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Robert Ringer’s Three Type Theory 🐢 (Winning Through Intimidation)

Brian breaks down Robert Ringer’s “Three Types of people you’ll meet in the business world,” from his classic book, Winning Through Intimidation.


Robert Ringer’s three type theory.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of my favorite business books out there, Winning Through Intimidation. And it’s not a book about how to intimidate people, but how to get around kind of the rules of intimidation, so to speak, that are already exist within human interaction.

And great book, it came out in the 70s. It’s still a fabulous book today.

Robert Ringer is still with us, and he continues to produce articles on regular basis on his website. I believe it’s

And I want to talk a little bit about his three types theory because it’s interesting.

But first, I wanted to remind you about my own book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you haven’t read it yet, go get yourself a free copy at

Grab it while you still can free copy

So let’s talk about Robert Ringer, shall we it this is from let’s see, this is from chapter four. He calls it the my three unforgettable professors at Screw U.

And his three type theory comes down to there’s there are only three types of people in business world with the one exception noted above.

Okay, the one exception noted above, he’s he’s talking about. I’ll get to that in a second.

Let me talk about the three that he mentions here though, type number one, okay.

This is the type of person so no matter what type of interaction you’re getting with people, these are the type of people you deal with.

Number One: “Who let you know that from the outset, either through his words, his actions, or both, that he’s out to get your chips. He then follows through by attempting to do just that.”

That’s type number one.

Type number Two: “Who goes to great lengths to assure you that he would never dream of pilfering your chips, often trying to throw you off guard by assuring you that he really wants to see you get everything that’s coming to you.

Then like type number one, and without hesitation, he goes about trying to grab your chips anyways. “

Here’s Type number Three: “Who like type number two assures you that he’s not interested in your chips.

Unlike type number two, however, he sincerely means what he says. But that’s where the difference ends. Due to any one of a number of reasons ranging from his own bungling, to his amoral standards for rationalizing what’s right and wrong.

He, like type number one, and two, still ends up trying to grab your chips. Which means that his suppose that good intentions are irrelevant to the final outcome.

In summation, no matter how someone posits himself, you would be wise to assume that he will, in the final analysis, attempt to grab your chips.”

So what’s this have to do with anything, right?

It has to do with the basic concept that people are people. And no matter how a person holds themselves, in the end, everybody tends to look out for themselves in the end, or their families, they tend to look out for their own interest.

And it’s a very natural thing.

It’s not anything to be scared about, or to think that a person’s naturally immoral just because they’re out for themselves.

That’s just, it’s a survival mechanism.

If nothing else, people have to be able to look out for themselves.

I deal a lot with the self reliance field. I run the podcast called, the Off The Grid Biz Podcast. Which is all about the self reliance industry, meaning people and products that are encouraging people to become more self reliant in some way. Okay.

And the interesting thing is, it’s built into that concept of self reliance that people have an interest in being self reliant to begin with, that it’s just a natural thing one way or the other.

Yeah, in the short run, people are going to help each other and do everything they can to help each other. In the long, it’s in the short run. In the long run, though, it when the going gets tough, people tend to defend themselves. And that’s just the way it is.

There are some people, let me see here, there’s an example here. There are some people who put themselves out in order to help other people, but they tend to not be good business people in the long run.

And they tend to do it out of the wrong motivation, even though it seems good on the outside. Oftentimes hey’ve got another psychological issue they’re dealing with, and that they feel like they have to sacrifice themselves to other people in a sense, and that that’s a person to be careful about, too.

But the three main ones that you’re dealing with, once again, it’s the person that’s going to be honest about the fact that they’re out for themselves, the person who is dishonest, and knows they’re being dishonest, and the person who honestly would like to not be out for themselves, but in the end will be anyways.

And so there’s three types of people you got to be careful of, I’m not sure if I agree with it across the board. But yeah, I think it’s a safe philosophy to go with, it’s safe to expect that the other person is going to bash you over in a sense.

And it creates honest brokering, when you’re dealing with that concept.

And if you have a situation where everything turns out great for all parties, all the better.

But it only happens when everybody’s looking out for their own interest. And they’re honest about the fact that they are. It’s a weird dichotomy.

I’d love to hear what you think, go check out this book, Winning Through Intimidation, Robert Ringer, I talk about it all the time.

But this three type theories is a very interesting, it’s very touchy, because we all expect the best out of people. And we think that being said self interested in any way is a bad thing, and I don’t necessarily think that’s the case.

And I think he made some good case for that, in this book, how to be the victor, not the victim in business and in life.

Very good piece, especially on the psychology, the things that are going on in our heads when we’re dealing with other people in business.

Hopefully that’s helpful to you.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

3 People You Do Business With

Three people you do business with.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you live every day from Grants Pass, Oregon and here once again in the headquarters for

Today I’m going to talk about the different people that you are guaranteed to work with one way or the other. And this is on the book, Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer.

If you haven’t read this one, it’s a classic, absolutely worth reading. It’s not about winning by intimidating but winning through the intimidation of others.

So how do you go about handling that first is really understanding who you’re dealing with. What about human nature is just mutable, it’s just common no matter what.

If you’re dealing in any form of business, you’re going to deal with three different types of people. And he mentions a four fourth type, and I’ll talk about that also, but the main thing is understanding the three because these are the three antagonists that you’re going to run against when it comes to business.

