Business Movie: American Playboy 🐰

Ok, two days in a row of Playboy content, I’m going to have to talk with Brian about this. 🙄


Business movie, American Playboy.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Now, it’s not the type of movie that I run out and watch on my own. This was recommended by Dan Kennedy, in his recent interview with Russell Brunson with his kind of return to form and having his company recently acquired by Russell Brunson.

And so it was very interesting.

He’s discussed this before how Walt Disney is very similar in how he structured his company, too many other icons, including Stanley and Hugh Hefner, three people you would never really consider to be similar.

But you look at how they structured a whole lot of their branding, and their companies and so forth, and then you can see the similarities.

This was one of those things that I did not have a whole lot of knowledge on how the original Playboy company was structured, but it was very interesting.

Now, regardless of the controversy, or, you know, the controversy is endless from the very beginning. Playboy was started under the concepts developed by Alfred Kinsey in the 50s.

I think Hefner was in was in college at the time and came across this and it was this grand awakening that he was looking to spread the gospel of, through his magazines that he eventually came out with, and watching the transition of how that happens.

It doesn’t matter where you stand on it, morally or otherwise, if you can step back and look at the business aspect of it and look at what he was able to do off of very little started really out of his garage, in a sense.

Built on to that time, but you know, piece by piece by piece over time, and morphed with the times in order to stay relevant, as relevant as he could, was a very, very interesting documentary.

So this is just so you’re aware, this is a mini-series, specifically.

I could call it a TV show or a movie I just stuck with a movie because it has a very definite beginning, middle and end. But I believe it’s 10 episode miniseries that can be found on Amazon.

If you look at it from the business perspective, it’s worth watching for that because it is a documentary with elements of Docudrama built-in.

So what they ended up doing with this movie is they end up having people and I’m not going to spoil anything, but they do have clips in it that are dramatizing different sections of Hugh Hefner’s life.

They have actors playing all these famous people and not so famous people that you get to know throughout the course of the film.

It’s a very interesting way of doing a documentary. It’s not my favorite way of watching a documentary, I don’t mind a little bit of that it this is very, this has a very high-end high amount of, of Docudrama, built-in.

Now throughout that, they’re also working in clips and recordings, and so forth of Hugh Hefner and other people that knew him.

And also, you know, talking heads and famous people today talking about what they thought about what’s going on during the scene, you know, they start at the beginning of his life and go all the way to the very end.

It’s very worthwhile in terms of watching it from a business perspective. Beyond that, in terms of entertainment, I don’t know what type of things you find entertaining.

I like documentaries, especially by biographical documentaries, whether they like the person or don’t like the person, if the person had an interesting life I,

I enjoy watching it. It’s important to understand what this was. This had a whole lot of his children involved in it, and so forth in putting together this documentary.

It is very highly favorable of Hugh Hefner, okay, so if you dislike him, you just got to take it all with a grain of salt and realize this whole thing is very much put together to put him in a very good light.

I’m sure if you had people with more of a negative view on him, it would make it even more interesting documentary, but you take it for what it’s worth. It’s called American playboy. Like I said, it’s on Amazon. It’s on Amazon Prime.

You can go check that out. I recommend it in terms of its business content. There’s also a large amount of swearing, nudity and all the rest So probably not that great for kids. So just a warning there. I wanted to also recommend to you my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’re a business owner or executive, and you’re looking to make your business more competitive proof. I wrote a book on it. It’s a short book, easy read, go grab yourself a copy or you can get a free digital copy at

That’s all I got for today. You have a good one. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Is Amazon Stealing Your Customers? 👀

Some thoughts on customers sales vs. building lifetime relationships like Sleep Zone is doing the example used by Brian tonight.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Is Amazon stealing your customers?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk a little bit about that, shall we? So, one of the most common issues I’ve heard from people that sell things online through is that they don’t have their customer data, that you have very little information about your customers.

Because Amazon gets all that they get all the details about the customer, they get the community communication with the customer. And you don’t get a whole heck of a lot.

It’s very difficult to build an ongoing relationship, because people have built that relationship, via their amazon prime account, and so forth.

So, this isn’t just an Amazon problem.

It’s just Amazon’s made it a mainstream issue.

This is a retail wholesale issue. And I’ve got a lot of people out in my audience, people that I’ve interviewed on my podcast, and so forth, that have a wholesale retail element to their business.

