Mass Zoom Firing: The Real Problem 🤔 ( & 900 Firings)

What the heck is going on with a company firing 900 people over a zoom call?

Brian’s thoughts on communication or the lack thereof.


Mass zoom firing, the real problem.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

How would you like to be this poor son of a gun, this CEO of

And he fired 900 people in a very unusual way. He got them all on zoom at the same time, and just did it in one fell swoop.

Now, anybody who’s a business owner or executive, I mean, I know everybody felt sorry for the people that got fired.

Honestly, I’ve always lost my largest clients or got fired from positions. I don’t think I ever got let go from anything, that wasn’t right before Christmas.

I mean, it always happens that way.

It’s always right before or right near the holidays, and it just seems to be a common time. I don’t really know why that is but that doesn’t surprise me.

The fact that they lost their job. That doesn’t surprise me most of the interviews, I saw people who had been through these types of things before, it was just a very awkward, strange way of doing it.

Okay, getting them all together. It’s kind of like get them all together in one room, even though it’s virtual, and doing all at once.

I mean, why not?

Why not just send them an email?

Why does it have to be live like that?

And the way he did it, I’ll tell you what the real problem here is the way that he did it, the way he went about doing it. It’s a real problem.

If you’re going to do it that way, you don’t try and show it from the company perspective, which is what he did.

What he did is he went on to explain how the company was being acquired and all this other stuff. And how this is, you know, a net, he said, unfortunate, but you know it’s not that we have to do he did it in a very nonemotional.

I heard someone use the term dispassionate, which I mean, it’s how it should be to an extent. But it’s not the way that you should deliver it, you shouldn’t deliver it on something that’s being recorded.

Something that it is to that many people all at once, if you’re going to then it needs to be choreographed a little better.

You got to think about who your audience is, who are you actually talking to, what are you actually saying to them?

Maybe contemplate, you know, maybe Is there any way we could have done this either earlier, or in a slower progression or something is there any other way to be able to let these people go rather than clean-cut, showing, showing little compassion whatsoever? It that’s, that’s difficult. That’s a difficult play.

In business, you know, if you’re an executive, if you’re a business owner, you understand this concept. And you know that these difficult things have to happen from time to time, but there’s a way to do it. There’s a way not to do it.

What this gentleman did was the way not to do it.

This is why it became this widespread thing, really, because the amount of people that fly all at once, and it was recorded, if it hadn’t been recorded, it would have had a little less staying to the media, except everyone could go and watch him do it over and over again, and mock him for it.

Of course, the news came out today that he’s taking time off, which is pretty easy to do. When you come through, when your company’s been acquired.

You’ve done some of the tough work. I mean, everyone takes time off for the holidays.

So I understand that, of course, they’re going to bring in, you know, the counselors and everything else to help train the management better, which I don’t know how well that’s going to help if you can’t hear yourself, if you can’t see yourself from your employees perspective, you aren’t communicating with them often enough, you do not understand where they’re coming from.

And you don’t know where the world is. If you don’t realize that every little recording every piece of paper, I mean piece of print, I should say that you put out their email, every audio and every video that you put out there.

You have to think what happens if this goes viral?

What happens if this gets put out to public?

What are people going to think?

It’s something we all have to keep in mind, especially when you’re working with a whole lot of virtual staff or you’re you’re working on a widespread and you’re working in situations where things can go up or down rather, rather quickly.

You have to be ready for these type of things and how you’re going to handle it.

You got to put a little more thought into it than this guy has. I feel sorry for him. You know hindsight.

It’s 2021 but yeah, a bit of a PR blunder. But it probably won’t hurt them in the long run. In fact, a lot of most people, when they heard the story, they said, what’s

Yeah, I’m sure they’ve they pretty much shut down their website from all the people visiting for the first time to Because see what it’s all about.

So it probably won’t hurt them all that much in the long run as far as a company.

