Secret Customer Retention Strategy 🗺️

Thoughts on charting out information about your ideal customer and how you can better serve and communicate with them.


Secret customer retention strategy.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going to be talking about customer retention.

So as you can probably guess, the reason why you’re watching or listening to this is that you’re a business owner or executive and you’re looking to hold on to customers.

There’s a whole lot I can assume about that but it’s something that I talk about a lot without talking about, always directly.

In fact, a whole huge portion of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. In fact, I was just looking at a copy right here. Hard bound, if you want to go get a copy, but it’s short, it’s a quick read. chapters five and six have a whole lot to do with customer retention and I’m not even going to cover it here.

What I am going to cover here is one word, that opens up an entire different way of looking at retention that I would guess you wouldn’t have thought of directly. But go check out my book.

To get those other ways, you can if you don’t want to buy one, you don’t want to commit to that, go get a free copy. If you want a digital copy, you can go to

And so, for, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Now, let’s talk about the secret to customer retention that most people don’t ever cover. And it’s a simple concept but it can go in a million directions and it’s a complete and it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in either.

This is true across the board. In most industries, I would say in most businesses there is no type of strategy whatsoever that covers this one point, the secret the real secret to customer attention. Excuse me, I just ruined it.

The real secret to customer retention is attention.

It’s keeping the attention of your customer.

Now don’t just throw that away, as if, Oh yeah, whatever.

No, honestly, you got to think about this.

If you can hold their attention you can retain them as a customer or you can drive them away quicker, depending on how you how you look at it.

But overall, you’re going to retain more than you drive away. And the ones you retain are going to be with you longer and more valuable, then any that you end up losing.

Initially you do need a strategy, that you’re making money off of a customer on a regular basis for any of this to really work.

So that is something you got to build into your business. And like I said, I discussed that in my book. That’s one of the points I discuss in my book but you do need to have that initially, because you got to, you’re going to have to spend some money to do this, you’re going to have to spend some time and or money to keep attention.

Here’s how I like doing it.

Initially, if you have zero ideas on how to handle this now I know a whole bunch of tactics and you can go back through the years of all of my videos and audios over at

You can go back through all this for free and pick up little pieces here and there of how you would go about doing it in a tactic way. But if you want to start from scratch, and you want to build your own way, and just really mark down the road, sit down and think about who your ideal customer is and then go through their typical week, draw it out.

What are they doing from the moment they wake up to the moment they go back to bed every day?

Now, if you’re looking at five days a week, in most cases, depending on who your customer is unless you’re dealing with retirees and deal with very particular types of people.

Most people have a five day week, especially in the if you’re watching this in the United States Monday through Friday. And so we know that they’re going to go to work for a period of time but in between all that what is their morning ritual?

What are they doing for lunch?

What are they doing at work?

Do they partake in anything or is there any interaction with the outside world whatsoever that you could insert yourself in?

What are they doing on the way home?

Do they have a long commute?

Are they listening to the radio?

Are they seeing the billboards are they I mean you’ve got to look at every option to be in front of that person.

Now there’s a whole lot of direct ways I’ll give you one just off the top of my head newsletters, physical newsletters still function, I don’t care if it’s just a one pager, a physical newsletter or a postcard that goes to their house on a monthly basis.

I mean, just monthly, just initially, at least on a monthly basis, having something like that is a way to stay in front of them, whether they read it or not, whether they’re interested or not the fact that you are there and reminding them that you exist, and giving them more options.

Possibly even to purchase from you, or to purchase through you if you if you direct people to other services or products.

That’s a concept unto itself but if you could look at the whole picture of everything they’re doing.

And then the weekend, right, the weekend, what are they doing on the weekend?

Are they traveling?

Are they staying at home?

Are they watching TV?

Do they go on vacation?

Where do they go on vacation, you map this whole thing out as best you can.

Obviously it’s a guessing game, right, and no two people are identical. But on the same end, you’ll see similarities. And you’ll be able to expand your horizon in terms of how many times can I be in front of a person?

And you’re saying, Well, if I actually succeeded in that, that would be annoying.

