Dikembe Mutombo and the Power of the Finger πŸ€

A look back at the defensive dominance of Dikembe Mutombo and how he used the finger wag to intimidate his opponents to think twice before attacking the rim.


Dikembe Mutombo and the power of the finger.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I just do this, I left these books sideways, this is going to drive so many of those OCD people nuts. So I’m going to put them up for you real quick. You can imagine all the empty books on the other side, so they’ll drag an appraiser and there they go. They’re just jumping off the shelf.

I want to tell you a quick story about the Dikembe Mutombo. One of those situations that I haven’t thought about in years…and there they go, they’re just coming out, the whole bookshelf is gonna come out in a second here is perfect.

So we were I was having a conversation with my friend Brad. And he brought this up, he said, you want to do a video about that?

I haven’t thought about that in years and I went back and looked at it. And I thought about the geniuses of the situation. So here’s this guy from Congo, gets into the league in the early 90s. The 1990s gets into the NBA, okay, his job is to block and he concerns himself, he is going to be one of the greatest blockers of all time, he is going to block and keep the other team from scoring.

This is for those of you who aren’t absolute raving basketball fans, those of you who are going to think this sounds childish the way I’m describing it, but I got to play to the whole crowd here.

So his whole thing is, is to play this up and as he’s going about doing this, he comes up with this thing where people try to score on him, he blocks him. And then he goes, No, no, no like this. And it becomes this huge thing. It becomes this taunt, the simplest thing in the world.

It isn’t anything major, except that it drives people bonkers. It’s a simple little taunt when he’s done his job. He’s kind of tossing it back on them. He wasn’t hurting anybody.

But it drove the league insane, they started fining him for it and trying to get it outlawed throughout the entire league. The commissioner of the NBA kept calling him up and saying please don’t do this anymore.

And he was getting so much attention from it. It’s the one thing he’s known for the most that he’s a Hall of Famer. But this is this one little move with his finger is the thing that any interview you see they bring it up everything.

It’s been copied not only throughout the NBA.

Okay, so we played until I think in 2009 he it was copied not only throughout the NBA, it’s been copied throughout all sorts of people doing this.

And using it as a simple little top taunt and going No, no, no, no, no, no. It’s so hilarious that something so simple can drive people so crazy. So how does this tie into business?

How does this tie into everything that we normally talk about? Well, if you look at our last handful of videos, the last two days, we were talking about the Hegelian dialectic, okay.

And how when you do something to get a reaction, then what ends up is something in your favor, no matter what, as long as there is an emotional reaction and there was clearly he absolutely drove people bonkers by moving his finger back and forth.

Just something that simple.

That it’s not even what we’d call trash talking like we talked about yesterday. He didn’t have to say anything. He would oftentimes do No, no, no with his mouth, but he didn’t have to make any noise and he drove them insane.

A simple thing, that simple thing causing a reaction. So no matter what came after, it was worth it to him to do because it got him more attention.

It drove the other side crazier, and so they had a tougher time scoring against them. Because of such a simple psychological ploy. It’s no different than kids on the playground. But the same psychology is present in all humans.

If people can’t control their emotions if they allow themselves to get carried away with a simple little taunt. Then the taunter wins every time. It’s an amazing display and it also shows you how even just being a little playful can drive your enemies absolutely bonkers and it’s not a bad thing.

Especially if you’re goal isn’t just to drive them crazy if you’re just having a good time and having a fun time.

Clearly, he was and to this day still does and still enjoys the attention that he’s gotten from a simple little finger wag, brilliant stuff, if you can find a way to, to include some of these things into your marketing into your persona, into what you put out there.

You will, yes, you may hurt some people’s feelings, you may cause some people to not like you because of it. But in that process, you will also attract a whole lot of people that see that you don’t care that you’re having a good time and so that was a great suggestion.

