Second Step In Goal Setting 🦶🦶 (Who Is Your Ideal Prospect?)

In a continued series on goal setting, Brian talks about identifying your “who” in terms of your ideal prospect.


Second step in goal setting.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Yesterday we talked about really defining where you’re going.

And, if I wasn’t completely clear, let me clarify. Now, you really want to find what the end goal is what you’re trying to reach in terms of actual things, and then bring it back to, an actual number. Then you know the amount of money that it’s going to take to be able to achieve that and then the amount of time that you’re looking to do it.

That’s how you really do well at defining a goal.

Now, beyond that, if you’re starting from absolute scratch, and like I said, I deal with two types of people, I deal with business owners that are already successful, and they’re already moving forward, and they just need help over the next big hump and take things to the next level.

Then the second type of person I work with is a person who has never owned a business before, or is looking to get into an entirely new type of business, and is right at the very beginning of their journey, kind of the startup situation.

This may appeal this may be based on both people because most of the time when we get into business, we mess up, we don’t do it right and we end up suffering along the way.

Sometimes we make it and sometimes we don’t but when you’re trying to go add it again, or trying to kind of restart your same business, even if you’ve been successful, sometimes you got to start back at basics.

So which is why I’m trying to handle a lot of these, these principles, and real basic ideas right now.

So we talked about the why.

And the next step also starts with WH.

What’s the next step, the next step is WHO and it’s WHO on every level?

First off, the most obvious who is going to be who you are going to have as your customer, as your marketplace. As your end person, who are you trying to reach?

Who are you trying to do something for?

You say, Well, I don’t know,

I don’t know what my product is, I don’t know what my services.

Here’s the thing, if you can figure out who you want to serve, who is going to be the easiest for you to serve who is going to get you to your goals the fastest.

Sometimes, just for example, if you’re looking to make a lot of money over a period of time, oftentimes going to the person that has the money has a lot of money that they’re willing to part with is going to get you there quicker.

I’m not saying that your market, but it might be let’s just say for example, that that’s your market?

Well, then you got to find out what are they willing to part with? What do they want more than they want their money?

If they’ve got money, you want it, you want it also, but they’re going to want something in return.

The question is, what do they want to return, it’s easier to model your entire business after a who, because a who never really changes in general, once you have that market, the idea of who you’re going after, it’s referred to as an avatar, oftentimes in marketing circles, because you can build out kind of a fake character with the roundabout the demographic.

So demographic, we’re talking about the age, the gender, you know, whether they have family, whether they you know, whether they own a home, all these different things, these are demographics.

And so you can kind of, you can organize a lot of that, and you can kind of come up with a fake character that you could use as the focus from that point forward for your marketplace.

Once you have that person, then you just have to start meeting those people. And you don’t need a product, you don’t need a service, you just need to find out what they want. That’s what it’s all about.

But if you start with the who, there’s a real importance to starting with the who, versus trying to have a product or a service that you’re trying to get and find out who.

Because it’s a reverse way of thinking we’re gonna talk about that tomorrow when I talk about a process.

That’s called the marketing triangle is made popular by Dan Kennedy. I’ve discussed it multiple times before, but it’s one of those principles that should be taught in schools.

And certainly, it’s never discussed in any business school that I’m aware of. But you need to focus first, on your why, on where you’re going, why you want to get there, what that’s going to do for you.

Then you focus on the who that can help get you there.

We’re not talking product we’re not talking service.

We’re not talking about any of those details that people get obsessed with thinking that that’s the business. No, the business is you helping someone else. That’s what business is.

One way or the other. It’s you helping somebody, it’s you getting something, giving something to someone that they want, whether they know they want it or not, they want what it provides.

And maybe you’re going to be provided, but people always bring up all that about the iPhone.

The iPhone, nobody knew that that was possible. Nobody wanted any of that.

The iPhone is even more simple than most people give it credit. You know, it’s more simple than that.

Not only did people want everything that’s in the iPhone, but people were also using everything that’s in the iPhone, the iPhone invented nothing.

The iPhone didn’t even invent the smartphone.

There was nothing about the iPhone, that’s new. All they did was they took old technologies and put them all in one spot.

So we had a telephone. The telephone has been around longer than anyone that’s currently living.

Telephones have been around for a while, we had not only that, if you just took the idea of a telephone that went over the air, okay, the cellular phone, as we call them.

Now, the mobile phones, those have been around a long time. They haven’t been as mass popular as they have been in the last 20 years. But they’ve been around that the technology’s been there. They’re nothing new about the mobile phone.

Talk about the internet, the internet’s been around, it’s been accessible by the average person for the last 20 years.

ou talk about anything that the phone can do, that even the touchpad technology, touchpad technology has been around forever, in terms of having computers and having laptops and having mobile computers, in having pocket computers, people had these things, texting, all these things have existed.

The iPhone went and just took all these technologies, put them in one place, and did a good job marketing it and letting people know, hey, instead of having all these different things, and now it’s a TV now it’s a movie theater.

Now it’s all these other things.

Instead of having all these things, what if it was all in one spot?

What if you didn’t have to carry around an iPod which they had created just previous to that, where if you didn’t have to carry around an mp3 player, it’s all there.

It’s your phone, your mp3 player, it’s everything all together in one spot.