Do you know of anybody that has succeeded in annoying you with business commercials and so forth that has never gotten a penny from you?

I would bet that anyone out there that has annoyed that has gotten that has because they’ve been around so much, has annoyed you just because they’re everywhere.

They’ve probably gotten money from you in some way, too. That’s an interesting dichotomy. I’m not saying you should focus on trying to annoy people.

What you have to be is like Dan Kennedy puts it, the welcome guest versus the uninvited pest, I should say.

That’s what you need to be you need to be the person that’s entertaining, you need to be the company that’s entertaining, you need to be providing it, you need to go beyond just looking at your service, or your product as the thing that you’re discussing.

What if you started providing entertainment value of any sort out there, that just happens to be brought to you by their come by your company.

Just ideas, start thinking about your customers attention. Because attention properly handled, creates retention means they’re going to stick with you, they’re going to come back to you.

They’ll be there over and over and over again. If you’re not if you’re not in front of them all the time. If you don’t make that a driving force, we’ll get all the distractions we have all day long, all the things pulling our attention away.

And most of the time they work most time they pull us away from one thing or another. Look at those things in your life. That can’t pull your attention away.

The shows that you’ll watch no matter what the the activities you take part in that nothing can pull your attention away from those things. And then put that in reverse and think about your ideal customer, your ideal client.

Just a quick idea on customer retention.

Hopefully it’s helpful to you. Like I said, you can check out my book for more ideas. And you can subscribe, like follow, go to my website and get on the email list. And we’ll be back in your box on a daily basis. So let me know if you have any questions leave a comment over at

You have a great one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Marketing Triangle & Your Business 🛆 (Dan Kennedy)

Brian talks about Dan Kennedy’s Marketing Triangle.


The marketing triangle and your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

What is the marketing triangle and why is it so important?

It really matters, and it’s going to mean a whole lot more to you if you’ve been involved in business for a period of time, basically, because it will show you why you’ve failed so many different things, or why things aren’t working properly.

And it was funny because it took it was probably around 2013, 2012, late 2012, 2013, that it came to me and I’m like, Oh, I get it.

One of the big pieces was reading this book, the ultimate marketing plan by Dan Kennedy. Great book, he talks about the marketing triangle in here in great depth, I’m going to cover it in very light manner.

Just to give you an idea of what it is and why it’s so important.

It really comes down to this. When you’re in business, oftentimes, when it comes to marketing, we focus on the media source first, that tends to be the first thing goes to our mind.

The old saying was, you know, it’s the Yellow Pages salesman that walks in through the door or calls you on the phone. And that’s what leads you to getting into the Yellow Pages.

It’s not because you thought about it, and you figured your market with the people you’re trying to get to use the Yellow Pages, all this stuff, it’s, we tend to be driven by the market.

So someone gets really excited about Facebook ads, or tik tok or anything like that. And then they say, Okay, now what am I going to put on there?

And then at the very end, they might get to the point where they say, Okay, now, what does my audience want. But that’s, that’s usually the last thing people think of.

Here’s the magic of the of the marketing triangle, it should be the first thing we think of is our marketplace. Our who, so we talked about yesterday about the who and why that is so important.

Another word for who is market. We’re wanting to focus on our market first. That should be the first thing that we think about is the who, who are we trying to help, right?

Who are we trying to help and what are we wanting them to do?

How are we helping them?

And the how is the message, because you start with the market?

You say, Okay, this is who we’re trying to reach.

Now, what are we trying to help them with?

How are we going to help them?

That’s our message when it comes to marketing, because marketing is just the communication of what we want the market to do what we want potential customers, clients, patients, whatever, what do we want them to do?

Right, that’s marketing.

It’s just the communication of it, and we’ll get into that in a second. But so you got your message, your market, and then at the end, that will lead you to media.

What type of media do I go to with that message for that market?

See, if you do it that way then you don’t get excited about the media source, except for the fact that it’s a good way to deliver a message to the market.

But most of us, we do it all backwards and then we don’t end up getting good results.

