Partnership Dissolution

How to handle a business partnership splitting up.


Bite Your Tongue 👅 (Quote from Dan Sullivan, of Strategic Coach)

Brian shares a quote about Tombstone Talk from Strategic Coach’s Dan Sullivan, and the importance of self confidence, and the lack of self confidence.


Bite your tongue.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I heard a good quote today by Dan Sullivan. If you’re not familiar with Dan Sullivan, he runs Strategic Coach, which is an organization that works with business owners to kind of take their mindset to the next level.

And he always has some interesting thoughts, he’s on a lot of podcasts, you can you can look him up.

He mentioned about tombstone talk. And it’s the idea that people, especially after a certain age, start talking, and I’m guilty of this completely, start talking about being too old.

Not that not being young enough to do the next thing, and not having enough time left to do what they want to do.

All this talk that basically set you up for an early death. And that you’re making it easy, you’re making it too easy for death, the common getcha type of thing.

And I think it’s true to a certain extent that you really can do, I think you do more damage to yourself by talking it, then you can even do positive for yourself.

I know, there’s a whole lot of talk about positive self talk. And I get it to an extent, I think it’s more important to not do the negative self talk, you know, to watch what you say, and why.

Because what you’re saying, is what you’re thinking and it feeds into your thoughts.

And if you’re careful about what you say, you can slow down your adopting of your thoughts as your own. Whereas when you start thinking something, and then you start talking it, now you’ve kind of taken it on.

It’s not a good thing to take on a lot of negative concepts. Because they pile up over time, you know, and one example of that is talking yourself into an early grave.

Another one is talking yourself into pain and suffering, you know, you take something small pains, small issues that you have, you complain about them.

And for some reason, they tend to get bigger and bolder. And everybody does that to one extent or another.

What the important thing is, is to catch yourself and not fall into doing that all the time, and we all do it. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been successful in business, which is a lot of people that watch this, or you haven’t been successful in business, and you’re just, you’re just an average person out there trying to make it in the world, what you say matters. And that’s why a lot of people promote saying positive things.

I think that can help to a certain extent, the problem is that, I think a lot of times if if you start saying positive things that you don’t believe in, you start not believing yourself, and you start considering yourself a liar.

Then you get into the psychological loop that I’ve seen a lot of people get into, over the years where they, they can’t they don’t even trust their own words as they’re coming out of their mouth.

And you can hear it this this lack of confidence in everything that they do.

I think a lot of that comes I don’t know if it’s a chicken or egg thing, if they were just lacked confidence to begin with, or if it feeds into itself, because they don’t believe even the words that are coming out.

So interesting concept.

And I’d love to hear what you think. Leave a comment down below whether you think self talk is important or not, whether it just doesn’t mean anything, or do words actually matter, and do they feed back into your thought pattern and your thought loop?

Gotta be careful about those type of things.

It’s important to watch your thoughts important to watch your words. And I think if you do that, if you just keep an eye on it, and you don’t try and push it too far, one way or the other, you just don’t adopt every thought that runs through your head that you get into a whole lot of trouble doing that.

So this was just a little bit of a mindset exercise today. Love to hear what you think and maybe we can get more of a conversation about this as we go along.

Leave a comment down below. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Solve Any Problem 🙄

Thoughts on handling stress and emotions when trying to solve problems in business.


How to solve any problem.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

How’s that for a hyperbolic title, right?

Solve any problem who’s this guy think he is?

Well, I don’t have like a step by step list in front of me, I’m really going to go off the cuff here of some of the main things that I’ve kind of naturally built into my lifestyle. But I noticed so many people I talked to, don’t have some of the basic keys to solving a massive problem, especially when you’re talking business.

Because when it’s business, and you’re the business owner, or you’re an executive, you’re one of the people in charge, it’s really easy to get caught up with a problem, because it’s your baby that’s getting affected.

And it’s your employees that are going to feel the burn if things don’t go the right direction, you know, and everything else. So what are the steps to solving any problem, especially when it comes to business?

First step, guaranteed absolute, I don’t know, anywhere around this step, at some point, I earlier is better. If this can be the first thing you do the best.

First step, calm down. I know you’re never supposed to tell someone that’s been emotional and erratic to calm down. But I’m telling you before it happens, you know, when you need to be calm.

