Super Simple Marketing Hack šŸ˜ƒ

Thoughts on birthdays and offers.


Super Simple marketing hack.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I’ve got this little meme for those of you listening and not watching. I’ve got this meme of this monkey that you may have seen before where he’s got kind of a funny smile on his face and says when people sing happy birthday to you, and you just sit there like there’s something awkward about birthdays, it’s awkward.

I think it’s awkward because it’s forced, you know, we don’t really have a choice in the fact that we have birthdays. And when they are they just they happen, they’re automatic, they just happen on the calendar and that’s just the end of it. You know, and we don’t really have a choice in the fact and the fact that it kind of means you’re one day closer to dying type of thing.

It’s a very strange thing and everybody has them. It’s nothing unique.

Every single person has a birthday, and so we all have them. The amazing thing about birthdays is the idea that some people can get away with people not realizing that it’s their birthday, oh, they, they take it off of Facebook.

They take it out of the public domain so that people can’t see it. But most of us have to deal with that we’ve got family, we’ve got friends, people that won’t forget people that have it on their calendars and so forth.

So you’re going to have a birthday whether you like it or not.

Here’s where marketing comes in.

And here’s where your business can get something out of it. Everyone’s got them. Most of them are pretty easy to find out if you don’t ask them directly.

Here’s the funny thing.

Every birthday that you have, how many free or amazing offers are you getting from different businesses on your birthday?

You go and count them, doesn’t happen that often. Even if you go and sign up for a whole bunch, you probably do not get that many amazing things, you may get one or two.

And you’ve got a lot of these businesses, maybe the coffee shop or whatever says hey, come by for your own free coffee on your birthday, you know, but it that takes effort on your part, how many of them go out of their way to send you something or to email you something?

Or to really put the full effort in giving you something good?

Okay, now pull it back the opposite direction?

How many people do you think to get that?

Across the board, of course, everyone’s the same. Most of us do not really get that type, the type of thing we appreciate on our birthday, which is something we really want or something that at least someone put some thought into the type of thing, even if it’s complete across the board the same thing for everybody. I can’t I can’t think of a good example.

But imagine if you have a product that that applies to everybody that you have a list for that you have, you know who your audiences so to speak, you know who they are, okay. And if you don’t, you better find out. You know who your potential client is or who your current client or customer is.

Send them something on their birthday even if it’s just a note saying hi.

But send them something. They’re having a birthday anyways, everyone’s acknowledging it anyways, it’s already super awkward, make their day a little brighter.

It’s the simplest thing in the world to be able to get attention back to your business, which is the thing where none of us have enough attention when it comes to business. That’s what it really all comes down to none of us having enough attention. And this is one more way to be able to get attention back.

And what’s the worst-case scenario you’re just another weird thing happening on their birthday that they’re already dealing with?

So what at least you got their attention for a split second?

Hopefully, this is helpful to you. I’ve got my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you haven’t heard about it, go and do a search, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Or you can just go to my website, and download your own free copy of your book.

Now do I do the birthday stuff?

No. I have not done enough of it. I need to do more. This is a reminder to me as it is to you that we need to get out there and give people birthday presents on their birthday.

Hey, you have a good night. We’ll be back tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Why Should You Use Bonuses? šŸ’° (Story Of The Morgan Dollar)

Brian shares a story from an old friend and offering a Morgan dollar.


Why should you use bonuses?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I’m holding in my hand something that is nothing more than a piece of paper. But it represents a Morgan dollar, which I don’t have next to me right no but it reminds me of a story.

And the reason why this story came to me is that one of my dearest friends, who is one of the people that I think of when I think of veterans because this guy served in at least two wars, he served in Vietnam and in Desert Storm. And he taught me one of my first lessons on bonuses on the power of a bonus.

It’s a really simple concept.

Sometimes it can get really complex, depending on what it is that you’re offering. Sometimes the bonus becomes the real thing that the person’s after, and they end up with the, with the real thing that you’re selling as a bonus, it’s funny, it’s a funny thing.

There’s a whole lot of psychology to providing bonuses but the main thing to understand is having a bonus gives you one extra shot of getting a person interested and willing to pull the trigger on purchasing whatever it is that you’re selling.

It goes across the board, it doesn’t matter what it is. It especially works for higher ticket items, though, because that’s the type of thing where people really need to think about whether they want to purchase it or not.