And the toughest thing about that is that the retail location, whether it’s a physical location, or whether it’s an online store, they’re the ones that maintain the relationship with your customer.

And the value, the true value in a business isn’t in the product exchange for money. The real value in the business is the relationship with the customer, the long term relationship.

I talked about this quite a bit in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, which you could get a free copy at So you go check that out.

But you can also go and check it out at I like to have a relationship with my audience, so that’s one one way that you can do it.

Here’s another way. We just recently and I’m no hypocrite or anything, I use I love it for Prime members.

And we’ve got a we buy things through it all the time. I mean, ridiculous amounts of stuff we get through And the service continues to get better and better.

But the best thing is, they’re causing everyone else to get better and better. Just today I saw a deal where they’ve got a thing I think it’s called Walmart Plus, I guess I should have researched this before bringing it forward.

Walmart Plus where Walmart is, is doing kind of a prime type thing to where they will deliver anything. for free. If you sign up for a year’s worth of their subscription so that you don’t even need to go to the store anymore.

It can come to you, you pay like about what you would for about 100 bucks a year or something like that. Like I said, I heard this through the grapevine my wife was telling me all about it.

So we were looking at Oh, well we can do that with Walmart. It’s all because Amazon’s kicking their butt. Because Amazon’s providing so much value to the marketplace. I’m not here to cheerlead Amazon either.

But I want to show you how you can get around these retailers, one of the things you can do is work on selling directly or building that relationship directly with your with your own people.

Like with my website, you could see how I go through that process. But another way, we just bought this, I don’t know if it was a duvet cover, which I don’t know what that is because I’m a guy.

But we bought some type of sheet or something like that from a company called sleep zone. And we got the package everything else and you’ve seen these in packages your whole life, you’ve seen the little card.

That is for a lifetime warranty, that all you got to do is go and sign up for it. You go and you put in the details as to when you bought it where you bought it from.

Sometimes you got to put in like the item code or something like that in it. And this is a this is nowadays but before I don’t know if you remember getting these were oftentimes you and you don’t see this as often but you it was a postcard that you filled out, and it already had the postage paid on it, and you put it in the mail.

So why do companies go through the hassle of doing this?

Nowadays, they just tell you go to a website and sign up for it.

Sometimes they’ll have the little QR code or whatever to click on. But this is to send you to sleep…..the name of the company sleep zone. It tells you thank you on one side for shopping with us. Sleep zone, let’s dream and then you go to the other side warranty lifetime or a lifetime warranty. Activate your lifetime warranty.

Now step one, visit Step two, click the support menu and enter your information so they get you to go online to do it. Sometimes they have something a little bit more than a warranty. But oftentimes, it’s all that’s needed depending on what you’re actually selling.

And the reason why this is done is so that they can start a one on one relationship.

You because we bought this through Amazon, they don’t have any of our details, Amazon’s got all the details, especially with prime where they’ll, they’ll take the products and deliver it. So you don’t even have the addresses.

But these guys want to start marketing to their people. So they get you to go online and start a relationship.

And this is a major point, like I said, in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you go and check it out. That’s one of the main things I talked about doing is getting that relationship, ongoing relationship with your customer.

There’s nothing better because that’s where the real value of the business lies. Hopefully that makes sense. Yeah, great idea. Everyone should be doing this that’s doing any form of retailing whatsoever.

If you have your products or services being offered by somebody else, and they can and they have the relationship, you’ve got to bring that relationship over to your end.

Because that’s where the value comes. It’s not in that first sale. It’s not in the one sale of the product. It is in the ongoing sales of products and services over time to that same person. Hopefully that makes sense.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night for another tip for ways you can help your business in the ways of principles, strategies and tactics. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Binge-Watching Profits
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Binge-Watching profits.

Are you making money off of the binge-watching culture?

Hi, I’m Brian Pambo with Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re going to be discussing this phenomena that a lot of people, it’s been around long enough. A lot of people don’t remember when it wasn’t like this. 10, 15 years ago we were still all focusing on the next big show that was coming up and everyone was watching it on the same night.


Because Network Television had everything all lined up and we had must see TV on Thursday Nights on NBC and all the other different nights with their own titles, with a lineup of top shows that the new one came out at the same time.

The only people that got to see it ahead of time where people on the east coast versus people on the west coast because of the time difference.

