WeWork: Or the Making and Breaking of a $47 Billion Unicorn 🦄

Thoughts on a Hulu exclusive documentary about a coworking office space company called, WeWork.


Business movie, WeWork: Or the making and breaking of a $47 billion unicorn.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Got to talk a little bit about this movie that can only be found currently on Hulu. Hopefully, they’ll open it up a little bit after that, so that other people can see it. But if you have Hulu, you have the chance to be able to watch it at least for now.

Good documentary, interesting documentary, there’s pieces of it I like, pieces of it I don’t, I’m not going to completely ruin the idea for you wework is still functional company.

It is a company that is built off of coworking and what coworking is if you’re not familiar with it, is you can purchase in some way the ability to be able to use a certain space for an office space.

So you can use the Wi Fi that’s available the internet, you can use everything else that the office has contained in it. And in some cases, on at least at the very lower ends, you can share a room with multiple other people, like you’re at a coffee shop or something and be able to sit there and do whatever you need to do and but also, the thing about wework is they encourage you to be able to talk with the other people around you.

And they made everything very fancy. And they made everything very modern and comfortable. Trying to shirk away the whole idea of a corporate office space and making it more social, making it more about the relationship, which I’m always been interested in, I’ve actually always been interested in the coworking concept.

Because unlike a lot of entrepreneurs, there’s a lot within like the direct marketing space, that really poopoo any type of working out of a cafe, I like working out of a cafe.

I’m a social creature, I like being around people.

I don’t love people, but I like being around it. I like the energy that happens in a in an active cafe and being able to sit there if I don’t have stuff that I have to do recording of or I don’t have to do any type of meetings, then I would love to be able to do a lot of my work out of a cafe or out of a social arena.

So the concept of we work has always interested me, although I’ve never taken the dive with any of these companies that offer coworking spaces I’ve attempted to a few times but never fully gone with it. I love the idea of being able to rent low term office space so that you don’t have to have it that whole time being able to split the amount that you can.

You need to spend it’s a great idea and it goes along with the third pillar at BrianJPombo.com, which is being relationship reliant, relationship reliant.

All of business is relationship reliant, because all a business has to do with people, and has to do with knowing the right people and having the right people know you. So that’s where that all comes in.

So I love the concept that the business was built off of now it’s built off of a very charismatic character, and that’s what this movie is about.

It really the movie does its best, I’m not going to ruin it too much for you. But it does its best right off the bat to attempt to paint this person as a villain. And while there were definitely miss major missteps made with this business, which is a great.

The thing I love about this movie, or this the at least the story behind the movie is that it’s one of those that you want to sit with other business people or people that are business minded, and be able to watch it because there’s so many good things that could be taken out of it.

Because what he did was he took this company from nothing, and helped bring it to a $47 billion evaluation.

And that is in such a short period of time, it’s new, it’s unheard of, especially when they did not really have any major visible assets that would be able to back it up.

That shows you that there was a whole lot of salesmanship, there was a whole lot of community that was built up through wework.

This movie just gives you a taste of all of that. I’d love to hear some more of the other side of it. I’d love to hear the people that were not interviewed, including the gentleman that started the company. I’d love to hear more about the whole thing.

Not just the bad side of it, but also the good side. You got to see some of it. You got to see a lot of the people that got burned In the process, because what ended up happening is the evaluation was over inflated.

As soon as it was realized everything came crashing down, and a lot of the growth stopped and everything else and the CEO was removed from his position. So that’s none of that is new, and it doesn’t ruin the movie, go and watch the movie. And look at what occurred and try and point out, well, that’s good, but I’m not I’m not sure about that.

And where did they go wrong?

And how would you change it if you had to do it all over again, it’s a very interesting exercise in that.

It’s a very interesting exercise in the thin line between a cult and a very successful community oriented business. It’s thin, it’s really thin. But you will see that it you know, whether you’re talking Apple computers, whether you’re talking all these, what Guy Kawasaki would call evangelical companies, that they all have the same elements in them.

And it’s really interesting to see on display.