You know that they have to be kind of controlled and convinced into purchasing. And sometimes the bonus pushes them over.

So here was the situation. This was not a high-cost situation. We had a thing where we were reaching out and meeting some new people. They were friends of friends if you might say, third-party contacts, and my friend’s name was Richard.

Richard was talking to these gentlemen over the phone and he and he said this a few times, is one of the first nights I hung out with him.

He said, Listen, I’ve got a Morgan dollar here in my hand do you know what a Morgan dollar is?

And he tells him a little bit of the story about what a Morgan dollar it’s a type of silver dollar that was minted by the US. And he goes into that, and he’d say, I have one right here in my hands and it is yours.

If I see you at that meeting tomorrow night, it was like tomorrow night or the night after something like that. And he said it was such conviction. It doesn’t matter whether you knew what a Morgan dollar was or not.

It was like, Oh, really, I’m gonna, I’m gonna get this if I go and he has it there. It’s sitting there. And he described it over the phone. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I wanted the darn Morgan dollar.

And I didn’t even care what a Morgan dollar was. I wanted to say that I got a Morgan dollar because he wrapped such a story around it and such a fantasy about it. It builds a bonus that can be like a talisman.

It could be this magical thing. If you put enough behind it, and you really put emphasis, it’s really about emphasis.

If you put emphasis on a bonus, then it can be very powerful.

Even if it doesn’t even have all that much of a promise to it or anything else.

It’s just the fact that wow, okay, yeah, I want that. I want that thing. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t have to be valuable. It doesn’t have to have great resale value. It just it’s the magic feather from Dumbo.

It’s the thing that just stands out that has some type of magical properties unto itself, even though it doesn’t. I’m not saying you lie, you don’t need to lie or fabricate.

What you do need to do though is tell a story.

If you got a story wrapped around a bonus. That’s why it can oftentimes push a person over to purchase the original item that you’re trying to sell to begin with.

Simple idea, sometimes it has to have a very similar sometimes all it needs to be is a and I’m seeing if I have an example here of something that is an example would be Gumby here. Okay. I could probably purchase a lot of these gummies for a very small amount of money.

But if I wrapped a story around the Gumby and I said if you have this Gumby at your desk people are going to ask you about this Gumby and here’s the story that you’re going to tell them and you give them a great story or joke that’s wrapped around the Gumby finger.

All of a sudden they want the Gumby just so they could tell the stupid story. Now they can all go out on Amazon and buy their own stupid Gumby but you’re the one offering it to them right now. And you’ve got all this other stuff that you’re selling. This is just the bonus, this is the cherry on top of the sundae.

That’s the concept behind a bonus in its simplest form. Like I say you go a whole lot deeper on this, and talk about all the different ways of providing a bonus and talk about all the different historical situations where bonuses were offered, like the football phone that was offered to get a subscription to Sports Illustrated, or the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue was a bonus to get you to purchase the subscription to Sports Illustrated had nothing to do with sports.

Here’s a famous magazine that we put out once a year with a bunch of girls in bikinis. And you’re going to, we want you to buy a full year. So you get this one magazine and it worked. It worked over and over again, we you could always talk about those things. But really all you have to do is understand is that it doesn’t take much to get people over once they’re already convinced that they want what you have the bonuses, just that thing to help push them over the line.

Hopefully, that makes sense to you. I’ve got a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business talks more about strategies versus just these tactics like bonuses.

But if you’re going to build up if you’re going to have a long-term strategy that can really take you far. This is a great place to start, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a Free copy at It’s a short book.

You can download it, have it tonight. That’s all I got for you. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The 10th Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business šŸ“š (Offer Advancement)

Brian reveals the 10th way to Amazon-Proof Your Business.


The 10th way to Amazon-Proof your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I have here in my hands my book,9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at

But this discusses only the first nine ways and I realized that there was there’s actually a 10th way that I talked about briefly in chapter five and chapter six, which you can check out, I’m not going to ruin it for you chapter five and chapter six cover an area that most businesses don’t have that they all need.

But there’s also another element to those chapters and I would make it the 10th way to Amazon-Proof your business and what is the 10th way?

The 10th way is called, Offer Advancement.

This is a funny thing because it’s not something it’s not so commonly discussed. That it is something you can go look up, I was looking for keywords to try and catch people who are looking up details about this.

And I wasn’t able to find really anything out there that is so common that people are looking it up on YouTube and Google and so forth.

