Trust vs Performance 🤠

Thoughts from a Simon Sinek talk (linked below) on trust and performance.

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Trust versus performance.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I have a quick little snippet of video from Simon Sinek.

If you haven’t seen Simon Sinek he’s known for a lot of things, but one of his top books was, Start With Why.

Excellent book, I’ve discussed it other times on here, definitely one to go out and look at.

I was sent this little snippet of video of Simon Sinek, given a talk regarding this concept of trust versus performance.

This was sent to me by my friend David Medina. Thank you, David.

I wanted to show you kind of give you a synopsis of it, I’ve got a link in the description if you want to go check out that video.

But the idea and he got this from working with the Navy Seals, and they said that it’s an interesting dichotomy. This idea of, you’ve got people that you could raid on, on performance, and you’ve got people you can write on trust, but trust is not one of those things that people pay close enough attention to.

Here’s what they’re saying.

Obviously, if you’ve got someone that’s of low trust and low performance, that’s not someone you’re after, right?

But if you’ve got someone of high trust and high performance, well, that’s the ideal, that’s a unicorn.

But in reality, that’s kind of tough to find.

So if you had to choose one over the other, which would it be?

So if you had a high performer, but was when we see here, high performer, that was low on trust, which I believe would put us here?

No, wait for a second high, high performer, low on trust.

They were saying this as a toxic personality, that they’re going to destroy your team, everything else because they’re really good at what they’re doing. But if you can’t trust them, then you’re really in trouble.

Because they do a good job but there’s something not right character-wise.

Whereas if you’ve got a high trust personality, that is a low performer.

That is more ideal.

It’s a better situation because if you trust them, you can at least you can still train them, you can get your brain performance up.

But you can’t train for the character, you can’t train for trust. And so you’ll they’ll look for more medium performance versus high performance if the trust factor is higher.

Now, how do you rate that?

How do you rate trust?

Well, it’s a difficult thing, and nobody ever talks about it. And so we talked about on here a lot is how important trust is to every relationship, not just the employer-employee relationship.

But in terms of a consumer to a product or service. Trust is one of the main things.

It’s one of those areas that most people don’t pay enough attention to. Dan Kennedy has a book on the NOBS guide to what is NOBS guide to trust-based marketing.

This was one of the first times I had heard someone specifically talk about trust, he wrote this with Matt’s Gula.

Excellent book, because it starts to unpack some of those ideas of trust.

What does trust really mean and mean something a little bit different to everybody, it’s a little bit subjective.

But there is something there, that if you don’t try it, that it’s it goes back to that whole saying of, you know, people do business with people they know, like, and trust, there’s the word again.

But the word means something, it’s there’s something deeper, there’s something, there’s dependability, integrity, built into it. And that goes a long way, it’s tough to beat.

Without it, you’re not dealing with a stable situation, whether you’re on the receiving end, or the giving end on the trust spectrum.

So it’s something to keep an eye on.

So I’m a Business investor.

I’m oftentimes has more to do with the partnership and the person that I’m dealing with in the business itself because the business itself can be relatively mediocre. But if I’ve got a solid relationship, if I can trust the other person to take my opinions into it, or not even just opinions, but I’m able to test some of the ideas that I bring to the table and so forth.

That can go a long way we can build a business business performance up if I trust the other person if I’ve got that trust They trust me, that’s gonna be there also, and I can tell, I trust them, they don’t trust me.

That’s a tough thing.

That’s a tough gap to fill in. So it’s one of those things that no matter what the relationship is, business is just a way we talk about these relationships. But it’s the third it’s one of the three pillars of is being relationship reliant.

What relationships are completely built on is trust. That is the gold standard to all relationships and you can’t do anything without solid relationships. So hopefully that makes sense. give you something that you want.

Go check out Simon Sinek and all of his his work, it’s good stuff. You can go check out my video, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at

That’s all I got for tonight, you have a good one.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Politics And Your Business 🙄

How to not get caught up in drama.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Politics and your business.

Are you sick of politics?

