Business Movie: American Playboy 🐰

Ok, two days in a row of Playboy content, I’m going to have to talk with Brian about this. 🙄


Business movie, American Playboy.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Now, it’s not the type of movie that I run out and watch on my own. This was recommended by Dan Kennedy, in his recent interview with Russell Brunson with his kind of return to form and having his company recently acquired by Russell Brunson.

And so it was very interesting.

He’s discussed this before how Walt Disney is very similar in how he structured his company, too many other icons, including Stanley and Hugh Hefner, three people you would never really consider to be similar.

But you look at how they structured a whole lot of their branding, and their companies and so forth, and then you can see the similarities.

This was one of those things that I did not have a whole lot of knowledge on how the original Playboy company was structured, but it was very interesting.

Now, regardless of the controversy, or, you know, the controversy is endless from the very beginning. Playboy was started under the concepts developed by Alfred Kinsey in the 50s.

I think Hefner was in was in college at the time and came across this and it was this grand awakening that he was looking to spread the gospel of, through his magazines that he eventually came out with, and watching the transition of how that happens.

It doesn’t matter where you stand on it, morally or otherwise, if you can step back and look at the business aspect of it and look at what he was able to do off of very little started really out of his garage, in a sense.

Built on to that time, but you know, piece by piece by piece over time, and morphed with the times in order to stay relevant, as relevant as he could, was a very, very interesting documentary.

So this is just so you’re aware, this is a mini-series, specifically.

I could call it a TV show or a movie I just stuck with a movie because it has a very definite beginning, middle and end. But I believe it’s 10 episode miniseries that can be found on Amazon.

If you look at it from the business perspective, it’s worth watching for that because it is a documentary with elements of Docudrama built-in.

So what they ended up doing with this movie is they end up having people and I’m not going to spoil anything, but they do have clips in it that are dramatizing different sections of Hugh Hefner’s life.

They have actors playing all these famous people and not so famous people that you get to know throughout the course of the film.

It’s a very interesting way of doing a documentary. It’s not my favorite way of watching a documentary, I don’t mind a little bit of that it this is very, this has a very high-end high amount of, of Docudrama, built-in.

Now throughout that, they’re also working in clips and recordings, and so forth of Hugh Hefner and other people that knew him.

And also, you know, talking heads and famous people today talking about what they thought about what’s going on during the scene, you know, they start at the beginning of his life and go all the way to the very end.

It’s very worthwhile in terms of watching it from a business perspective. Beyond that, in terms of entertainment, I don’t know what type of things you find entertaining.

I like documentaries, especially by biographical documentaries, whether they like the person or don’t like the person, if the person had an interesting life I,

I enjoy watching it. It’s important to understand what this was. This had a whole lot of his children involved in it, and so forth in putting together this documentary.

It is very highly favorable of Hugh Hefner, okay, so if you dislike him, you just got to take it all with a grain of salt and realize this whole thing is very much put together to put him in a very good light.

I’m sure if you had people with more of a negative view on him, it would make it even more interesting documentary, but you take it for what it’s worth. It’s called American playboy. Like I said, it’s on Amazon. It’s on Amazon Prime.

You can go check that out. I recommend it in terms of its business content. There’s also a large amount of swearing, nudity and all the rest So probably not that great for kids. So just a warning there. I wanted to also recommend to you my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’re a business owner or executive, and you’re looking to make your business more competitive proof. I wrote a book on it. It’s a short book, easy read, go grab yourself a copy or you can get a free digital copy at

That’s all I got for today. You have a good one. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Documentary: Hey Moe! Hey Dad! 🤓 (The Three Stooges)

Thoughts on Three Stooges Documentary, Hey Moe! Hey Dad!


Business TV show: Hey Moe! Hey Dad!

I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Hey Moe! Hey Dad! is a mini-series that was put out, back I believe in 2015. I believe there are eight or nine episodes of it and it’s one full story.

Why am I bringing up the three stooges?

When it comes to business there’s a whole lot you can learn from this stuff. But let me take it back a little further.