As far as this particular CEO, I would try and find something else to be known for if you can be helpful to your career. So that’s all I got for tonight.

Love to hear what do you think about this mass zoom firing?

Is that something that you would go along with?

How would you handle it better?

Leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. That’s all I got.

You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Voicemail Hell During The Holidays ✉️😈

What to do when it’s hard to get in touch with people during the holidays.


Voicemail Hell during the holidays.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk about voicemail hell, of what is voicemail?

Hell, well, I am talking about trying to reach people during the holiday season.

It’s really, really tough people tend to turn off, sometime after Thanksgiving before New Years a huge portion of the population, even in their business, they turn off.

You can’t find them, you can’t track them down. Here’s my recommendation on how to go about handling that. The best way to handle that is just to realize it’s the truth and don’t get frustrated with it, you’re going to have to talk probably call more people, you’re going to have to talk to more people to get in touch with someone that can actually help you move ahead and business.

Whatever you’re trying to get accomplished. You just have to double up because you can’t do anything about that. I know I’m in and out, as I talked about before the brain fog that happens during the holidays is heavy.

You just have to be patient, work your way through it. Keep going and realize that it’s a factor, but it’s a temporary factor.

It’s a temporary factor that will come to an end sometime after New Years, people start waking up and then that’s when all the great explosions happen. All of my best business explosions happened during very specific times of the year.

And one of the times it’s right after New Year’s, that’s when people start saying yeah, yeah, yeah, let’s talk, let’s talk What’s that they got no more excuses, really, people. People get this far.

They’re like, just get me after the first sometime, you know, it’s a reality. You just have to deal with it.

When you do get someone on the phone, though, just say, Hey, thanks for your time. I know we’re in the middle of the holidays and everything. Sometimes you got to give them an out.

If you think that if it starts to feel like they’re not tracking with you say, Hey, how about I give you a call after the season sometime in early January.

We’ll touch base on this, I just wanted to just want to call on wish you happy holidays and hope you have a good one. And then just leave it, set it up for later set up meetings for later. If you’re getting voicemail, come up with a clever message to leave forum that’s easygoing and nice.

But just a way to touch base with people. Sometimes it’s just all you need to do is just touch base. Just toss it out there and say hi. And leave the rest behind.

Don’t worry about it. This is just how it happens.

It’s just a little pep talk not just for you, but for me. So I had to kind of say it, I have to hear it from myself so that I can keep going and keep. If you’re not making phone calls during this time of year, it’s a good thing to do.

It’s a good way to get in touch with people. Yeah, a lot of people still send holiday cards and Christmas cards and all the rest. And you can do that.

But having that personal touch that you actually took time to do makes a big difference, especially if they’re those people, either business-wise or otherwise, that you just haven’t talked to in a really long time.

This is a perfect excuse to contact them say hey, just saying hi and Merry Christmas and all that jazz. So hopefully that helps. It’s just a simple idea for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy for at least for now over at

That’s all I’ve got for tonight, you have a good one.

Continue your fabulous holiday season and we’ll see you tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

You Can Hold Your Cards Close ♣️♦️♠️❤️

Making a case for not having to be controversial with your content.


You can hold your cards close.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Yesterday, we talked about the benefits of sharing, and specifically in content marketing. So if you’re putting things out there on a regular basis, it’s good to share, it’s good to be able to show who you really are, and appear more human, whether you are or you aren’t.

And that’s all good but there’s also a benefit to holding back.

Let me get into this is this isn’t discussed very often. So. I think oftentimes, people tend to hold back initially when it comes to politics, sex, religion, you know, kind of the taboo areas, as people don’t want to offend.

That’s all fine and good but eventually, you get to the point where you don’t care about offending too much. But then you got to think Okay, so what should I say and what should I say?

For me, I could just give you an example from my perspective, because I’ve been doing content marketing in terms of ongoing daily videos and podcasts.

