The Answers Are Out There 👽

Confidence, Faith, Doubt and X-Files. Sure that all goes together.


The answers are out there.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I found that I came across this idea kind of accidentally just recently. In fact, that had to do with yesterday, I mentioned in yesterday’s podcast that I was repairing a faucet. And I kept hitting a wall with different things, just things would not work.

It was comical, just how absurd.

The scenarios were in which they weren’t fitting together and not working. And it’s just one of those things, you just got to have to sit back and laugh. But you also have to have the mentality that the answers are out there and it reminds me of that x-files. If you ever saw that show. Mulder had the thing, he was always saying the truth is out there. The truth is out there.

And it’s it’s true, the answers are out there. But how many of us in our everyday lives get caught up in the idea that the answer doesn’t exist.

There’s this hopelessness that takes over a lot of people and some people live in it completely. And these are the people you got to watch out for, you got to watch out for the people that don’t believe that answers exist.

When that when you’re around those people, you can tell, and they’ll suck you into their chaos, if you’re not careful. They’re like a black hole, it just pulls everything in to the center piece of nothing that they live in. And it’s a sad thing.

It’s not something I like to see. And if I can, I, I would love to be able to help people out of that, that mess. But it’s tough, and you got to watch out for it. And they can ruin your life if you allow yourself to be pulled in to that concept.

A lot of it comes down to the idea that the answers don’t exist, but they do exist. And all you got to do is that whenever you’re in a situation where it just feels hopeless. And you’d have a very clear idea of what the question is that you need answered, ask the question and walk away.

And what happens, you know, what happens?

Because it’s happened to you a million times?

If you ask the question, and you walk away from it, and you don’t obsess over it, and you put your mind on something else, what happens? It comes to you, the answer just comes to you. You may be re you may be reading something else.

All of a sudden, what you read makes you think of something, and then the answers there or it comes out of nowhere. It has nothing to do with what you’re doing or thinking about, it just pops in your head it’s this and happens over and over and over again throughout your our lives.

But we choose not to recognize it, we choose not to see it for what it is. And it’s the answer. The answers are always there. But they’re always held just out of reach. So so that we realize we don’t we don’t have the answer.

The answer is out there, though. And you just got to eat if you believe that your life and you you hold on to that view that belief, you realize that believe every time you get into a frustrated situation, oftentimes it’s you’re looking for an answer that isn’t, doesn’t feel like it’s in reach and then there’s something that gets in our heads and makes us think there is no answer or the answer isn’t going to be one that you like.

But it’s a lie. It’s just not true.

Reality is reality and when you find it, you’re happy about it. Hopefully.

If you’re not, that’s something else to watch for.

We’re not going to get that deep tonight. I just wanted to bring up the idea because it’s not an idea that’s new to me. It’s just one that I’ve never said in quite this way that the answers are there.

Don’t forget it. Keep it in mind.

So much of what I talk about has to do with principles. Because those are the answers that don’t change. You can apply them a million different ways and the how you apply them changes.

But the answers are there and I’d like to call them principles. I based my entire book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business on that idea.

These are nine answers to a problem. And they’re they’re an answer. They were answers before I found them. They were answers that they’re gonna be answers long after I’m gone. But you can apply these answers to your business in a very simple way.

Go read the book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get your own free copy at that’s all I got for tonight. simple idea, something juwan I love to hear what you think. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Dikembe Mutombo and the Power of the Finger 🏀

A look back at the defensive dominance of Dikembe Mutombo and how he used the finger wag to intimidate his opponents to think twice before attacking the rim.


Dikembe Mutombo and the power of the finger.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I just do this, I left these books sideways, this is going to drive so many of those OCD people nuts. So I’m going to put them up for you real quick. You can imagine all the empty books on the other side, so they’ll drag an appraiser and there they go. They’re just jumping off the shelf.

I want to tell you a quick story about the Dikembe Mutombo. One of those situations that I haven’t thought about in years…and there they go, they’re just coming out, the whole bookshelf is gonna come out in a second here is perfect.

So we were I was having a conversation with my friend Brad. And he brought this up, he said, you want to do a video about that?

I haven’t thought about that in years and I went back and looked at it. And I thought about the geniuses of the situation. So here’s this guy from Congo, gets into the league in the early 90s. The 1990s gets into the NBA, okay, his job is to block and he concerns himself, he is going to be one of the greatest blockers of all time, he is going to block and keep the other team from scoring.

This is for those of you who aren’t absolute raving basketball fans, those of you who are going to think this sounds childish the way I’m describing it, but I got to play to the whole crowd here.

So his whole thing is, is to play this up and as he’s going about doing this, he comes up with this thing where people try to score on him, he blocks him. And then he goes, No, no, no like this. And it becomes this huge thing. It becomes this taunt, the simplest thing in the world.