It was actually from this one little idea of the finger wag that I based this entire last few series of videos. So hopefully you enjoyed if you’d like some strategies that you can use throughout your business from here into eternity.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Does Trash-Talking Work? πŸ₯Š (One of Muhammad Ali’s Superpowers)

Thoughts on sports and trash-talking in real-life (Muhammad Ali) or a football field, to the movies (Apollo Creed) to even comedy actors in wrestling like Andy Kaufman.

How trash-talking is used as an effective form of intimidation in life.


Does trash-talking work?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to talk about this, is kind of a second in the series that we’re doing, having to do with manipulation through marketing, and just a general manipulation to human beings.

It just happens. It’s automatic and understanding these elements of human behavior, allows you to communicate with people better in your marketing, and also to not fall into a lot of the traps that people tend to fall into.

When you’re dealing with trying to get people to do what you want them to do, which is what really what marketing and sales are about. You’re trying to encourage people to do a certain thing. And hopefully, it’s a good thing.

But it makes no difference whether it’s a good thing or a bad thing, the same principles in place.

And so what I’m going to talk about is trash-talking.

Trash-talking and sports is a model for something. It’s a model for intimidation. It’s a model for getting attention. It’s a model for outrageousness.

It happens on so many different levels with humans, but sports is just an obvious place. And one of the most obvious places I’ve got a book here I’ve shown it before. This is a really good book by Bob Zmuda, on Andy Kaufman.

Andy Kaufman was a comedian in the 70s and 80s, who really got into he always enjoyed the theatrical of the whole thing, and was very much a well, very much a performance artist.

He would enjoy professional wrestling before professional wrestling really went mainstream in the 80s and 90s. And he got into the trash-talk persona, and able to really put it out there.

It’s what wrestling is professional wrestling is known for American professional wrestling is known for you would not have really, I don’t know, maybe a third or a half of the entire performance that happens is this back and forth trash-talking, which is just intimidation, outrageousness, making outrageous statements, and you see it in the most extreme form there.

But you also see it on a level of professional sports, when we’re talking about Muhammad Ali, one of the best trash-talkers of all time, in terms of just saying these outrageous statements about how great he was about how he was going to destroy the other person.

In an almost poetic way, he would get away with this outrageous talk. And people loved it, they enjoy it, they love hearing it, they know it’s partially a game, it’s partially just a process.

But at the same time, there’s an intimidation factor that happens.

So when I played football in high school, the same thing would occur, you’d have some guy on the other side of the field, and I was aligned. You’d have some guy on the other side, just saying the most outrageous things about your mother and everything else, just to intimidate just to get you to react. This is what we talked a lot about yesterday about that reaction factor, there has to be a reaction at some point.

Either you’re reacting to them, or they’re reacting to you or you’re able to stand outside of that game, and not play it. But there tends to be a reaction back and forth.

The person that is reacting, is losing to the person that is causing the reaction to happen, which is provoking the reaction. And so that’s what you see in professional sports over and over again.

You see it even to the point that it bleeds over into entertainment, in terms of you know, the Rocky movies, every person Rocky’s ever been against has been a provoker you know, the Apollo Creed and, you know, Mr. T’s character and all the rest.

They’re all these outrageous trying to get the other person’s goat so to speak. And the whole thing is that works. The reason why they trash-talk is that it works.

It really brings something out of the other side, it causes either resentment, or, at the very least annoyance, and if you’re able to get the other person annoyed, you’ve gained something over them.

And so you see this even used in advertising, one of the most up rightest examples or outrageous examples was a see if I’ve got just random that I’m pulling this stuff out.

Because I’m trying to remember names and seeing and seeing if I have any great pictures here.

Billy Mays, I don’t know if you remember Billy Mays, he used to do these OxiClean commercials. here’s a whole chapter about him. Really good book by now. That’s a good one up. But there’s a whole chapter all about Billy Mays, and his persona is outrageous in your face, loud, obnoxious person.