Now for, you know, we’re close to 900 consecutive videos that we put out there. And the one thing that I found over and over again, is that just because you’re being controversial, doesn’t mean you’re achieving anything, okay.

You can achieve some shock, you can push away people, you don’t want to work with it, do it intentionally, though, don’t just say things just to say things unless you just want to be working with people who think identically to you in politics, religion, and everything else.

That’s the way I see it, because I would be happy to work with somebody that’s very different from me politically, that’s very different from me religiously, that’s very different from me, and how I view sex and everything else. And honestly, I love talking about those things, especially with someone that’s open.

It’s not the first thing I talk about when I walk into a room of strangers. I want to know where people are coming from first before I lead on where I’m coming from. And I will be mainly for the point of communication, it’s because I will say something a little bit differently if I know that they’re coming from a different perspective, not that I’m worried about offending them, not that I’m worried about.

Not that I’m worried about showing myself for who I am, or anything of that sort. It mainly comes to communication with me. And I want to be able to communicate directly with people.

The more I know about other people first, the easier it is for me to communicate with them and I think most people appreciate that. So I’m careful. I don’t lay it all out there. I say a lot of things that most people wouldn’t say when I do say things that may be controversial. I do a purposefully. I do it with a little bit of forethought.

And at least for the most part, every once in a while I’m sure I’m saying something that it Well, I’ll tell you the truth.

Some of my most controversial videos were completely unintentional, I had no idea. There were certain controversies that existed. And all you got to do is look at some of my highest-rated videos.

And you can see these huge arguments that came about or attempted arguments, people trying to put me in my place. And I normally won’t join in on it, especially if that wasn’t my point.

So a lot of times, I’ll bring up something that has controversy attached to it. So a piece of religious mail we’ve looked at in the past and other things of that sort, I’ll bring that out and show people and people want to attack that instead of what I was talking about, which was the marketing aspects of it.

So things like that will occur from time to time, they’re always going to be misunderstandings, you can’t help that if you put yourself out there, you weren’t going to have misunderstandings.

And you should have people that dislike you. If you don’t have a large number of people that dislike you, then you’re not doing enough marketing. Honestly, you’ve got to have that out there, especially if you want to put personality out there, which I encourage you to do.

In fact, I talk a lot about that, in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I’m going to be giving a speech this weekend where I’m going to be discussing personality and how to include it in certain businesses. And so that’s gonna be fun.

So next time I See you all probably be in the airport. So so be an interesting trip it’s a long trip because I the way I scheduled it I waited too long to get my ticket. And so it’s gonna take a long time to get from one place to the other to the other. I’m going to end up in in Orange Beach area of Alabama.

So be a first time for me haven’t been there before. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. FREE copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Qualities Business Investors Look For: No. 3 🕵️ (Universal Communication)

Part 3 in a series of videos on what what Brian looks for in companies.


Qualities business investors look for number three.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I am a business investor, I look at a lot of different businesses for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes I’ve had businesses that I’ve looked at purchasing, I’ve had more often than not, I go in, and I look for ways that I can partner with the business because I could see missing elements or elements that can be tweaked just ever so slightly, to have a huge gain.

And if I can partner up with the owner, for any number of ways of doing that, and be able to help them to tweak something where we can all profit off of it, it helps everybody.

These are some of the things that I look for in a business in the most ideal scenario, the things I would look for in a business if I were just straight in going in and purchasing the business or looking to partner up with them, these are the things that I look for.

So we went through number one and number two, and today I’m going to go through number three. And number three is one of those things that is it’s not quantifiable.

In a numbers situation, it’s more of a very much a very clear track record. That is being set by the owner or owners.

Number three is what I call universal communication.

Does the owners do the leadership of the company?

Do they communicate across the board?

So are they communicating with staff?

Are they communicating with vendors?

Are they communicating with investors and other owners or people that have ownership in the company?

And most importantly, are they communicating with their current customers?

If those communications like if any one of those communication lines is broken, it’s usually broken across the board. How you communicate with one is oftentimes how you communicate with all.

