Qualities Business Investors Look For: No. 7 🕵️ (Market Enthusiasm / Irrational Passion)

Part 7 in a series of videos on what Brian looks for in companies.


Qualities business investors look for number seven.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the final one out of a list of seven of the top things, not the only things. But the top things that business investors look for.

How do I know this?

I’m a business investor.

And these are some of the top things that I look for when I’m looking for a business to invest in. Some of these are more broad, more vague, more subjective, others are very, very, very objective, and very specific.

This is one of those that’s a little on the subjective side. But when it’s there, it’s undeniable. It’s also these are in no particular order.

So you can go back and watch the other videos where I talk about numbers one through six. But this final one, really, I would say, has supremacy over the others in general, because, with it, you can always find the others you can build on the others.

Without it, it’s still possible to build a business, but it’s tougher across the board. So it’s kind of this magical element that’s difficult to find. But when you find it, when you can wrap your arms around it, it’s fabulous.

And so what is this number seven, I’m going to tell you in a second. But first, I gotta, since you’re here, I got to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s a thin book, it’s a quick read and it provides nine very specific strategies that you can use. These are long-term strategies, these aren’t just things you could just put them into place and forget about them.

These are long-term strategies that you’ll be working on from now until the end of your business. Nine strategies you can use, though, to make yourself completely competition-proof, even if that so-called competition is amazon.com.

Even if it’s a big player like that, so go get yourself a copy of this book, you get a free one if you want a free digital copy over an AmazonProofBook.com.

Okay, let’s talk about number seven.

Drumroll, please.

Number seven is what I call MARKET ENTHUSIASM or IRRATIONAL PASSION. If you have a marketplace that you’re targeting a group of people, a type of a person if you’re targeting them with your product and service, or one of your products and services.

And that group of people, that description that you have for them describes a person that is irrationally passionate about what it is that you’re trying to sell to them.

You’ve got a winner, you’ve got something that all it takes is some tweaking, you’ve got something that you can build a business on. And the more evergreen that marketplace is, in terms of the type of thing that never really goes away. You may have different people come in and out of that market.

But if you’ve got something that never really goes away, that’s magic in a business and everything else can be built around that principle when you’ve defined who they are.

If they’re irrationally passionate about what it is that they’re after, then there’s no there are very few limits on the amount that you can charge. There are very few limits on the amount of quality that you can pump into it. There’s that market enthusiasm is magical.

The person that used to talk about this a lot. I’ve got one of his books back here was, you know, this is how to make maximum money in minimum time.

Okay, this gentleman’s name was Gary Halbert, and he used to talk about this irrational passion.

It it’s irreplaceable. It he talked about a starving crowd if you can get rid of all the other advantages. And if you had nothing else, but a starving crowd and your job is to sell hotdogs, so or anything.

If you’ve got a starving crowd, that’s what you want when you’re out to sell food. It’s the perfect ideal scenario. If you’ve got that nothing else matters.

Now all you got to do is figure out okay, how do I get the message to them?

How do I get my food in their hands as soon as possible?

That’s what you’re after. It doesn’t take you selling food or them being starving. What it takes is as close to that as possible in your market, in your space in your industry.

This is the way to think about things if you’ve got a rap on that, boy, I can speak for myself, but not just for myself for anybody that’s out there looking to invest in businesses, whether it’s investing capital, or investing time or expertise.

That’s what we’re looking for.

Because it’s not something you come across all the time. But if you’ve got something that ties in with that passion, you’ve got a product or service that ties in with that. All the rest is just details, we can figure out the rest as we go along.

So hopefully, all those make sense to you. Go back, rewatch this, see if you can wrap your mind around it. I love to hear any questions you have about any of these. Or if you’re trying to figure out whether it applies to you leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this.

You can always leave a comment over at BrianJPombo.com, where we have an archive of these videos and audio broadcasts that we put out on a daily basis. And please continue watching, listening wherever you’re at and we’ll continue this conversation.

I’ve had a lot of fun with this last series. Hopefully, it’s been helpful to you.

We’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Qualities Business Investors Look For: No. 2 🕵️ (Systemized Attention)

Part 2 in a series of videos on what what Brian looks for in companies.


Qualities business investors look for part two.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I am going through this process of developing a list and this list is what the top things that business investors look for when they’re looking for businesses to invest in, invest their time in, invest their experience in, and possibly even investing capital and so forth.

I came up with this list and this is the second thing on this list.

Now, these aren’t in any particular order and you can go back and watch number one. Listen to number one from yesterday.

But this second thing is definitely one of the top ones.

The second thing is what I call systemized attention.

I’m going to go through what systemized attention is in just a moment.

First, I want to remind you about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you haven’t gotten your copy yet, get it now, it is currently if you’re watching this within a recent time at a good price going on amazon.com you go check that out, see if it’s still there.