The iPhone is simple. It’s so simple that it did not only do people want it, people already had it, all they did was they made it a little more convenient and a little sexier to have.

So no matter what you’re selling out there, no matter what you’re putting out there and exchanging in return for money. It’s something that somebody already wants before you get to them.

Now, they may not even be fully aware that they wanted and they mean, they certainly may not be aware that what you have will get them it. But there’s something that the product or service that you eventually get to, which you don’t have to come up with.

That’s the beauty of it, you don’t even have to come up with, there’s already things out there, what you have to do is connect somebody with something they want. That’s it.

That’s the beauty of business and you if you when you as soon as you, you cut yourself off from that relationship from the fact that it’s just you and another person, and it’s in mass eventually, hopefully, but you and somebody else, and you help them get what they want.

As soon as you cut that off, that’s when everything starts falling apart in the business.

But if you can keep that idea, that concept of that relationship from day one, there’s no end to where you can go. And you’re going to find out a lot tomorrow when we go through the marketing triangle because that’s, that’s one of my favorite topics.

One of the things that helped cement it for me, and allowed me to realize that most business owners have no idea what they’re doing in this and it is because of that. It’s messed up their entire view of marketing, and their entire view of communicating with the outside world. Because it’s all selfish-based, and we’ll talk about that tomorrow.

In the meantime go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s all about overcoming the competition and competitive forces. I talk about the marketing triangle here briefly. Go and purchase a copy or buy or get a free copy on

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Worst Part of Being A Business Strategist

Who are your customers and how to do you find them.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


What’s the worst part of being a business strategist?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to answer that question, because it’s a question that I put out there a lot is, when I’m doing interviews, oftentimes I’ll ask is, if you could change one thing…I’m trying to say it in a nice way, I say if there you could change one thing about your business or your industry, what would it be?

Because that’s always the stuff that people want to know.

Anyway, it’s, you know, it’s interesting thing, and oftentimes, I don’t sit with people long enough for them to ask me that question.

But when I’m in a deep conversation, we’re talking about each other’s careers. That question will pop up is, you know, what’s the worst part about it?

The best part is the worst part is the worst part of any career, or really any business I should say. Because any business you sit down and take a look at purchasing or getting involved in or starting from scratch, dollars to donuts, the worst part of that business is going to be the marketing end.

It’s going to be, where do I get my initial customers?

If nothing else, but where am I getting my customers? Where am I getting them from?

If that’s built into the business, that’s a good business. That’s a good business, you’ve got customers built in, or you already have a system for producing customers on demand. That’s ideal.

That’s really a good business. I mean, as long as all the math is right on the other end, and you know, putting in the appropriate amount of time and everything if you have that one piece, marketing if you have marketing worked out, everything else takes care of itself.

Most of the things that I spend time on isn’t the stuff that is required when I’m sitting down and talking with somebody. I could sit down and talk with somebody as long as they’ve gone through the steps and they’re ready to talk to me and they’re prepared to do what they need to do to get things done. I never have a bad conversation.

As long as the person is qualified, I never have a bad conversation.

I never get into an area where as I say, oh boy, how are we going to get around this one?

How are we going to fix this problem?

Now, it’s, it’s almost always clear cut. It’s always straightforward. I always have a great time with people when they’re qualified. But the qualification process is built into my marketing and the whole rest of the time.

Most of the time that I spend doing things I don’t necessarily like doing but they have to get done in my business is marketing based. And I like marketing. I’m good at marketing I’ve been in in this general area, flower.

Boy, it’s been probably 14 years now that I’ve been doing something having to do with marketing and getting better and better and better at it through the years, but even then, it’s the worst part of my business. It is the toughest part of my business. If nothing else, it’s really is the toughest part. I enjoy it still.

But it is if I just pick any one thing, this toughest part, that’s the toughest part. And I would guarantee, in most cases, if you’re talking about your business marketing is going to be your toughest one. Now, you may not say that it’s marketing, you may say, well, the toughest thing is finding the right people.

Or the toughest thing is getting my word out there my toughest that you say in a bunch different ways it really comes back to marketing. That is it’s the communication that you’re having. with potential customers, with previous customers with current customers, that’s all marketing.

It’s the magic thing. It’s the magic thing that you got to bring other people on board because it never hurts. It never hurts to have another pair of eyeballs and another brain thinking about how do I get out there and meet the people I want to meet and tell them what I need to tell them. Simple concept, simple idea.

But I’ve looked at other businesses, I’ve helped people look at other businesses, and in most cases, the things that stop them, if they’re really thinking about it carefully, and a lot of people get into business without thinking about it carefully. They’re not looking at the marketing end.

And if you’ve got a business that has the marketing and tied in, or it has a very clear cut way that the marketing works, and it’s predictable. You got a good business on your hands, I suggest moving forward with it, and do everything you can to be able to not just get marketing consistent, but have marketing be consistent and be able to improve upon it over time.

So you get better and better and better results as you move ahead. Hopefully that’s helpful to you. It’s just it’s just one of those random questions that you get asked and it’s a common fault of all businesses that they lack proper marketing, or they lack a really a marketing system. So, something to look into for yourself.

If you’d like to find out more about how you can take marketing and make it. At least make it predictable. Go check out my book at

The name of the book is 9 Ways to Amazon Proof Your Business.

Go check out you get a free copy from We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

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