Are you sick yet?

Right now it’s September, late September 2020, when I’m recording this. And so we’re in the last final days, the final month getting into the final month of the US presidential election.

And that’s enough to drive anybody crazy. Now, I’m not against politics, honestly, I grew up in the world of politics, I had an uncle who was at first a city council person, and then was a congressperson.

During that time, while he was at, well, both while he was in the city council, I got to I got to experience a lot of the ground game when it came to politics, the grassroots stuff. And then when he was a congressman, I got to do more of that.

And I also got to experience the other side, which is after a person’s in office, getting behind the scenes and seeing all the ins and outs.

Hearing all the stuff that you never end up hearing in the media, you know, it’s crazy. It’s a crazy world, it’s crazier than you think, behind the scenes. And it’s been quite an adventure.

I have very strong political beliefs, but I don’t let that get in the way of how I view life, and how I view people.

One of the things, it’s driven me to a point of being so extreme, that I’ve ended up backing away from that idea of trying to shove it down people’s throats, because one thing I’ve seen, because I’ve been involved for so long, you can’t force an ideal on somebody.

I think it was Dale Carnegie that said, you know, a man convinced against his will was of the same opinion, still something like that. And that’s true.

Because if a person’s decided something on an emotional basis, you’re never going to convince them otherwise, unless you convince them emotionally, or you help them to drop the emotions to see reality for what it is.

Because no matter what, even if they’ve agreed to something that is honestly true. If they’re believing it for the wrong reasons. They’re believing it for the wrong reasons, they’re going to spread it the wrong way. They’re going to push it on others.

And so you’ve got people from all ends of the political spectrums, saying a lot of the right things, but doing it in the right and the wrong attitude. How so what’s this have to do by business? Brian, you’re you want to talk about business, okay?

Here’s what it has to do with your business.

Because the same thing is true. If your business in a sense, we all have kind of an emotional attachment to our business, especially if you’re the if you’re the one that started it, if you’re the owner, if you’re the main person in charge, chances are you’ve got a connection to that business that is oftentimes too emotional.

And if you can back away from that, and see people for who they are, and see that they’ve got their whole day and life running through their head at the time when you’re trying to sell your idea to them.

You’re trying to sell a product, you’re trying to sell a service, you’re trying to sell an idea to them, someone if you’re in business you are that’s what you’re doing.

So it’s a lot like politics, a lot like politics, the only thing is that the lines aren’t as clearly drawn, it’s not as easy to see the people that are most likely to be your customers versus not likely to be your customers, depending on what you’re selling. Of course, some for some industries, it’s very clear.

But for a lot, it isn’t clear, you don’t know who’s already set up to be a customer. And you just need to line them up and point them in the right direction. Or the ones that you know, will never be a customer, they are so far removed from what you’re providing that you should not even waste a breath on them.

These are all things to take into account. But the most important thing for you as a person that’s trying to persuade people is to not get caught up in the drama of the scenario. And make yourself one of the players of the game trying to make yourself a a piece on the chessboard.

Okay, you got to be above at all, and helping move the chess pieces around, not not down on the chessboard with everyone else. That’s what our emotional states tend to put us on the chessboard. You end up playing a game that you can’t win.

As soon as you’re playing it. You’re not going to win.

The winner is always the person that isn’t playing it the same way that everyone else is playing so you got to be able to separate from it and see where people are at, and then communicate with them in that sense.

So a lot of people with politics, or most people, if you noticed, it’s all about confrontation, it’s all about,

Why are you so stupid? Why don’t you get it? Why don’t you understand what we’re trying to tell you? Don’t you read?

Don’t you look at the same things. And if you go and watch that movie social dilemma that I spoke about a night or two ago, that’s that the playing situation is we’re not all reading the same things, or watching the same things, or paying attention.

We don’t live in the same world, we’re getting different news sources.

We have different entertainment sources, we have different everything. And so we’re not living in the same world, some people, most of us are extremely uneducated, on a number of topics.

