Who Else Is Selling Your Customer?

Do you know who your idea customer is?

Thoughts on knowing your customers interests to help with communication and connection in sales.


Who else is selling your customer?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is an interesting question, because there’s so much that leads up to getting somebody in your world, to having a chance to touch them via advertising or marketing, being able to just get that initial connection.

And then beyond that, having the ability to bring them in as a customer, as a client, as a patient, as a whatever, whatever you’re trying to do. If you’re looking to bring in new customers, then you got to know the entire thought process that goes into them becoming a customer, and one of the biggest pieces is for them to wrap their mind around what you’re offering.

How simple is it for them to understand?

Where do they have to go from the absolute dumbest you can be about the subject that you’re trying to get them to learn more about. I don’t care if you’re selling dog food or whatever, how ignorant do they have to be?

You take them from that spot, all the way to where they need to be in order to purchase and all the things that they need to know throughout that process. And you got to think, who is helping you in that process?

Are there other people, are there other brands, are there other influencers out there?

That just them educating the public helps them to get closer to purchasing from you, you got to consider this because there’s a whole lot of helpers out there, that you’re not paying that your current customers might be able to tell you, you know, I saw you months ago, but it’s because I heard the dog whisperer say this, about having this in dog food that I realized I needed to purchase from you something to that extent, there are influencers out there, online, offline, everywhere.

There are people, somewhere, there are companies somewhere that are promoting an idea that could lead a person and maybe accident. I mean, of course it’s accidental in most cases, but they by be promoting an idea that is encouraging people to lead, they’re leading them to you in some cases, they may be doing they may be trying to encourage the opposite.

But because they do such a bad job at it, they’re pushing customers your way, you’ve got to know who these people are. And you got to start encouraging people to listen to them, or to pay attention to them or to watch them or to notice them to notice what they’re saying, to notice what there might be an influencer or a person promoting another product or another service out there. That’s the complete opposite of you, focus on them.

Show them, put them out there, say hey, if you’re for that, you’re not my customer. You don’t show the difference show the absolute difference between you and them. If you could do that, you’re doing a lot.

So one of the things I’ll give you an example. I’m a I’m a business strategist, so what I do is I work with business owners and executives that are looking to really obtain great goals in their business, they’re looking to double and triple their business in a certain period of time.

They’re wondering what is the shortest shortest distance to get there and how do they plan for that? And how do they try to overcome all the issues that keep them from getting there?

What I’ll do in that case is, a lot of times I will tell people to go download my book, if I’ve already talked to the person, and they seem like a good fit, I will send them a book I will overnight a book to them a physical book, if they if they tell me they’ll they’ll read it and have them go through that. See that’s my own ability to try and get people on the same page of where I am.

In a lot of cases, if you watch us on a daily basis, you’ll see I’m recommending book after book after movie, after TV show constantly. I’m recommending other sources.

Are any of those sources saying anything that is discouraging to me?

No, they aren’t.

They’re all encouraging all of those ideas are encouraging customers prospective customers to become get closer and closer and closer to becoming a customer in mind. Is that selfish?

Yes, absolutely. It’s selfish, but that’s the process that we’re going through here. And I’m not trying to, I’m not encouraging anything that I think is untrue.

I want people to become begin to know more and more and more about this subject so that when they’re working with me, I don’t have the resistance that comes along with trying to get people within business to grow and become more become better.

That’s my whole process, but you’ve got a process too, you’ve got something that you’re looking to take people to, you’re looking to take them to a place. And if it were super easy to take them to the place, you wouldn’t have to think about this stuff.

If you just had to offer if you’ve just had to get your product in their hands and they’re guaranteed to purchase from you, then you got to focus on getting products in their hands.

But if you’ve got to get them to know something, if you got to get them to think something if you’ve got to get them to buy into a belief before they purchase from you, then you should be focusing on that and you should use every tool in your Bolero, every bullet available to be able to get them to that point. And that’s what I’m talking about here. encourage other sources, don’t be scared, don’t see competition.

A huge part of the problem of competition is the fact that you see too many people as being competition. And you got to quit doing that you got to see all the people even if they look like competition initially. They’re actually helpers.

They’re actually there to help, and you’ve got to use them to your benefit as much as possible. I talked about that.

To a certain extent in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you want to get your own free copy, you can do it. Just go to AmazonProofBook.com, AmazonProofBook.com and you can go download your own free copy.

I’ve also gotten a couple other deals on the other side of that if you go through that process, so go check it out. I’ll be back here tomorrow night. It’s all about being relationship reliant, which is one of the third pillars it’s pulling the three pillars at BrianJPombo.com, if you want to learn what the other two pillars are, stay tuned or go check out our older videos at BrianJPombo.om.