And one of the most common things that honestly this will completely negate deal so often, is if I go in, and I see all the good things happening, but I see that they’re not communicating properly, either misleading people or just not communicating, shutting off communication lines between themselves and the people that matter in their company.

That that that’s a big red flag and it’s a tough thing to dig out of. Because it’s almost like PR, even if it’s PR between you and your staff, it’s really something difficult to change, because you’ve created a system of distrust.

There’s distrust between you and your staff. And there’s going to be distrust between you and everybody that your company touches, guaranteed. I’ve seen it too often, for it not to be true.

That’s why it makes it extremely difficult for anyone to come in, and partner up and attempt to fix or improve any element of that company. Because it’s rotten at a foundational level.

I don’t like using the term rotten, because it’s oftentimes really good people neglect communication. If they’re not good at it, they usually have not hired someone else that’s good at it and it absolutely needs to happen.

One of my clients went through a similar situation for years and years, where it was just nearly impossible to keep the communication game up and be able to do all the things that he was great at.

I told him, he needed an operations manager, he needed somebody in operations that could run all of that and can do the communication necessary to take the business to the next level.

Otherwise, the business is always going to it’s always going to hit its head against the ceiling.

Eventually, it happened and great things began occurring. Every time that operations manager is not able to do their job though. Everything falls apart. It’s super clear from a helicopter view or from an outsider’s view looking in what the problem is.

You got to be able to see it about yourself or you’ve got to be able to listen to somebody that has that view. And realize that about yourself that you’re not a good communicator and you need a communicator.

Universal communication is the goal you need to communicate all around to everybody that your business touches or that you want it to touch. That’s it simple principle.

Very difficult to teach, very difficult to change once the wrong pattern has been set into play. Hopefully that makes sense to you.

Tomorrow, I’m going to go through number four, the fourth element that business investors are going to look for, at least from my perspective as a business investor, so we’ll go over that tomorrow.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you get a free copy at We’ll be back tomorrow night. You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Qualities Business Investors Look For: No. 2 🕵️ (Systemized Attention)

Part 2 in a series of videos on what what Brian looks for in companies.


Qualities business investors look for part two.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I am going through this process of developing a list and this list is what the top things that business investors look for when they’re looking for businesses to invest in, invest their time in, invest their experience in, and possibly even investing capital and so forth.

I came up with this list and this is the second thing on this list.

Now, these aren’t in any particular order and you can go back and watch number one. Listen to number one from yesterday.

But this second thing is definitely one of the top ones.

The second thing is what I call systemized attention.

I’m going to go through what systemized attention is in just a moment.

First, I want to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, get it now, it is currently if you’re watching this within a recent time at a good price going on you go check that out, see if it’s still there.

You can also get it absolutely free on my website, and get your own free digital copy of it. You can also get an audiobook version that’s going to be coming out in the next few weeks.

Let’s talk about systemized attention and why your business, if you don’t have it, you should have it and if you do have it, you will make yourself much more attractive to business investors like myself.

So what how I refer to systemized attention is, are you getting attention on a regular basis, on a consistent basis that has a system developed around it?

Let me give you an example. Real simple example.

What you’re watching listening to right now, Brian J. Pombo Live is a daily podcast that gets sent out via video and audio. So you may be watching it, you may be listening to it. But it gets sent out over the world wide web, both via audio podcast, and video, we upload it to YouTube and LinkedIn.

All the different social media is out there, you may be watching on Instagram, and it gets put out there on Rumble, we’re out there on a whole bunch of different platforms.

So it’s consistent, it’s out on a daily basis, we have a systematic way of doing it. It goes out constantly and in all these different areas.

If I want to promote something, I promote it here. Lately, I’ve been promoting my book on a daily basis, but I can promote anything, I can promote other people, other projects I have. And it’s built into my business, it’s built into which is it’s really handy to have this is just one piece of my attention system that I have built up but it’s a useful piece.