The reason why I’ll love to make recommendations for movies and TV shows is that it gives you a very different view than say, you know how-to books, which is a lot of what I focus on, you know, like my, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you haven’t got a free copy yet, get it now while you can. And after you get your free copy, you’ll get the option to get an audiobook and a hard copy of it, you might want to look into Go to for that very special deal.

I don’t know how long it’s going to last. So be sure and catch it while you can. So let’s talk about movies and TV shows. Now, this is kind of a mix because what this rule is is is a mini-series, this was a mini-series.

This is as if you had a very long documentary about the lives of the Three Stooges, that’s been stretched out and split out into eight different episodes. For me personally, this was fabulous, because I grew up with the three stooges.

But before I get too deep into that, let me continue on with the concept of why you should look at movies and TV shows and specifically documentaries. In specifically in that realm. Even when it comes to books. I love biographies, and autobiographies give you a different look in it helps encapsulate a person’s life.

You get to step back and you get to see it through the eyes of the writer or director or you know, producer of the movie. And you get to see from their point of view, and then you can kind of take it back to put it into your own point of view and see, okay, what do I relate with this person and what do I not relate to this person?

What can I learn from their life and what can I take away and move on my own and what can I see in other people and so on so forth?

That this is the story of our life is something that will never be able to be encapsulated in a book or a movie. But the fact that we can take an outside perspective and put it out there, and then yeah, and then be able to relive it a little bit and be able to learn something from their lives. That’s priceless. And that’s why I really enjoy biographies, anything of a biographical nature.

This is an interesting movie, because this mini-series takes Paul Howard, and who Paul Howard is he is the only son of Moe Howard. Now he also had a daughter who was also in the movie. But this is mostly from the perspective of Paul. Paul grew up having Moe Howard as his father.

Moe Howard is one of the main characters of the Three Stooges. And he goes through really talking about a life of living with a very famous person in a very, very odd type of famous person because really, they were the international clowns of America. They took a vaudeville show, and expanded upon it, and created something for the movie screen on an international basis that no one has ever experienced.

And then through the years, it morphed into different ideas and different concepts. But still, it’s very much a clown show. That’s what it is.

This is a situation of extreme entertainment, absolute theater of the absurd, and a whole bunch of different elements wrapped into one.

It’s interesting because with that you also see the highs and lows that come with success, which is also visible in business and there’s also a business side and interpersonal relationships, in terms of asking for what you’re worth versus not asking for what you’re worth being versus being too nice, versus wanting too much attention from people and not wanting too much attention.

And if you’re focused at all in an area where you have the ability to have any sense of notoriety or celebrity, and nowadays, it’s becoming more and more common with and it’s one of the things that I encourage you to do is that take advantage of the fact that celebrity is something that can be produced.

I talked about all my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you could check that out.

With that comes a whole lot of responsibility and a lot of people’s egos and backgrounds can handle the ability to be known without letting it go to their head.

And what you see is three brothers. So Moe, Curly, and Shemp, if you’re familiar with the three stooges, they were all brothers. And you see how each one of them dealt with celebrity differently, both in good and bad ways.

How it either allowed them to grow or destroyed them in the end. And you’ll have to watch the movie to see and also their friend, Louis Feinberg, who you know, as Larry from, The Three Stooges, how he plays into it, plus the two extra fellows that came toward the end, Joe Besser, and Curly Joe.

How these things all came into play, and how they went through popularity spikes through periods of time to where they were down in the gutter, and up into the stratosphere with how popular they were through the years.

Very, very, very interesting stuff that I never ever knew or had ever heard about. And it’s funny because I had never even heard this of this movie, of this series.

It’s worth checking out right now. But at the time of this recording it’s playing on to be, which is a free app, and both for Roku and you get it on your phone. That’s TUBI, you go check that out. I know it’s playing there.

I know they have a DVD out there, that’s a pretty decent price over on Amazon. The name of that show again is Hey, Moe! Hey Dad!