It gets attention, it gets a reaction. I know this is driving a bunch of people crazy that I just made my shelf go sideways, I will put it back to normal, don’t worry.

But I wanted to see if I had a good explanation, this is all off the cuff, I don’t have anything to show you right there.

But Billy Mays was this outrageous character he didn’t trash talk. But in a sense, he would get people reacting and you have to have a little bit of that.

Somewhere in your marketing, you have to cause some form of you’ve got to cause people to stop in their thought process and come over to you and listen to what you have to say.

Even in its most mild way, there has to be some form of reaction for you to be able to move forward. This is how people conversate in its most extreme, you get situations to where you have people taking over countries like Hitler, I mean, Hitler, the outrageousness, the cartoony behavior of Hitler is no accident.

And it’s no accident that very, that a lot of the outrageous dictators through time, all have these crazy movements and everything else.

It’s all this game of back and forth of reacting and causing a reaction. And that it in its worst-case scenario, causes a controlling factor. But in its best-case scenario, and it’s the very subtle scenario, you just have a back and forth and human beings learning how to interact with each other.

The problem is we don’t talk about it very often. And so a lot of people get steamrolled by outrageous characters and outrageous people because they just don’t know how to handle it.

But in its lightest place that likes in sports is a great place to be able to see it.

You see how it works out over time, and how it annoys people, and also propels these characters up into infamy and into fame just because of little subtle things that they do, which first started to annoy people or to get attention.

And then it became something much bigger and I’m we have a perfect example of it tomorrow. So come back tomorrow and I’m going to get back to the example that Brad mentioned to me last week, and we’re going to get into that tomorrow so come back then.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy, at least for now over at AmazonProofBook.com you have a great night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.

Provoking Reaction 😈🐰 (Donald Trump’s Superpower)

How Provoking a reaction in others ties back to the Hegelian Dialectic and why (love him or hate him) Donald Trump is so darn good at it.


Provoking reaction.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I have two of my friends here, this is the devil and this is the monster from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. They’re just helping me put together a little thumbnail, what we call a thumbnail for YouTube.

Thank you, guys.

They’re helping me put together a thumbnail for YouTube. What’s a thumbnail is is that picture that shows up, we use it on YouTube and a couple of other places, is the picture that shows up that kind of gets somebody to click on the picture, click on the video.

Often I’ll pose in the very beginning, in order to invoke a reaction.

And the whole idea is to get somebody to click over it same thing is true of a lot of the titles that I use, it’s in order to get somebody to click on it. It’s oftentimes, regardless of all my hard work, it’s the ones that I would never in a million years think would cause the most stir, that really do get the most amount of reaction, which is interesting.

This concept of reaction is present throughout all of humanity, and it’s present throughout. If it’s present throughout humanity and all of psychology, then it’s certainly present within marketing.

That’s what you got to understand if you understand people, if you understand even the most basic concepts of behavioral psychology, then you’re understanding a huge piece of business.

If you’re understanding business, you’re understanding marketing, because marketing is the speaking of people. And if you understand sales, then you understand a huge piece of marketing because all of sales, it was especially one-on-one sales, you’re dealing with human psychology, and all these things all tie back together.

So the reaction is a very common thing. It’s used throughout.

In fact, if you think about it, when it comes to sales, oftentimes some of the trickiest weirdest, meanest things that salespeople do are to invoke a reaction in the person that’s looking to purchase. And if they can do that, they know that they’ve got a little bit of a tie coming back.

This all goes back to the Hegelian Dialectic that we spoke about last month.

I’ve got that little drawing that I did for you, where it’s thesis, antithesis, synthesis.

So the thesis is the provoking concept, the provoking idea, that provoking sentence, the antithesis of action, it could be an action, also.

The antithesis is the opposing reaction, specifically emotional, it’s an emotional reaction to the initial concept. And then there becomes a synthesis, which is innocence it’s the original concept coming back in a different form and winning in the end.

