Offer Ongoing

Thoughts on ongoing offers, subscriptions, Dollar Shave Club and John Warrillow’s terrific book The Automatic Customer.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Offer Ongoing.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

Today I want to point out another piece of my new book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. And this piece is the sixth way, which is called offer ongoing, which is the basic idea of it is offer something in your business that people can have over and over and over again.

I’ve heard it said that, Who was it…..Rich DeVoss, who was one of the cofounders of Amway said that the out of their first products, they said that it has to it has to have the same test and that’s that it has to be able to go down the drain.

In other words, people have to be purchasing it over and over and over again. Otherwise, there’s no reason to introduce it.

Okay, we’re looking for if you’re looking for ongoing income to your business, if you’re looking to go above and beyond, you have to have some type of product that’s ongoing even if your main product or lead product is not an ongoing feature.

I’ve worked with many businesses to help produce this. I’ve worked with one particular website who will go unnamed, but they just because the deal that we had, but their main issue is that they did not have any ongoing income.

And I showed them away on how to create basically a book club, to where people are on a standing order of books where they can get them over and over again. It happens over and over.

But this is a great book on it. Okay, apart from my book where you that you can get an You can also check out this one, go get this one, The Automatic Customer is one of my favorite books about subscription. It’s creating a subscription business in any industry. John Warrillow, really good book. I go back to this one over and over again.

And there’s so many places that I’ve highlighted in and scrolled on the pages. Here’s one particular area this is a great idea.

Yeah, there’s a great way of looking at a company that’s been able to do this Dollar Shave Club. Do you remember these guys Dollar Shave Club?

They came out of nowhere with a really clever commercial if you go look up Dollar Shave Club commercial if you haven’t seen this, or if you don’t remember, go look this up. This their original commercials that is the founder walking around and telling you the story of Dollar Shave Club.

And it’s crazy and wacky and it’s been copied a million times since to this day, we still see it over and over again.

He ended up selling the company but they knew that they had to go beyond just the basic subscription because he made a subscription out of razors.

These are things that get thrown away anyways, he just he priced them cheap and said, Hey, just get on subscription. That way, you never have to worry about running out of them again. It’s real simple concept.

And it caught fire. He said okay, simple Dollar Shave Club. I’m reading from the book Dollar Shave Club started out selling a subscription to razor blades, but its goal has since it evolved into owning the bathroom.

In June 2013, Shave Club launched its subscription for one wipe Charlies, moistened cleansing towels towel that’s for men. So they start finding other things that people use over and over again in the bathroom and just start offering that on top of it.

Yeah, it’s called Dollar Shave Club it has to a shaving but they start offering everything else. And that’s how they were able to to grow that out.

You know, they start offering Dr. Carver’s Easy Shave Butter.

Instead of instead of shaving cream, they have their own version of shaving, right.

It’s just one idea. You take one idea of whatever your business is, and you can grow it from there. All via subscription. The more often you’re the law, the more regularly that you’re able to implement these type of ideas into your business.

The stronger your business gets, the more capital you have to be able to move forward and the more you can future cast as to the growth of your company. So that’s a great way of looking at it.

That’s the sixth way. Offer ongoing in the 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business
. Go get your free copy over at You could also buy a hard copy, or, or get a Kindle version over at if you’d like to pay for it, but get a free copy and get a whole bunch of bonuses over at my website that follow along after you go through that first door of getting your free copy.

I’ll be back here tomorrow. Why don’t you come back. We’re back here every day. Have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The #6 Way You Can Amazon-Proof Your Business
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The #6 Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business…..

  • Offer Ongoing
  • It’s all about subscriptions
  • get someone to pay on an ongoing basis.
  • This goes back to what Brian talked about in the #9 Way to Amazon-Proof your business when he talked about Monetization.
  • getting people to purchase more often
  • Offer what people are already buying and put it into a subscription.

Past Videos on Amazon-Proofing Your business

9 –
8 –
7 –

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