What you have to come to grips with is that you can’t do anything, right. When you’re anxious, and angry and worked up and confused in an emotional way. You just it Nothing will turn out, right. I know you have all the right intentions. I know you have the perfect excuse for getting upset.

But nothing is going to work when you’re in that state. So the first step you have to do is calm down. And you can’t calm down by trying to force it. You can’t calm down by having someone slap you around and say calm down.

You know ever in that scene, an airplane if you ever see an airplane, airplane, where the where the lady’s freaking out and one person after another is lining up to slap or slap around.

Yep, people with with the boxing gloves on and stuff. It’s that type of thing. It’ll never work that way, what you have to do is find a corner, get away from everybody, and just wait for it to die down.

As if it’s not going to happen on your time it’s going to happen on its time. You gotta it’s like, I always picture on volcanoes. You know, just getting ready to just add if you haven’t erupted yet, it’s getting ready to erupt.

And the only way it’s gonna stop from erupting is you just sitting there and watching it and just letting it bubble, bubble, bubble, simmer, simmer, simmer until it just simmer down just gets down to nothing, right?

That’s what it takes.

First step is you got to unplug, and you got to disconnect from the emotion. You got to calm down about it. You’re not going to solve anything before that step. So quit trying quit thinking that you’re going to come across something, we’re going to power through it, it’s not going to work.

First step to overcoming and problem is to calm down.

The second step is if you don’t have the answer, you need to get a second perspective.

Even if someone knows nothing about where it is that you’re working on.

This is why having having a spouse or somebody at home that is open to it, that you could sit down and say, Hey, I’m looking at this, this and this is what I’m thinking so far is where I’m going with it.

What’s your take on is having someone like that’s great.

If you don’t have that, that’s it’s no big deal. You can find somebody to help you with this, but just having an outside perspective.

Especially someone that doesn’t have an emotional stake in it, sometimes the spouse doesn’t work as far as that goes. But you got to find someone that doesn’t have an emotional stake in the outcome. And let them look at it with a fresh pair of eyes.

They may not know anything about it, but sometimes they’ll come up with the best questions. I’ve, I’ve gotten through so many situations, gotten around so many situations by taking it to someone that doesn’t even have as long as they don’t have any stake in it.

As long as they don’t have any preconceived notions about what it is that you’re you’re talking about. It’s great to take it someone that has no no idea what it is. Because even if they don’t say the right thing, it gives you a chance to see it through someone else’s eyes. And think about just slightly different.

Just that slight little tweak and perspective can sometimes make a huge difference and allow you to come to the right conclusion.

That’s really the main thing, you have to be in touch with your intuition, you have to be in touch with that part of you that comes up, comes up with a brilliant because it ain’t you.

There’s something else in function there, and you can say it’s your subconscious. Or you could say it’s the heavens, or you could say, whatever.

I don’t care what it is, but it’s not you. And you can’t will those things into existence Otherwise, the richest people in the world would be coming up with brilliance over and over and over again.

But they don’t, that most of most of the people that we’ve considered that have been really consistent and coming up with new things, because they built systems to be able to tap that energy in other people, you know, whether you’re talking Einstein, Einstein, excuse me, I’m not talking Einstein, I’m talking, that’s a whole whole different topic.

But if you’re talking Edison, that’s who I was thinking of Thomas Edison, you’re talking Walt Disney. You know, these are people that are curators of brilliant thoughts. And they’ve been able to take that concept and been able to systemize it so that they keep finding new people that have those thoughts.

Then they put it out through their system, they marketed to whatever else to be able to make it happen. But those brilliant ideas weren’t just from them.

They just started the process and helped get those brilliant, get the brilliance from other people. So getting really good at that, though, really comes down to a third point. And this may be a second, but like I said, these are all out of order.

But there’s really a third point that I wanted to bring out.

You have to define what it is you’re trying to get around.

So number one, what’s the ideal scenario of things being right?

You know, and what is the actual problem?

What is the problem, and when it’s when the problems fix?

What’s going to look like?

What are going to be the metrics that makes things right, how would you know that you’re going to be at the spot that you know, you need to be in?

What what’s that look like? Is it a number is that a measurement of time or space?

These are all things you got to consider.

When you’re trying to overcome a problem. It all starts with being calm.

And then taking other people’s perspective getting out of your own way. But knowing knowing where the finish line is, so that so that you can get over your problem because it may not be a problem.

