do more on your own, so that you can then go and help others right. That’s what self reliance is all about.

At least I see that the ideal term of self reliance, and then went from there and started doing these nearly daily video broadcasts, first over Facebook and then spreading out over YouTube and LinkedIn and all the other places Instagram.

And so we started doing these Brian J. Pombo Live and that’s grown and grown.

And then we added another local podcast, which is also an interview podcast, which is audio base with local business owners, local movers and shakers of all types with Grants Pass VIP in the town of Grants Pass Oregon.

So that’s where that came from. And I’ll be putting out some information about how that went about how that’s come about how that has been able to grow my business and how you could put together a local based form of content marketing.

That’s a whole nother issue, we’ll get to that eventually.

But let’s talk about Brian J. Pombo Live, I started doing these episodes, and I started realizing that just being able to come up with and this is part partially my personality, and my conation, if you will, is that I’m very good off the cuff.

That’s how I get my ideas out, I kind of have to talk them out.

And by doing that, I put together a string of…I go through series where I put together series of videos, and I put together a series of videos all about how to become more Amazon-Proof.

They went so well that I said I think I can base a book off this.

So I took the transcripts from these live talks, just a string of episodes, I took those and they became the skeleton for my book. And I added pieces here and there.

I add pictures and and citations and everything else.

But that’s what it was, it became a book, that’s where this book came from.

So I created an information product off of my content marketing, which then becomes content marketing of its own. And information marketing and information products are content marketing. So it kind of feeds in on itself.

So you can create larger and larger things. You create courses, you can create, whether they be a video course an audio course, a course that you read through, or all the above, you add in checklists.

You add in things that allow people to get things done in your content marketing can become information marketing, which can become another income source to your business.

Which in turn makes your business stronger because it builds this coalition of people that are more and more interested in what you’re talking about.

Pretty soon you add a subscription or membership level to your business, which we talk about in, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Then you’ve got a monster business that’s so far beyond where you might possibly be right now, when it comes to just having products or services, you can build on it and make this much more bigger thing with relatively low overhead.

So it says a lot of exciting stuff when it comes to content marketing.

Who is it an entryway drug for?

It’s an entryway drug for people that want to that are interested in the concept of getting their point out there getting their ideas out there, creating hordes of people that are interested in what they’re selling, or in the ideas that they’re selling, or the concepts that they’re trying to get out there.

That’s what this is all about.

It’s all about standing out.

It’s all about getting to be known and achieving what you want to achieve for your own life, which is where kind of it all starts and then stems off from there.

So we’re going to be doing more and more and more deeper dives into ways that you can implement content marketing in your business.

Stay tuned here, follow like, subscribe, wherever you’re at.

Just make sure to connect out with me at, and we’ll be sure and put these out on a daily basis. Come on back, I’d love to hear more from you.

And leave your questions and comments and we’ll we’ll get to you. I love answering things. I love having people we’re gonna have more and more people on the show.

We’ve already had a couple of interviews that we’re going to be slowly putting out there. And we’re going to have more as time goes on.

As we get better at doing the video editing process. We just got through a couple major hurdles today.

So I’m really excited about where those things are going. So you’ll have some great stuff to go over real soon. I will see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

My Podcast Update: March 2021

The value of podcasting and Brian’s journey that led him to hosting the 3 podcast he currently has today.


My podcast update, March 2021.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk podcasts, shall we?

Currently, I have three different podcasts that I’m hosting. Probably some others that I’ll be taking part in as time goes on. But right now I’m hosting three different ones.

I’ll go through them and kind of how we came about developing each one, and where they’re at now, where am I going next.

Now, why would you watch this?

You want to watch this because I want you to think about where you’re at?

Do you have a podcast?

If not, should you have a podcast. And we’ve talked a lot on this show about podcasting about the abilities, developments in podcasting, how anybody can really start one, it takes very little.

You can watch some my other videos concerning that. But I’m going to tell you a little bit about the history.

Maybe you can see where this can fit in with your life, either. Even if you don’t host one where you can get one to one. And now I’ll show you some opportunities that I have that you may be able to come on one of my shows.

So originally, the whole podcast idea came out from a lack of public free content that I had available out there, I wanted to be able to set myself up properly in the eyes of prospective clients in the future.

What I was coming across over and over again, was a lack of initial trust, just because there was so little out there about me, purposefully, I was trying to keep it as closed in as possible to try and control the content.