This happens only almost every single time. I know this from not only doing it myself, but from working with client after client after client.

This tends to be the only time they get excited about any type of marketing or advertising is when they get excited about the media source.

It’s not them getting excited about helping the end person. And this is a very human thing. It’s just one of these things we fall into. But really, ideally, you’re going to get the best bang for your buck by focusing on the who first and the what and how.

And then the where and when the media were when are we going to tell them what and how to do it and who are we talking to?

That’s the idea behind the marketing triangle.

It’s more of the order in which you do things and the importance in which you do them. And it that really helps hone what each answer is everything it’s all about communication marketing.

If you take marketing, you take the area that’s just called advertising and there’s that old story. There’s this old story by I think it was Albert Lasker that was talking about coming in contact with John Kennedy. This was back in the early 1900s, I believe in the 1920s, probably, you know, 100 years or more ago, they had this situation where he was studying advertising and trying to figure out, what is the essential point of advertising?

And he ran to John Kennedy, he said, I’ve got it.

He says it’s very, very simple. Advertising is salesmanship in print.

If you think about it back then that’s that was what advertising was that that’s the only thing you either had salesmanship, which was one on one communication, trying to get somebody to do something, or you had advertising, which was the print and advertising back then was print, it’s a sign, It’s a newspaper, it’s a magazine.

That and that’s about it.

I mean, it’s things in print, it’s a, it’s a piece of mail, a letter that’s been sent to you. But no matter what it’s what we would refer even to today as print. If you consider that around all marketing, because marketing has grown so much bigger than that nowadays, if you look at the entire lifestyle of marketing, it all comes back to salesmanship. in whatever form, you’re trying to reach a person.

That’s what it is, it’s salesmanship in a YouTube video, it’s salesmanship in a phone call, you know, all the different technologies we have, it’s still the exact same game, it’s a communication.

The communication is to a certain audience, to get them to do a certain thing via a certain source. That’s it, that’s marketing in just the simplest terms possible.

So if you get to wrap your mind around that principle, and the direction that we go in making that relationship, the main thing, it’s one of the main things I why I talk about, with That we have three main pillars, we talk about being relationship reliant, is one of the main ones, okay, relationship reliant, everything comes back to a relationship, whether you’ve known that person physically, you’ve actually come in contact with them or not.

They’re still a relationship, there’s communication back and forth. And if you realize that all businesses based on that you’ll do really well.

If you keep that in mind with everything that you’re doing that you’re talking to an actual person out there. towards all about that’s just another one of the principles in this string of videos that we’re doing on some of the main principles you need either start a business or to take your business to the next level, really focusing down on these principles.

Hopefully, it’s helpful for you. I’d love to hear what you think about the marketing triangle. As I said, I did not come up with it. But there’s a lot of people that talk about message market message media, and the matching of those three, so you have a great night.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Find An Excuse To Reach Out 🍫😀 (Funny Holidays & Customer Base Connection)

Did you even know we had a Chocolate Pudding Day?

Brian talks about finding reasons to reconnect with your customer base is important, even if it’s chatting about funny holidays to get the ball rolling.


Find an excuse to reach out.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Perfect example chocolate pudding day, today, June 26. is chocolate pudding day.

It means absolutely nothing.

Are you selling chocolate pudding?

Does your business have anything to do with chocolate pudding?

No, probably not. It doesn’t matter.

The point is, is you need an excuse. And I mean any excuse to reach out to your customer base, or prospective customer base, or previous customer base, it’s all the same. Yet it’s not all the same, but you need to reach out to all of them before, during after it doesn’t matter.

You need to reach out to the people that have the potential to put money in your pocket.

Because that’s what business is, you helping them and them doing something in exchange. In most cases, that’s going to bring money in your pocket.

So it’s really all about having a connecting point with people. So in most cases, in most businesses, that’s gonna be email addresses.

If you’ve got somebody whose email address, you need an excuse to talk to them on a regular basis. Today, I’m talking to you about not specifically chocolate pudding day, but about the fact that there are a million funny, goofy holidays out there.