I just had to kind of go back to scratch and say, Okay, well, if I were to tie this in with my original book, what would I say?

It really is offer advancement.

What does offer advancement mean?

Well, I’ll tell you what the fifth and sixth chapters are all ruined for you. I won’t get into the detail, you can read about that but the fifth and sixth ways are offering belonging and offering ongoing.

So belonging is about having a part of your business that allows the person to be a part of a community. It’s offering that belonging concept, the belonging, feeling that the most famous one of the most famous ones that I could put out there is Harley Davidson.

How you know when you’re in Harley Davidson, that’s a cult, I mean, that is belonging.

When you own a Harley, when you want to have a Harley when you walk around with Harley patches, I mean, that is something that’s very specific.

It’s a very specific type of motorcycle, nothing funky, none of the other motorcycles function quite like a Harley Davidson. It has a specific sound, it has a specific feel everything else.

So you need to offer that type of belonging and you also need to offer some form of bond going whether there’s belonging attached or not. But if you can have those two together, then you have some type of membership ongoing. Having it to where you give people the option to purchase from you on a regular basis.

It’s not rocket science but how many businesses actually do that?

I mean, very few, especially local-based businesses, if you’ve got a local or regional business chances are you don’t have an ongoing option unless it’s already kind of contained within your industry.

But you want to look way outside the box and look at the possibility of offering something on an ongoing basis. But I won’t get too far into those I want to talk about at the next level.

The next level is advancement is once a person feels like they belong once a person feels like and I don’t care if you’re offering, if you’re running a hair salon, it’s the same same thing.

If they feel like they belong, if they have the ability to pay you on an ongoing basis, then you give them the option for advancement.

And you give them more of a club feel more things that they would want more things that they would never expect from a hair salon or whatever it is that you’re working in.

This can be any business, any business can have this element. It’s really exciting because you see it every once in a while you see ongoing membership-based businesses introduced into an area you would never think of being and what they end up offering is something much greater than the commoditized product or service that you normally would relate with that business that this is my one of my favorite examples.

Because it’s it’s informative and it is but it’s functional.

And this is I’ve used this I’ve used these guys before this is a this is the mark magnetic Marketing letter that goes out.

At the end of every letter, they show the ladder of success. And the ladder of success is an advanced process that you can go through with this group.

So it starts out with, you know, read magnetic marketing as a book. And then you attended some type of fast implementation boot camp, which is a deal that they offer.

Then you have you join with the gold membership for you know, 97 bucks a month, or whatever it is.

Then you can upgrade to the diamond membership, it’s more expensive, you get more stuff out of it, then you can join a magnetic marketing, implementation coaching, much more expensive, much more back and forth and much more intensity.

Then from there, you could join a renegade Millionaire Mastermind Oh, wow, mastermind, that’s a whole nother level. And then you could join elevate their top one here.

So this is just one of the latest versions of their ladder but what options do people have, if they want to be around you more if they want to be around your business if they want to hang out more?

What other options are you giving them?

It’s not that tough to at least offer it, if you offer it, it makes even the lower end the initial offerings that you have, it makes them more valuable, and makes them look more reasonable.

Like a discount almost. It’s all relative. So this is why you want to look into offering advancement, people want to advance, they want to go to the next level, if you give them a pathway, they want to keep going down that pathway. It’s yeah, this can be taken to a level of manipulation that is unbelievable.

But it can also be used for good and as long as you’re offering something good as long as you’re offering quality to people of any sort. And it’s worth the money that they’re paying, then go for it do it.

It’s voluntary, they don’t have to but you could see this in a whole lot of other areas. When I was in the just as a quick example when I was in high school, you were in the I was in the FFA was the Future Farmers of America.

And there you could, that it was all dependent. There are different contests.

And each contest had its own levels of advancement, depending on how well you did in a particular contest.

For example, I did an extemporaneous public speaking contest and advanced to the next level that went from a sectional to a regional competition from a regional to a statewide competition and so forth.

They had this on on every competition that’s available through FFA. And then they had offices that you could run for, so you could run for the chapter office, which was a local high school-based office.

And then you could go from there, run for a sectional and then run from a sectional run for a regional and but so I ended up working my way up through the race, it ended up as a regional officer, and then eventually ran for state office twice back in the state of California.

But there was a field that you want to advance, you want to go to the next level, you want to be part of that next club that has all these benefits that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. And that’s merely a situation that didn’t, they weren’t asking a huge chunk of money or anything. This is just a nonprofit organization.

