Top Secret Outsourcing Secret 🤫 (Revealed Secretively)

Thoughts on outsourcing work in your business.


Top Secret outsourcing secret revealed secretively.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we have a very secret secret secret. It’s very secret.

So secret, it’s something that I didn’t really realize, until recently.

And if we’re talking outsourcing what we’re talking about the people I’m talking to, if you’re a business owner, if you are a manager, if you are the executive in charge of the business, at some point going to be looking at outsourcing what you do, or what any number of people do right now at your business.

And so it’s like, where do we go, what’s next?

So I’m recording this in 2021, we’re going through a situation now where it’s difficult to find workers directly, especially if you’re looking in a local area, it’s very difficult to find people to do certain things for a reasonable amount of money.

So it’s tough to just outsource by hiring people, it’s still possible.

So I don’t want you to not try, you should try you should attempt, especially on a local basis, to find people that can do what you need them to do.

That’s the first place you got to check, then you got to start looking online, you got to start looking at all the places and you can do searches and find all the details on this, we’ve discussed this previously.

One of my favorite places is That’s a, it’s a great place to find people to do especially one-off items.

So things that you only need help with once in a while you can find someone on Fiverr, that will do it long term for you. But you can at least find people to do things once on Fiverr.

And there’s a number of other places that you can check to find people who will outsource and it’s and you’re not limited to just the borders of your country.

So if that’s an issue, then you’ve got the opportunity to go beyond the borders. But you can also find people in your country and so forth that are willing to work.

They do have specific things that they’re good at and it might be what you’re looking for, and they might be able to do it in a decent amount of time to really be able to make it work for you.

Okay, though, these are all options that if you don’t know they’re available, it won’t take you long to be able to find this stuff out. It’s out there, you can find people to do things.

But here’s another option that people don’t discuss very often partnering with businesses that already do it.

So especially if you’re a solopreneur, if you’re somebody that’s starting out, and you’re, you’re having difficulty breaking into a certain area, you’re having difficulty fixing a certain area, or finding the right people to do with a certain job, find someone that’s already doing it, and see if you can bring your expertise to them.

What can you do for them?

What can your business do for them? Or what can you bring to them? Or who can you connect with them?

That would work to where you can have a partnership to where you bring something to the table that they may not be doing well or that they can always use more of.

And they can provide you with something that you don’t have the expertise on, you haven’t outsourced yet, or haven’t found the right people to do.

Here’s a great example. Google ads, Facebook ads, any type of online advertising, there are people that have this figured out down to an absolute science. And I’m not saying you go out and find an advertising agency, you can do that.

But you can find companies that are already doing these types of things well, and how would you find them?

Well, you look for the type of things that your marketplace the people you’re trying to get to your ideal audience, your ideal customer, you go, and let’s say you’re looking for Google ads.

A company that’s doing Google ads, well find the keywords that your ideal person is typing in and type it in and see who’s advertising there who’s showing up, who’s the first ones to show up, who’s the ones that show up over and over and over again.

Those of your people you might want to start looking to look at what they’re doing. Find out who they are. See if what you’re doing and what they’re doing can fit together instead of looking at everyone as competition look for partnerships.

Now another term that’s been thrown around a lot to the point that it sometimes doesn’t even lacks meaning anymore is the concept of the joint venture.

Joint venture, what’s that mean?

It means a partnership, it’s a way of extending the concept of partnership. And oftentimes, the term partnership is just seen as well, two people or more that have ownership in one entity.

But really, I don’t see the partnership as own as necessarily direct ownership.

The partnership is an agreement, it is a joint venture, it is two or more people coming together, or two or more entities coming together, to be able to provide help for each other, so that they all profit.

This is what we need to look more and more and more for is those types of things that you can’t just read a book on, you just can’t you make it up as you go, you find a way to make things work.

I did not fully realize this until the last year, a year and a half, that these types of things have been becoming more and more clear to me. And as a business investor, it’s completely changed how I view everything.