We finally got the entire archive back up at BrianJPombo.com. It was it was falling behind because of a nasty, vicious attack last year on the website hate these are the things that happen when you’ve got online business.

Just one of those things you gotta roll with. You have a great night we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Customers Lie! 😲

Say one thing but do another? People don’t do that.👀

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Customers lie!

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We do this on a nightly basis, we get together, we have a little chat is about principles, strategies or tactics to help you take your business to the next level. Sometimes it’s very personal human stuff that affects everybody and sometimes it’s stuff that really has a lot to do with business. This is a little of both today.

Because in general, everybody lies to themselves, if to nobody else, and it’s not intentional, it’s not something we set out every morning to do. But it is something that happens.

It happens regularly. It happens so regularly that most of us are completely unconscious of it. So one of the conversations that we’ve had lately is we’ve talked about how you got to talk to your customers, you got to question them, you have to find out more about them, the ones that are good, the ones that are bad, so that you can start getting away from the ones that are less desirable.

Attracting more of the ones that you enjoy, you’re going to see commonalities between those people out there that you have not become customers yet, and the ones that you already have.

And so what you want is the commonalities that are similar to good customers, and not too bad customers, doesn’t mean they’re bad. You know, beyond beyond just being undesirable customers, it doesn’t make them bad people, okay. But there’s desirable qualities that you want in a customer. And it may be very personal, but it’s your business.

So you got to figure it out, whether you’re a business owner or executive, you got to figure these things out or you got good things that people bring to the table, and they’re good that you’ve decided on, and you have a right to be able to decide who to do business with. And so you got to be really careful.

Otherwise, you make a miserable situation, and you make a business that’s doomed to fail, if you attract the wrong type of people. Now, when you go out to start questioning them, and start finding out more of what they want, as opposed to you trying to come up with a product and just kind of guess at it and and spend a whole lot of money and put it out there and find out that nobody really wants this, or that nobody wants it based off of how you’re marketing it to them.

To find this stuff out, you’ve got to have conversations. But the one thing you have to know, while having these conversations that I don’t like to say straight off the bat, because it’s tough enough to get business owners to have the conversations to begin with.

But once you start having the conversations, you got to start noticing something, people lie. And customers specifically lie, they’ll lie.

Most time it’s not intentional, most of the time, if you ask them what the major issue that they have with the product, they’re going to say what they think it is, or if they have a major issue in life that they would be willing to spend money on to fix.

They may tell you what they think it is. But you have to dig deeper the way to get past the lies, you got to keep asking follow up questions. What is it about this you don’t like? How does that make a difference in your life?

How does this being a different color affect you? What does it affect other people in your life?

Does it you know, and you start digging, and you’ll start to see that the real problems are a little more deeper.

They’re all oftentimes, they’re both deeper and shallow, they’re deeper on the level of, of they’re being hidden. They’re being hidden from that person, even most of the time, they don’t know what the real answer is.

So you’ve got to help them dig a little bit deeper. That’s why surveys only show you so much and then you start finding that there’s a whole lot of these shallow issues that people have, meaning, you know, I feel like it makes me look funny if I if I use this color or there’s all these shallow that but it’s very human things.

These are human issues, humans status issues, status is one of the most common issues that people end up having with using one product versus another or using it in a certain way or a certain color or with a certain flavor.

And I’m not just talking products, I’m talking services too. It’s the same thing, okay.

People have hang ups and you got to dig a little deeper to find the true meaning behind it. And then you’ll find that that true meaning is common among a whole lot of people see you’re looking for that gold down deep but you gotta sift I don’t know if you’ve ever panned for gold or a few I’ve ever gone to one of these places that can show you how they used to pamper gold.

Well, they, you pull it up in the pan, you mix some water with, it’s just a little bit of the silt or whatever.

You’ve got to move it around moving around, you got to get all the all the stuff out of the way that is not, cannot possibly be gold and you keep going, you keep going, you keep going, you keep going.

Most time you’re not gonna find anything. And a lot of times the few things that you find are Neve isn’t even really gold. It’s it’s fool’s gold, it’s, it’s, you know, what do they call it pyrite or whatever.

It’s a big, long, painful process. But once you find that little flake of gold, that little tiny little tiny chunk, you do that over and over and over again. And that’s it’s worth its weight. In the long run, you have something that you you can get no other way. And it comes through conversation.

It comes through having relationship with your customer, it comes from knowing them better than they know themselves. So that even when they say the surface, excuse the surface problem that they have, you actually can know immediately that that probably comes back to this issue over here.

Takes a lot of digging in and you become innocence. a psychiatrist, I know you’re going, why would I want to do this? If I’m selling dog food?

Why do I want to do this if I’m selling whatever it is that you sell?

Well, it all depends. Do you want to keep things exactly the way they are in your business?