You can also get it absolutely free on my website, AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com and get your own free digital copy of it. You can also get an audiobook version that’s going to be coming out in the next few weeks.

Let’s talk about systemized attention and why your business, if you don’t have it, you should have it and if you do have it, you will make yourself much more attractive to business investors like myself.

So what how I refer to systemized attention is, are you getting attention on a regular basis, on a consistent basis that has a system developed around it?

Let me give you an example. Real simple example.

What you’re watching listening to right now, Brian J. Pombo Live is a daily podcast that gets sent out via video and audio. So you may be watching it, you may be listening to it. But it gets sent out over the world wide web, both via audio podcast, and video, we upload it to YouTube and LinkedIn.

All the different social media is out there, you may be watching on Instagram, and it gets put out there on Rumble, we’re out there on a whole bunch of different platforms.

So it’s consistent, it’s out on a daily basis, we have a systematic way of doing it. It goes out constantly and in all these different areas.

If I want to promote something, I promote it here. Lately, I’ve been promoting my book on a daily basis, but I can promote anything, I can promote other people, other projects I have. And it’s built into my business, it’s built into BrianJPombo.com which is it’s really handy to have this is just one piece of my attention system that I have built up but it’s a useful piece.

Most businesses don’t have any attention system whatsoever. They have no way of standing out on a consistent basis, let alone a way that systemized that they know this is what we’re doing today, this week, this month, through into the next year.

We know what we’re doing as far as that goes. A lot of businesses the largest businesses have some form, but do you have a full attention system?

Do you have systemized attention built into your business plan?

If you don’t, I recommend you get it. Find a way of doing it one way of doing it, go check out my book, it talks all about this process of systemizing attention the whole book is all about standing out and making yourself so different.

That competition can’t stop you, amazon.com itself can’t stop you, or even slow you down if you do it right.

If you keep your focus in the right areas, that nothing can slow you down. And so when I’m looking for businesses, if I really look for ideal businesses to be able to work with, I’m looking for someone that already has systemized attention or has the potential for it.

They may already have attention-getting devices that they’ve used in the past but they haven’t systemized it.

So that’s a big piece of what I look for. It’s an exciting field and nowadays, a lot of us refer to it as content marketing. If you can look at it as marketing that you’re pushing both entertaining, and informational content out there to a particular audience to your ideal customer, right, or to your current customer or past customers.

If you have that form of marketing system in place, that’s going to be a big difference to keeping your business alive, to keep it growing to have this growing crowd that follows you on a regular basis. So that is number two on our list.

Tomorrow, we’re going to go through number three, in the type of things that business investors look for. So check it out, then come on back, subscribe, follow whatever you want, so that you can get the whole list.

In the future I’ll have a book all about it so you can get a copy of that too when we get around to that. But exciting times right now, I’d love to find out what you think about the first two ideas, leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this, or go to BrianJPombo.com. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Qualities Business Investors Look For: No. 1 🕵️ (Singular Vision)

The first in a series of videos as Brian breaks down the various things he looks for in a company before he invests working with them.


Qualities business investors look for number one.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going to talk about the qualities that business investors look for when they’re looking to invest in a business and in this situation I’m speaking for myself, I’m a business investor.

There are certain things that I look for in businesses when I look to track them down, and to either purchase or to partner up with, find something that I can do with the business and be able to get value on my end, but also be able to produce value for whoever’s the current owner.

This is the first thing I look for is number one, this is going to be a list of videos that you be able to watch once I’m done doing them all. But this is the first one.

That one thing is a singular vision. I’m looking for a singular vision from whoever’s in charge. So in most cases, that’s going to be the business owner. In some cases, it may be an executive, whoever cares the most about the business and is making it function from day to day, the person in charge, the person calling the shots, they have to have a singular vision regarding that business.

And what that means is, where do they see it going in the next five years, in the next 10 years?

Are they consistent in where they want it to be?

Extra points are absolutely awarded if you can find other people in that business, that know what those goals are, and can tell you what they are and they’re on board with them. Okay, this is unusual.

This is unusual for small businesses or big businesses.

When you have a singular vision, though, you have something really magical that cannot be replaced. Where it needs to be added.

I found that in every business, you have to have some form of singular vision. And it’s ideal that the entire team is on board with that vision.

So that’s the one thing, the first thing I look for in a business.

As I said, they don’t all have them, but if you’re looking to have somebody come in and help you out on your business, or looking to sell your business eventually or looking to partner up, then that is the type of thing that you should honestly be thinking of having even if you don’t plan on bringing anybody in, you really should focus on.

What is our long-term goal?

What are we trying to accomplish here?

Can we get everyone on the team on board with that?

Hopefully, that makes sense to you. Tomorrow, I’m going to be going through the second thing that I look for in businesses, and in the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.