When I realized that all you have to do is get to know people, make friends, and see if there’s a way that you could work together. This is what I do.

I really appreciate what you do over here, can we sit down and talk sometime. And with zoom and all these other video chat platforms, you have the ability to reach out and be able to talk with someone and have a cup of coffee, half a world away. It’s fabulous.

It’s an amazing time, with all the craziness that’s happening politically and everything else and diseases and all the rest going on right now. And there always will be there always be crazy stuff happening in the world with when all that’s happening, you got to find what works and run with it and keep discovering keep unload, keep finding the secrets.

When I find secrets, I’m going to try and pass them on to you because that’s the only way that I’m able to grow and I’m able to meet more cool new people if you’d like to meet me.

The first place I’d recommend you do is read my book, or at least grab a copy and thumb through it a little bit, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I’m not interested in selling books. I’m interested in getting this information out there. So you can get a free copy at Digital copy.

You get a hard copy at Amazon or anywhere else that books are sold. But you just want a digital copy and then from there, we can find a way to meet I’d love to be able to find more like-minded people and people that are good at something that I’m not good at.

Let’s team up let’s partner up. Let’s see what we can do together. That’s all I got for tonight. You have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Talent Is A Curse 🧑‍🎨

Thoughts on natural talent and building a team around you in areas you’re not a strong.


Talent is a curse.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I don’t necessarily mean my talent, and I don’t really mean that it’s always a curse. But I think oftentimes we take talent, we take natural genius, and so forth, and we kind of put it on a pedestal, and act like that is really where it’s at, and that those people have it.

So sad, this is why the whole concept of privilege anything is is kind of a misnomer. Because anytime you’re you are ever set ahead in any way. There’s always something else, or multiple things holding you back.

Because you get spoiled with the things that come natural to you. I’ll give you a great example that this idea came back to me today, when I was watching my son Tyler in jujitsu. So my son Tyler, if you’ve haven’t seen him go back last week, we had a we had a great talk with him, as he was showing off one of his toys, and he’s seven years old.

He’s He’s larger than most kids his age, taller, just a bigger, bigger kid in general, which is common on both sides of our family.

So I was similar, though not quite so early. But I went through a period of time where my I went through a growth spurt and passed up a lot of people my age, and got to about the size, I’m at now height wise, maybe a little bit taller by seventh grade.

And so I was a good size seventh grader did not grow much beyond that, but stopped at that point.

So I got to see him and go back to Tyler got to see him in jujitsu today. And he he’s with the younger kids, but he’s one of the largest kids there.

In fact, last week, they kind of had a little sparring thing where they all kind of took turns having to at a time try and take each other down.

Well, once Tyler got up, nobody else could take him down. You know, that’s the whole King of the Hill type thing.

We used to play King of the Hill when I was a kid also where you just have everybody kind of go at it and try and take down one person, whoever could stay standing the longest was the winner.

And I got to an age where I was the winner just about every time we’d play tackle football in a very similar way, as a as a kid where everybody would try I’d have the whole class of guys hanging off of me trying to pull me down and I realized that, hey, I can keep going.

It’s not and I could just trudge along and get the get the football across the other side was only me and another, another person, my age would be able to do that. And my son’s got the same thing. Nobody could take him down.

And that seems like a great talent and seems like something really amazing. The thing is, it caught up with me.

I was lucky enough to stop growing.

And all of that what I considered talent when I thought I was pretty good at sports for a certain period of time. That all went away pretty quickly.

So I was pretty decent at football. For the first few years. I was the most improved player for my freshman year. And did pretty good all the way up until I came back.

Junior year and everyone had shot up over me, and I was now the the tiny guy on the football team.

It’s a little difficult from that point forward.

In fact, I did not play from varsity on I realized pretty early on that this was not going to be what it was before. You get spoiled in whatever comes natural, whether it’s physically natural, or emotionally natural or me It could be the way you’re raised.

It could be the way just something that comes to you be a personality or what have you, and you get spoiled than that.

And a lot of times you could take it for granted.