Or do you want to know your customer so well, that no one else can serve them as well as you can, then no one else can produce the items that you can produce or the services that you can produce because they just don’t know the customer as well.

As you see. That’s what you’re really after you’re after market control. Market control happens when you produce something that they didn’t even know they wanted.

That’s that there’s some real power to that, hey, if you want more strategies to help you out with your business, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can go and buy one or you can get a free copy of AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Like I said we go over these things on a nightly basis. So you come on back, and we’ll be here. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Worst Part of Being A Business Strategist

Who are your customers and how to do you find them.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


What’s the worst part of being a business strategist?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to answer that question, because it’s a question that I put out there a lot is, when I’m doing interviews, oftentimes I’ll ask is, if you could change one thing…I’m trying to say it in a nice way, I say if there you could change one thing about your business or your industry, what would it be?

Because that’s always the stuff that people want to know.

Anyway, it’s, you know, it’s interesting thing, and oftentimes, I don’t sit with people long enough for them to ask me that question.

But when I’m in a deep conversation, we’re talking about each other’s careers. That question will pop up is, you know, what’s the worst part about it?

The best part is the worst part is the worst part of any career, or really any business I should say. Because any business you sit down and take a look at purchasing or getting involved in or starting from scratch, dollars to donuts, the worst part of that business is going to be the marketing end.

It’s going to be, where do I get my initial customers?

If nothing else, but where am I getting my customers? Where am I getting them from?

If that’s built into the business, that’s a good business. That’s a good business, you’ve got customers built in, or you already have a system for producing customers on demand. That’s ideal.

That’s really a good business. I mean, as long as all the math is right on the other end, and you know, putting in the appropriate amount of time and everything if you have that one piece, marketing if you have marketing worked out, everything else takes care of itself.

Most of the things that I spend time on isn’t the stuff that is required when I’m sitting down and talking with somebody. I could sit down and talk with somebody as long as they’ve gone through the steps and they’re ready to talk to me and they’re prepared to do what they need to do to get things done. I never have a bad conversation.

As long as the person is qualified, I never have a bad conversation.

I never get into an area where as I say, oh boy, how are we going to get around this one?

How are we going to fix this problem?

Now, it’s, it’s almost always clear cut. It’s always straightforward. I always have a great time with people when they’re qualified. But the qualification process is built into my marketing and the whole rest of the time.

Most of the time that I spend doing things I don’t necessarily like doing but they have to get done in my business is marketing based. And I like marketing. I’m good at marketing I’ve been in in this general area, flower.

Boy, it’s been probably 14 years now that I’ve been doing something having to do with marketing and getting better and better and better at it through the years, but even then, it’s the worst part of my business. It is the toughest part of my business. If nothing else, it’s really is the toughest part. I enjoy it still.

But it is if I just pick any one thing, this toughest part, that’s the toughest part. And I would guarantee, in most cases, if you’re talking about your business marketing is going to be your toughest one. Now, you may not say that it’s marketing, you may say, well, the toughest thing is finding the right people.

Or the toughest thing is getting my word out there my toughest that you say in a bunch different ways it really comes back to marketing. That is it’s the communication that you’re having. with potential customers, with previous customers with current customers, that’s all marketing.

It’s the magic thing. It’s the magic thing that you got to bring other people on board because it never hurts. It never hurts to have another pair of eyeballs and another brain thinking about how do I get out there and meet the people I want to meet and tell them what I need to tell them. Simple concept, simple idea.

But I’ve looked at other businesses, I’ve helped people look at other businesses, and in most cases, the things that stop them, if they’re really thinking about it carefully, and a lot of people get into business without thinking about it carefully. They’re not looking at the marketing end.

And if you’ve got a business that has the marketing and tied in, or it has a very clear cut way that the marketing works, and it’s predictable. You got a good business on your hands, I suggest moving forward with it, and do everything you can to be able to not just get marketing consistent, but have marketing be consistent and be able to improve upon it over time.

So you get better and better and better results as you move ahead. Hopefully that’s helpful to you. It’s just it’s just one of those random questions that you get asked and it’s a common fault of all businesses that they lack proper marketing, or they lack a really a marketing system. So, something to look into for yourself.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can take marketing and make it. At least make it predictable. Go check out my book at AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com.

The name of the book is 9 Ways to Amazon Proof Your Business.

Go check out you get a free copy from AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Your Customer: A Case Study

A client case study at growth beyond some of the more obvious ways you’d normally expand business.

Sign up for a Strategy Session Today➡️ BrianJPombo.com/Amazon

Who Isn’t Your Customer?

Why it’s beneficial to ask, “who isn’t my customer” when trying to find out WHO your customer is.

Sign up for a Strategy Session Today➡️ BrianJPombo.com/Amazon