Type in funny holidays into Google and look at the different websites that you can find all the funny holidays. I will even send you to a particular one, because there’s a handful of them. And there’s always new ones that will tell you what the funny holiday just about every single day of the year has at least one thing connected to it.

Some funny anniversary, some funny commemorative day, that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

Why anyone would create a chocolate pudding days beyond me, but here we are talking about, right?

It’s the conversation that allows you to get in touch with your people. And then to briefly mention, whatever it is that that you’re about, right?

Whatever this next step is that you know they need to take in their journey. For example, if you haven’t checked out my book, yet, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I’m gonna suggest you do that, especially if you’re a business owner or executive who’s trying to make your business completely competition proof. These are nine ways and doesn’t matter if you read this book 10 years before it was written, or if you’re reading it, 20 years after it’s written.

It’s still the same principles and they still run true. There are nine strategies that you should be putting into place right away, and that over time will continue to pay back over and over and over again, you get a free copy at

You see, we started talking about chocolate pudding day, and we end up talking about my book. Do the two have to connect? No, of course not, they don’t have to connect at all.

You’re saying isn’t that sneaky, isn’t that it?

Listen, there’s a million…it’s so difficult to get anyone’s attention. The fact that you’re still watching or listening to this is absolutely amazing, it’s mind blowing.

I’m not going to take advantage of it. I’ve said what I need to say today now you need to go out and say something to your people. You should be doing it at least daily.

If you are not connecting with your people through email, at least you going out after them. Or at least putting out some content marketing on a regular basis so that people can come across you accidentally maybe if they’re searching for you or searching for something you’re talking about.

At least do that, at least get out there.

Hopefully this makes sense to if so go grab my book, go do a post or or an email or a message a letter in the mail to your customer base and tell them about chocolate pudding day. It’s just that important.

You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

3 Ways To Control Your Communication With Customers

A look at ways to have more control over communication with your list, beyond dependency on social media.


Three ways to control your communication with customers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re about talking about three ways to control communication with your customers.

The problem is, right now, in this crazy, wacky world, you can’t depend on anything, right?

Especially when it comes to communication with your customers. If you’re running through any type of retail situation, like via, if you’re selling items through a third party website, or through a physical retail location, you don’t own communication with your customers.

You’ve got to go through them most of the time to even find out who your customers are. If you know who your customers are, then quite possibly the place where you communicate with them the most is via social media. Very, very common.

But you don’t own that. You don’t own any of it.

It can go away at any time you get kicked off at any time you say yeah, but Brian, I’m not political. I’m not this, I’m not that.

And I get that. But you don’t know how long that’s gonna last. And you don’t know, when you’ll fall into a situation where I don’t know, something crazy happens.

Their whole system gets corrupted, you know, one website, their system gets corrupted, I know they’ve got backups and everything else. But there’s ways that these things can be messed up, there’s always a way for something to get messed up.

You don’t want to be on the end of that to where you don’t have control over it. How do you gain control?

How do you get that back in hand so that you have the direct communication with your customers, it’s the one major thing that I harp on immediately when I’m working with a new client is to make sure they have ongoing communication with the customers.

That comes from a list that comes from owning a list having a list of people that you know, have bought from you have their potential buy from you, or eventually may buy from you or bought from you at one time having those lists in place. And having at least one way to communicate with them were the three ways.

Pretty simple, pretty straightforward.

I can’t believe how many companies do not go after these three things. First one email, that’s the most common, it’s also the one that’s the least likely for you to be able to reach somebody.

Because people just ignore their emails, they’ll let it pile up. They’ll let it self delete, they’ll let it go to spam. There’s a million things that can go wrong with email, and it does constantly anyone that works with email on a regular basis knows that email is not dependable.

Certainly not for communication. It’s something but it’s not everything. The two others are major and they get ignored constantly.

Second one phone number. Okay, phone number is very, very uncommon for people to gather. But it is so powerful to have not just because you want to spam them with text messages, right?

That’s not what I’m talking about me. You want to be able to communicate via text if they have the ability to, but maybe you you want to send out a broadcast. phone call.