Think of how you can create that in your business, you create a feeling of advancement of any sort, then that helps bind them with your brand with your product or service. And it’s not a bad thing. As long as what you offer is high quality, good stuff.

That doesn’t hurt people, right?

That’s all on you but this is these are the rules that work. This is just human psychology.

Hopefully, it makes sense to you. That’s all I’ve got for tonight.

I’ll be back tomorrow, and I’ll tell you a few ways to take people to the next level, whether it’s from the very beginning, or whether it’s from one advancement on one level to another in your business.

So check that out tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Frank Kernā€™s 3-Part Pitch āš¾āš¾āš¾

Who the heck is Frank Kern and why should his pitch matter to you anyway.

Amazon-Proof Your Businessāž”ļø


Frank Kearn’s 3-part pitch.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to pass along an idea that I just recently heard and I know he’s mentioned it in previous times, but he had put out some videos. And just in case you hadn’t seen them or in case you had, and just need a refresher, want to go over Frank currents three part pitch.

Now why would you need a three part pitch for any reason that it really comes down to if you’re looking to put out any type of advertising whatsoever, you’re going to have some type of a pitch in there, if it’s decent advertising, you’re going to be offering something to the public to whoever’s watching it, listening to it, reading it, whether it be physical, whether it be a video online, it doesn’t matter.

It’s all the same thing, it all comes back to the offer.

And I’ve heard other people bring this up recently, Russell Brunson and a number of other people say that the really the most important skill that you could have is the ability to craft a good offer.

So to really realize to show the public to show your potential customer, what they could possibly have. And this is a nice simple way of thinking about it. That’s why I like it so much.

It’s why I like so much of what Frank Kern does, I know I’ve talked a lot about him in the past, because I pay very close attention to what he discusses because he oftentimes has the ability to crystallize something and break it down to a very simple way of understanding it.

And this is one of those things, it’s the three part pitch.

Okay, here’s the different parts. Number one, the first step that you need to do is talk about what it is that they want. What do they want?

What does your customer base want, what are they after?

That’s the first step you got to talk about that.

The second step is, you got to talk about how do they get it?

How do they go about getting it?

How do they get what you’re offering?

So you’re talking about what it is, and why they want it, how they should, how they can get it.

And then the third part, which is probably the most important part, and really the part that most people leave out of their advertising, is what? How is their life going to be different?

After getting this thing, this service this product, it doesn’t matter what it is? How is it going to affect their life?

In other words, what is the end, long-term benefit from using said product or service?

Okay, I’m gonna use an example.

Earlier today, we were recording a podcast for Grants Pass VIP, which you can go and listen to these podcasts over at It’s a very specific show that has to do with a locality. But the the ideas that we talked about there are universal.

So it’s worth listening to and this episode will be out in the in the coming weeks, but spoke with, Dr. Cory Fawcett.

And he talked that he actually helps train doctors and professionals, high end professionals, how to fix their finances, how to fix their finances and go beyond to make their finances really ideal.

And how do you go about doing that?

And he’s had experience doing it for himself because he’s a doctor. And so he’s did it for himself. And then now he’s trying to know the people how to do it.

So really cool deal.

How would he go about explaining something like this?

Well, it’s real simple. What am I offering, I’m offering you for example, is one of his books is all about how to get out of debt. So how to become debt free.

So I’m offering you a way to be able to get debt free.

Secondly, the way that you do it is you buy this book and follow the steps that I have in it. And the third thing is imagine what life would be like, if you were debt free, if you just had all that debt swept aside, and he discussed having having half a million dollars in debt and being able to break himself out of that.

So he knows that other people can do it. So larger or smaller the amount of money doesn’t matter if you follow the principle, you can get yourself out of debt.

And so he discusses how that’s that the magic that happens.

When you’re done with your debt and when it’s gone. When everything that you make from that point forward. You’re actually making that money you get to keep that money.

You get to invest that money, do whatever you want with it, instead of continuing to pour it back into the debt, imagine what your life would be like, you see, and that’s a simple way to cover those three points.

I’m just doing that off the top of my head.

But you could do it for anything. I don’t care what you’re selling. I don’t care what you’re talking about to people. You can break anything down to those three parts. And that’s why I love it so much.

That’s why Frank Kern such a cool guy.