Maybe we don’t need to be educated on those topics. But that means we can’t exactly come out and take a position on something that someone else knows a whole lot more about.

You could take a position, but you may not be right. And these are all things to take into account. When you’re dealing with the world today. It’s always been that way. People have always been this way.

They’ve always been emotional. It’s just it’s so much more obvious now. So we’re, what do all these different ideas all come to what it really all comes down to is pull yourself out of the emotion of both politics of the day.

And the politics in your business, your communication with the outside world has to be based on a non emotional basis for it to be true. For it to be clear cut. And for you to be able to maneuver where necessary, and be able to admit when you’re wrong.

When you when you took a took a position that you shouldn’t have taken when you promoted a product you shouldn’t have promoted, you got to be able to come out and say, Hey, that was my fault.

I know we were promoting this this one brand at this point. But to tell you the truth, what we found out is this, this and this about that brand. But here’s a brand that you should know about this one over here.

If you’ve got that type of honesty, and that ability to be able to pull back and not get caught up in the whole ego trap of running a business, you’ll gain trust. And you’ll keep your sanity, which is really what it’s all about.

If you could just keep saying while everyone else is going nuts, then you’ll survive. You’ll find a way through it. I think we may talk a little bit more about about surviving and pressing forward tomorrow.

A In the meantime, if you haven’t gotten a copy of my new book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you don’t know what you’re missing.

You go get a free copy, electronic copy online over at Or you can you can also get a hard copy there after you after you order the the electronic copy, you’ll get a chance to get a hard copy or you can just go to or any of the other bookstores out there.

Go type it into Google and you’ll find it nine ways to Amazon proof your business. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Undercover Billionaire Secret Lesson #1

Undercover Billionaire secret lesson number one.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I’m going to be talking about The Undercover Billionaire, which is a TV show that was first shown last year, 2019 on the discovery channel.

If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure and go out and see it. Now, nothing I’m not going to give away any spoilers or anything, but I’m going to tell you the premise of the show and kind of hopefully encourage you to go and watch it because it really is worth the worth.

The journey, I think it’s nine episodes long. Excuse me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s something like that. Now it’s well worth it. It’s all one big storyline, documentary style TV show.

It follows a fellow by the name of Glenn Stearns and he’s a very well known, if not a billionaire and definitely a multimillionaires, built billion dollar, multi-billion dollar companies and it follows him going through the process of pretty close to scratch in a world that he’s never been in before.

He always had this theory that he could start with just about nothing and start in a town he’s never been in and be able to build his way up to a million dollar company in less than 90 days from the absolute bottom.

What they did is they said, okay, we’re going to take you to this town. They dropped him off into town. He’s never been to, they gave him a cell phone without any contacts in it, a Smartphone. They gave him a pickup truck, an old pickup truck, and they gave him a hundred dollar bill.

He had the clothes on his back and that’s it. A hundred dollar bill, cell phone, and a pickup truck.

So where does he go from there?

How does he go about finding a place to live?

How does he go about making enough money so he can eat?

How does he go about building a business from that point forward?

And you follow him along in this journey and it’s very, very interesting whole lot of lessons and I’m going to reveal some of what I think are the secret lessons that are available.

Now let’s deal with lesson number one.

The first lesson. These are in no particular order. I’m going back and reviewing the show based on some of the things that I got out of it and the things that I’ve heard from other people who have seen it that I think are important to note.

The one thing that’s really important to note is the importance of honesty.

In other words, if you’re looking to instill any type of trust, foster any type of trust with your partners, with your customers, with your clientele and your employees or whoever you’re working with. If you’re looking to have long-term trust, you have to have full honesty as much as possible.

Obviously there’s certain things that don’t need to be known or said out loud, but you can’t say something that’s dishonest or lead people in the wrong direction because that in the long run, it ruins the trust factor and if there’s no trust, you can’t have a long-term relationship.

Without a long-term relationship, you’re going to have issues with income.

If you’re looking at building any type of regular ongoing income into your company, you’ve got to have trust. Trust is so important.