So go watch the movie, if you have a chance, find someone who’s got a Hulu account or go get one yourself, and go check out the wework movie. worth watching. Like I said, it’s very one sided.

But if you could remove yourself from what they’re trying the picture they’re trying to paint and consider that it may there may be some other side that isn’t being said, then I think you’ll come away with a very similar view of the whole thing that I did. And I’d love to hear what you think.

So leave a comment down below whether you’ve seen it or if you’re going to see it, come on back and leave a comment because I’d love to hear what you think about it. That’s all I got for today. It’s all about relationship reliance.

And we’re gonna go into that on a regular basis along with the other three, the other two pillars of BrianJPombo.com which we’ve talked about, it’s about being relationship Reliant. It’s about being system base.

It’s about being reality grounded. And so stay tuned, we’ll be talking about that more. Also, you can find a whole lot of good stuff in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business and you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Movie: Mary Poppins ☂️

When you can stretch Mary Poppins into a business movie, you know you’ve got problems.

By hey, checkout what Brian has to say and perhaps you’ll see this classic in a different light.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Business movie, Mary Poppins.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m going to give you a quick review of an older movie, okay, 1960s. And this is Mary Poppins, the original Walt Disney version.

I’m not talking about the new one that came out a few years back. This is the original one with Julie Andrews, Dick Van Dyke. And I want to go into this because it is, believe it or not a business movie. And it’s a personal business movie.

If you haven’t seen in a long time, or you haven’t seen it at all don’t let the name fool you. This isn’t just some, some silly little kid’s movie it is but it isn’t. There’s extra elements to it, that are very subtle, but indistinguishable.

When you when you watch it as an adult, especially if you’ve had kids, if you’ve been a parent, it can make a huge impact. I’ll get into that in a second.

But first, I wanted to remind you about the book that I have called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Be sure and get your own free copy over at night over at AmazonProofBook.com.

AmazonProofBook.com that’s where you can get a free one.

Now if you want to pay for it, you go get go get a hardcopy over at Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com or any of the places that books are sold online, you could find it, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business go check it out.

Now, let’s get into Mary Poppins.

Why is Mary Poppins a business movie?

Well, it’s not as much a story about Mary Poppins, if you’ve ever seen the movie Saving Mr. Banks. That’s a lot of what that movie is about the behind the scenes of it. And it a lot of it is fantasy in that movie also.

But that movie, points to the fact that this was a story about the father more than anything else. Who’s the Father, the father’s Mr. Banks, he is the busy the consummate businessman. He is the guy that’s focused on the bottom line.

He’s focused on the numbers and has very little time for his family. Now, this brings up a point that I I like to talk about called virtuous diversions.

One of the major themes of the movie is, you’ve you’ve probably heard the tune or heard the expression, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, you know, or let’s go fly a kite.

You all these different little songs in the movie, it’s all about having virtuous diversions, away from business with your family if you have a family, but even if you don’t have a family, if you have something to do that isn’t bad for you. That is it habit forming or something like that, where it it’s it’s a diversion that pulls you away from reality, but more of a thing that lightens the mood that allows you to step away from business, it can improve your business, everything improves.

If you allow yourself the chance to step away once in a while, you’ve got to get outside of that world. And then step back into it, you can’t be in a 24 seven, you will burn out something will happen where it just will not end well.

It doesn’t matter what personnel, some personalities handle it a little better. If you have certain coordination, you might be able to handle nonstop work a lot better. But there’s other things to life.

For your own mortal soul, you’ve got to step back. And you’ve got to be able to smell the roses and that’s what this movie is really all about. In the end, that they do it. They tell the story through a little bit of the perspective of the children.

But through the perspective of the children, you see how crazy everyone else is in the story. And how Mary Poppins is just this correcting figure that helps to kind of straighten things out using chaos as a tool. But eventually, since things in a proper direction by the end of the movie worth saying. Absolutely, I mean, it’s got you’ve got amazing acting, you’ve got incredible music.