Because oftentimes in business is, I’m looking to get something or give something and get something in return and the other party’s looking to do the same thing.

So I might be providing services and they might be providing money or vice versa, or I’m providing product and they’re providing money and vice versa.

Regardless of whatever business in, you’re in a back and forth type relationship. Best thing about online, a lot of online marketing, e-commerce is that it’s set prices. There’s not whole lot of haggling. They buy it, they get the product, they’re happy with it, and that’s the end of the story. If they’re not happy with it. They return it. You give them their money back.

I mean it’s pretty straight-forward and very simple and hopefully your business works a lot like that, but the more interaction you have with people and the higher the prices that you deal with, you tend to deal with very strange types of people.

If you work around the people long enough.

I read this book years ago and it was right before I had a client and we’re going to call him Phil. And Phil was a client and you’ve probably heard me talk about this previous times because I had so many great interesting stories of Phil even though we only worked for a handful of months together.

This particular client is a type of person that Robert Ringer was talking about. I’m going to read you this section where he talks about the three different types of people. See if these commonalities fit with the people that you work with.

Type number one is the person that lets you know from the outset, either through his words, his actions or both that he’s out to get your chips, poker chips, you know, gambling. He then follows through by attempting to do just that.

That’s time number one.

Type number two who goes to great lengths to assure you that he would never dream of pilfering your chips, often trying to throw you off guard by assuring you that he really wants to see you get everything that’s coming to you.

Then like type number one and without hesitation he goes about trying to grab your chips.

That’s number two.

Number three is the person who’s like number two, assures you that he’s not interested in getting your chips, but unlike number two, however he sincerely means what he says, but there’s a real difference in the end. And that’s due to any one of a number of reasons ranging from his own bungling to his amoral standards for rationalizing what’s right and wrong.

He, like type number one and type number two, still ends up trying to grab your chips, which means that his supposed good intentions are irrelevant to the final outcome.

So in summation, no matter how someone posits himself, you’ll be wise to assume that he will in the final analysis attempt to grab your chips.

In the end, everybody is out for themselves is what Robert Ringer saying, but you are going to run into these types. And they’re either completely honest about the fact that thereafter a certain end goal for themselves and or you get a person who’s completely dishonest but poses as your friend.

Or the person who really wants to be your friend but doesn’t know themselves well enough to end up one wanting everything you got in the end anyways.

I would say that number three is probably who Phil was. Phil, that client.

It was a good thing I had just read this because I was waiting to see what would happen.

One of the things that he really encourages in this book is getting things in writing.

It tends to keep even honest people honest or at least forgetful people on it. So when people forget what happened or what you agreed upon, it’s on paper somewhere so that everyone’s on the same page, so to speak.

That’s huge.

As I was going moving ahead with Phil, he insisted that we not sign anything. We do everything on a handshake, that that was the only honorable way to do it is on a handshake and I’m all for doing that.

The only problem is every time I’ve ever done her on a handshake, somebody ends up changing the deal because it’s not clearly written.

That’s the main problem with it is that somebody, whether they mean to or not, it’s forgotten about what the original terms were. And sure enough, I watched this with Phil as we were going through it.

I said, well, I’ll make the stakes low enough to where I don’t care and I’m going to make sure I get paid ahead of time.

My part of it so that I don’t care if he ends up pulling the rug out from under me and everyone warned me about him and he was super nice and he was going to do everything right and everything else in the end, he forgot our terms were and changed the deal and then made it out to be as if it were my fault.

This is a common thing over and over again.

But I knew going into it and so I didn’t hold it against them. I just realized, okay, that’s a lesson for me. It really did help me out a lot because it showed me something that I had already seen in human nature, but got to see it closer up for a particular type of person, one of those three types.

Keep your eye out for those three types and don’t let them throw you off.

Just realize in the end, most people are after getting their end of the deal.

Here’s the fourth type of person, the fourth type of person that he refers to, he doesn’t it go over it in this book.

But he just makes slight reference to it is the person who gains when you gain. So if you’re in a business situation where the people you’re working with only gain when you gain, then you’re in a pretty good situation because you have nothing to fear.

They’re out to see that you make money.

Because they make money and I always look for more and more deals like that. Sometimes they exist. Just make sure you get everything written down. Make sure everything’s kept up on board so that people have an encouragement to stay honest.

Hey, I hope this helped you. It’s just a quick little idea.

Go and get this book. If you haven’t read it yet, if you have read it, go and read it again.

The worst thing about that book, there isn’t a very good audio book out there about it, that I’ve been able to find.

So for those of you who don’t like reading, have preferred listening, that’s a tough one to get.

Hey, have a great night.

We’re going to see you tomorrow when we come back.

In the meantime, go to especially if you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in the self-reliance space and you’ve got products and services or become more self reliant.

Go to the link is in the description.

Go watch the video there. Let me know what you think.

Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #8 Under Promise and Over Deliver
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8 – Willing to Under-Promise, Over-Deliver, but never be ‘too-nice’.
  • Brian shares how Robert Ringer’s book ‘Winning Through Intimidation’ changed the way he views clients.
  • Quick note: As Brian points out in the video, don’t get hung up on the title of the book, it’s not really about what the title may suggest

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