Who Is Your Villain? 👺

Using villain’s to help support you in business.


Who is your villain?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos here because these are very common villains in different worlds, okay. Right now, you could say, anti-vaccine places.

Bill Gates is a villain very much a very large villain because of his very pro-vaccine stance is his shady background, with a business in the vaccine market and everything else.

Then you’ve got Jeff Bezos, he’s a villain in a lot of places, but specifically in small businesses.

So one of the reasons why I wrote my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business was because people were scared of Amazon.com. And they considered Jeff Bezos, the absolute devil, and specifically the areas that I was working in, in the E-commerce realm.

They were having more and more and more issues, fighting off Amazon and all the things that Amazon was bringing to the table. But that’s okay because then that was one of the main reasons why I went with this the title of this book because I wanted to be able to reach out to them and say, I’m one of your type of things, and be able to have that common relationship.

You got to know who your ideal client is their villain, and you have to stand united with them against that villain, whoever, and sometimes it doesn’t need to be a real person.

It sometimes it’s an industry sometimes that you know, big pharma big this big that, you know, you hear her all these different terms being thrown around.

It’s one of those things, and you probably already know what it is but you ought to talk about it more often. You ought to bring it out more often that there is a villain, and why they’re the villain, not because your ideal market needs to hear it directly, but they need to hear it from you.

They need to know that your brand that your company that you as a person if you’re a person who is has got their face out there, they’ve got to know that you’re on their side. And so having a common villain will help is a simple little idea.

That can be a really big deal in the long run, in terms of really connecting you up with your market, which is really how you build that trust, that creates that unshakable bond. Alright, so hopefully that makes sense. You can find out more details about these types of ideas in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

In a very short book, I cover a lot of areas, and I give you a lot of other places you can go to for more information. Go check out you go pick up a copy of this book. It’s simple to read. a short book, you get one Amazon.com at Barnesandnoble.com.

Wherever you buy books, you’ll probably find them there. And then you can also download a free copy if you want AmazonProofBook.com That’s all I’ve got for today.

You have a good one, get out there and let the magic happen.

What’s Not Going To Change? 🤨 (Jeff Bezos Quote)

Brian brings up a quote from Jeff Bezos on thinking about what’s not going to change in business over the next 10 years.


What’s not going to change?

Hi Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got a quote that I’ve used multiple times before. It’s been a while since I’ve brought it up on here. So I wanted to bring it up again because it’s one of my all-time favorite business quotes.

It’s one of my favorites because of the simplicity in it and it speaks to such a direct truth about business.

So often, we get pulled away from it or temporarily forget about it. So I have a friend who introduced me to a new business model, if you will and was showing me all these great things.

It has to be technology, it has to do with a whole bunch of spaces that I actually am pretty interested in. And I enjoyed it, I enjoyed looking at it, and I enjoy it.

I’m going to research it further because I really do enjoy technology, and the future, and where things are going.

The one thing I noticed about the whole thing, though, is that it was revolutionary on many levels, to the point where if it does break out and become something huge. It will be so far against the grain.

That to acknowledge it as just a stupid, simple thing to get involved in is just it’s not. It’s one of these things that requires a million things to go in a completely different direction than where they have gone. And that is really exciting for someone that has a rebellious attitude and wants to see things go in a good direction and everything else.

I certainly categorize myself as that type of person. I love when things flip over on their head and go crazy in a completely unpredictable manner.

The funny thing about business, though, is quite often the biggest plays in business are in areas that are not exciting.

You could see this, honestly by looking at the largest billionaires out there and the businesses that they ran, okay, across the board. These are relatively unexciting businesses, okay, Jeff Bezos, who created amazon.com, was an online bookstore.

Other than the fact that it was online.

It’s that exciting. It’s a bookstore. That’s what it was, it started that way and then it expanded out into other things.

But it was a bookstore, okay.

Nothing too outrageous about that.

Walmart is in for everyday stuff that it really has never sold anything all that brand new. And it wasn’t their fault if they did it. But it’s not exciting.

There are distribution models that they messed around with behind the scenes that made them exciting and made them grow. And being in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. That’s what happened.

But it wasn’t because they were exciting. It wasn’t because they were absolutely outrageously revolutionary. In fact, Walmart was basing its model on other people that are already done the same thing.