All from the perspective of the son of Moe. And but gives you a very thorough, I think, a very fair examination of the lives and success and failure of the Three Stooges, which is it’s just an incredible subject.

But it’s the story of humans and that’s what you just got to understand. And within that is we’ve through this concept of all these things that you have to deal with when you’re dealing with business, both success, and failure.

So love to hear what you think if you’ve seen it already. Leave me a comment down below. Let me know what you think.

Am I wrong?

Was this not really interesting?

I thought it was a kick. Plus, I’m sorry, I love The Three Stooges. I grew up with this stuff. As I got older, I went back and rewatched it and you find all these little intricate little jokes throughout, especially the verbal play back and forth was just amazing, especially in the 30s and 40s. They just had some amazing scripts, and it’s good stuff. The plus the genius of Curly is tough to deny.

So hopefully you’ve enjoyed that. That’s all I got for tonight.

I’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, you know, get out there and let the magic happen. Yeah lunkheads.

Business Movies: Hunger Games Series 🔥

How the heck does Hunger Games fit into being a movie about business?

Welp, Brian does his darnedest to tell you in today’s vid. Good luck B!


Business Movies: The Hunger Games Series.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking about the Hunger Games. Now, how do you have the Hunger Games as business movies?

How could you possibly look at them as being business movies?

I’ll get into that in a second.

First, I want to apologize, I do have a white tank top on right now because I got home, I got comfortable. I had clothing that was appropriate to wear for our nightly video, and my youngest proceeded to urinate on it.

So that just comes with having young kids and of course, I’ve got boxes off to the side. This is just pure professionalism tonight, so I’m hoping you’re enjoying yourself.

Let’s talk about The Hunger Games.

I’m not sure if you’ve seen these movies yet or not give you just an I’m not gonna know spoilers, give you an idea. These are dystopian movies, they are based in the distant future, in a situation where people are basically being held down by a horrible government that runs everything, keeps everybody into 12 separate districts has a regular annual thinning of the herd, if you will.

Where they team up and have kind of a lottery that picks one young person from each district and has a battle to the death in a sort of Olympics, shall we say?

Roman Colosseum type situation, very brutal, all filmed all put outlive in a very reality TV type, you know, survivor type idea.

And it’s very clever on its basis. These were a series of books, these were three books that got put into four movies, and the concepts are interesting.

The political ramifications get really interesting, especially toward the end of the series. But I went back with my wife and rewatch these and I saw a whole nother level that for some reason, for the most part, escaped me the first time watching it.

These movies are not as much about a dystopian future as they are very much about marketing and communication. And you can learn so much about how to communicate and market better with your audience based on these movies.

Now, starting at the very first movie, I’m just going to give you the basis is the main character gets pulled into the situation to where she is one of the contenders.

Throughout the whole thing, she is finding ways to be able to win the audience to her and also be able to play those who were designing the game against itself and trying to pull the whole thing down on itself, while also coming off in a way that’s different than would naturally be seen.

She’s trying to project a very clear image. It’s the same thing that everybody does with their business or should be doing with their business.

If you own a business, the whole idea is that you’re trying to project a certain image out there, you’re trying to get a certain idea of what you are and what you’re not. And hopefully being able to get out the what you are trying to be known, white and trusted.

This is the process that Katniss Everdeen, the main character goes through in the first movie, and it compounds with each additional movie, it isn’t just this subtle little undertone, it might be a little bit in the very first movie, by the third and fourth movie, it is the storyline to where there are characters introduced that are discussing this process of what’s happening and how this person needs to get this effect.

And that person needs to get that effect to for them to be able to get their political ends. By the end of the movie. You have other political sides attempting to take over and them trying to retain the support of the public.

Very, very, very interesting and worth rewatching if you’ve never watched it before. If you watch it for the first time, don’t just watch it for the deep dark undertones.

And I’ll give you a bit of a little bit of a critique as far as the how I said, the first movie, I thought as a movie was okay. But it has very shaky camera work, and works in and works very hard to make you feel uncomfortable and uneasy into nearly the entire movie.

