Who Is Your Villain? πŸ‘Ί

Using villain’s to help support you in business.


Who is your villain?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos here because these are very common villains in different worlds, okay. Right now, you could say, anti-vaccine places.

Bill Gates is a villain very much a very large villain because of his very pro-vaccine stance is his shady background, with a business in the vaccine market and everything else.

Then you’ve got Jeff Bezos, he’s a villain in a lot of places, but specifically in small businesses.

So one of the reasons why I wrote my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business was because people were scared of Amazon.com. And they considered Jeff Bezos, the absolute devil, and specifically the areas that I was working in, in the E-commerce realm.

They were having more and more and more issues, fighting off Amazon and all the things that Amazon was bringing to the table. But that’s okay because then that was one of the main reasons why I went with this the title of this book because I wanted to be able to reach out to them and say, I’m one of your type of things, and be able to have that common relationship.

You got to know who your ideal client is their villain, and you have to stand united with them against that villain, whoever, and sometimes it doesn’t need to be a real person.

It sometimes it’s an industry sometimes that you know, big pharma big this big that, you know, you hear her all these different terms being thrown around.

It’s one of those things, and you probably already know what it is but you ought to talk about it more often. You ought to bring it out more often that there is a villain, and why they’re the villain, not because your ideal market needs to hear it directly, but they need to hear it from you.

They need to know that your brand that your company that you as a person if you’re a person who is has got their face out there, they’ve got to know that you’re on their side. And so having a common villain will help is a simple little idea.

That can be a really big deal in the long run, in terms of really connecting you up with your market, which is really how you build that trust, that creates that unshakable bond. Alright, so hopefully that makes sense. You can find out more details about these types of ideas in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

In a very short book, I cover a lot of areas, and I give you a lot of other places you can go to for more information. Go check out you go pick up a copy of this book. It’s simple to read. a short book, you get one Amazon.com at Barnesandnoble.com.

Wherever you buy books, you’ll probably find them there. And then you can also download a free copy if you want AmazonProofBook.com That’s all I’ve got for today.

You have a good one, get out there and let the magic happen.

The 10th Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business πŸ“š (Offer Advancement)

Brian reveals the 10th way to Amazon-Proof Your Business.


The 10th way to Amazon-Proof your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I have here in my hands my book,9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

But this discusses only the first nine ways and I realized that there was there’s actually a 10th way that I talked about briefly in chapter five and chapter six, which you can check out, I’m not going to ruin it for you chapter five and chapter six cover an area that most businesses don’t have that they all need.

But there’s also another element to those chapters and I would make it the 10th way to Amazon-Proof your business and what is the 10th way?

The 10th way is called, Offer Advancement.

This is a funny thing because it’s not something it’s not so commonly discussed. That it is something you can go look up, I was looking for keywords to try and catch people who are looking up details about this.

And I wasn’t able to find really anything out there that is so common that people are looking it up on YouTube and Google and so forth.

I just had to kind of go back to scratch and say, Okay, well, if I were to tie this in with my original book, what would I say?

It really is offer advancement.

What does offer advancement mean?

Well, I’ll tell you what the fifth and sixth chapters are all ruined for you. I won’t get into the detail, you can read about that but the fifth and sixth ways are offering belonging and offering ongoing.

So belonging is about having a part of your business that allows the person to be a part of a community. It’s offering that belonging concept, the belonging, feeling that the most famous one of the most famous ones that I could put out there is Harley Davidson.

How you know when you’re in Harley Davidson, that’s a cult, I mean, that is belonging.

When you own a Harley, when you want to have a Harley when you walk around with Harley patches, I mean, that is something that’s very specific.

It’s a very specific type of motorcycle, nothing funky, none of the other motorcycles function quite like a Harley Davidson. It has a specific sound, it has a specific feel everything else.

So you need to offer that type of belonging and you also need to offer some form of bond going whether there’s belonging attached or not. But if you can have those two together, then you have some type of membership ongoing. Having it to where you give people the option to purchase from you on a regular basis.