In doing that, I unintentionally gave out the idea that I did not have anything going on. You see if you’re not public, if it’s not out there in the public eye, if somebody types your name into Google, and they’re not able to find very much that that gives off the wrong the wrong perspective.

What both me and one of my main business associates, Sean Douglas, who helps produce all the podcasts and everything you see here, the descriptions, everything, so much of it is done by Sean. He has been kind of my right hand man behind the scenes making things happen.

And we came to the conclusion, also with help of my wife, Kate, she was kind of the one that urged it on early on, was the idea of having an ongoing podcast.

So we started The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, because at the time, one of the main focuses that I was going after were self reliance based businesses, I wanted to kind of jump in and dig in and find out more about them, and to see if there was any need for the services I provide and there has been quite a great response.

But the market has changed extremely through the last couple years.

So we started off this podcast and just started interviewing people. And as we got going, we thought we saw that there was a really have a am, I’m looking for the right word, there was a whole lot of gathering of self reliance based businesses with Mother Earth News. So they were advertising in Mother Earth News Magazines. And they were also going to these Mother Earth News Fairs, okay, which were spread out across the United States.

I wanted to dig into some of this stuff. So we found one that was happening very nearby up in Albany, North of here, about four and a half hours, something like that. And so we set up to go and we just said, hey, we’ve got a list of all the different speakers that are going to be their businesses that are going to be vendors there, let’s set them all up to be interviewed, leading up to it and then we’ll have a podcast about the event itself.

We’ll interview some people there and we’ll line up new people to interview afterwards.

And so it was it was just an amazing experience. All right, this was 2019.

We had all these podcasts, you can go back and listen all this stuff. It’s great stuff. still so much of it applies because we’re talking business principles. And so, The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, has been a lot of fun, continues to be a lot of fun.

I continue to meet a whole lot of great people who continue to introduce me to more people, and we get more and more and more into that realm.

In fact, probably, it might be my next book that I put out is going to be based, Off The Grid Biz Podcast the conversations we’ve had, and the ideas that we’ve explored on that show.

So that’s been a whole lot of fun.

So after that, we started saying, well, what we really need to do is have more of me as a personality out there. And so we test it out the idea of having podcasts, that was this the one that you’re listening to, or watching right now, which is Brian J. Pombo Live.

Just me just kind of talking about and given a quick ideal on something. And some of them can sometimes be longer, like this one probably is gonna end up as and some will be shorter, but we want to keep them all under 10 minutes, because we get to hit all the major platforms in that situation, and it makes it just easy to handle.

So we did that we started started out with live video, on Facebook Live trying to take advantage of some of the algorithms there.

Then we found it more easier just to just record it and spread it out. Every once a while, we’ll do something live on one of the platforms. But mainly, we’ve just tried to do it regularly.

So on a daily basis, I am putting these things out every once a while I’ll skip a day. But for the most part, it’s day after day after day, regardless of where I am on the globe.

I’ll put out a podcast, and we’ll talk about something hopefully meaningful, either principle based strategy base or tactic base, this has been a whole lot of fun.

It’s been mainly just me talking to the camera.

Every once a while my one of my kids will come on, or I’ll have Sean Douglas on.

And we’ll have something but as the future goes on, I’ve talked about this a little bit with you. The the interviews that I’ve had for my other shows, and I’ll tell you about my third show in a second.

But the interviews by other shows have been so interesting, but they’re limited.

So, Off The Grid Biz Podcast, has been all self reliance based businesses which is great. That’s a whole lot of people I can talk to, and we’re very loose on how we define an off the grid biz. Business, you know, but that’s been great.

But there’s a whole lot of people that I haven’t been able to talk to that aren’t anywhere near that realm. And we haven’t found a way to completely tie it in.

So there’s another podcast I have, and so local based. I’ve said that’s within this county, this county is called Josephine County, in Oregon. We’re in Southern Oregon, we’re right up smack up next to the California border.

So we’re a good sized county, but we only have one major city called Grants Pass.

There’s a lot of minor cities Cave Junction, a couple others around here. But a lot of places that aren’t officially cities, but areas, people are spread out all over the county.

So we called it Grants Pass VIP, because as most of the people are going to have something to do with Grants Pass, but we’re going to include all of Josephine County.

So that’s what we’ve done, we interview anybody that has anything to do, even people that don’t live here, but people who have who have work here or have some type of interaction with Josephine county that’s meaningful.

We’ve had a whole lot of great interviews for that show. Lots of fun. It’s been, as I mentioned yesterday, it’s given me a chance to get out there and meet people and stuff like that, which is great. But we were limited, we’re still limited.