Have you ever done that? H

ave you ever heard that?

Have you ever had it done to you to where you’re getting a robo recording, but it’s something that you expected, you’re not just sending it out, because somebody gave you their phone number. You’re letting them know, hey, we send these out once a week, once a month, every time something special happens that they’re signing up for a specific broadcast phone call.

These are inexpensive to purchase, in comparison to a whole lot of other things. And it’s a way to get directly in front of the person.

People tend to listen to their voicemail, especially if it’s from somebody that they don’t recognize the name and after they recognize the name. If you’ve got entertainment to be able to send out sending it via the phone is huge.

Number three, this is a major one.

What is it?

It’s mail.

It’s a mailing address, you have a mailing address, you’ve got something that hardly anybody besides really good direct mail marketers understand the ability for those people who have companies that have dealt with catalogs and direct to consumer, if they haven’t been doing that for a very long period of time.

If you’re an e commerce company, chances are you are not capturing people’s home addresses or mailing addresses if they have something other than their home. It’s important is massively important because how Just think about it. You grab your mail from your mailbox.

You look at it your Gonna it’s the old thing Gary Halbert used to talk about the A and the B pile, you know, you take all the ones out that look like garbage, and you toss them, and you keep everything that just might possibly be something, okay, there’s a way to get into that pile.

And there’s a way to keep getting into that pile from that point forward, especially if they’re expecting it, especially if you tell them you’re sending them something physical and you’re starting on an online basis.

Then you’re going offline with something physical, it brings a whole new dimension to your communication with that person.

Even more powerful than email even more, definitely more powerful than a phone call, is having a physical piece, I don’t care if it’s a postcard, I don’t care if it’s just a basic envelope with a with a handwritten address on it.

You send them something like that you send them something physical, and you’re you’re, you’re guaranteed eyeballs, they may not open it, they may not look at it long.

But you’re going to get a whole lot more, it’s definitely more, you’re going to get more return off of doing that on top of the other two.

So those are the three ways those are the three ways that you can break free, because when you have those your own one on one communication with the person, in fact, you got a phone call, you can get in conversation with the person, which is tough to do with email.

It’s tough to do even with with physical bow, but you get on one on one conversation just by calling them and if they if they pick up your you’ve got it made or if you get them to call you back, you’ve got it made.

These are big, these are big things. And you don’t want to be dependent on social media. You don’t want to be dependent on on every other thing that they make easy. Just because it’s easy.

And really because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s a good thing and doesn’t mean it’s going to last. So keep that in mind when you’re sitting back and looking at, okay, how do we really make this thing home and how do we make it to where it’s bulletproof. In the long run.

That’s how you do it. those are those are some major deals when it comes to communication.

If you’re looking for more strategies to be able to help you to really make your business bulletproof against competition against the big guys against intrusion from corporations, government, anything else, go grab my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Who Else Is Selling Your Customer?

Do you know who your idea customer is?

Thoughts on knowing your customers interests to help with communication and connection in sales.


Who else is selling your customer?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is an interesting question, because there’s so much that leads up to getting somebody in your world, to having a chance to touch them via advertising or marketing, being able to just get that initial connection.

And then beyond that, having the ability to bring them in as a customer, as a client, as a patient, as a whatever, whatever you’re trying to do. If you’re looking to bring in new customers, then you got to know the entire thought process that goes into them becoming a customer, and one of the biggest pieces is for them to wrap their mind around what you’re offering.

How simple is it for them to understand?

Where do they have to go from the absolute dumbest you can be about the subject that you’re trying to get them to learn more about. I don’t care if you’re selling dog food or whatever, how ignorant do they have to be?

You take them from that spot, all the way to where they need to be in order to purchase and all the things that they need to know throughout that process. And you got to think, who is helping you in that process?

Are there other people, are there other brands, are there other influencers out there?

That just them educating the public helps them to get closer to purchasing from you, you got to consider this because there’s a whole lot of helpers out there, that you’re not paying that your current customers might be able to tell you, you know, I saw you months ago, but it’s because I heard the dog whisperer say this, about having this in dog food that I realized I needed to purchase from you something to that extent, there are influencers out there, online, offline, everywhere.