If you can get past that, the director that ends up taking over at the second movie, and from that point forward, I think does a better job of containing some of that to just the scenes where it’s necessary, and not making the entire movie make you feel uneasy with the shaky camera and all that stuff.

So I really do think the series gets better with each additional movie.

Also saying that some of these movies are pretty long, and could have been cut back tremendously. Especially I personally believe the last movie could have been cut back a whole lot more. And still retained exactly the same message and made it stronger.

Honestly, very good acting especially toward the end, I think the second director did a better job at handling the actors and giving them the proper direction or at least choosing the right stuff to be able to show in the final edit of the film.

Overall, very much worth seeing these movies are you got to get past all of all that crazy stuff. You’re dealing with a lot of teenage angst and all this other stuff going on in between if you can get past all that.

So very interesting message very much a story of humanity and how to go about commuting thing, communicating a message to mass audiences, whether that be on a political level, or on a business level.

It’s all in there and I’d love to hear what you think I am definitely going to make a more in-depth critique of specific scenes and what they mean and how that plays back in your business.

We’ll be doing that later, probably be adding it to one of the subscriptions that we’re going to be offering at a later date.

So keep an eye out for that. In the meantime, right now if you want to know some ways to be able to really make a difference in your business.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. That’s to make it basically so impenetrable, that or a large behemoth like that can’t even stop you, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn 🦄

Thoughts on a Hulu exclusive documentary about a coworking office space company called, WeWork.


Business movie, WeWork: Or the making and breaking of a $47 billion unicorn.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Got to talk a little bit about this movie that can only be found currently on Hulu. Hopefully, they’ll open it up a little bit after that, so that other people can see it. But if you have Hulu, you have the chance to be able to watch it at least for now.

Good documentary, interesting documentary, there’s pieces of it I like, pieces of it I don’t, I’m not going to completely ruin the idea for you wework is still functional company.

It is a company that is built off of coworking and what coworking is if you’re not familiar with it, is you can purchase in some way the ability to be able to use a certain space for an office space.

So you can use the Wi Fi that’s available the internet, you can use everything else that the office has contained in it. And in some cases, on at least at the very lower ends, you can share a room with multiple other people, like you’re at a coffee shop or something and be able to sit there and do whatever you need to do and but also, the thing about wework is they encourage you to be able to talk with the other people around you.

And they made everything very fancy. And they made everything very modern and comfortable. Trying to shirk away the whole idea of a corporate office space and making it more social, making it more about the relationship, which I’m always been interested in, I’ve actually always been interested in the coworking concept.

Because unlike a lot of entrepreneurs, there’s a lot within like the direct marketing space, that really poopoo any type of working out of a cafe, I like working out of a cafe.

I’m a social creature, I like being around people.

I don’t love people, but I like being around it. I like the energy that happens in a in an active cafe and being able to sit there if I don’t have stuff that I have to do recording of or I don’t have to do any type of meetings, then I would love to be able to do a lot of my work out of a cafe or out of a social arena.

So the concept of we work has always interested me, although I’ve never taken the dive with any of these companies that offer coworking spaces I’ve attempted to a few times but never fully gone with it. I love the idea of being able to rent low term office space so that you don’t have to have it that whole time being able to split the amount that you can.

You need to spend it’s a great idea and it goes along with the third pillar at, which is being relationship reliant, relationship reliant.

All of business is relationship reliant, because all a business has to do with people, and has to do with knowing the right people and having the right people know you. So that’s where that all comes in.

So I love the concept that the business was built off of now it’s built off of a very charismatic character, and that’s what this movie is about.

It really the movie does its best, I’m not going to ruin it too much for you. But it does its best right off the bat to attempt to paint this person as a villain. And while there were definitely miss major missteps made with this business, which is a great.

The thing I love about this movie, or this the at least the story behind the movie is that it’s one of those that you want to sit with other business people or people that are business minded, and be able to watch it because there’s so many good things that could be taken out of it.