It’s not rocket science but how many businesses actually do that?

I mean, very few, especially local-based businesses, if you’ve got a local or regional business chances are you don’t have an ongoing option unless it’s already kind of contained within your industry.

But you want to look way outside the box and look at the possibility of offering something on an ongoing basis. But I won’t get too far into those I want to talk about at the next level.

The next level is advancement is once a person feels like they belong once a person feels like and I don’t care if you’re offering, if you’re running a hair salon, it’s the same same thing.

If they feel like they belong, if they have the ability to pay you on an ongoing basis, then you give them the option for advancement.

And you give them more of a club feel more things that they would want more things that they would never expect from a hair salon or whatever it is that you’re working in.

This can be any business, any business can have this element. It’s really exciting because you see it every once in a while you see ongoing membership-based businesses introduced into an area you would never think of being and what they end up offering is something much greater than the commoditized product or service that you normally would relate with that business that this is my one of my favorite examples.

Because it’s it’s informative and it is but it’s functional.

And this is I’ve used this I’ve used these guys before this is a this is the mark magnetic Marketing letter that goes out.

At the end of every letter, they show the ladder of success. And the ladder of success is an advanced process that you can go through with this group.

So it starts out with, you know, read magnetic marketing as a book. And then you attended some type of fast implementation boot camp, which is a deal that they offer.

Then you have you join with the gold membership for you know, 97 bucks a month, or whatever it is.

Then you can upgrade to the diamond membership, it’s more expensive, you get more stuff out of it, then you can join a magnetic marketing, implementation coaching, much more expensive, much more back and forth and much more intensity.

Then from there, you could join a renegade Millionaire Mastermind Oh, wow, mastermind, that’s a whole nother level. And then you could join elevate their top one here.

So this is just one of the latest versions of their ladder but what options do people have, if they want to be around you more if they want to be around your business if they want to hang out more?

What other options are you giving them?

It’s not that tough to at least offer it, if you offer it, it makes even the lower end the initial offerings that you have, it makes them more valuable, and makes them look more reasonable.

Like a discount almost. It’s all relative. So this is why you want to look into offering advancement, people want to advance, they want to go to the next level, if you give them a pathway, they want to keep going down that pathway. It’s yeah, this can be taken to a level of manipulation that is unbelievable.

But it can also be used for good and as long as you’re offering something good as long as you’re offering quality to people of any sort. And it’s worth the money that they’re paying, then go for it do it.

It’s voluntary, they don’t have to but you could see this in a whole lot of other areas. When I was in the just as a quick example when I was in high school, you were in the I was in the FFA was the Future Farmers of America.

And there you could, that it was all dependent. There are different contests.

And each contest had its own levels of advancement, depending on how well you did in a particular contest.

For example, I did an extemporaneous public speaking contest and advanced to the next level that went from a sectional to a regional competition from a regional to a statewide competition and so forth.

They had this on on every competition that’s available through FFA. And then they had offices that you could run for, so you could run for the chapter office, which was a local high school-based office.

And then you could go from there, run for a sectional and then run from a sectional run for a regional and but so I ended up working my way up through the race, it ended up as a regional officer, and then eventually ran for state office twice back in the state of California.

But there was a field that you want to advance, you want to go to the next level, you want to be part of that next club that has all these benefits that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. And that’s merely a situation that didn’t, they weren’t asking a huge chunk of money or anything. This is just a nonprofit organization.

Think of how you can create that in your business, you create a feeling of advancement of any sort, then that helps bind them with your brand with your product or service. And it’s not a bad thing. As long as what you offer is high quality, good stuff.

That doesn’t hurt people, right?

That’s all on you but this is these are the rules that work. This is just human psychology.

Hopefully, it makes sense to you. That’s all I’ve got for tonight.

I’ll be back tomorrow, and I’ll tell you a few ways to take people to the next level, whether it’s from the very beginning, or whether it’s from one advancement on one level to another in your business.