Most businesses don’t have any attention system whatsoever. They have no way of standing out on a consistent basis, let alone a way that systemized that they know this is what we’re doing today, this week, this month, through into the next year.

We know what we’re doing as far as that goes. A lot of businesses the largest businesses have some form, but do you have a full attention system?

Do you have systemized attention built into your business plan?

If you don’t, I recommend you get it. Find a way of doing it one way of doing it, go check out my book, it talks all about this process of systemizing attention the whole book is all about standing out and making yourself so different.

That competition can’t stop you, itself can’t stop you, or even slow you down if you do it right.

If you keep your focus in the right areas, that nothing can slow you down. And so when I’m looking for businesses, if I really look for ideal businesses to be able to work with, I’m looking for someone that already has systemized attention or has the potential for it.

They may already have attention-getting devices that they’ve used in the past but they haven’t systemized it.

So that’s a big piece of what I look for. It’s an exciting field and nowadays, a lot of us refer to it as content marketing. If you can look at it as marketing that you’re pushing both entertaining, and informational content out there to a particular audience to your ideal customer, right, or to your current customer or past customers.

If you have that form of marketing system in place, that’s going to be a big difference to keeping your business alive, to keep it growing to have this growing crowd that follows you on a regular basis. So that is number two on our list.

Tomorrow, we’re going to go through number three, in the type of things that business investors look for. So check it out, then come on back, subscribe, follow whatever you want, so that you can get the whole list.

In the future I’ll have a book all about it so you can get a copy of that too when we get around to that. But exciting times right now, I’d love to find out what you think about the first two ideas, leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this, or go to We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Qualities Business Investors Look For: No. 1 🕵️ (Singular Vision)

The first in a series of videos as Brian breaks down the various things he looks for in a company before he invests working with them.


Qualities business investors look for number one.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going to talk about the qualities that business investors look for when they’re looking to invest in a business and in this situation I’m speaking for myself, I’m a business investor.

There are certain things that I look for in businesses when I look to track them down, and to either purchase or to partner up with, find something that I can do with the business and be able to get value on my end, but also be able to produce value for whoever’s the current owner.

This is the first thing I look for is number one, this is going to be a list of videos that you be able to watch once I’m done doing them all. But this is the first one.

That one thing is a singular vision. I’m looking for a singular vision from whoever’s in charge. So in most cases, that’s going to be the business owner. In some cases, it may be an executive, whoever cares the most about the business and is making it function from day to day, the person in charge, the person calling the shots, they have to have a singular vision regarding that business.

And what that means is, where do they see it going in the next five years, in the next 10 years?

Are they consistent in where they want it to be?

Extra points are absolutely awarded if you can find other people in that business, that know what those goals are, and can tell you what they are and they’re on board with them. Okay, this is unusual.

This is unusual for small businesses or big businesses.

When you have a singular vision, though, you have something really magical that cannot be replaced. Where it needs to be added.

I found that in every business, you have to have some form of singular vision. And it’s ideal that the entire team is on board with that vision.

So that’s the one thing, the first thing I look for in a business.

As I said, they don’t all have them, but if you’re looking to have somebody come in and help you out on your business, or looking to sell your business eventually or looking to partner up, then that is the type of thing that you should honestly be thinking of having even if you don’t plan on bringing anybody in, you really should focus on.

What is our long-term goal?

What are we trying to accomplish here?

Can we get everyone on the team on board with that?

Hopefully, that makes sense to you. Tomorrow, I’m going to be going through the second thing that I look for in businesses, and in the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Give Your Content More Oomph! 💪🤠 (Speak With Confidence & Authority)

Thoughts on speaking with confidence and authority when you communicate your message as an expert.


Give your content more Oomph!

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I got a quick tip for you, if you’re doing content on a regular basis, this is something I learned a while ago, and it is something that I did not do naturally. It’s one of those things I’ve had to watch myself on that, while there’s a part of me that did do it naturally. And there’s a part of me that always tried to shy away from it, because it always got me into trouble.