Because what he did was he took this company from nothing, and helped bring it to a $47 billion evaluation.

And that is in such a short period of time, it’s new, it’s unheard of, especially when they did not really have any major visible assets that would be able to back it up.

That shows you that there was a whole lot of salesmanship, there was a whole lot of community that was built up through wework.

This movie just gives you a taste of all of that. I’d love to hear some more of the other side of it. I’d love to hear the people that were not interviewed, including the gentleman that started the company. I’d love to hear more about the whole thing.

Not just the bad side of it, but also the good side. You got to see some of it. You got to see a lot of the people that got burned In the process, because what ended up happening is the evaluation was over inflated.

As soon as it was realized everything came crashing down, and a lot of the growth stopped and everything else and the CEO was removed from his position. So that’s none of that is new, and it doesn’t ruin the movie, go and watch the movie. And look at what occurred and try and point out, well, that’s good, but I’m not I’m not sure about that.

And where did they go wrong?

And how would you change it if you had to do it all over again, it’s a very interesting exercise in that.

It’s a very interesting exercise in the thin line between a cult and a very successful community oriented business. It’s thin, it’s really thin. But you will see that it you know, whether you’re talking Apple computers, whether you’re talking all these, what Guy Kawasaki would call evangelical companies, that they all have the same elements in them.

And it’s really interesting to see on display.

So go watch the movie, if you have a chance, find someone who’s got a Hulu account or go get one yourself, and go check out the wework movie. worth watching. Like I said, it’s very one sided.

But if you could remove yourself from what they’re trying the picture they’re trying to paint and consider that it may there may be some other side that isn’t being said, then I think you’ll come away with a very similar view of the whole thing that I did. And I’d love to hear what you think.

So leave a comment down below whether you’ve seen it or if you’re going to see it, come on back and leave a comment because I’d love to hear what you think about it. That’s all I got for today. It’s all about relationship reliance.

And we’re gonna go into that on a regular basis along with the other three, the other two pillars of which we’ve talked about, it’s about being relationship Reliant. It’s about being system base.

It’s about being reality grounded. And so stay tuned, we’ll be talking about that more. Also, you can find a whole lot of good stuff in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business and you can get a free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Movie: Fake Famous 🎥

Brian reviews a movie from HBO Max called Fake Famous from a business-minded perspective.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Business movie, Fake Famous.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, sorry, I was trying my best duck lips there.

Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I want to talk about this movie called, Fake Famous, not sure if you’ve heard of it yet. It’s out on HBO, one of these direct to TV deals, it’s just a movie, documentary, real life story, as much as you can take it as being real life being that it’s a movie, but it’s really worth watching.

And it isn’t very often that I’ll recommend a movie when I’ve only watched it once. Oftentimes, the movies I watch are ones that, that once I bring to you, or once I’ve watched over and over again, gotten multiple things from it.

This is one of those that I’ve seen once, I know I’m going to reread watching it not only that, I’ll probably bring you a string of videos all about this one movie.

It’s that impactful.

It’s very timely. But I think also in 20 years, its impact will be even stronger. Because we’ll have it to be able to look back on I think we’ll see it as quite cute at that point.

But I think that where it is right now, I think there were some points that were made really well by the film. And there are some points that were not that were really missed, because the filmmakers lack of business acumen.

So what’s the movie about fake famous is all about this filmmaker that basically takes three people in a group group of others, take three people, not three of the most likely people but three of the most unlikely people to ever be famous online as an influencer as one, especially the Instagram style influencer.

So very visual, very all about taking pictures and videos, and playing to a certain youth category. And in order to get to the door, their whole plan is to get to a point to where they can be what’s known as an influencer, which is, are these people online that do nothing but put themselves into situations to get attention, so that they can then become ambassadors for different brands all over the place.

Make money that way and use Instagram the whole time for doing that. What they expose with this movie, is the fact of how the game it can be cheated. And that no way can it be cheated. It’s expected to be cheated.