So check that out tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Dan Kennedy Endorses My Book? πŸ‘€

NO, Dan Kennedy didn’t endorse Brian’s book. But…Brian does highlight advice from Dan in an old Newsletter that fits with what Brian’s book is all about.


Dan Kennedy endorse my book?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let me just say, first off, that Dan did not come out and officially endorsed my book. But I wanted to bring it up because the things he’s saying he might as well be endorsing my book.

So this is the NOBS, magnetic marketing letter from October 2021.

Let’s talk about this a little bit, because starting on page nine, there’s a conversation that Dan Kennedy is having with Darin Spindler, the head of marketing over at magnetic marketing.

And they mentioned this book, The War On Small Business by Carol Roth, which I have not read, but discusses how that and Darren starts it out, as it is how Amazon has destroyed a lot of brick and mortar businesses.

Today, they announced they’re building brick and mortar department stores themselves.

They go back and forth, talking about how Amazon has done this to companies and how companies have set themselves up to make themselves into fodder for Amazon.

It’s a term that, that Dan Kennedy uses here, he actually calls that Amazon, as if it’s a verb. He says they just want to deploy and leverage all the assets they have, and every asset that they develop in every way they possibly can.

A little later on, he says, look, Amazon is very aggressive. They tell you that by their name, they’re a pretty ruthless company. They’re cash-rich, and they’re very data-rich, I have to say, for quite some time that there, if there is any real money in it, and it can be Amazon, it’s going to be Amazon.

And he goes on explaining about how so many things out there, especially commodities have been taken over by Amazon and Amazon goes in there and just strips that bear and finds a way to undercut people.

See here, a couple of other spots he’s talking about. Even in your industry, even if you’re in this industry can be Amazon, maybe you can’t.

I have a client now I talked to every month who’s in the hearing health business, and the hearing aid business is being Amazon.

I don’t mean just by Amazon, when I use that verb, I mean by Amazon or by Amazon like entities, in this case by both the whole bottom of that business gets eaten alive by being Amazon.

He talks about how the hearing aid business is being commoditized and being brought down to inexpensive have the ability to create inexpensive products by Amazon, by a Costco, and how they’re getting around that how this is one person’s get around that as he works on cochlear implant surgery.

Well, that’s not the type of thing that’s going to get Amazon because it’s so specific. It’s so high-end, people aren’t going to be shown how to do it on YouTube.

Really great stuff here from Dan Kennedy in his NOBS Magnetic Marketing Letter, which you can get by joining Magnetic Marketing.

I don’t get paid by endorsing them but it’s a great organization. And they just got acquired by Russell Brunson of ClickFunnels fame. Good stuff.

Hey, if you haven’t read my book yet, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I wrote this and I talked about Dan Kennedy and one of his books in here, at least one of his books, actually, I think I discussed two of his books in here.

But so much of what he has said over the years that inspired me to be able to see the way things that I see them and Amazon proofing your business isn’t about just proving it against Amazon, it’s making your business stand out in your industry to the point where your competitors are relevant.

So it’s making a completely competition-proof.

Go check out you go purchase a copy wherever books are sold or you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. That’s all I got for tonight.

You have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Amazon-Proof Book: A FREE Business Book! πŸ“š

Brian talks about his free book, that you can get for free at the link below. πŸ‘€

Free Copy Here – https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Amazon Proof Book, a free business book.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to mention this book because you may be looking for a free copy and you may have typed it in wrong. Or at least there’s a better way to find it, go to AmazonProofBook.com. Make sure you type in the whole thing, without any spaces, AmazonProofBook.com.

Put it right above, at the top of your browser, where are the addresses where the.com is at, click in there, delete what’s in there, and put in AmazonProofBook.com and click return that will get you directly to the website.

The reason why I’m doing this video I’m going to tell you about right now. But if you happen to be looking for the book go straight there. You can also find a link in the description if there’s one wherever you’re watching or listening to this.

So click on that link, go to AmazonProofBook.com and get your free copy of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, which is the book that I wrote.

So let’s talk about why I’m doing this video.