It may not be as big a problem as you think once you calm down a lot of those problems, they fix themselves.

Sometimes it takes going and focusing on something else first, and then coming back to and going, Oh, wait a second, that’s really not that big a deal. That will take care of itself. And it does what most of the problems do.

Hopefully that’s helpful to you, is just a little bit of drift from the inside of this, this clogged up brain. So I got a whole bunch more where that came from and stuff that will hopefully be helpful to you and your business. In way far into the future.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you really want to step back and build some strategies that will fix the problems before they ever show up. You want check out this book. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Overcome A Bad Mood 😔

Thoughts on how to overcome negative emotions.


How to overcome a bad mood.

Or as I call it, rain clouds.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. This is a show that we like to talk about

things that affect business people, and people that are looking to do something in the world. And that may be you that, and if it isn’t, you’ll probably still get something out of this particular one.

Because I’m not incredibly moody person. I’m a pretty even keel person. I take things as they come and I don’t let many things shake me.

Every once a while I won’t handle something right and I get immediate feedback, like contents bricks, me or what have you. And I know what I did wrong. But no matter what, I think it’s just part of the human condition.

There are points in time, which I wouldn’t necessarily consider mine a bad mood, but there’s like, bad weather that just shows up in your brain, or in your psyche or whatever that it just feels like nothing feels right, you know what I mean?

It can come out of nowhere. Sometimes you wake up with it, and then it goes away later. And then other times like today, the reason why I’m talking about this is because today I got home, after having a pretty successful day, I gotten a lot done.

I was relatively content and all of a sudden out of nowhere, feel like garbage, no, like depressed. But just like Buddha is not feeling very well. So I figured I may need something to eat.

So I had a little bit of something to eat and I felt worse, I didn’t feel good at all I got. I ended up with getting a headache, which is unusual, which I even have a video on how to get rid of headaches, or the four top four ways that I use for getting rid of headaches, and I kind of went through that process partially haven’t taken a nap yet.

But I’ll be getting to sleep early today. And it just but it’s one of those things where it just happens sometimes.

Sometimes it’s nothing that you did. I honestly believe that sometimes it’s not your fault. It’s just seasons, you know, the good weather comes in good weather goes, and bad weather comes and bad weather goes, it’s not that big a deal.

You just have to kind of hang it out and not let it pull you down further. Just see it for what it is. Watch it and see if there’s anything you did to affected or to make it happen. Because sometimes that’ll happen, that it’s your fault.

But you got to just pull back and just wait to see. That’s the best advice I could give, because it’s honestly, it’s the only thing that I do.

When I get into one of these spaces, sometimes I can’t get more done and instead of letting that bother me, I’ve just gotten good at just accepting that this is where I’m at who here’s again tomorrow.

This is also a warning out to my producer who handles both this show and my other two podcasts. I had some stuff due to him tonight that I’d said I was going to get done. It’s not going to get done.

You’ll see half of what I said was going to get done is going to be sitting there waiting for you. But the rest of its going to have to wait till tomorrow, the commentaries, just so you know, Sean, just so you know.

It’s one way or the other, I’ve committed to coming to you every night and bring you a little bit of a perspective. That’s hopefully helpful. Hopefully, that helps out.

If not now, later. I hope you’re not going through the same thing right now. But if if it pops up in your life, which is bound to if you’re, if you’re still breathing, you’re going to have a point where a little dark clouds gonna come overhead.

Just don’t freak out about it. Just watch it realize it’ll go away on its own. always does. And if you really want to have a good night, and to know that you’re going in the right direction, get your frame of mind right get focused on where you’re going next.

I recommend if you have nowhere else to go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s a very simple concept. Each of these ways though, can open up whole new worlds for you.

These nine ways are really really important and it’s important that you see it so I have a free copy waiting for you at It’s that’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Before we back tomorrow, in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Concern 🤨 vs Worry 🤯

The difference between emotional worry and being concerned about something.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Concern vs Worry.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a thing that comes up a lot with clients that I’ve worked with in the past. It’s really easy when everything’s on your shoulders when you’re a business owner or you’re the executive of a, of a large company.

The whole world is on your shoulders, right?

The entire business, sometimes people’s entire lives, because they depend on it for employment, and the investors and everything else, and it just feels like everything’s up on the back end of your shoulders.

