Email Marketing Works! 📧

Brian tells us why email marketing is still an effective strategy to use in your marketing campaigns.


Collector’s Items, As Marketing 💪 (Matt Furey Exercise Bible Cards)

A look at using collector’s items in your marketing with an example piece from Zen Master of the Internet, Matt Furey.


Collector’s items, as marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I’ve got this is a pack, this is from 2007, is what it says on it. And I probably got it somewhere around that time not long after. This is Matt Furey for those of you who are unfamiliar, Matt Furey is an exercise health guru online, also very well known for teaching direct response marketing.

He was one of the earliest ones that I saw online really taking advantage of banner ads and email marketing.

Very early on in my internet journeys, I had bought a few of his books, because they were so out of place, they were on a political website of all places that he was advertised. And he just it stood out.

There’s something to be said for that method also, but I wanted to talk specifically about this, this is a pack of cards, it says Matt Furey Exercise Bible.

But what this is, it’s a pack of playing cards, I’m gonna pull some out here, you can see, of course, you got the same thing as that’s on the cover there. Each one you got here.

So here’s the three of hearts, Hindu squats.

So he’s got all his different exercises. Here’s the four of clubs, Tablemaker, right?

You’ve got all his exercises on here. So in a sense, you can use this as, as an exercise, actually learning his exercises, or at least reminding yourself of the exercises that he teaches in his books and other places.

All of these were drawn by Vince Palko, who if you haven’t heard of him is over at AdToons. Really good stuff, brilliant way of marketing.

Here’s his reason why I haven’t thrown this out.

Number one, because I love Matt Furey and his stuff. It’s quirky, it’s corny, it’s got the little cartoon versions of him, there’s an actual picture of him on that side. But it’s who throws away a pack of cards, right?

You keep a pack of cards around forever, it’s like books you tend to keep up. And it’s just one of those things that I can always go back to, if I never used it, I can always go back to it as a marketing lesson if nothing else.

But even if you weren’t into marketing, if you didn’t understand the ability of these, this is going to get around each one of the cards. Even if they got displaced, they’ll have his website on it.

They’ll have his website or a website of the other people that helped help out like lets Vince Palko on there.

So, really great idea collector’s items can be really useful, if they’re clever. If they stand out if they’re different. If you can stand out be different. You have a way of getting into your customers’ lives in a way that other people can’t. They’ll have a tough time getting rid of you have years and years and years, I still have so many of these materials. Not just because I’m a packrat and I am a packrat. But also because it’s just solid marketing.

Those types of things don’t die easily. They stick around, they stick around your households, and they just have a way of never going away.

That’s a really interesting concept. I’ve got other interesting concepts in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is all about making the competition irrelevant and how to stand out in any marketplace.

You can get. Go pick up a copy at or you can download a free copy at

That’s all I have for tonight, you have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Never Lose Money Online

Kick A$$, Take Names, then drop down and do your Hindu pushups in on a daily bases.

Matt Furey’s shown many how to do all that and as Brian points out in today’s vid, he’s got some 💪 proven advice on marketing and business success as well!

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Cold Email Tips

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Brian reviews two books that helped him when get got started with B2B cold email

1. Hack E-Mail – by Danny Flood

2. Grow Your Business With Cold Emails – by Jeremy Chatelaine

I Give You, A Great YouTube Vlog Example

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Create Consistently, Be Patient for Results
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Create consistently be patient for results.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. We’re in a different section of the Orange Office right now. I just needed to do a quick video for you.

You may notice my voice sounds a little bit different. It’s because I don’t have my nice microphone so you’re going to have to deal with the unshaven non-microphone Brian Pombo today.

As we talk about creating consistently and being patient for results. This came from the Nathan Barry’s Article that we talked about yesterday all about endurance and endure until you see results and this has to do with content marketing.

This all comes back to content marketing. If you are marketing on a regular basis via social media, via anything online, and this also goes beyond online, any form of content marketing that you’re taking part of. If you’re creating some type of information entertainment that you’re putting out there on a regular basis.

What we’ve been talking about is daily content and that’s some of the best form of content you could be taking part in right now because you can do it all pretty inexpensively, with zero advertising budget.