Even those who reacted have to give in to it because they spent all their energy fighting it and now they’re stuck to it.

It’s a very strange, psychological process that we talked about in that other video, but, you have to understand the reaction. If you can get your mind around the reaction, then you could get your mind around how everything works, the initial reaction doesn’t have to be a huge emotional thing.

Once again, these things can be used for the forces of good or for evil, but it is present within all human interaction both on the macro-level and on the micro-level.

So whether it’s a taunting situation on the schoolyard grounds, or whether we’re talking about a back and forth fight for power next to the water cooler at work. Or if we’re talking about nation against nation, it’s the same thing.

One side is attempting to provoke a reaction. If they get a strong enough emotional reaction, they win. It’s just guaranteed they will win unless they’re getting each side to react back and forth.

And we’ve talked about all the politicians that have this amazing power, one of the most obvious and most recent examples, love them or hate him is Donald Trump.

Whether he knows he’s doing it or not, he is able to provoke a reaction in the people who are opposed to him at any given time on any different level.

So originally in the primary of 2016, he was able to provoke a reaction from the conservative wing of the party. Later on, he was able to provoke a reaction from the most liberal people in the United States, same concept, exact same game happening.

The person who reacts the least emotionally wins, the person who can keep from reacting wins.

But the person that’s provoking is always on offense to use a sports term, they’re on offense, the other side’s on defense. And the person on defense, the only way they can get back on the offense is to not react to the provoking.

But I’m not gonna go too deep on that, okay, you just have to understand that the reaction process, it happens in the man-woman relationship, it happens everywhere.

That reaction, if you know that it’s there, you can keep from it affecting you, while at the same time you can use it to both defeat enemies, and to garner support.

Sometimes you have to use things that provoke to get attention in marketing and in business. And I’m going to show a couple of different examples in the next handful of videos.

Specifically, I’m going to delve deep into sports. And the next video, in fact, we’re going to talk about trash talking.

Now this all came about from a conversation that I was having with my friend Brad and he brought up this one little example and it blew up in my mind to three different videos.

So tomorrow we’re going to be talking about trash talking to the third video, we’re going to complete it with the original idea that Brad gave me which I know you’re going to get a kick out of.

So stay tuned, come back tomorrow.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you really want to overcome competition where they’re standing.

This is a book of strategies that you can use and it will never get old.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

You have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

The Next Six Months πŸ™‚ (Future of Brian J. Pombo Live)

Brian touches on some exciting upcoming projects here at Brian J. Pombo Live.

Be on the lookout for up coming videos playing off a recent video he did liked below.

Hegelian Dialectic – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLkRKFffvkg


Review of the next six months.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I don’t know if I’m going to give you a review of the entire next six months, but I’m going to tell you what’s coming up here on this channel. So I put out these videos on a daily basis, hopefully, you’ll enjoy what’s coming up.

If you’re brand new, go back and rewatch some of the videos that we’ve already put out.

So we’ve had a lot of fun up until now and some of it plays off of what we were already going off, I had a conversation with a friend of mine named Brad and I’ll go more into what that was, and how it gave me the idea for a single video. But after digging in a little deeper, it created three videos, they’re gonna be coming out, they’re not done yet.

But the topics I already know what I’m going to be talking about for the next three videos. It all has to do with the Hegelian Dialectic that we talked about a couple of videos ago.

And if you’re not aware of that, go back and watch that one. We’re going into that and bringing real-life examples from both personal life and large mass media culture, so that’ll be a lot of fun.

We’re also in this is all stuff that can help you with your business, believe it or not.

So I’m a business strategist and so everything I do, I find some way to tie it back into your relationship with your business and that back into your personal life.

When we go into that, after that, I’ve got a very special series of interviews. One specific interview is going to be coming out next week, I do believe so we should have it all ready to go for you. So that’s coming up real quick.