Some of the top famous people that you know, have have cheated this game and they goes into detail, I’m not going to ruin it for you.

But these three people is a very, very interesting story of what it takes to be able to move ahead, what you trade off in that process of moving head, and what you really consider to be success.

Not only that, what it takes to get attention, what it takes to become famous, what famous actually means.

Why would you want to be famous?

We talk a lot about the power of celebrity here on this show. We discuss a lot about how becoming a celebrity even in just a small little group, becoming a celebrity within a very small niche can make you very powerful in your industry and allow you to be seen allow you to stand out. Everything on this show is all about standing out.

In fact, I wrote a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, it’s all about standing out standing apart from the competition, so that you can really be the next thing so that you can gain the exposure necessary in order to market whatever you want to the masses, whatever that may be, maybe it’s your cause that you’re behind.

Or maybe it’s the widget that you’re trying to sell. Maybe it’s your network marketing makeup, you know, it could be anything.

The point is how does a person goes about standing out and what are the barriers?

What are the short cuts and all the rest. This movie is fabulous for this stuff. Because it just exposes a lot of it without not a whole lot of

moralizing or anything about it. It kind of gives both sides of it. But at the same time, I think it’s really, really, really worth watching. I’m going to go into more details about what I got out of it. And I’d love to hear what you think. Go out, go watch this on HBO. If you’ve got HBO Max, I know there’s a whole lot of deals going on with HBO Max.

There’s different ways you can get it relatively inexpensively. If you don’t have it yet. It’s worth getting on a number of levels. They’ve got a lot of great material I’ve mentioned other movies that you could find on HBO Max, this is exclusive to them currently.

So go check it out Fake, Famous, good movie, really worth watch. And I like to thank Frank Kern for recommending it. He’s the one that mentioned it not not long ago on a video that he put out, and that’s why I went out and watch it.

So it kind of shows you the power of influencing online, especially even in the business space. Apart from Instagram, apart from a lot of the more poppy things. There’s definitely an area for we’re always influencing each other one way or another. Whether you consider that an influencer or not.

Hopefully, you’ll go out and check that out. We’re going to be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, Hey, get out there and you let the magic happen.

Business Movie: Soul (2020)

Brian reviews new Disney Plus, Pixar movie called Soul.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Business movie soul from 2020.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I just got to see Disney’s Disney Pixar’s new movie, which they released directly to Disney plus probably some other places, I’m not sure if you can get them all for free. But it comes along with a Disney plus subscription. And that’s the movie Soul. really worth seeing.

First off, if you have any experience with watching Pixar films, and you enjoy them, then it’ll be right up your alley. It’s a it’s a solid Pixar movie for sure. The topics that are handled are surprisingly adult, but my kids watch them, I’ve got kids, let’s say my oldest is six, my youngest is one.

And it kept their attention pretty well too, even though most of the stuff was way over their heads. There’s enough slapstick humor and everything in it, they kept going.

So I’m not going to ruin anything, there’s not gonna be any spoilers or anything. But I’m going to tell you, it has a lot to do with the mentality. That I mean, as humans, we all have, to some extent, but specifically to entrepreneurs, even though it doesn’t, there’s no one that’s directly talking about business, although there are a few conversations having to do with that.

And a lot of the conversations that have to do with being an employee v being versus an entrepreneur, or going to college versus doing it on your own, a lot of those things get battered around in this movie. And so that a lot of cool ideas there and a lot of different ways of looking at it.

One of the things that they spend a lot of time on is a person’s passion in life, the specific focus of the passion of your passion of the thing that gets you going, the thing you’re most interested in the thing that you talk about the most and think about the most, the thing that you almost feel like you were born to do, and whether that’s really the real thing that you’re meant to do.

Or whether that’s a placeholder or a description of what you’re about, or whether it really is something deeper than that, that you’re after. Is there something deeper in your life than merely your business than merely where you’re going what your goals are. Are you nothing more than your dreams?