And so what we’re talking about is create consistently, this is the same theme from yesterday, but these are two steps.

This comes at the end of that Barry’s article where he says, “create consistently and be patient for results.” Those are the two steps. That’s all you really need to do. If you could just remember to do that, if you could take those two phrases, write them down, put them up next to the area that you’re going to be doing your content from.

Whether you’re writing it, whether you’re speaking it out loud on video, whether you’re speaking out loud, just in audio, just recording it, write it down, put it there.

Create consistently, be patient for results. Just have the idea that you’re gonna keep doing this for as long as it takes because it doesn’t take that much money. It doesn’t take that much time. You just have to be consistent with it.

Just get out there, start the process, you’ll learn as you go.

You’ll see what needs to change. Little tweaks here and there. Maybe some equipment when it comes to, if you’re doing video, you might need some lighting and equipment. You might need some audio equipment.

Other than that, you could do it with an iPhone, like what I’m doing right here or with any type of smartphone. When you get past that point, when you’re at the point where you have a business that’s successful, that’s consistently successful and you start running into all the issues that a business owner or an executive in a of that sort starts running into, not having enough time, personal time away from the office, not having enough time to do the things that you need to be able to do.

You’re always focused on helping everyone else do what they need to do or watching over them or babysitting or trying to add a new element into your business that has a been there before and you feel like you’ve got to start everything from scratch and learn how to do it and then pass it along.

All these things start weighing down on you over and over and over again. If you’re already in that place, if you’re not in that place yet, write down this website, if you are in that place, write this down and go there immediately.

You’ll see a video where I explain what a Dream Biz Chat is. It’s what we call it, the dream business transformation and all it takes is 30 to 60 minutes on the phone or on a video chat with myself. And I will take you through the steps and apply all the lessons that we’re talking about here, principles, strategies, tactics that we talk about here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

We can directly relate it back to your business and show you how it will fit to take you from where you’re at right now, to where you want to be in terms of creating your dream business. Taking it from being really successful to being absolutely ideal for you in your life, so that you can keep going and keep building and take it the next step beyond that.

So that’s what we have for today. Tomorrow we are going to be veering away a little bit from content marketing, going more back into the mindset concepts. We’ll talk, we’ll see more of you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How Long Do I Persist With Daily Content?
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Another question that keeps popping up is how long do I persist with daily content?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. I’m with and today we’re going back to the conversation on content marketing and specifically will daily marketing.

If you’re doing any type of daily content, which I highly, highly, highly encourage you to do and you can watch the last oh really, the past week of videos that we’ve been doing on content marketing, I do these videos every single day.

We call it Brian J Pombo Live. You can go and listen to them if you just want to hear them over again. You go to any podcast directory, in any places where you listen to podcast and type in Brian J Pombo Live and you can go back and listen to these.

You can go back and watch them just about anywhere, YouTube, Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram and find out more about whether content marketing is good for you.

Especially daily content marketing, which seems really overwhelming but it’s a great deal on so many levels.

We’ve talked about a whole bunch of reasons why, but the real question today is. How long should you persist with it?

This comes back to an article that I ran across, it was promoted by Russell Brunson. He was talking about it and it was great because it was just perfect, just directly into what we’re talking about here with daily content. It answered the question right in the title of the article. The articles by Nathan Barry. Go and find it at it just came out recently.

The name of the article is, Endure Long Enough To Get Noticed. That’s the answer, right there. You just endure long enough to get noticed.

What does getting noticed mean? It’s going to mean getting noticed within your…basically getting enough views, getting enough reads, getting enough listens, get enough downloads depending on whatever you’re doing.

Whether you’re doing blogs, whether you’re doing emails, whether you’re doing a videos or audios or what have you. Regardless of what you’re doing, if you’re doing it daily, you gotta measure it.

You got to pay attention to how many people are looking at it as best as you can tell, you can’t always tell exactly, but you can get some idea. And what you want to see is which topics and what things that you’re talking about in the way that you’re talking about them, which ones really start to catch on that people start sharing.

People start talking back and forth with you on which ones are those. And once you find that, expand it out a little more, put out some more content.