The only reason why I discussed six months is that we’re halfway through at the point at the time making this video halfway through 2021 and we’re on to the second half. So the next six months, it’s man, it’s exciting.

We’ve gotten through so much in such a short period of time and there’s just there’s so much ahead of us. So this should be a lot of fun.

I’m happy to have you along for the ride. I hope you had for those of you who are in the States, I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day celebration over the Fourth of July. And for those of you outside the states, I hope you’re having a great life and celebrating whatever you’re celebrating right now and all at the same time doing what it takes to be able to build your business, which is what we’re all here for.

So if you have any questions or comments about anything we’ve done up until now or something you’d like to know more about, leave it wherever you’re seeing this, I don’t care for whether you’re seeing this on Instagram, or LinkedIn or YouTube or Facebook, we’re in all these different places.

You might be listening to this through your favorite podcast provider. So leave a comment if you can, if you can’t, wherever you’re at, then leave a comment at BrianJPombo.com all of this is brought to you for the last year or so.

Buy my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business and I promoted and nearly every single video by letting you know that you can get it for free.

You could buy it from Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble or all the different places where you buy books. Or you can get a free digital copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back tomorrow. Like I said we’re starting a new series here. So this will be a lot of fun. Don’t miss it. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Hegelian Dialectic & Your Business (Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis Model)

Diving into some deep stuff in behavioral physiology with Hegelian Dialectic and what they heck is an Antithesis, Thesis or a Synthesis anyway?


Hegelian Dialectic and your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Bet that you didn’t know we were going to be talking about this one tonight, did you?

Okay, this is a fun one, and I’m sorry, my hair’s all out of place I was playing around with the kids late into the night here. finally done didn’t forgot to comb my hair before I sat down with you. But hopefully you can, we can get past that.

I wanted to talk with you about the concept of the Hegelian Dialectic, and specifically, if you’ve ever looked up this before. It’s oftentimes using rhetoric. But really what I’d like to talk to you about it is in the case of behavioral psychology, okay.

We might get a little bit deep here, but I want to give you just the absolute basics on this and kind of show you how it plays back into business, how it plays back into marketing.

First, I’m going to talk about the general idea if you haven’t heard of this before, okay?

The whole concept with the Hegelian Dialectic is that you start with a thesis, you start with an idea that causes a reaction, it causes people to be against it or to be shocked.

The more emotional the more shocking, the more outrageous your thesis is, the greater the Antithesis is the antithesis to the thesis. Antithesis happens, so there’s a backlash.

For people who understand the galleon dialectic, they do it on purpose, though, you create something shocking in order to get the backlash.

So that the next step is synthesis, which is the greater truth in a sense, what they say, is someone comes in as a moderating force or comes back at, well, I didn’t really mean that what I really meant was this.

And because if they would have come forward with this, they would have gotten a little bit of shock, but not enough to be able to move forward or it would have been too much, and they would not have been able to pass this.

But because it’s being passed almost as a compromise, or presented as a compromise or presented as an idea.

The energy that came from the opposite end gets flipped on itself. And this is a funny thing about emotions and how people function is that you’ve let them they’ve basically blown everything out of proportion.

Now there’s nothing there’s no energy left to fight it and there’s a synthesis, there’s an automatic acceptance to whatever is presented next. This is very weird at very deep, but you can see it throughout history.

The scary thing is that people that understand how to do this, then they go to the next thesis, they go to the next outrageous thing, which causes a reaction, which which then they can present a compromise.

If that gets accepted thesis antithesis, synthesis over and over and over again.

People within government understand how to do this politicians that have been involved for a long time whether they know the actual concept of Hegelian Dialectic they practice it, to an extent, Donald Trump was brilliant at it.

I am certain he has no idea what the Hegelian Dialectic is, if he’s ever even heard the term, I’m certain he probably could not explain it to you. But he practices that constantly. Whether he knows it intentionally or not. He practices that constantly.