By the way, you can find stuff out about Frank Kern, just go and do a Google search and or go check out any social media. He’s out there. He’s got his videos and everything else.

He’s always promoting something new. I think the latest I heard was, so you’re welcome to check that out.

If you’d like to find out more simple ways to be able to really expand your horizons and be able to grow your business really quickly. Go check out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

That’s my book, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at That’s

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Offer Belonging

Tribes, Community and a sense of belonging in your business.

Amazon-Proof Your Businessāž”ļø


Offer Belonging.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Today, I’m very tired. And there’s a good reason why I’m tired and has a lot to do with what I wanted to talk about today. The reason why I’m tired is because I got to hang out with a bunch of people thatā€¦.many of whom I haven’t seen in years.

It was kind of a family reunion of sorts. An organization I had done some work for and got to know people there rather well and we’re just all kind of getting together and I got to hang out the entire day.

And it was a beautiful day got to hang out outside. I got to visit a place that I hadn’t been to for a while where where I actually proposed to my wife which was nice. Just really good memories.

Really great chance to get get back in touch with people. And so I’m wiped out. I’ve had a nice full day.

It’s been a nice full Saturday. But there’s a there’s something really magical about these memories. And it’s because it’s a double edged sword.

It’s a concept that if you can use it in your business, you will have something that’s so powerful that you can honestly cause people to do wrong things, if you have this element. Not that I’m encouraging you to do that. I’m not encouraging you to do that at all.

I do not want you to encourage people to do bad things. If you have this element in your business, I want you to encourage people to do good things with it, but I want you to know that it exists.

And it is a concept of belonging.

What I talk about offer belonging, it’s a concept that I go through a little bit in my book, the 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. Which you can get at

Now, this particular way is the fifth way of Amazon proofing your business. If you’re able to offer belonging, it is so powerful that it is honestly, the psychology behind is the same psychology that causes people in mass to do great things together.

When they come together and build something wonderful whether you’re talking about the United States of America or whether you’re talking about any type of situation where you see a bunch of people getting together and doing something great. So much of that is fueled by the feeling of belonging that happens when people come together.

The same thing is true also of Nazi Germany and Hitler. Adolf Hitler was able to give the German people a sense of belonging to a nation, to a race, to a cause a crusade of sorts. It’s used for good and evil.

Belonging is a very, very touchy thing.

And something you really have to be careful with. Because you don’t want to give people a sense of entitlement, or a sense of a sense of righteousness over others, you know, so to speak.

But at the same time, you do want to allow a sense of belonging to exist, especially if you have any type of club or membership element to your business. Because it’s something that we all crave. We all want it to some extent We all want to find people that we feel like we connect with. And that sense of belonging is out there. And you can do it.

Even with an online website. Even with the you know, the most simplest of concepts you can offer belonging somewhere in your business. If you want to know how to be able to offer belonging your business, I have a very specific strategy session that plays to this, but

it’s only available if you get my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s at the end of chapter five. So go to to go see what offering belonging is all about.

And to get yourself set up with a strategy session specifically about how to offer belonging in your business. Hopefully that’s helpful. We’ll be back here tomorrow, go to In the meantime, Get out there and let the magic happen.

Offer Ongoing

Thoughts on ongoing offers, subscriptions, Dollar Shave Club and John Warrillow’s terrific book The Automatic Customer.

Amazon-Proof Your Businessāž”ļø


Offer Ongoing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

Today I want to point out another piece of my new book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. And this piece is the sixth way, which is called offer ongoing, which is the basic idea of it is offer something in your business that people can have over and over and over again.

I’ve heard it said that, Who was itā€¦..Rich DeVoss, who was one of the cofounders of Amway said that the out of their first products, they said that it has to it has to have the same test and that’s that it has to be able to go down the drain.

In other words, people have to be purchasing it over and over and over again. Otherwise, there’s no reason to introduce it.

Okay, we’re looking for if you’re looking for ongoing income to your business, if you’re looking to go above and beyond, you have to have some type of product that’s ongoing even if your main product or lead product is not an ongoing feature.

I’ve worked with many businesses to help produce this. I’ve worked with one particular website who will go unnamed, but they just because the deal that we had, but their main issue is that they did not have any ongoing income.

And I showed them away on how to create basically a book club, to where people are on a standing order of books where they can get them over and over again. It happens over and over.