How do I put this…because I didn’t really word it out before I came on here. So I’m gonna try and put this in the best terms that I can.

You have to have an air of absoluteness when you’re speaking, let me explain what that means.

You have to have so much confidence in what you’re talking about, that you have to it has to be just me just saying it has to be, I’m telling you, it has to be that type of thing where it is absolute, where you’re confident, where you’re saying, this is how it’s done.

And if you’re doing it in another way, you’re doing it wrong, you have to have that power of conviction, even if it’s something that that you are not absolutely convicted of, okay.

You have to at least start the conversation with an absolute statement, so that people feel secure, listening to you and hearing what you have to say, even if you pull it back.

You’ll see if you watch my videos, one of the most common things I do is I’ll start with an absolute statement and then I’ll kind of tone it down as we move along.

Like we were talking about a couple of nights ago about the Hegelian dialectic, if you say something that has a little bit of bite to it, that has a little bit of a conflict, that adds a little bit of spice, then you kind of hook people you bring him in.

Then from there, you can start tearing that apart and going into the details as to exactly what it is that you mean. But having the power of absolute clarity, and absolute distinction in what you’re saying.

It adds something to it, it gives you the context of being an authority, which is what this type of person people want to listen to, if you’re a thought leader, in a sense, thought leader, you know, if you are a person that wants other people to listen to them for whatever it is that you’re talking about.

You kind of have to have that at some level, you have to have this absolutism. I don’t know of another way of saying it, I know there’s a better way, and I’ll come up with it later and we’ll do another video about it.

But really, you have to have enough confidence in what you’re saying that it has kind of a black and white feel to it, at least initially.

You can always pare it down and nuance that as you go along and get into detail and explain exactly what you’re meaning.

But you have it has to be, it has to have the feel of the 10 commandments, if you will, is thou shall not, okay, that’s how it has to be.

When you have that type of energy, and you have that type of confidence, people want to listen, if you come at it too soft.

On the other hand, you come at it too soft. And you go, you know, I kind of think this, I kind of think that and I don’t know yet, what do you think, you know, make your own decision, which I probably do a bit too much of that.

I’m just being honest, though. And I tried to even do that with enough level of confidence that it inspires a little bit of well, commitment to listening, which is what I need in order to convey my message and it’s the same thing that you need.

If you want people to listen to you and take you seriously, then you have to have that confidence. The confidence comes through when your language and you have to be very careful to be extremely confident in what it is that you’re saying especially when you’re first attempting to get attention.

Hopefully, that makes sense.

Hey, we will be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, go get a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

We’ll be back tomorrow, you have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

3 Ways To Control Your Communication With Customers

A look at ways to have more control over communication with your list, beyond dependency on social media.


Three ways to control your communication with customers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re about talking about three ways to control communication with your customers.

The problem is, right now, in this crazy, wacky world, you can’t depend on anything, right?

Especially when it comes to communication with your customers. If you’re running through any type of retail situation, like via, if you’re selling items through a third party website, or through a physical retail location, you don’t own communication with your customers.

You’ve got to go through them most of the time to even find out who your customers are. If you know who your customers are, then quite possibly the place where you communicate with them the most is via social media. Very, very common.

But you don’t own that. You don’t own any of it.

It can go away at any time you get kicked off at any time you say yeah, but Brian, I’m not political. I’m not this, I’m not that.

And I get that. But you don’t know how long that’s gonna last. And you don’t know, when you’ll fall into a situation where I don’t know, something crazy happens.

Their whole system gets corrupted, you know, one website, their system gets corrupted, I know they’ve got backups and everything else. But there’s ways that these things can be messed up, there’s always a way for something to get messed up.

You don’t want to be on the end of that to where you don’t have control over it. How do you gain control?