This is why you oftentimes see people that do great over long periods of time in a certain area in life and as soon as that’s taken away from them, their whole life crumbles.

Because they don’t have anything they haven’t that all the other parts in their life have atrophied in a sense. those muscles have atrophied their ability to work with other people their ability to do different things.

It all goes away because they focus so hard in the one area that they did best. Now, how do you get around that?

You got to know what you’re best at. You got to know where your strengths are. A

nd you’ve got to look to hire people who have strengths in the other areas, natural tendencies toward one area or another. You got to do this throughout your entire business.

If you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, and a lot of the people that watch this are, that’s what you have to do when you’re hiring you hire for your weaknesses.

For other people’s strengths, you hire people stronger in those areas to pick up the pick up the pieces, so that your business can can continue growing and moving along. E

very time you find that hole that isn’t covered by the current teammates, you’ve got to fill that hole with somebody that’s got that, focus on doing that. And then you have to go through quite a few people to find the people the best character, find people that are aligned with the vision of your company, and so forth.

But it all really comes down to knowing yourself, and not getting too caught up with your strengths.

But at the same time, realizing what you do have as natural strengths, using it to the best of your ability, and really, really, really honing in on your weaknesses.

Not that you need to focus on overcoming all your weaknesses, but that you have to know what you’re not good at naturally, what doesn’t come natural to you, you should outsource not that you shouldn’t get better in certain areas.

But you’ll figure out what those are. I think we all have a piece of the puzzle. In life, we all have a little piece and we all got to put our pieces together and find where it all fits, and it’s gonna be different.

We’re going to we’re going to be creating different puzzles at different times in our lives. But there’s someone out there who can help you complete your puzzle.

Hopefully, that whole thing makes sense to you. If you like if you’re looking for some additional help in the area of strategy, that’s something that has, I’ve gotten good at skill wise.

But the idea of taking these ideas, taking these concepts I should say, taking these concepts and making them bite size to where they’re understandable to where either you could do it on your own, or you can bring me on to help you to do it or you can bring me on to help your team to do it.

Go check out my book, there’s a first place I send everyone has, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at or you can order it wherever books are sold.

You can have it tonight, you can get the get it get the free copy by going to

Or you can get a hardcover, wait, wait a day or two for that to show up. Hopefully you’re having a great night. Great. And you had a wonderful weekend.

We’ll be back here tomorrow, we’re here on a regular basis.

So come on back and where we’ll talk more about principles, strategies and tactics to help you grow your business.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

What Is It Getting Done?

Some thoughts on outsourcing from Tim Ferriss’s book, 4-Hour Workweek

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


What isn’t getting done?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I was sitting down taking another look at this book. If you haven’t ever read this, it’s a good one to go read. I’ve mentioned before, they’ve got a great audio book. The first time I read it was listening to it.

And then I went and got the book because it’s got some fabulous diagrams and other pictures in it that are worth having this plus so many great quotes and other things that he sources in this book. And this book is really all over the place.

So that if you’ve never never heard of this one before Timothy Ferriss, 4 Hour Work Week. Or if you’ve never sat down with it, it’s worth going into the so the subtitle is, escape the nine to five, live anywhere and join the new rich.

It’s really how to go from step one of not having anything to having the dream lifestyle, the four hour workweek, right. And it’s gotten a lot of flack because the title is so in your face, and so artificial on a lot of levels, but but artificial in an idealist way.

So it’s an ideal scenario. It’s not necessarily whatever, what people want to do is just sit around and just work four hours a day, or four hours a week. But it’s the idea that if I could do that, if I have enough income, and I had enough freedom to be able to do that, that’s what people are after.

That’s why the title was so powerful and he talks about in these later editions, how he came up with the title and so forth. So that’s cool.

But it all comes back to system. That’s really what it all comes back to if you’re wanting some form of automated business, if you want your business to be more automated, depend less on you or at least those parts of your business that you don’t like doing, having that be handled is really a major part.

So how do you get there?