Because there’s an interesting story behind this. I put this book out a year ago today, not today, a year ago this last month. And so it’s been out for a while, we get a lot of attention from it because I promote it on my daily podcast here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

And it’s a funny thing, I found the other day that it doesn’t show up the best in the search engines because I haven’t played the entire search engine optimization game, which is what they call SEO.

It’s a good lesson to learn. If you’re trying to get people to go to a certain place not only do you have to repeat it over and over and over again, you also have to guess at where they’re going to end up that if they type in the wrong thing, or if they don’t type it in perfectly. So if a person goes through, and if you got a multi-word URL like AmazonProofBook.com.

A lot of times people will go and type that in, especially people who are not as skilled when it comes to the internet or searching for things on the internet. And they’ll type in each individual word, especially if they heard this on a podcast. All they remember is the three words Amazon Proof Book.

Now technically, that should get them where they’re going. The problem is, Amazon’s a very common search term. And the book is a very common search term, especially in relation to Amazon and Proof just throws everything off.

Because a lot of people have proofs of books that they’re trying to get to Amazon to add to their Kindle publishing program. And so there’s all this mess that happens if you just type in those three words into Google, what I wanted to do is see if I could take advantage of that a little bit by titling one of my episodes.

Because I found that if you have a podcast if you have a regular piece of content that you’re putting out on a regular basis, and you’re hitting all the main places, you’re hitting YouTube, and LinkedIn, and all these major outlets, and you have a podcast that is going through all the different directories, you have the ability to take advantage of keyword phrases pretty well.

So I’m hoping that over time, this video or this podcast episode, or this article that you’ve stumbled upon, is because you typed in those words.

And so if you’re watching this distance in the future, try typing in Amazon Proof Book, I’m kind of throwing all my cards out on the table, see if it actually shows up. It may not this may be a total flop but I had to at least give it a try. Because I know people are going to be typing in the wrong way or not is a useful way.

If you want to get the book though you go to AmazonProofBook.com and don’t do anything else. Now tomorrow.

We do this on a nightly basis if you’re not aware. So this is Brian J. Pombo Live on putting these out on a regular basis.

Tomorrow, we are going to come back and we’re going to talk about a comment question that was left on YouTube asking about YouTube views specifically by on YouTube views and why they are the way they are. So that’ll be an interesting topic.

We’re going to hit on that tomorrow night. We’ll see you then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

What’s Not Going To Change? 🀨 (Jeff Bezos Quote)

Brian brings up a quote from Jeff Bezos on thinking about what’s not going to change in business over the next 10 years.


What’s not going to change?

Hi Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got a quote that I’ve used multiple times before. It’s been a while since I’ve brought it up on here. So I wanted to bring it up again because it’s one of my all-time favorite business quotes.

It’s one of my favorites because of the simplicity in it and it speaks to such a direct truth about business.

So often, we get pulled away from it or temporarily forget about it. So I have a friend who introduced me to a new business model, if you will and was showing me all these great things.

It has to be technology, it has to do with a whole bunch of spaces that I actually am pretty interested in. And I enjoyed it, I enjoyed looking at it, and I enjoy it.

I’m going to research it further because I really do enjoy technology, and the future, and where things are going.

The one thing I noticed about the whole thing, though, is that it was revolutionary on many levels, to the point where if it does break out and become something huge. It will be so far against the grain.

That to acknowledge it as just a stupid, simple thing to get involved in is just it’s not. It’s one of these things that requires a million things to go in a completely different direction than where they have gone. And that is really exciting for someone that has a rebellious attitude and wants to see things go in a good direction and everything else.

I certainly categorize myself as that type of person. I love when things flip over on their head and go crazy in a completely unpredictable manner.

The funny thing about business, though, is quite often the biggest plays in business are in areas that are not exciting.

You could see this, honestly by looking at the largest billionaires out there and the businesses that they ran, okay, across the board. These are relatively unexciting businesses, okay, Jeff Bezos, who created amazon.com, was an online bookstore.

Other than the fact that it was online.

It’s that exciting. It’s a bookstore. That’s what it was, it started that way and then it expanded out into other things.