How do you get that back in hand so that you have the direct communication with your customers, it’s the one major thing that I harp on immediately when I’m working with a new client is to make sure they have ongoing communication with the customers.

That comes from a list that comes from owning a list having a list of people that you know, have bought from you have their potential buy from you, or eventually may buy from you or bought from you at one time having those lists in place. And having at least one way to communicate with them were the three ways.

Pretty simple, pretty straightforward.

I can’t believe how many companies do not go after these three things. First one email, that’s the most common, it’s also the one that’s the least likely for you to be able to reach somebody.

Because people just ignore their emails, they’ll let it pile up. They’ll let it self delete, they’ll let it go to spam. There’s a million things that can go wrong with email, and it does constantly anyone that works with email on a regular basis knows that email is not dependable.

Certainly not for communication. It’s something but it’s not everything. The two others are major and they get ignored constantly.

Second one phone number. Okay, phone number is very, very uncommon for people to gather. But it is so powerful to have not just because you want to spam them with text messages, right?

That’s not what I’m talking about me. You want to be able to communicate via text if they have the ability to, but maybe you you want to send out a broadcast. phone call.

Have you ever done that? H

ave you ever heard that?

Have you ever had it done to you to where you’re getting a robo recording, but it’s something that you expected, you’re not just sending it out, because somebody gave you their phone number. You’re letting them know, hey, we send these out once a week, once a month, every time something special happens that they’re signing up for a specific broadcast phone call.

These are inexpensive to purchase, in comparison to a whole lot of other things. And it’s a way to get directly in front of the person.

People tend to listen to their voicemail, especially if it’s from somebody that they don’t recognize the name and after they recognize the name. If you’ve got entertainment to be able to send out sending it via the phone is huge.

Number three, this is a major one.

What is it?

It’s mail.

It’s a mailing address, you have a mailing address, you’ve got something that hardly anybody besides really good direct mail marketers understand the ability for those people who have companies that have dealt with catalogs and direct to consumer, if they haven’t been doing that for a very long period of time.

If you’re an e commerce company, chances are you are not capturing people’s home addresses or mailing addresses if they have something other than their home. It’s important is massively important because how Just think about it. You grab your mail from your mailbox.

You look at it your Gonna it’s the old thing Gary Halbert used to talk about the A and the B pile, you know, you take all the ones out that look like garbage, and you toss them, and you keep everything that just might possibly be something, okay, there’s a way to get into that pile.

And there’s a way to keep getting into that pile from that point forward, especially if they’re expecting it, especially if you tell them you’re sending them something physical and you’re starting on an online basis.

Then you’re going offline with something physical, it brings a whole new dimension to your communication with that person.

Even more powerful than email even more, definitely more powerful than a phone call, is having a physical piece, I don’t care if it’s a postcard, I don’t care if it’s just a basic envelope with a with a handwritten address on it.

You send them something like that you send them something physical, and you’re you’re, you’re guaranteed eyeballs, they may not open it, they may not look at it long.

But you’re going to get a whole lot more, it’s definitely more, you’re going to get more return off of doing that on top of the other two.

So those are the three ways those are the three ways that you can break free, because when you have those your own one on one communication with the person, in fact, you got a phone call, you can get in conversation with the person, which is tough to do with email.

It’s tough to do even with with physical bow, but you get on one on one conversation just by calling them and if they if they pick up your you’ve got it made or if you get them to call you back, you’ve got it made.

These are big, these are big things. And you don’t want to be dependent on social media. You don’t want to be dependent on on every other thing that they make easy. Just because it’s easy.

And really because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s a good thing and doesn’t mean it’s going to last. So keep that in mind when you’re sitting back and looking at, okay, how do we really make this thing home and how do we make it to where it’s bulletproof. In the long run.

That’s how you do it. those are those are some major deals when it comes to communication.

If you’re looking for more strategies to be able to help you to really make your business bulletproof against competition against the big guys against intrusion from corporations, government, anything else, go grab my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.