Now, how’s this come back to undercover billionaire?

Well, one of the things that he has to do is he has to go by a different name instead of Glenn Stearns, I believe it’s Glenn Bryant is what he’s going by and so he has to go by a different name.

He can’t be completely honest about the fact that he said that he’s worth so much money and has built major company companies before.

He has all these things going against him and you can see how that that comes and kind of bites him in the butt through the show.

One of the reasons why is because the people that he’s building friendships with, not using any of his original contacts or anybody that he knows in any form of business.

He’s going out and meeting people and then building up trust. That’s really difficult to do when you’re not giving them the full story.

Not only that, he has all these parameters, he’s got to do everything in 90 days. He’s going to do all these things and he can’t be completely honest as to why that’s the case.

Because of that, there’s these trust issues that he has throughout the show with the people he’s working with. It’s very, very telling and something that you have to keep in mind, even though you’re not out there taking part in basically what is a game show?

You’re not going out there and doing that.

So it’s more important than anything for you to be as honest as possible and to bring people in and build that trust both with your partners, like I said, or with your clientele themselves.

Just a brief idea, one little concept, one little nugget I got out of that show that I think shows really crystal clear within that show. Go and watch it.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned, but I bought it through YouTube. So you could buy the whole season through YouTube.

You can buy or you can buy it episode by episode. You could try that on iTunes also or if you’ve got it on demand, on discovery channel, go and check it out.

Hey, if you like to find out more about how you can instill trust in your community and with your customer base.

I’m going to recommend going to that’s my website.

You can find out more about me and you can see if we can get on the phone or video chat and talk a little bit about your business and what we can do to make it a little bit better and build that trust long-term so that you can really have something that has long-term passive income for you and your family.

Also if you’re in the self reliance field, meaning you’ve got products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, then you’re going to want to go to The link is in the description.

There’s a special free offer just for you,

In the meantime, we’ll be back here tomorrow. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

Do They Trust You?

That’s all fine, but do they trust you? Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office here in Grants Pass Oregon. It’s a lovely day today. A little overcast, nice weather. I was hanging out with my family today, and Wednesday’s to do that. Tend to spend a lot less time in the office, a lot more time with my family.

Let’s talk a little bit about trust and how that affects your business.

I don’t care whether you’ve got a local based business or whether you’ve got a large e-commerce in Pyre or whether you’ve got a real tight business with only you and maybe a handful of other, uh, employees. It doesn’t matter. Trust matters as long as there’s only two places. Well, there’s one main place that trust doesn’t matter.

Trust doesn’t matter if you’re selling short-term, if you’re selling one time products or services to people.

And it doesn’t matter whether they like it or not, you just get in, you sell it, you make the money, you move on.

If you’re doing that type of business, and I don’t think most of the people that I’m talking to do that. But if you’re doing that type of business, trust doesn’t matter because you just move on to the next and you don’t care much about reviews online or anything of that sort.

You’re just care about finding the next person, the next person, the next person, the next person and you don’t have to worry about repeat business.

But if you’re in any other type of business where you’re more concerned about repeat business, where you you’d like to get a customer, once you realize it takes a whole lot to get that customer to buy one time, you might as well have them buying over and over and over again or getting involved in a subscription or getting them involved in a membership or some form of action where you build trust over time.

Where they like you more and more and more and more as time goes on as opposed to less and less and less the more interaction that they have with you or your product or service.

That’s where trust comes in.

It seems like real fluffy concept, but it’s real. It’s a real thing that exists in the human mind. And I’m gonna prove it to you in a second that we can take this all back to this quote. I know I bring it up nearly every other video that we sit here together, but it’s that quote from Bob Burg that, I’m paraphrasing it.

It’s basically discussing that, you know, if you set aside everything else people do business with people that they Know, Like, and Trust.

And it’s a great quote. Because it’s so simple and it seems like one of those things that’s been around for a really long time and it’s not that old of a quote. It’s only a handful of years old and, but it’s, it’s really held true.