It isn’t anything major, except that it drives people bonkers. It’s a simple little taunt when he’s done his job. He’s kind of tossing it back on them. He wasn’t hurting anybody.

But it drove the league insane, they started fining him for it and trying to get it outlawed throughout the entire league. The commissioner of the NBA kept calling him up and saying please don’t do this anymore.

And he was getting so much attention from it. It’s the one thing he’s known for the most that he’s a Hall of Famer. But this is this one little move with his finger is the thing that any interview you see they bring it up everything.

It’s been copied not only throughout the NBA.

Okay, so we played until I think in 2009 he it was copied not only throughout the NBA, it’s been copied throughout all sorts of people doing this.

And using it as a simple little top taunt and going No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s so hilarious that something so simple can drive people so crazy. So how does this tie into business?

How does this tie into everything that we normally talk about? Well, if you look at our last handful of videos, the last two days, we were talking about the Hegelian dialectic, okay.

And how when you do something to get a reaction, then what ends up is something in your favor, no matter what, as long as there is an emotional reaction and there was clearly he absolutely drove people bonkers by moving his finger back and forth.

Just something that simple.

That it’s not even what we’d call trash talking like we talked about yesterday. He didn’t have to say anything. He would oftentimes do No, no, no with his mouth, but he didn’t have to make any noise and he drove them insane.

A simple thing, that simple thing causing a reaction. So no matter what came after, it was worth it to him to do because it got him more attention.

It drove the other side crazier, and so they had a tougher time scoring against them. Because of such a simple psychological ploy. It’s no different than kids on the playground. But the same psychology is present in all humans.

If people can’t control their emotions if they allow themselves to get carried away with a simple little taunt. Then the taunter wins every time. It’s an amazing display and it also shows you how even just being a little playful can drive your enemies absolutely bonkers and it’s not a bad thing.

Especially if you’re goal isn’t just to drive them crazy if you’re just having a good time and having a fun time.

Clearly, he was and to this day still does and still enjoys the attention that he’s gotten from a simple little finger wag, brilliant stuff, if you can find a way to, to include some of these things into your marketing into your persona, into what you put out there.

You will, yes, you may hurt some people’s feelings, you may cause some people to not like you because of it. But in that process, you will also attract a whole lot of people that see that you don’t care that you’re having a good time and so that was a great suggestion.

It was actually from this one little idea of the finger wag that I based this entire last few series of videos. So hopefully you enjoyed if you’d like some strategies that you can use throughout your business from here into eternity.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy at you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Give Your Content More Oomph! 💪🤠 (Speak With Confidence & Authority)

Thoughts on speaking with confidence and authority when you communicate your message as an expert.


Give your content more Oomph!

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I got a quick tip for you, if you’re doing content on a regular basis, this is something I learned a while ago, and it is something that I did not do naturally. It’s one of those things I’ve had to watch myself on that, while there’s a part of me that did do it naturally. And there’s a part of me that always tried to shy away from it, because it always got me into trouble.

How do I put this…because I didn’t really word it out before I came on here. So I’m gonna try and put this in the best terms that I can.

You have to have an air of absoluteness when you’re speaking, let me explain what that means.

You have to have so much confidence in what you’re talking about, that you have to it has to be just me just saying it has to be, I’m telling you, it has to be that type of thing where it is absolute, where you’re confident, where you’re saying, this is how it’s done.

And if you’re doing it in another way, you’re doing it wrong, you have to have that power of conviction, even if it’s something that that you are not absolutely convicted of, okay.

You have to at least start the conversation with an absolute statement, so that people feel secure, listening to you and hearing what you have to say, even if you pull it back.

You’ll see if you watch my videos, one of the most common things I do is I’ll start with an absolute statement and then I’ll kind of tone it down as we move along.

Like we were talking about a couple of nights ago about the Hegelian dialectic, if you say something that has a little bit of bite to it, that has a little bit of a conflict, that adds a little bit of spice, then you kind of hook people you bring him in.

Then from there, you can start tearing that apart and going into the details as to exactly what it is that you mean. But having the power of absolute clarity, and absolute distinction in what you’re saying.

It adds something to it, it gives you the context of being an authority, which is what this type of person people want to listen to, if you’re a thought leader, in a sense, thought leader, you know, if you are a person that wants other people to listen to them for whatever it is that you’re talking about.

You kind of have to have that at some level, you have to have this absolutism. I don’t know of another way of saying it, I know there’s a better way, and I’ll come up with it later and we’ll do another video about it.

But really, you have to have enough confidence in what you’re saying that it has kind of a black and white feel to it, at least initially.

You can always pare it down and nuance that as you go along and get into detail and explain exactly what you’re meaning.

But you have it has to be, it has to have the feel of the 10 commandments, if you will, is thou shall not, okay, that’s how it has to be.