There are people, somewhere, there are companies somewhere that are promoting an idea that could lead a person and maybe accident. I mean, of course it’s accidental in most cases, but they by be promoting an idea that is encouraging people to lead, they’re leading them to you in some cases, they may be doing they may be trying to encourage the opposite.

But because they do such a bad job at it, they’re pushing customers your way, you’ve got to know who these people are. And you got to start encouraging people to listen to them, or to pay attention to them or to watch them or to notice them to notice what they’re saying, to notice what there might be an influencer or a person promoting another product or another service out there. That’s the complete opposite of you, focus on them.

Show them, put them out there, say hey, if you’re for that, you’re not my customer. You don’t show the difference show the absolute difference between you and them. If you could do that, you’re doing a lot.

So one of the things I’ll give you an example. I’m a I’m a business strategist, so what I do is I work with business owners and executives that are looking to really obtain great goals in their business, they’re looking to double and triple their business in a certain period of time.

They’re wondering what is the shortest shortest distance to get there and how do they plan for that? And how do they try to overcome all the issues that keep them from getting there?

What I’ll do in that case is, a lot of times I will tell people to go download my book, if I’ve already talked to the person, and they seem like a good fit, I will send them a book I will overnight a book to them a physical book, if they if they tell me they’ll they’ll read it and have them go through that. See that’s my own ability to try and get people on the same page of where I am.

In a lot of cases, if you watch us on a daily basis, you’ll see I’m recommending book after book after movie, after TV show constantly. I’m recommending other sources.

Are any of those sources saying anything that is discouraging to me?

No, they aren’t.

They’re all encouraging all of those ideas are encouraging customers prospective customers to become get closer and closer and closer to becoming a customer in mind. Is that selfish?

Yes, absolutely. It’s selfish, but that’s the process that we’re going through here. And I’m not trying to, I’m not encouraging anything that I think is untrue.

I want people to become begin to know more and more and more about this subject so that when they’re working with me, I don’t have the resistance that comes along with trying to get people within business to grow and become more become better.

That’s my whole process, but you’ve got a process too, you’ve got something that you’re looking to take people to, you’re looking to take them to a place. And if it were super easy to take them to the place, you wouldn’t have to think about this stuff.

If you just had to offer if you’ve just had to get your product in their hands and they’re guaranteed to purchase from you, then you got to focus on getting products in their hands.

But if you’ve got to get them to know something, if you got to get them to think something if you’ve got to get them to buy into a belief before they purchase from you, then you should be focusing on that and you should use every tool in your Bolero, every bullet available to be able to get them to that point. And that’s what I’m talking about here. encourage other sources, don’t be scared, don’t see competition.

A huge part of the problem of competition is the fact that you see too many people as being competition. And you got to quit doing that you got to see all the people even if they look like competition initially. They’re actually helpers.

They’re actually there to help, and you’ve got to use them to your benefit as much as possible. I talked about that.

To a certain extent in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you want to get your own free copy, you can do it. Just go to, and you can go download your own free copy.

I’ve also gotten a couple other deals on the other side of that if you go through that process, so go check it out. I’ll be back here tomorrow night. It’s all about being relationship reliant, which is one of the third pillars it’s pulling the three pillars at, if you want to learn what the other two pillars are, stay tuned or go check out our older videos at

We finally got the entire archive back up at It was it was falling behind because of a nasty, vicious attack last year on the website hate these are the things that happen when you’ve got online business.

Just one of those things you gotta roll with. You have a great night we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How Does Trump’s Social Media Purge Effect Your Business?

Thoughts on Trump’s social media situation and diversification in getting your message out.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How does Trump’s social media purge affect your business?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

And before you think that I’m going to get into some political tirade one way or the other about Donald Trump…not going to do it, it’s not necessary. Because the point I gotta make has goes across party lines, it goes across, even if you’re completely apolitical, it’s important that you understand what’s happening right now and how it can affect your business and how it isn’t new.