The stuff that is getting the most attention, that’s getting the most activity. Those are the things you could start putting advertising behind. And if not, even if you just keep doing daily content, there’s so much value both for yourself and developing your message, but also value for other people to be able to catch your stuff.

So this is the point that Nathan Barry makes.

He said, and it goes back to our idea about binge-watching. Okay, and what we were saying if you missed it, is if you go on to Netflix, you go onto any of these services that have on demand video.

The big thing that’s happened in recent times is called binge-watching.

We don’t just sit down and watch a show the night that it comes out at the time that it comes out at. What we do is we’ll say, hey, I think I’m going to watch this show.

We’ll watch the first few episodes, we’ll go back, watch the first few episodes, and then watch a large portions of the show at a time. We don’t just wait once a week and watch one at a time. We’ll go back and watch them all, all at the same time as as many as we can fit in during our TV time or on our phones or whatever.

We’re going to watch that show. That’s binge-watching. Binge-watching isn’t even possible if you’re just catching it from the first episode and it’s like a show that’s shown on television.

HBO still has a lot of things that they put on streaming, but they’ve got things on television ahead of time and so something like game of Thrones, it comes out, it’s episodic, it comes out one week and then another week and then another week.

But a person now after the show has been out, can go back and rewatch all of them. How many people actually caught game of Thrones? If you’re a game of Thrones fan, how many of you actually came across it at the first episode when it first came out and you sat around waiting for the next one and the next one? Most people didn’t. Most people caught it seasons in. Let alone episodes, far in.

That’s how binge-watching becomes possible is because there’s already a backlog of episodes. You need to create that backlog of yourself, of your own content.

You have to have that backlog out there because people, you can’t expect people to catch your first episode. Anything that you’re really interested in, any TV shows that you really became interested in.

It’s not because you caught it right from the very beginning, you caught it years down the line. So the whole idea is endure long enough to get noticed.

You just need to do this long enough before you can start to build on it. And then from there you could always add advertising dollars to it. You could always take the same content, repurpose it, put it out, take it out and put it out as a book.

A lot of the stuff that I’m producing here, we’re redeveloping right now to create books out of.

The podcasts that I create that are all audio, The Off The Grid Biz Podcast,

Go and check that out. We’re making books out of the episodes that people can then purchase and I can send them to people and so on and so forth. This is where you need to go with things and if you’re already selling things, if you already have something that you’re putting out there, services or products, especially if you are in the self-reliance field, you’re somebody I’d like to talk to.

I’m looking to talk to business owners and executives in the self-reliance field. Go to a, I almost said you go there too, but I want you to go to That link is right below the title here in the description. Depending on where you’re watching this, maybe below, maybe above

Click on that. Go there, watch the video. The video is quick. It gives you an idea of what I’m proposing.

What I’m really proposing is for us to sit down and to have a little chat about how to take your business from where it is to create the absolute dream business scenario for you. Meaning that you’re going to put in the right amount of time, you’re going to put the right amount of effort in the right areas.

That’s perfect for you. It’s a very personal conversation that we’re going to be talking about, but I do this specifically right now almost exclusively for people in the self-reliance field, so go to Check that out.

Tomorrow I’m going to be talking about one other point that Nathan Barry brought up in his article, so we’ll talk to you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

I Don’t Want To Be In Front of the Camera
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I don’t want to be in front of the camera!

This is what I hear over and over again from people. I don’t want to be the center of attention. I don’t like the way I look. I don’t like anything about what I put out. I don’t like the sound of my voice. I don’t think I could be good on the spot.

I am Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today we’re going to talk about the resistance that you may have to doing any type of content marketing. Especially if you’re talking about what I’m proposing, which is some form of at least daily content on a regular basis.

Whether that be video, whether that be audio, whether that be text, meaning you’re writing something out and send it out to the world over email, over a blog or what have you.

Where do you go from there?

If you’ve got resistance, there’s a whole bunch of things that you can do. Number one, the first thing that I’d recommend doing is think about how can I do the same thing in a different way?

So I don’t want to do video, but how can I get my message out without needing to do video? Can you do audio? Would you be willing to record yourself? You can always have somebody edit it for you afterwards, even if you think you’re going to be slow with it. But is it just your looks that bother you?