Other than that, everyone saw everything at the same time on the same night and if you missed it, you missed it. The only chance you had was of TiVoing it. If you remember Tivo, that was the first chance you actually had to record things in a relatively easy way without having to pull out a VHS cassette and record things.

So other than that, everyone saw things when it was scheduled. Everyone saw things not when they wanted to see them, when they were told it was going to be available to see.

Nowadays it’s about binge-watching.

The whole concept. I mean, I’m sure you’ve heard of it. It kind of came about when as Netflix streaming became really popular and they started putting all of the old TV shows where you could watch the entire seasons or you had new TV shows or online only television shows provided by Netflix, provided by Hulu, provided by Amazon Prime.

They started putting these out and people would not just sit and watch one episode of night. They wouldn’t just sit and watch one episode a week. They would go and binge. They’d watch multiple episodes a night, they’d watch it for days on end, the exact same television show. They’d watch it all at once in a great big chunk when they got interested in something they can watch as much as they want, as much as is available of it.

And this is something that not all of us have wrapped our heads around because we grew up in a different culture. And even though we know we’re beyond that point now we don’t realize what a huge change this is and what that means to the consumer out there.

So are you allowing your people to be able to binge consume your product, binge consume your services, binge consume any form of marketing that you’re putting out there?

Because this is where content marketing really comes in handy. So YouTube is one of those places that you can see this happening on a regular basis. I can name two examples off the top of my head.

One, what I mentioned yesterday, Adam The Woo, this guy on YouTube, was putting out daily videos. They were daily, unedited vlogs from his life, not as reality TV as you can get him sitting with a cell phone. And putting it out there for everybody to see. Adam The Woo had been putting these things out for a while.

When I came across him, I had found him through another YouTuber by the name of Justin Scarred. We’ll talk about him another time, but he had mentioned being inspired by this person, by Adam. Adam was doing these daily ones. I started watching his daily ones and I wanted to see more.

I wanted to see where this guy came from. He had talked about all these other things that he had done in his life. I went back and watched every single Daily Woo, which is what he calls him that I’ve watched every episode of The Daily Woo’s, all going all the way back from years on.

I think there was at least a couple of years at that point that he had been doing it.

I went back and watched all of them because I was obsessed. I was interested. I binge-watched the whole thing.

Another person I did this with. It was someone who I was so impressed with his marketing and his ability to get attention and it’s very goofy person, very controversial person and a lot more well known guy named Logan Paul. At one time, Logan Paul, I believe was making more money than anybody else on YouTube.

He had kind of a fall from grace, when he had some issues, publicity issues and so forth. But at the time he was putting out nearly daily Vlogs, nearly daily videos on a regular basis. So I went back and I re-watched all his old stuff to see how he got to the point to where he was today.

Binge-watched it all.

This happens across the board when people get interested in you, if you’re providing any type of content out there, I don’t care if it’s written content via a blog or something of that sort. If it’s video content or if it’s audio content and you’re providing a podcast or something like that.

If you’re putting things out there, keep putting it out. Because people, when they come across you, they’re going to go back and re-watch, re-listen, re-read everything else that you put out.

When I come across a really good author, someone that really speaks to me, I’ll go back, I’ll read all their other books.

It’s not a new phenomenon, “Binge-watching” its’ just a phenomena that’s new to watching. But this is a media sensation that always occurs. It’s just now we can access things so much quicker, so much regularly on demand when we want it.

Put stuff out there that people could consume, put things out there that people can get to know, like, and trust you with.

If you do that, you’ll create a following. You’ll create everything that’s necessary for you to beat out the competition and to make a difference in the world. Which hopefully that’s something that you’re looking to do with your business, with your organization, with your mission in life.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about something completely different yet tied to it all at the same time. I’m going to leave it completely blank for you. We’ll get into that tomorrow.

Get out there, let the magic happen, and you have a great night.

The #6 Way You Can Amazon-Proof Your Business
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The #6 Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business…..

  • Offer Ongoing
  • It’s all about subscriptions
  • get someone to pay on an ongoing basis.
  • This goes back to what Brian talked about in the #9 Way to Amazon-Proof your business when he talked about Monetization.
  • getting people to purchase more often
  • Offer what people are already buying and put it into a subscription.

Past Videos on Amazon-Proofing Your business

9 –
8 –
7 –