It really is not new, it’s new in the sense that we’re seeing some of this stuff more out, right. And the political lines being made a little thicker, in between one side or the other. But it’s not new.

So here’s the here’s the gist. This is 2021 is when I’m filming this. And we’ve had a situation where Trump is still in office, but in the process of transitioning out. He is transitioning over to the Biden administration here in the United States.

And there was a whole thing about the capital breach and the riot or what have you that happened at the Capitol building. The fact that Trump egged it on, or that he literally inside did it now it doesn’t matter whether you think he did or you think he didn’t, he was kicked off of Twitter and Facebook, supposedly for doing the same thing.

That he’s had long running great relationships with these platforms. There’s been threats, there’s been blocks and everything else up until now, the thing is, is they were able to completely remove him overnight.

And did it not, I’m thinking not only Facebook and Twitter, but I believe a couple other platforms also did the same thing where they just they purged him. They wiped him off the face of the earth in terms of their platforms.

Now, should they have the ability to do that?

That’s an argument you can you can make back and forth. Really there are private company, so they did it and you have a tough time legally getting in there. Because you agree to a lot of these things when you sign up for these platforms now, neither here nor there. The thing is that happens.

Now how does this affect your business, how it affects your business, and you should never, ever, ever put all your dependence on one platform on one area on one place to communicate with people or on a handful.

Because all it takes is saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or saying something they don’t like or being accidentally removed completely, which I’ve seen happen to many people that I know where their material was completely taken off of Facebook, or Twitter or YouTube, and not having really much of a recourse to be able to get it fixed.

I mean, they say that they have, they have situations where you can fix this, but it’s not easy. And it doesn’t need necessarily need to be your fault for it to happen. The dependency factor is so bad, it’s so difficult when you become dependent and think thing is about Donald Trump, he became known as Mr. Twitter, he was known for the tweet, he was known for these things that he did on this platform that he had no control over. He did not own, he took advantage of it.

But that only goes as far as the company is willing to allowing you to let you take it. And they they’re not allowing it anymore. So you have to see yourself not, I don’t want you to see yourself in the same light as Donald Trump cuz you may hate Donald Trump.

But that doesn’t matter to me, whether you hate your mother love them, or you’re completely indifferent to him, I want you to understand that it’s not just about him. This happens to everybody and it happens on all levels.

And none of these platforms are going to be around forever. Many of us will go through I mean, you may be watching this in the future God Oh, yeah, I think I remember Twitter. I think I remember Facebook, that’s before they merged with such and such and became something else. This thing happens all the time.

You know, we hardly ever talk about Yahoo anymore. Although, when I first got involved in the business, Yahoo was the king of search engine, search engines out there with multiple other ones, multi million dollar companies that don’t exist anymore or got folded into another one.

This happens, you have to expect it.

You have to diversify your media. You have to get out there when it comes to social media and a lot of these platforms that are free or inexpensive to get on. You got to make sure you’re all on a whole bunch of them, and that your business is not completely dependent on any one of them.

Because at any time That light switch can be turned off. So just keep that in mind. That’s all I got here for tonight. Go check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get your own free copy at we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

Where You Talk To Customers Matters 🤔

Some thoughts on knowing your market and the appropriate places to communicate with them.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Where you talk to customers matters.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

There’s been a lot of stuff happening, okay, we are in 2021, the first days of 2021, the second week, technically, of 2021. And in January.

And what we’re looking at right now historically is pretty amazing because what’s happening is the larger digital giants are doing are doing an amazing job of cutting out very famous and powerful people off of off of their, their platforms, they cut out. Trump off Twitter and Facebook, I think in the same day, or very close to, they’ve cut down and cut the new parlor, which is a new social media outlet, kind of a quasi Twitter, they cut it out of the app stores, both within I think 48 hours of each other.

It’s amazing times, you know, regardless of where you stand politically, the fact that all this stuff is happening is probably my guess will lead to a lot more diversification. When it comes to online media sources and online platforms are going to change quite a bit.