If so, do audio. If not, if your voice bothers you, then think of doing texts.

Think of writing. Do you think you could write down a message, a message that you’d want people to hear? Do you know enough about your topic that you can write something different every day or at least about the same things in a different way?

I don’t talk about that many different things. I tend to stick to three main subjects, but I talk about it in a different way every day. Have been for nearly three months now. So that’s the question. Could do you think you could do that?

If it really comes down to the fact that you don’t think you can do any of those things and you are the mover and the shaker in your business, in your organization, in whatever you’re trying to promote.

If you’re the main person and you’re not willing to do those things, then you need to find somebody who is, you need to find somebody who is willing to be the face, the voice, the words of your organization.

And maybe you need to tell them what to say and have them say it in their own way, but you need that person. You have to realize that you may become dependent on that person. If you’ve got that person, you’re going to have to keep using them.

I’m thinking of a few examples just off the top of my head. Colonel Sanders with Kentucky Fried Chicken to this day, I mean he passed away, I don’t know, maybe in the early eighties, I believe, and they have never stopped using his image.

They’re still completely tied to the personality that sold the brand. How about Burt’s Bees? Are you familiar with Burt’s Bees? I think Burt just passed away a couple a year or two ago. Even after the company was sold, they still kept paying Bert to show up to events to do different things.

There’s a movie about that. I can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head, but it has to do with Burt’s Bees. Go and look at it. I think it’s called Burt’s Buzz. Maybe, don’t quote me. Check it out though, it’s a good documentary.

When you have a person tied to a brand tied to a company, when they are the brand themselves. It’s so powerful that it’s difficult to remove them once it actually takes hold.

When you have it to where it’s pushing your company forward. Where the image, where the character, where the voice, the face is so tied directly with the company. You got to take that into account ahead of time. So you have to think, if we were to use any type of personality branding, if we were to take that as far as it will go….

Are we going to be okay with that in the long run? Is that what we really want? Is that where we really want to take this company?

It’s a huge advantage, but there’s the disadvantages that all come with it.

There’s a lot of people that are not charismatic at all that have done the same thing. The most classic one is Wendy’s. I don’t know if you were around when Wendy’s, the fast food chain, their owner and founder Dave Thomas used to do the Wendy’s commercials.

He was the least charismatic person of all, but he was easygoing and he wasn’t that easy going in real life from what they say. But in the commercials, he was easy going. He’d read his lines. He wasn’t a good actor, so he didn’t quite act them out. But he played the straight man.

They had all the characters around him do something crazy or say something crazy or act funny. And he played the straight man and people loved it. It was a huge time for Wendy’s back then. And when he passed on, that was tough to be able to replace that character.

It does have a lot to do with personality branding. You see how I’m not focusing too much on the content itself. The content will come out as long as you know something.

If you know something that ties back to your product, that ties back to your service and you can talk about it in multiple different ways, then you’re the person that should be talking. It doesn’t matter if it’s video, it doesn’t matter if it’s audio. It doesn’t matter if it’s text or if it’s a combination of all of those. You need to get the message out.

It’s gotta be consistent because it’s free media. It’s out there. Content marketing, especially if you’re using any type of social media, Facebook, YouTube, what have you, it’s free. It’s out there. People are watching anyways. You don’t need to spend money on advertising. You can then take the content that you’re providing, especially the stuff that starts getting a life of its own.

You could take that, put some advertising dollars behind it and really make it go, but just start, get the content out there. So if you’d like to find out more about how to do this for your own business, if you can see this as possibly being a key to you having your dream business, I want you to go to

There’s a video there. It’s eight and a half minutes long. Watch it. If you’re an owner or an executive, especially in the self-reliance field, you’re somebody that I’d like to talk to.

Go to The link is going to be in the description next to this video. Go and check it out. It could be above, it could be below, depending on where you’re watching this.

Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about content marketing again, and really how long should I persist with at least regular content marketing?

Okay Brian, I agree with you. I see what you’re saying. We probably need some type of daily content going out. How long do we need to do that for?

That’s the question we’re gonna answer tomorrow. Come on back then. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.