I hear this over and over and over again, from people talking about how you need to outsource. And you outsource the things you’re not good at, or that you don’t like doing.

First, you get those out of your hair so that you can focus on those areas that you do best.

More than likely the areas you do best are the areas that you’re best at and that you enjoy doing, you enjoy doing those areas. So if you start focusing more on that your whole life feels better too, because you’re not working on all the all the stuff you don’t like.

And the assumption is well, I don’t like doing it. Nobody likes doing it but trust me, there’s someone that likes doing everything or they would prefer doing that over other things.

It’s not that they absolutely adore cleaning the toilets, but they’d rather clean the toilets and go hungry, they’d rather clean the toilets. In many cases, they’d rather clean the toilets than getting a welfare check or something else. It’s not a bad thing to offer work, even if it is less glamorous, or in your mind less glamorous.

There’s always somebody that would like to do it and so you got to find those people put them into put them to work. But here’s the real issue that I’ve seen with large businesses. It’s not the things that are already getting done that need to get outsourced the most oftentimes, oftentimes, it’s the things that need to happen that are not happening.

They’re not happening because you don’t like doing it or you don’t know how to do it. But or, and everyone else that you’re working with don’t know how to do it. If you’re a solopreneur, this really plays to you.

But more than likely, there’s pieces in your business that are falling by the wayside. And it’s the reason why your business might be stagnant or not growing as quickly as you want. It’s because you don’t have someone focusing full time on marketing.

You don’t have someone focusing on sales. You don’t have someone really focusing in a systematic manner, to where get the money coming in on a regular basis. Most of the time. That’s what it comes down to most of the time.

Beyond that there’s other pieces of the puzzle that need to get solved, your customer service, everything else that depending on your specific scenario, but more than likely, it’s something that nobody is doing right now.

You got to think about what needs to get done and find someone that already has experience or already has the cognitive ability to go in that direction. If you want to find out more about that you got to go check out Kathy Kolbe’s work at Really good stuff.

And like I said, if you’re just wanting to get inspired to kind of move a little faster and build kind of a financial freedom for yourself, this is a great place to start. He doesn’t have all the answers in that book.

But it’s a great place to start kind of digging those ideas out of your mind. But if you are already a business owner, if you’re already an executive, what the real thing you have to focus on, is what is my ideal scenario?

If I woke up tomorrow and had the ideal scenario with my business, that maybe that means that you’re speaking all over the world. And if you’re watching this in early 2021, it’s it’s not as likely to happen right off the bat, okay, there’s things opening up, but there’s still a lot of things shut down.

Maybe that’s a scenario that isn’t ideal, but what are the other things that are keeping you from doing that, get those things lined up, so that when the other circumstances make themselves available, you can jump on it, right?

It’s all about designing the perfect situation. And I talk about this a lot in my book, nine ways to Amazon-Proof your business.

In fact, Chapter Two is all about how to build a consistent system. And in the very end of that book, I give a free offer on to be able to bring me on to help you build a consistent system.

So go check out that book, you go get a copy at or If you want a free digital copy, you can go to

Get your own free copy of this book, go check it out, and go directly to chapter two. It’s a it’s a great chapter on consistent system building. It’s one of the main three pillars of my company is all about being system based.

You need to be system based in your company, and you’ll be happier with the results guaranteed. Hey, that’s all I’ve got for tonight. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Fiverr: the Good, the Bad & the Ugly

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Outsource Your Weakness
Video 292

In a continued conversation from yesterday, Brian delves deeper into the subject of outsourcing your weaknesses in business.

Know Your Weaknesses?
Video 291

A very important message today as Brian talks about the value of knowing your weaknesses.

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #7 Find the WHO & Not Learn Every HOW
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What does WHO Not HOW mean?

  • Early on in your business, it can make sense to figure out HOW to take on new challenges in your business
  • As you expand, it’s more important to figure out WHO you can hire to take on various tasks
  • Especially areas that you’re not that strong at
  • Find the WHO. WHO can do this for me?
  • Rather than asking HOW can I figure this out on my own

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