Business Movie Sabrina (1954)

How the heck is Sabrina a business movie?

I know that’s what you’re thinking. Just calm down, grab a coffee and settle in and watch.

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Business movie, Sabrina.

And this isn’t the Sabrina from the 90s this is one that was remade in the 90s. This was the one from 1954 with Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn and William Holden. Amazing movie.

Most people would not consider it a business movie, by the way.

Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo. Live. I’m Brian Pombo.

Today I wanted to talk real quick, because I didn’t feel like making a video tonight.

I’m gonna be completely honest with you. I was that close to just say and I’m skipping a night.

But I said, you know, it’s not that tough to get on here. And just do a quick one. And I had this sitting around because I wanted to bring it up. This is a fabulous movie.

This was directed by Billy Wilder.

Not sure if you know you’ve seen Billy Wilder movies, whether you know it or not. Some Like It Hot.

He’s famous for doing, mostly comedies.

This is this is a great one Sabrina amazing acting in it. Across the board. Most people don’t consider it a business movie because and think that it’s a romance Audrey Hepburn and everything.

Actually, it’s a very funny movie. It’s a very human movie.

A lots of the writing is just fabulous.

Every little line has three different ways that you could take it type of thing. And, you know, lots of innuendo from the time that you would never think they’d be able to get away with.

They pulled off fabulously reason why it’s a business move is because the story is really about, not as much about Sabrina, although they spend some time on her.

The story is really about this guy here, Humphrey Bogart, his character and his brother and the fight that they’re having in taking over the family business. And he is the person that’s kind of been the responsible one that has kind of been brought up in business and is at a point in his life where he just wants to see what life is all about.

Because if you put business ahead of life, you, you’re going to end up feeling cheated, even if you do really well in business. And that’s really a lot of what this is about.

It deals with a lot of heavy subjects, suicide, alcoholism, all this other stuff. But at the same time, it does it in such a light and airy way that it’s very able to, it’s easily consumed. And you don’t have to worry about your kids watching or anything like that. black and white.

But very much worth seeing Sabrina going going to dig this one up the 1954 version. It’s a great movie. And just one of those things if you just want something that is going to encourage you in your business journey, I think this one is helpful. It’s one of those that when I’m thinking about it, I have a tough time explain it to other people. What what makes it so true It’s just a fabulous movie.

And when you’re in the middle of watching it, I know if I’m at someone else’s house and it’s on TV on live television, and I said, just stop for a few minutes. Just watch a couple minutes. It’s just one of those things that just sucks you right in. So, great movie, go check it out. We’ll be back tomorrow.

Sometimes with something a little bit more serious, sometimes a little bit more light, but always something hopefully that’s stimulating. You have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.