If you go and you look it up and see all the articles and everything else that had been written about that one quote. And it comes down to the simplicity of those three words.

Know, Like, Trust and among these, Trust is the greatest.

And if you’ll listen to Dean Jackson, he’s one of my heroes really within the marketing world and business strategy world. He’s the one that I first heard say that it’s really in that order. First they Know you, then they Like you and then they Trust you.

So that’s a cool concept because it really does kind of have to go on that or no one’s going to trust you if they don’t at least know who you are or know what your product is or know what your services. And so it’s Know, Like, Trust. They Know you and then they Like you a little and then they Trust you.

The interesting thing about Trust, and there’s a whole lot you can get into the psychology of this.

One of my favorite books on it, very simple con book that’s called no BS Trust-Based Marketing and it’s by Dan Kennedy who I also talk about a lot and Matt Zagula. Go and look up this book highly, highly, highly recommend it.

There’s some great parts in it, especially the first half of it hits on some major points. The last half of it goes into details of tactics. But the first half he discusses that Trust is not necessarily irrational thing. Most of the time it isn’t, it isn’t rational. It’s based on a handful of items that they’ve been able to detect. One of them is just, there’s an affinity but it really comes down to just being familiar.

It’s familiarity. Just being familiar with a person, seeing them enough times, being around them. If they have any form of omnipresence in your life, meaning, you Know you see their stuff on social media, you see ads from them, whatever.

Just the fact that you’re familiar with them makes you more Trusting than anyone else that they would consider versus you in your category and whether you consider them competition or not, it’s that customer Trust you on simple things like that.

It doesn’t make you the best choice. It just means you were there first. You built that relationship even though it’s not necessarily a give and take. You may not even know who who they are, but the fact that you’re there and they know who you are makes you more likely to be trusted.

Something that simple is such a huge piece of where you should be thinking about in your advertising, not caring so much about trying to sell the item, the product, the service, instead selling the Trust factor, putting yourself out there as a human or having someone as a spokesperson.

That’s a human that you’re going to use long-term that represents your company.

Another great example from that book was Chrysler when Chrysler hired Lee Iacocca, and I think that was back in the back of the eighties or nineties. Lee Iacocca took over Chrysler and the whole problem was Chrysler had a Trust issue with the brand.

Well, he put himself forward. He didn’t make a big deal about specifics of the features of the cars. He said, if you find he had a commercial that he put out there, he says, if you find a better car than ours buy it.

And it was just this simple straight-forward concept saying I’m willing to back it up with my personal guarantee and because of that he built a relationship. He built Trust back with the American people.

Chrysler came out of the gutter based on Lee Iacocca’s leadership, but it’s also his marketing prowess. He understood that if he put a person out there and put a face behind it and someone that was believable that you can go a long way in that.

So some ideas to keep in mind and you got to think what are we doing in our company?

What am I doing in my business to establish trust with the end customer? And this only matters if you’re wanting to keep them long-term. If you’re wanting them to buy over and over and over again or get involved in your continuity. That’s the only reason why Trust matters.

But if that matters to you, if you’re looking for those type of people, you have to look closely at how Trust affects every piece of marketing, sales and anything that you’re putting out there. Customer service out back into the world, how are you paying attention to Trust?

Where is Trust being focused on the go read that. A No B.S. Trust-Based Marketing book. That’s a good one. There’s a lot of other ones as I come up with them and then come back across my library, I’ll bring them up to you.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about something, a little bit of a twist on all of these concepts.

I can’t get into any more of that because I forgot exactly what I’m talking about tomorrow, but I know it’s around the same lines. So we’ll talk back with you tomorrow. If you are wanting to talk with someone who understands Trust-Based marketing and see if you can kind of bounce some ideas off of them, that’s me. If you’re in the self-reliance field and you own the business or you’re a decision maker, perhaps an executive in that business, go to

The link is in the description. It’s a quick little video there. Go and watch it if it makes sense to you. Go fill out the application for a free conversation with me. You have a great day, and in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.