What I’m going to start doing is interviewing anybody that I find interesting that I can find a way to tie back into our conversation, especially in terms of business, but principles, anything at all, I’m going to start interviewing them via zoom or in person. And we’re going to start bringing those interviews to you why video interviews all the other podcasts have been audio.

This one has a video element to it. It also has an audio element you might be listening to this via the audio podcast, but just so you know, you can watch the video over at

We have we have the entire blog up there now going all the way back to when we first started and which was just after starting the off the grid biz podcast, we started this one and you could check out all those other podcasts. So we’ve got the Brian J. Pombo Podcast at

We’ve got the author of Off The Grid Biz Podcast, at

We’ve got the Grants Pass VIP at

So check out all those podcasts to get a feel for it. We try and keep it very formula. Very simple, very straightforward.

It’s just a process for meeting new people for getting to know them, giving other people a chance to know them getting a chance to get some exposure via the internet above on social media, the search engines everything else, it’s also given us a chance to put out ads and so forth. So hopefully that makes sense. We’re run out of time. I’ll check y’all tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

You Need To Connect Locally

Value of connecting with people in your local community. Brian also talks about his new local podcast, the Grants Pass VIP Podcast.


You need to connect locally.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk about connecting locally, shall we? I’ve been discussing this a lot lately, especially we’re recording this in late 2019, excuse me, late of March in 2021.

Right now, we’re in the process of reopening up after the COVID-19 crisis, pandemic, whatever you want to call it. And so as things are opening up, people are feeling the need to connect.

It’s tough to connect to reconnect after so long, especially if you were used to having connections all over the world trying to go back out and reconnect with people, I mean, physically, in person, reconnect, it’s tough.

For one thing, you could start electronically, you can go out and meet people electronically, a lot of meetings are happening. Still happening locally, I’m plugged in with Chamber of Commerce, I just visited in on a BNI meeting the other day, which was great.

There’s a lots of groups meeting online, if not, in person, where you’re at, start there. And then find people who don’t mind meeting one on one. And if they do mind, you can always get together via a video chat like you, you would with some of these larger meetings that are meeting online still, but connect, don’t stop. Don’t stop connecting the more people you know, the one thing that any crisis cannot take away from you isyour capital, relationship capital.

I guess you would call it…it’s the relationship, the connection you have with people. And the more people that you have solid relationships with. The more people you have loose relationships with, if you know them and they know you, that’s a good thing, especially at a local level, especially in times of crisis.

When you’re needing some extra toilet paper or something of that sort and everybody’s out. Knowing people is a capital, knowing people has value. It’s a wealth that can’t be taken away right now.

They are printing up money more than ever right now. I’ve got…let me see here, you see what I have, I’ve got a little band of money here you can hear the rubber band andleafing through it, I’m looking for a particular bill, I want to show you $100 bill, right $100 bill.

This thing is, since the moment I pulled it up, and showed it to you is becoming worth less and less and less, you can buy less and less with this prices are going up. They’re not going to stop right now at least, prices are going to continue going up because the world governments are spending money, like it’s going out of style, not spending money.

They’re printing money, I should say, printing money like it’s going out of stock, what happens when there’s more of it. It doesn’t go as far because it’s spread out more, it’s out there more and more people are using it.

There’s checks being written to everybody, still for COVID-19 situations not to say whether that’s good or bad. I’m telling you what’s going to happen because of it, what’s going to happen is money.

Even if you have it physically in hand, it’s not going to be worth as much it’s someone has control over that value, not direct control, but they do have more control than you do over the value of that paper and doesn’t matter what you have.

There are always other people that have a certain amount of control over the value of what you own. Except one of the great things that they don’t have value over is relationship capital.

As long as you have a memory and people are still alive, then you have you have a connection with people and they have a connection back with you.

That’s powerful, especially if you can be in physical contact with them if you can be in person with them. If you can deliver some food over to their house or vice versa. That’s valuable, even in times of absolute chaos, war famine, disease, any of the possible things that, you know, a couple years ago, we would have said, Oh, well, that’s kind of silly. That’s kind of passe.

But after going through the COVID-19 crisis, I think you’d agree there is a lot of things we did not think was possible is now more and more possible, even in the United States of America. But no matter where you are in the world, connect, get out there and connect with other people. Business is a great way of doing it.

Because everybody has something they want, or, or something they want to get out there, which is why I started a local podcasts, you can go and check out mine.