Even then, more important than any other time is the ability to become distant, and emotionally distinct, you have to be able to separate yourself, and the circumstances out from what’s right and wrong.

The only way to do that is to not worry about what’s going on. One of the main reasons I bring this up is because there’s this old, this book that came out, I don’t know, shoot, it’s probably probably close to 25 years ago now, don’t sweat the small stuff. And the subtitle is, and it’s all small stuff, I think, I think that’s the name of it, I never read the book.

But it was an interesting concept to me, as a kid growing up this idea of don’t sweat the small stuff and that everything small, it’s like, it didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, because

I’m like, well you’ve got to sweat some things, there’s got to be certain things that you you know, stress has has a, there’s a necessity, distress. And so if you’re talking about sweating something, you got to be able to sweat things otherwise you’d never get anything done.

But then with time I learned that there’s a difference. There’s a night and day difference, and it’s not taught. And we don’t talk about it enough.

But the difference between emotionally worrying about something and being thoughtfully concerned about something, see, I can be concerned about my family, I can be concerned about my business, I could be concerned about circumstances. But that doesn’t mean I need to get worried about it worries obsessive concern can always be there.

But I don’t have to be emotional about it, I don’t have to make it about that worry is is a selfish thing. You’re making it about you when you’re worrying about something you’re making it about you if it wasn’t about you would be concerned, you see these are the two.

I’m playing with the two definitions to kind of give some some difference to the idea that the words themselves don’t matter that much. But the the idea is important.

When you worry about something, you obsess about it, you can’t stop thinking about it, you’re always thinking about the consequences of something that either has already happened or is going to happen, or is going to happen based on what already happened. And that’s what worry is all about. It’s all obsessive. It’s all personal.

If it wasn’t personal, it wouldn’t be emotional. But if you can back away from the personal side of it, and just look at it as an issue that needs to be solved somehow, someway, somehow, and you don’t necessarily have the answer. And that’s okay.

But you got to watch for the answer.

That’s the difference between worry and concern, you have to separate from the emotion, otherwise worry will kill you. That type of emotional stress, especially over time, if you’ve known people that, that that they just can’t get out of it.

If it’s not one thing it’s another, if they’re not worried about this thing, they’re worried about that thing. And it’s an ongoing, jump from one worry to the next they it’s an addiction that a person could build up. You don’t need it. You don’t need it, and it’s killing you.

And you know, it’s killing you because you know, your entire system feels worse. You feel like you’re dying. When you’re in that state of worry, be concerned about situations but don’t get worried about them.

When you’re worried you’re mixed up with it, and you can’t see things straight, and you’ll always end may end up making the wrong decision.

But if you’re concerned about it, and you’re like, Huh, I wonder how we’re going to fix this one. I wonder what’s going to happen there and just be concerned, distant and not too concerned with the outcome. just concerned with the situation concerned with the present day situation and let it go where it needs to go and let things happen.

Don’t feel like you have to control it all, which is so tough as business owners, for us not to feel like we have to control it all. Like if we don’t control it, how’s that ever going to get done? Well, yeah, but life worked before you were on the earth, and it’s gonna work after here on the earth.

And you got to back away from the idea that you are the one that’s going to do everything you aren’t. You don’t get there on your own. And it takes takes everybody involved, but it takes you keeping your head screwed on straight.

That’s the difference between concern and worry, be concerned, don’t be worried. Don’t sweat the small stuff, fix the small stuff, fix what needs to be fixed, let the rest go, that it’ll fix itself eventually, or the idea will come to you overnight.

You know how that is. You wake up the next morning and you you go, Oh, I wonder if this will work. And sure enough, it does. Right. Hopefully, that’s helpful to you. Just hopefully, it’s a little tap on the shoulders and remind you of what something you already know.

Hey, if you want something that would can really get you ahead of worry ahead of concern even then you got to have a really solid set of plans on where you’re going from here that plans don’t always work out but plans are necessary, especially in business.

That’s why I wrote this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. This is all about having a plan to make yourself competition proof. Go check it out. You go get your own, get your own copy anywhere the books are sold, but you get your free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Riot Mentality In Your Business 🔥

Sad news continues to come in from Minnesota and other spots around the country like our home state of Oregon 🌲 as well.

Brian shares some thoughts on handling negative emotions in your business and life.

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What You Say May Be Hurting You

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Brian share’s some helpful tips he uses to help with negative thoughts and emotions.