But it was a bookstore, okay.

Nothing too outrageous about that.

Walmart is in for everyday stuff that it really has never sold anything all that brand new. And it wasn’t their fault if they did it. But it’s not exciting.

There are distribution models that they messed around with behind the scenes that made them exciting and made them grow. And being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. That’s what happened.

But it wasn’t because they were exciting. It wasn’t because they were absolutely outrageously revolutionary. In fact, Walmart was basing its model on other people that are already done the same thing.

They just scaled it faster. amazon.com wasn’t the only online bookstore, he just scaled it up a little faster, and was able to get further enough to where he can start selling more than just books and pretty much eventually selling everything. Warren Buffett I mean, the list goes on and on.

The people who make a lot of money consistently, it isn’t because they invest in things that are outrageous, and wild and exciting. It’s most of the time, they’re investing in things that are just boring and predictable. It’s just you can see where things are going, you can see the trends.

So here’s the quote, here’s that quote that I really liked from Jeff Bezos from years back.

He said, I frequently get the question what’s going to change in the next 10 years?

And that is a very interesting question. It’s a very common one. I almost never get the question, what’s not going to change in the next 10 years?

And I submit to you that the second question is actually the more important of the two because you can build a business strategy around the things that are stable in time.

Now he goes on and on. It’s from an interview. And so the quote goes on and on.

But just that idea that things that are stable in time principles are what we’re talking about. If you’ve got principles behind your company, it may grow slower, it may not have a lot of excitement tied to it. But it’s predictable.

It’s relatively predictable, there are always things that can happen, that you couldn’t have predicted. There’s always turn twists and turns, that’s part of having any type of business, you’re always going to have people that stab you in the back, you’re always going to have you know, management, change everything, these things happen, that’s going to happen.

But as far as business models go, I’m I personally am more excited about those that are less exciting. And I still have an interest in the things that are a gamble.

But I place them in the area of being a gamble, and I’m not going to invest a whole lot of passion and time into them, I have interest, I’ll put some money over there. But it’s money that I can afford to lose.

It’s, I’m not going to go out of my way to grow anything that is absolutely brand new, I know I have no need to be the pioneer in that sense. I like the things that are predictable, that make sense, that are built on principles. And I suggest that you do the same if you’re investing in any type of business. So the businesses I look to invest in, that’s what for the most part, what I look for. So that’s just a little side note, but the principle the idea of looking for principles is something you always have to keep in mind. And I even in strategizing I stick to principle-based strategies.

That’s what I wrote my book all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

So if you want to fight, if you want to keep from being eaten up by Jeff Bezos and amazon.com you’ll want to read this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

How to keep it to where you have no competition whatsoever. You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com or buy it wherever books are sold, including amazon.com.

So we’ll be back here tomorrow night. You have a great one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

#1 Way You Can Amazon-Proof Your Business

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

The #1 Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business…

  • Be Everywhere
  • It doesn’t just mean online, or offline. It doesn’t just mean paid advertising
  • Be everywhere your ideal prospects hangout
  • Are you taking advantage of everything you can (or at least what you can afford to do at the moment) to get in front of your ideal customer?

Past Videos on Amazon-Proofing Your business

9 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/9-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
8 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-8-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
7 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-7-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
6 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-6-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
5 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-5-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
4 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-4-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
3 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-3-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
2 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-2-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/

The #2 Way You Can Amazon Proof Your Business

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

The #2 Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business…

  • Be Consistent
  • That means everything you’re doing to reach the people that will or have purchased your services or products, be consistent
  • Brian shares why the most successful people he knows of all share consistency with what they do
  • If you are testing something new, be consistent with it long enough so that you can see if it works for you or not

Past Videos on Amazon-Proofing Your business

9 – http://brianjpombo1.freedomfind.us/9-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
8 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-8-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
7 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-7-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
6 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-6-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
5 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-5-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
4 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-4-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/
3 – https://brianjpombo.com/the-3-way-you-can-amazon-proof-your-business/