If you’re interested to doing the same thing, you ought to look into what I’ve done with Grants Pass VIP, it’s a local podcast. I live in Grants Pass Oregon, Grants

It gives me the ability to go out and touch base with anybody, anyone that has something that they want to get out to the public, they can come on for an interview a conversation on my show.

It’s a great way to be able to reach out and to break the ice and get to get in touch with with the movers and the shakers, as I call it in this area, you can do the same thing where you’re at, there’s no reason why you can’t.

In the future, I may have some tutorials on how to go about doing that we may put out a course. But right now I’m having a lot of fun with it.

On top of that, this show itself, I am going to be doing interviews, which I’ve talked about for a while. And we’ve been looking at different ways of going about doing it, we might use a zoom format or something and cut them up into pieces and put them out for you to be able to see some really good interviews one on one with people.

And that opens things wide open. That’s not just local, that’s all over the world, we could do that. So that’s going to be exciting as we move ahead. I’m going to talk more about that tomorrow.

So in the meantime, don’t forget about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you’re looking to just stand out, overcome any competitive forces whatsoever, regardless of what you’re doing. Go get a free copy of my book, Go to Leave me your email address.

I’ll give you a free copy of the book. It’s just that easy. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Get Good Publicity From Adversity

Brian talks about his fun experience with Michael Garnier from Out’n’About Treehouse Treesort!

check them out at –


How to get good publicity from adversity.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What do I mean by that?

Well, I’ve got a good story for you today. Because I was interviewing for my local show Grants Pass VIP, was interviewing a local legend. And he’s not just a legend locally, he is a legend worldwide. And he’s a legend in the world of treehouses of all things.

I got to visit the world’s largest conglomeration of tree houses. All out here in Southern Oregon is out in Josephine County, a little place called Takilma, and got to go out to the out and about tree house treeresort.

It was started and it’s run by a guy named Michael Garnier.

And his last name was Garnier. But the pronunciation is different than what he grew up with. But he had decided to add a little bit of the original French flair to it for the show, for all for the showmanship what he was doing. And he is a brilliant marketer in terms of getting what he calls publicitree.

Getting good publicitree for his treehouses, and he used a lot of great controversy. Controversy, as he calls it for for getting good publicitree.

And what ended up happening is he he originally had a cabin out in the woods that he was renting out as kind of a b&b, a Bed and Breakfast. This was back in the late 80s. And in then, around 1990, he said, What would really be good…he says, I get a little bit of attention with this, but not getting a whole lot.

What if I built a tree, if you will, he added had already built a treehouse for his kids. He said, What if I turn that into a place where people can stay and pay to stay the night in a treehouse just make it where it’s livable, in a sense and so he went about doing that.

Well, he got in trouble with the local authorities because they said, you can’t get a permit for a housing structure if it doesn’t have proper foundation, in-terms of having a concrete or treated timber foundation. And so he wasn’t able to get a permit.

So he just built built one up in a tree and figured out how to do it well. And started getting attention with that and they said you can’t do that, so they took him to court.

And he went back and forth, and has been fighting it for 30 plus years. Back and forth with both the county and the state. He’s finally at a point to where it looks better.

But during that whole time, he used it as publicity for his treehouse resort, which grew and grew to the point to where he is one of the leading figures on the world stage when it comes to treehouse is building solid treehouses, he developed the Garnier Limb, which is a metal, in a sense of limb that you can connect the tree to the tree house.

You may have seen him on TV, he’s been on numerous shows all these shows about tree houses, a lot of this is all because of him. He was one of the pioneers in this entire industry.

In early 90s, he bought and still owns it. So you go check out his stuff. But amazing individual, it’s going to be a great interview.

I mean, it was a great interview, it’s going to be great when we finally get it released. So I’ll let you know when that’s available over at Grants Pass VIP.

But go check out that podcast and you can listen to everything else I have there and wait for it to make sure you subscribe, so you wait for that to come out. But the magic thing is he was able to take extreme adversity, the type of thing that would normally shut down a company and use it to his benefit.

He got attention from that first he got attention from being on the cover of Pete Nelson who have I’m not sure if you’re aware he’s of a famous author and promoter of treehouses.

He had written a book, I believe it was in 94, where his tree house was on the cover. And he got interviewed for this book. And so that made him famous. He got on to Good Morning America and all these national stage.

Then he got back on the national stage for his local controversy just about building codes, which is a little bit difficult. I mean, how could they have building codes for tree houses before people were building tree houses for adults.