The Sherman Brothers wrote the music for this. You got incredible acting, the colors, the scenes, everything else you got, you got a whole lot of combination of animation, and matte paintings and all this stuff in the background. It’s just quality movie well worth seeing.

If you haven’t seen it since you were a kid, rewatch it now as an adult, if you haven’t seen it, since you’ve had children if you’ve had the pleasure of having children, go and check it out, because my wife said this is a completely different movie because she hadn’t seen it since we had our kids. Our oldest is six years old.

So it’s been a while and completely different movie, right?

So go check it out. Marry Poppins is a business movie, look at it from a personal perspective and see how you can apply the lessons to your life. So, hopefully that makes sense.

We’ll be back here tomorrow with another concept, another idea of principle, a strategy or tactic that you can use directly in your business to really explode your profits and defeat the competition. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Movie: A Man For All Seasons 👀

Now how can A Man For All Seasons be considered a business movie?

Well click play and hear what Brian has to say already!

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Business movie: A Man For All Seasons.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I got to bring up a movie. That is, I don’t think in a million years you’ll ever hear someone refer to it as a business movie. But that’s what I like doing. I love really pointing to the ones that people wouldn’t normally think of.

This happens to be one of my favorite movies and it was different. It’s an odd type of movie. It’s not a very action packed movie. It’s very heavy on dialogue. It’s very old fashioned. It’s a slow running movie.

But there’s a real value to it in the long run. And what it is, this is a story of Thomas Moore, this guy here, who was the chancellor of England during the Reformation that took place in England when King Henry the Eighth kicked out the Catholic Church, and Sir Thomas Moore had an issue with it, but he couldn’t outright say it.

Because the way the laws were set up, that he could be tried for treason if he outright came out against it. But at the same end, he didn’t want to completely go with it. And so because he was a lawyer, found a way in between.

And what it really speaks to, there’s a whole bunch of different levels in this movie.

But one of the main things and I’m not going to ruin it for you, if you haven’t seen it yet, but one of the main themes that gets talked about over and over again, in subtle ways, is the idea of how to be very strong in your convictions, how to stick to your convictions, while at the same time not being so stupid as to be loud and obnoxious about them, in order to put yourself and your family in harm’s way.

Which is an interesting concept, especially nowadays, when a lot of people want to be as loud and, and outrageous with their opinions as possible and you just don’t know where that’s gonna lead.

Nowadays, things are things are crazy, you know, there’s people on all sides that are that don’t want you to have the opinion that you have, I guarantee it, regardless of what your opinion is, I guarantee there’s people that don’t want you to have it. And in power they may keep you from having it or keep you from expressing it.

And there’s a time and place for everything, not that you shouldn’t express your opinions. But at the same time, you have to consider all the options on the table and know when the right time and the wrong time is to say things and also be willing to face it when when you when you’re really being railroaded by government or anything else.

That’s a lot of what goes into this story here. It is a very deep story, it deals a lot with religious tones. But if you look beyond that point, you know, regardless of whether you have a Catholic perspective, or this was the beginning of the Anglican Church and Anglican perspective, or something completely different, it doesn’t matter if you can look past the religion, there’s a deeper, deeper, deeper meaning there.

And it’s the same concept in your business, it comes down to if you can be very careful about how you run your business, and very calm. That’s the one thing that this character has throughout the entire movie.

Once again, this isn’t necessarily based on pure This is based on a play, which isn’t necessarily completely true to history. So I don’t care as much about the historical person of Thomas Moore as I do about how he is portrayed in this movie, and how he holds himself in a very calm and even tone manner in order to have control it not control over others, but control over his own situation.

That’s what I really appreciated about the movie is he’s able to control in every situation in the scene, or at least keep others from trying to control him. He does that not by screaming them down. But he raises his voice when necessary not by being too quiet.

He just he keeps a calm manner and thoughtful and keeps his wits about him all the time and doesn’t get so wound up in some conviction that he makes it more important than what’s right in the moment.

So I don’t know if that makes us you go and watch the movie. I’d love to hear your opinions of it.