They just scaled it faster. amazon.com wasn’t the only online bookstore, he just scaled it up a little faster, and was able to get further enough to where he can start selling more than just books and pretty much eventually selling everything. Warren Buffett I mean, the list goes on and on.

The people who make a lot of money consistently, it isn’t because they invest in things that are outrageous, and wild and exciting. It’s most of the time, they’re investing in things that are just boring and predictable. It’s just you can see where things are going, you can see the trends.

So here’s the quote, here’s that quote that I really liked from Jeff Bezos from years back.

He said, I frequently get the question what’s going to change in the next 10 years?

And that is a very interesting question. It’s a very common one. I almost never get the question, what’s not going to change in the next 10 years?

And I submit to you that the second question is actually the more important of the two because you can build a business strategy around the things that are stable in time.

Now he goes on and on. It’s from an interview. And so the quote goes on and on.

But just that idea that things that are stable in time principles are what we’re talking about. If you’ve got principles behind your company, it may grow slower, it may not have a lot of excitement tied to it. But it’s predictable.

It’s relatively predictable, there are always things that can happen, that you couldn’t have predicted. There’s always turn twists and turns, that’s part of having any type of business, you’re always going to have people that stab you in the back, you’re always going to have you know, management, change everything, these things happen, that’s going to happen.

But as far as business models go, I’m I personally am more excited about those that are less exciting. And I still have an interest in the things that are a gamble.

But I place them in the area of being a gamble, and I’m not going to invest a whole lot of passion and time into them, I have interest, I’ll put some money over there. But it’s money that I can afford to lose.

It’s, I’m not going to go out of my way to grow anything that is absolutely brand new, I know I have no need to be the pioneer in that sense. I like the things that are predictable, that make sense, that are built on principles. And I suggest that you do the same if you’re investing in any type of business. So the businesses I look to invest in, that’s what for the most part, what I look for. So that’s just a little side note, but the principle the idea of looking for principles is something you always have to keep in mind. And I even in strategizing I stick to principle-based strategies.

That’s what I wrote my book all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

So if you want to fight, if you want to keep from being eaten up by Jeff Bezos and amazon.com you’ll want to read this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

How to keep it to where you have no competition whatsoever. You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com or buy it wherever books are sold, including amazon.com.

So we’ll be back here tomorrow night. You have a great one. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Why Do Principles Matter in Business?

Brace yourself, Brian’s gonna share a little story about Jeff Bezos, but it’ll be good, promise! 👀

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Why do principles matter in business?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

It’s a big question. Why do principles matter in business? Everything is based on principle, with you know, the principle or not is irrelevant principles are those things that never change. Jeff Bezos said one time, he always gets a question, what’s going to change in the next 10 years? And he says he hardly ever gets the question or never gets the question. What’s not going to change in the next 10 years?

He said, the second question is more important than the first question. Because you can build a strategy around what’s not going to change, you can’t build around what is going to change, or you can but it’s not, it’s not a very solid strategy.

You if you build one on things that aren’t going to change, though, that’s what matters most. So that’s pretty heavy stuff. Because all he’s saying is that your strategies need to be based on principle.

So I’m a business strategist, I help people in their business to build strategies build out the plans necessary to go where they want to in their business. And in most cases, I have found business owners do fail to plan properly or fail to stick to a plan long term.

And it is usually the downfall of them not having the business they want. It’s not really about the tactics, although that we all think it’s about the tactics, the tactics are necessary.

But it doesn’t matter what the tactics are, if you don’t have a strategy that is first based on principle. So it all comes back to principle principle as the things that don’t change. It’s human behavior.

It’s the physics and nature, there’s just certain areas of the world that are fixed and in place, that at least for the most part, you know, there’s always a variable that we don’t quite understand that affect the end, the end principle.

But that doesn’t make the principle wrong. It just means we didn’t understand the principle clearly enough. So that’s what principles are all about, if you really understand them. So, principle is important, because it’s what reality is all based on. It’s all about the science behind it. That’s what it’s all about.

If you want to know more about the strategy, we’re going to talk about that tomorrow about why that’s so important to business. But go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back tomorrow talking about strategies. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.