That’s neither a promotion or a hit on Donald Trump, this is just how humans function. And people that understand how to get the other side to react before they react.

If you can get your the other side to react, if you can go on offense and get them to go on defense, you’re automatically winning the game. It’s an emotional game.

It’s behind the scenes.

If you look at the absolute extremes within within the last 100, 200 years, you’ve got you know, it doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about Hitler doing it, or whether you’re talking about Stalin doing it or Mao doing it all the huge movements that lasted long periods of time where the most outrageous things occurred.

And the populace goes along with it or turns a blind eye to it. You know, how was Hitler able to set up ovens and march people into them to be burned a lot, you know, to be gassed and then burned and just outrageous, insane stuff. How does a populace go along with it?

It’s because he had them overacting so often, that pretty soon, they have no they have no power left. They have no energy left to react and they give in to everything they give in to the power to the source of their reaction.

It’s a very bizarre, very dark, very sick thing when it’s taken to an extreme. On the face of it, though, if you understand how to use it, it’s probably about the only way you can get attention nowadays.

I hate to make a transition like that, but really, on its most mild form, in order to get attention, you have to cause a bit of a stir in some way or another, I’m going to give you that these are just two books I had sitting around here.

This is one I brought up recently, Winning Through Intimidation, look at that title, Winning Through Intimidation.

He talks about the concept in this book, he talks about this back and forth that occurs. And the title would if you just read that title, and I know this was this was very controversial at the time when this came out in the late 70s.

You would think he’s encouraging you to use intimidation to win, and what he did, he used it on purpose.

He had a huge backlash, such a large backlash that he ended up changing the title in the 90s or 2000s. And then it ended up switching it back because the title is so powerful. But he was trying to say the opposite.

He was sorry to say how you can win through the intimidation game that automatically gets paid how you can keep from being intimidated. Well, that’s the synthesis.

If you get one side to react, and you don’t overreact to the to the reaction, you can then present the the more subtle idea it’s all present.

If you read the book, which is a good book, it’s worth reading.

Another book that I just happen to have here. It’s another just just amazing title, con man or saint question mark, and this was the story of Glenn W. Turner.

This came out in I think 69 story of a sharecropper who turned $5,000 borrowed into 100,000 into $100 million in 24 months. Heck of a subtitle.

But this, Conman or Saint?

Well, doesn’t that draw you in?

He’s either a con man or a saint, there’s no in between, really.

Well, I mean, if you I have I haven’t read this book all the way through yet.

But they’re not saying that he’s either a con man nor a saint. But they’re saying that it could be presented either way.

Depending on from us via it’s a it’s a it’s a book that’s positive about him. So it’s not they’re definitely not saying is a con man. But it’s fun.

They give the juxtaposition that causes a reaction, and then they give you an answer that doesn’t even fit the title.

This is how Hegelian Dialectic works, and you see it all the time.

With online especially, with ads, especially with clickbait, as they say, when you have a title that entices that gets people stirred up, I have one of my honestly, to this day, one of the top videos I have out there is is called self reliance is fake.

Now, I’m not saying the concept of self reliance is completely fake.

I’m saying that how people define it or how they think about it isn’t really true. And they have you have to be able to step back and be able to look at the big picture and realize what self reliance is and what it isn’t. But that’s the thesis.

I have a whole lot you could just go and read the comments a whole lot of antithesis on that video over on YouTube was it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s been a top viewed thing on YouTube for at least as far as my channel goes, I don’t have don’t get a whole lot of views on YouTube.

Then the entity the synthesis is me explaining throughout the video What I mean by self reliance is fake because I’m a big promoter of self reliance. I’m not really saying that self reliance isn’t real. I’m saying that the idea is so play on words. You have to intrigue you have to entice.

You have to do that to be able to get people to pay attention so you could stand out. If you want nine other ways to stand out.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.