Leave a comment down below after you’ve seen it, and let me know if if you think that it’s a business movie, because I think it is. I think it’s a human movie. It’s about humans. But the leadership that is shown is the same leadership that you need in your business if you don’t already have it.

So, hopefully that’s helpful to you, hey, if you want to find more concepts to really be able to directly relate back to your business instead of just in a

metaphorical way, okay, if you want to direct relations, go check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can buy it anywhere that you buy books, and you can also get it over at AmazonProofBook.com.

Nowadays, Amazon is getting in some hot water for shutting down apps and everything else and taking away people’s hard drive cloud space, because they disagreed with how they’re running their company.

It’s a very interesting world we’re living in right now. And I think I happened on a very, a very popular title. So it’s, it’s interesting to see what’s happening, so hang in there. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Movie: Soul (2020)

Brian reviews new Disney Plus, Pixar movie called Soul.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Business movie soul from 2020.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I just got to see Disney’s Disney Pixar’s new movie, which they released directly to Disney plus probably some other places, I’m not sure if you can get them all for free. But it comes along with a Disney plus subscription. And that’s the movie Soul. really worth seeing.

First off, if you have any experience with watching Pixar films, and you enjoy them, then it’ll be right up your alley. It’s a it’s a solid Pixar movie for sure. The topics that are handled are surprisingly adult, but my kids watch them, I’ve got kids, let’s say my oldest is six, my youngest is one.

And it kept their attention pretty well too, even though most of the stuff was way over their heads. There’s enough slapstick humor and everything in it, they kept going.

So I’m not going to ruin anything, there’s not gonna be any spoilers or anything. But I’m going to tell you, it has a lot to do with the mentality. That I mean, as humans, we all have, to some extent, but specifically to entrepreneurs, even though it doesn’t, there’s no one that’s directly talking about business, although there are a few conversations having to do with that.

And a lot of the conversations that have to do with being an employee v being versus an entrepreneur, or going to college versus doing it on your own, a lot of those things get battered around in this movie. And so that a lot of cool ideas there and a lot of different ways of looking at it.

One of the things that they spend a lot of time on is a person’s passion in life, the specific focus of the passion of your passion of the thing that gets you going, the thing you’re most interested in the thing that you talk about the most and think about the most, the thing that you almost feel like you were born to do, and whether that’s really the real thing that you’re meant to do.

Or whether that’s a placeholder or a description of what you’re about, or whether it really is something deeper than that, that you’re after. Is there something deeper in your life than merely your business than merely where you’re going what your goals are. Are you nothing more than your dreams?

Or is there something deeper Is there a deeper meaning behind what you’re doing in life, and it’s a great movie to be able to watch during New Years during this time of reflection.

Because I’m recording this story New Years of this new year days, specifically of 2021. And it’s a good one to go and watch. It’s very rare. For one thing, just artistically fabulous. I mean just amazing what they were able to do with the artwork in this movie, if you know anything about animation and computer animation, they’ve come so far leaps and bounds in what they’re able to do. And while at the same time Pixar is good at really making sure they keep it a cartoon, they keep it that cartoon stretch and feel to it.

That makes it superior in some ways to a live action movie, you could tell the same story in a live action movie, but there’s just a value that comes along with telling it via computer animation that makes such a big difference. So worth seeing. I wish I could be more specific at this time. But I’m not going to be because there’s a lot of people who haven’t seen it. I don’t want to spoil it for you.

Love to hear what you think if you saw it, did you not like it?

Did you like it?

Leave a comment down below. We’ll be back tomorrow, go check out Get yourself a free copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you’re really looking for some strategies to really take things to the next level this year. If you’re looking to double, triple or whatever your profits, this is going to be a huge difference. The huge difference is really getting the competition that’s touch you in your mind getting them out of the way as much as possible.

And that’s what this book is all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Go to AmazonProofBook.com for your own free copy AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow. Come on back and we’ll have another chat. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Friends & Enemies On The Internet

Maybe you love it and maybe you’re repulsed by it (like me Producer Sean).

But Brian’s gonna talk about a little movie called the Social Network.