But this is a great book on it. Okay, apart from my book where you that you can get an You can also check out this one, go get this one, The Automatic Customer is one of my favorite books about subscription. It’s creating a subscription business in any industry. John Warrillow, really good book. I go back to this one over and over again.

And there’s so many places that I’ve highlighted in and scrolled on the pages. Here’s one particular area this is a great idea.

Yeah, there’s a great way of looking at a company that’s been able to do this Dollar Shave Club. Do you remember these guys Dollar Shave Club?

They came out of nowhere with a really clever commercial if you go look up Dollar Shave Club commercial if you haven’t seen this, or if you don’t remember, go look this up. This their original commercials that is the founder walking around and telling you the story of Dollar Shave Club.

And it’s crazy and wacky and it’s been copied a million times since to this day, we still see it over and over again.

He ended up selling the company but they knew that they had to go beyond just the basic subscription because he made a subscription out of razors.

These are things that get thrown away anyways, he just he priced them cheap and said, Hey, just get on subscription. That way, you never have to worry about running out of them again. It’s real simple concept.

And it caught fire. He said okay, simple Dollar Shave Club. I’m reading from the book Dollar Shave Club started out selling a subscription to razor blades, but its goal has since it evolved into owning the bathroom.

In June 2013, Shave Club launched its subscription for one wipe Charlies, moistened cleansing towels towel that’s for men. So they start finding other things that people use over and over again in the bathroom and just start offering that on top of it.

Yeah, it’s called Dollar Shave Club it has to a shaving but they start offering everything else. And that’s how they were able to to grow that out.

You know, they start offering Dr. Carver’s Easy Shave Butter.

Instead of instead of shaving cream, they have their own version of shaving, right.

It’s just one idea. You take one idea of whatever your business is, and you can grow it from there. All via subscription. The more often you’re the law, the more regularly that you’re able to implement these type of ideas into your business.

The stronger your business gets, the more capital you have to be able to move forward and the more you can future cast as to the growth of your company. So that’s a great way of looking at it.

That’s the sixth way. Offer ongoing in the 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business
. Go get your free copy over at You could also buy a hard copy, or, or get a Kindle version over at if you’d like to pay for it, but get a free copy and get a whole bunch of bonuses over at my website that follow along after you go through that first door of getting your free copy.

I’ll be back here tomorrow. Why don’t you come back. We’re back here every day. Have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Offer More Often

The value of offering your product or service more often.

Amazon-Proof Your Businessāž”ļø


Offer More Often.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

Today I want to talk about the eighth way of Amazon proofing your business called, offering more often. And this is a specific chapter in my new book, nine Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You go check that out wherever books are sold, including, Barnes&, so on and so forth. You can get electronic copies, hardback copy, whatever you want.

You’d also get a free copy if you’d like over at or this right here that’s That’ll take you straight to a place where you can get an electronic copy downloaded to wherever you read your books.

You can read it right off the computer screen or right off of your phone or tablet.

So go check that out And just by having this here, I am offering more often, if I have to keep these words up, keep these words up the entire time, I am pointing at myself the words right here.

If I keep this address up the entire time I’m making the offer. It’s always there, it’s always available for someone to go back to. And see, also if you go to the description, this will also be there to Wherever that’s included, I’m giving people a chance to get it.

The more often that I mentioned it, the more often the more likely it is that they’re going to get it or at least take a look at it or go that direction. So the more often you offer, the more often people are going to take you up on it.

The less often you offer, the less often people think it’s it’s pretty common sense but you’d be surprised how many people are so scared of making that offer more often.

Where if you do it in in not a rude way, not an odd or off way. But you’re just straightforward about it like, this is what’s going on, this is the offering, then you get more and more people that will be interested in it.

The more eyeballs that see it, the more ears that hear it, the more likely you’re going to get somewhere, the less likely you do it. But if you’re still putting out content and you’re not making clear offers, or not making them as often as you can, you’re going to have less success. It’s pretty straightforward.

But I’ve got a chapter on it.

Like I said, at my book, this whole thing seems like a big commercial for my book, doesn’t it?

Well, the whole thing’s a commercial for me. I mean, the book is a commercial for me too.

I mean, that’s just how these things work. But it doesn’t mean you can’t get value from it.

Take the point. Offer more often.

If you have something to offer people if you have something that people want.

Let that give them a chance to think about it, give them a chance to consider it. By putting it out there more often people don’t think about these things often enough on their own, you’ve got to remind them.

So hopefully that’s helpful. We’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.