Business TV Show: Generation Hustle 🐺 (HBO Max Documentary Series)

Brian talks about a new tv series he’s watching on HBO Max called, Generation Hustle.


Business TV Show: Generation Hustle.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Wanted to hit this is gonna be a quick, quick, quick one.

I just want to recommend a show for you, I’ve only seen the first three episodes. I’m watching it on HBO Max, I believe it’s across HBO, but it may only be on HBO Max.

Either way, it’s called, Generation Hustle.

Go and watch this show, it is all about con artists and people doing something that is fooling other people in a sense, it’s worth seeing.

It’s one of those things, I was not all that interested in growing up. Well, I mean, you’re always interested in the movies where it was the fun con artists, you know, the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, or, oh, what’s the other one that I can’t think of off the top of my head, The Sting, you know, good con artists movies.

But those are just fun little things.

But this is serious, these are actual situations, actual people that have been around for years. And they even have an episode on the Wework scenario that I talked about earlier, in another, another episode.

So go check out Generation Hustle that the thing about con artists, here’s what you can learn from them. Anything that can be done for bad can be done for good.

And these people are certainly in most cases, doing things for the bad reasons or for the bad results. But a person who has that type of creativity can just as I don’t know about just as easily, but they could work and use that energy in a good format.

And you can pull out so many good nuggets, and I will, I’ll get into specific episodes, maybe in a few weeks or a few months here.

Go back and pick out some of my favorite episodes of this show. Because there are so many good gold nuggets.

It all has to do with human behavior and how people view things

The good stuff, not the bad stuff.

Without you know you just messing them over. So generation hustle worth watching. It’s one it’s an anthology series, so every episode is completely different.

So just make sure and go out and watch that. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.

That’s all I got for tonight.

Hey, go grab a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free one at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Movie: Fake Famous 🎥

Brian reviews a movie from HBO Max called Fake Famous from a business-minded perspective.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Business movie, Fake Famous.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, sorry, I was trying my best duck lips there.

Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. I want to talk about this movie called, Fake Famous, not sure if you’ve heard of it yet. It’s out on HBO, one of these direct to TV deals, it’s just a movie, documentary, real life story, as much as you can take it as being real life being that it’s a movie, but it’s really worth watching.

And it isn’t very often that I’ll recommend a movie when I’ve only watched it once. Oftentimes, the movies I watch are ones that, that once I bring to you, or once I’ve watched over and over again, gotten multiple things from it.

This is one of those that I’ve seen once, I know I’m going to reread watching it not only that, I’ll probably bring you a string of videos all about this one movie.

It’s that impactful.

It’s very timely. But I think also in 20 years, its impact will be even stronger. Because we’ll have it to be able to look back on I think we’ll see it as quite cute at that point.

But I think that where it is right now, I think there were some points that were made really well by the film. And there are some points that were not that were really missed, because the filmmakers lack of business acumen.

So what’s the movie about fake famous is all about this filmmaker that basically takes three people in a group group of others, take three people, not three of the most likely people but three of the most unlikely people to ever be famous online as an influencer as one, especially the Instagram style influencer.

So very visual, very all about taking pictures and videos, and playing to a certain youth category. And in order to get to the door, their whole plan is to get to a point to where they can be what’s known as an influencer, which is, are these people online that do nothing but put themselves into situations to get attention, so that they can then become ambassadors for different brands all over the place.

Make money that way and use Instagram the whole time for doing that. What they expose with this movie, is the fact of how the game it can be cheated. And that no way can it be cheated. It’s expected to be cheated.

Some of the top famous people that you know, have have cheated this game and they goes into detail, I’m not going to ruin it for you.

But these three people is a very, very interesting story of what it takes to be able to move ahead, what you trade off in that process of moving head, and what you really consider to be success.

Not only that, what it takes to get attention, what it takes to become famous, what famous actually means.

Why would you want to be famous?

We talk a lot about the power of celebrity here on this show. We discuss a lot about how becoming a celebrity even in just a small little group, becoming a celebrity within a very small niche can make you very powerful in your industry and allow you to be seen allow you to stand out. Everything on this show is all about standing out.

In fact, I wrote a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, it’s all about standing out standing apart from the competition, so that you can really be the next thing so that you can gain the exposure necessary in order to market whatever you want to the masses, whatever that may be, maybe it’s your cause that you’re behind.

Or maybe it’s the widget that you’re trying to sell. Maybe it’s your network marketing makeup, you know, it could be anything.

The point is how does a person goes about standing out and what are the barriers?

What are the short cuts and all the rest. This movie is fabulous for this stuff. Because it just exposes a lot of it without not a whole lot of

moralizing or anything about it. It kind of gives both sides of it. But at the same time, I think it’s really, really, really worth watching. I’m going to go into more details about what I got out of it. And I’d love to hear what you think. Go out, go watch this on HBO. If you’ve got HBO Max, I know there’s a whole lot of deals going on with HBO Max.

There’s different ways you can get it relatively inexpensively. If you don’t have it yet. It’s worth getting on a number of levels. They’ve got a lot of great material I’ve mentioned other movies that you could find on HBO Max, this is exclusive to them currently.

So go check it out Fake, Famous, good movie, really worth watch. And I like to thank Frank Kern for recommending it. He’s the one that mentioned it not not long ago on a video that he put out, and that’s why I went out and watch it.

So it kind of shows you the power of influencing online, especially even in the business space. Apart from Instagram, apart from a lot of the more poppy things. There’s definitely an area for we’re always influencing each other one way or another. Whether you consider that an influencer or not.

Hopefully, you’ll go out and check that out. We’re going to be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, Hey, get out there and you let the magic happen.