It just wasn’t a common thing.

But they weren’t very helpful with him. And so he used that fight to get more and more attention. And he’s done that over and over and over again.

To this day, still doing things which are controversial. And you’ll find out about that, when you go into check out that podcast episode when it comes out, I had a great time.

It’s so cool to go out there and meet business owners that are just killing it, and showing everyone else how it needs to be done. You need to become a student of how other people are overcoming their adversity.

One great way to overcome adversity is really get ahead of the game and have a good game plan. That’s what my book is all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You go check that out, get up, get your own free copy at

We’re going to be back here tomorrow night.

It’s all about going out and meeting people, right. That’s what life is all about. One way or the other, you’ve got people out there that can help you.

Get out there and just let the magic happen. We’ll see you tomorrow.

Podcasting: Should I Guest or Host My Own? 🎙️

Taking a look at hosting and being a guest on podcasts and which is right for you. 🧐

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Should I guest or start a podcast?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

That’s a question that I’ve heard and I’ve seen it spread around quite a bit.

The answer is very simple. The answer is, yes, okay, you need to do both. If your main goal in the sense of podcasting, the main goal is to stand out, the main goal is to be seen to be heard, okay.

If that’s a benefit to you to be seen and be heard, then yes, you ought to start a podcast. Yes, you ought to organize it, make sure it’s run right work with somebody that’s worked in, that’s built podcasts before and can help you through some of the stumbling blocks associated.

It’s really not that tough, especially if you already have a team of people that work with you.

If you’re a business person, if you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive of a business, it’s a great way to be able to do it, because you can pick and choose who does each role associated with having a podcast.

So starting a podcast is great. It puts you in front of whatever audience you want to be in front of, really, honestly, wherever you want to be.

Let’s say you want to get in front of gardeners, okay. Interview anyone that’s in the gardening sceen. I mean anybody, get the people that make the seeds, get the people that sell the fertilizers, get the people that teach how to garden, you get them all on your podcast, all of a sudden, you’re getting their audiences, right.

Not only that, you could play off of it, run an ad based off of the whole those metrics and be able to get more and more attention, based off the attention of other people all for free.

That’s the cool thing about podcasts, most of the time, they’re completely free to be on.

They’re completely free to get in front of these audiences and you may even find some advertising, some advertising some ways to advertise.

Beyond that, to in some of these areas that with all these new people that you’re meeting, get out there and get people on your podcast, that’s great, then guest on others podcasts.

So a lot of people already have podcasts going, they may not even call it a podcast, it may be a video channel on YouTube or what have you.

Everyone’s got something running right now and you want to take advantage of the fact that it’s out in the open, everybody’s doing it.

Get out there in front of the crowds that you want to be in front of. That’s the beauty of podcasting, it’s something I I’m like a kid in the candy shop who I’ve got three podcasts, I don’t, I don’t even know how many different directions we could be taking old them.

This podcast here, it goes out on video, over on YouTube, on Facebook, on Instagram, on all these different places you’re watching, if you’re watching this, if you’re listening to it, you know that we go out as an audio podcast to all the podcasting, places that are typical, the iTunes and everything else.

You can be everywhere at once and we’re going to take this, it’s not just going to be me talking, I’m going to start interviewing people and cutting up pieces of those interviews and putting them out on this podcast on a daily basis.

So not only will you get a little dose of me, you’ll get a low dose of me in conversation with other people, especially those type of people that don’t necessarily fit on the other shows, or that we’ve had on the other shows and we want to go a little bit deeper with him.

We’ll bring him here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the cool thing about podcasts, you can do anything with them. And everybody benefits. The person interviewing benefits, the person being interviewed benefits. There’s no downside to podcasting. Do it all.

If your goal is to stand out if that’s not your goal.

Maybe it’s not worth your time. I don’t know, maybe not. But if your goal is to stand out in your marketplace, then podcasting is a great way to do that.

Inexpensive and even where you can spend money in podcasts and it’s all pretty worth it. As long as you are gaining new ground and you’re you’re seeing attention come back towards you, which is what I’m all about. It’s all about standing out.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business all about standing out in your marketplace. You get a free copy even for your own free copy, or you can buy a hard copy over an Amazon. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, by Brian pombo.

Hey, you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. Subscribe, Like follow wherever you’re at so that you can stay updated on these podcasts. We could continue this conversation maybe you could we could have you on this show, reach out to me.

Go to and reach out. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.