Or is there something deeper Is there a deeper meaning behind what you’re doing in life, and it’s a great movie to be able to watch during New Years during this time of reflection.

Because I’m recording this story New Years of this new year days, specifically of 2021. And it’s a good one to go and watch. It’s very rare. For one thing, just artistically fabulous. I mean just amazing what they were able to do with the artwork in this movie, if you know anything about animation and computer animation, they’ve come so far leaps and bounds in what they’re able to do. And while at the same time Pixar is good at really making sure they keep it a cartoon, they keep it that cartoon stretch and feel to it.

That makes it superior in some ways to a live action movie, you could tell the same story in a live action movie, but there’s just a value that comes along with telling it via computer animation that makes such a big difference. So worth seeing. I wish I could be more specific at this time. But I’m not going to be because there’s a lot of people who haven’t seen it. I don’t want to spoil it for you.

Love to hear what you think if you saw it, did you not like it?

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Leave a comment down below. We’ll be back tomorrow, go check out Get yourself a free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’re really looking for some strategies to really take things to the next level this year. If you’re looking to double, triple or whatever your profits, this is going to be a huge difference. The huge difference is really getting the competition that’s touch you in your mind getting them out of the way as much as possible.

And that’s what this book is all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Go to for your own free copy We’ll be back here tomorrow. Come on back and we’ll have another chat. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Movie Sabrina (1954)

How the heck is Sabrina a business movie?

I know that’s what you’re thinking. Just calm down, grab a coffee and settle in and watch.

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Business movie, Sabrina.

And this isn’t the Sabrina from the 90s this is one that was remade in the 90s. This was the one from 1954 with Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn and William Holden. Amazing movie.

Most people would not consider it a business movie, by the way.

Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo. Live. I’m Brian Pombo.

Today I wanted to talk real quick, because I didn’t feel like making a video tonight.

I’m gonna be completely honest with you. I was that close to just say and I’m skipping a night.

But I said, you know, it’s not that tough to get on here. And just do a quick one. And I had this sitting around because I wanted to bring it up. This is a fabulous movie.

This was directed by Billy Wilder.

Not sure if you know you’ve seen Billy Wilder movies, whether you know it or not. Some Like It Hot.

He’s famous for doing, mostly comedies.

This is this is a great one Sabrina amazing acting in it. Across the board. Most people don’t consider it a business movie because and think that it’s a romance Audrey Hepburn and everything.

Actually, it’s a very funny movie. It’s a very human movie.

A lots of the writing is just fabulous.

Every little line has three different ways that you could take it type of thing. And, you know, lots of innuendo from the time that you would never think they’d be able to get away with.

They pulled off fabulously reason why it’s a business move is because the story is really about, not as much about Sabrina, although they spend some time on her.

The story is really about this guy here, Humphrey Bogart, his character and his brother and the fight that they’re having in taking over the family business. And he is the person that’s kind of been the responsible one that has kind of been brought up in business and is at a point in his life where he just wants to see what life is all about.

Because if you put business ahead of life, you, you’re going to end up feeling cheated, even if you do really well in business. And that’s really a lot of what this is about.

It deals with a lot of heavy subjects, suicide, alcoholism, all this other stuff. But at the same time, it does it in such a light and airy way that it’s very able to, it’s easily consumed. And you don’t have to worry about your kids watching or anything like that. black and white.

But very much worth seeing Sabrina going going to dig this one up the 1954 version. It’s a great movie. And just one of those things if you just want something that is going to encourage you in your business journey, I think this one is helpful. It’s one of those that when I’m thinking about it, I have a tough time explain it to other people. What what makes it so true It’s just a fabulous movie.

And when you’re in the middle of watching it, I know if I’m at someone else’s house and it’s on TV on live television, and I said, just stop for a few minutes. Just watch a couple minutes. It’s just one of those things that just sucks you right in. So, great movie, go check it out. We’ll be back tomorrow.

Sometimes with something a little bit more serious, sometimes a little bit more light, but always something hopefully that’s stimulating. You have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.