At the same time, even, which handles a lot of the cloud storage, cut Parler out of their cloud storage platform. And I believe all these places pretty much said it’s because they don’t police the speech properly on their platforms.

Like I said, I’m not gonna get into whether that’s right or wrong, or whether you’re right or left, or pro Trump or anti-Trump or pro-Biden or anti-Biden, none of that. None of that’s important right here for this discussion.

It’s important, but it’s not important for right now, what I want to talk about is the fact that media does matter. And where you’re trying to communicate with your audience matters a whole lot. And if you don’t know your audience very well, you might very well be trying to communicate with them in the wrong place.

I was speaking with a group earlier today, and they were looking, they’re looking to possibly get involved in either starting from scratch or purchasing a media outlet. And it’s a pretty large one, but one that has both digital and physical media involved with it. I won’t get into the details. But it’s a very interesting idea.

The real question was, is, are the people that were that they were looking to communicate with?

Are those people using that platform or interested or possibly, in the future interested in using that platform?

I know that that may sound a little odd, but I want to give you some context. So up until now, for the last two videos, we’ve been talking about kind of the process of how to determine how to go about speaking to your audience, how to find your customers, and so forth.

The method that you use is you focus on first who which is the which is the market. And then secondarily, then once you really know what market you’re after, you want to focus on, on what, which is the message, what do you want that market that who to do. And after you figure that out, then you have a better understanding of what the media source should be.

Oftentimes, when people are looking to do any form of advertising or marketing, they’ll choose the media source first.

They’ll say, we got to be on Facebook, we got to be on YouTube, or what have you and they’re not fully, really comprehending whether their market is going to receive the message properly on that media. So media source is really about the where and the when, where and when are we going to be communicating our message to the media are what to the who.

That’s the last step, not the first step. But once you’ve once you’ve followed through on those first two steps, it will give you a clearer understanding of where and how. So if, for example, you’re attempting to get a hold of I’m just saying, for the sake of the situation that’s happening in the news today.

Let’s say that that the customers are looking to get a hold up for this particular product that you’re looking to sell is Trump voters. Let’s say you’re looking to get a hold of Trump voters now.

You’ll find a sizable amount on Facebook and Twitter right now. But it’s dwindling and it’s switching quite a bit because of all the latest news. Whereas if you were to do it, if you were to advertise on parlour, I’m not sure if it

We don’t even know if it’s going to be a stable platform in the long run. But you know that more than likely, if you’re looking for hardcore Trump voters, you’re going to find a whole heck of a lot over on the parlour area.

So it’s just an example to show you that, if you really no your who will. And if you really know what you want them to do, then the media is going to, you’re going to have a real dwindling on the media. And I’m not saying that every who that you have is exactly the same, you may have 100, different who’s but each of those who’s you need to, you need to design a specific message for.

And that message needs to be to each of those specific who’s or style of who’s into a specific area into a specific media source. And you got to know that they’re there, or be able to test that they’re there with the with the quantified message. See, if you if you understand the method behind this, it’s a lot less troublesome than trying to come up with something that’s just a blanket, where you say, Well, this is what I’m selling. And this is what it does, and so on, so forth and just put it out everywhere.

For one thing that’s expensive.

That’s why you see a lot of larger companies doing that type of thing on TV commercials and stuff. It’s very large, it’s very blanketed, what they want you to do isn’t very clear. It sometimes you not even sure exactly who’s at what they’re advertising. But the more clear you can be as to who you’re talking to what you want them to do. And if you’re hitting them in the right spot, then you’ll know you have a place, you could put more money and a message that you could put more money behind, as long as you’ve got all the math working on the back end.

And you’ve got something that has a real market that has real legs that you can make a profit off of, then you’re going to win. That’s all it really takes. But medium does matter a whole heck of a lot.

Now, if you want help with larger end strategies, you’re welcome to hire me. But one thing I always offer people to do ahead of time before they even sit down to talk about hiring me is go and check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business even if you’re not looking at hiring me. You ought to check this out because it can help you do away with any form of competitive forces in your marketplace.

Go get a free copy at Hopefully that was all helpful to you. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.