When you have that type of energy, and you have that type of confidence, people want to listen, if you come at it too soft.

On the other hand, you come at it too soft. And you go, you know, I kind of think this, I kind of think that and I don’t know yet, what do you think, you know, make your own decision, which I probably do a bit too much of that.

I’m just being honest, though. And I tried to even do that with enough level of confidence that it inspires a little bit of well, commitment to listening, which is what I need in order to convey my message and it’s the same thing that you need.

If you want people to listen to you and take you seriously, then you have to have that confidence. The confidence comes through when your language and you have to be very careful to be extremely confident in what it is that you’re saying especially when you’re first attempting to get attention.

Hopefully, that makes sense.

Hey, we will be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, go get a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

We’ll be back tomorrow, you have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Business Owners: Are You A Mess?

Are you a mess?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to be discussing the concept that a lot of business owners get hit with and that’s the idea that they are an extreme mess of a person on all levels.

We’ll get into that in a second. First I wanted to remind you about

If you’re a business owner or an executive and you happen to be in the self reliance field, meaning you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant, go to link is in the description and you can find out more about it there.

There’s a quick video to watch. It’s all about a dream business transformation. Completely free. Go check it out.

So I was accused by my wife of all people and some other people that I work with during the day of basically being an unorganized mess.

This is something that has haunted me my entire life. And no matter how hard I try not to be, it seems that if I don’t have something that is habitual, if it’s not a constant, it will get dropped along the way.

If it’s something that I don’t enjoy doing and it’s something that doesn’t fit into what I’m really good at.

I wish there was a way around this. I’ve looked over and over again. I’ve read time management books, I’ve read books about organizing. I’ve tried all the different methods, very few fit and have been able to allow me to do what I need to do as a business owner and an executive at my company.

Then I came across Kathy Kolbe. Now I don’t get paid by, Kolbe, the organization or the lady.

But Kathy Kolbe started exploring deeper the concept of conation.

We’ve discussed this on earlier talks here, on the podcast and the video chats.

Conation has to do how you function as a person in terms of when you are in action mode.

So whether you are working or doing schoolwork, when you are in the mode of action, you’re a different area of your brain lights up and his act is active and it’s separate from personality, which is more an affective.

Meaning it has to do with how you deal with people and how you handle emotions and so forth.

That’s the effect of end of your personality and it’s different from the cognitive part of your brain which handles just the regular day to day thinking and memory and things of that sort knowledge.

This is the conative part of the brain. It’s a specific area and what it deals with is you, when you are in action mode, when you are willing things to occur.

She found four separate areas that people tend to be high or low in across the board.

Some people are a lot higher in one and some people are a lot lower, but it seems to all kind of fit together. So that’s, this is one of her books, Conative Connection.

This is a good primer to kind of explain this and the reason why I bring this up is because most entrepreneurs tend to have a large amount of quick start. Now it’s not true across the board, but it is very common for the, especially the the visionary person in the company to have a lot of quick start and what quick start.

It basically means that you have the instinct to set things into motion, the instinct to follow through and get everything done and get all the little pieces done and focus on all the detail.

It’s an idea based concept.

A person who is very focused on building an idea and and not necessarily taking it fully into fruition. I have a whole lot of quick start on her scale. I have an eight in quick start and it’s followed me my entire life and my whole life.

I thought there was something wrong with me.

If you feel the same way, I highly suggest looking into Kathy Kolbe’s work. She has a great podcast out there that you could look up. Just look up Kathy Kolbe, wherever you listen to podcasts.

It is called, Perfectly Obstinate People, is what it’s called, Perfectly Obstinate People.

It almost slipped my mind there for a moment, but it’s called Perfectly Obstinate People. It’s a great podcast to listen to cause she talks about all the different conations, people with different levels. There’s nothing right or wrong about any of them.

It’s just the way that our brains are functioning and they functional.

She claims that she can see the conation in a baby, in a newborn and can follow through and she’s done it with all her children and her grandchildren and has been able to watch the conative abilities all the way through.

So it’s very interesting stuff.

Don’t fret and if I could have some advice for those of you who are unorganized and who are always considered to be a mess, don’t hold it against the people around you. They just don’t understand how someone can be productive.

While at the same time piling things in a seemingly unorganized manner all over the place and having what seems to be to be a very spontaneous lifestyle.

Don’t get worked up about it.

Learn more about yourself and learn how other people function and find people to help fill in the cracks in your life. Because if you’re very high in any of these areas and means that you’re probably going to be very low in the others and you need the help of all four areas in the community of scale to be able to really produce what you want to produce in this world.

Especially if you’re a leader, especially if you’re the boss of your company.

So that’s just a quick little note from me tonight. Have a great night and we’ll see you tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.