Part 7: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories Interview – Brian’s Closing Thoughts

Part 7, Brian gives us his closing thoughts on his interview with Bob Regnerus of Feedstories.


Bob Regnerus of Feedstories, part seven, the commentary.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to take some time after if you haven’t if you didn’t get to see the interview I did with Bob Regnerus, go back and watch it. It’s great stuff, you can see the whole thing over at

And it was really a lot of fun because this was one of the first major interviews that we’re putting here out on this platform on Brian J. Pombo Live. So I have two other podcasts in which I have interviews, and I’m now starting to implement having some interviews of different caliber or different people on Brian J. Pombo Live.

So that’s a lot of fun, just unto itself.

But let me point out a couple things that Bob brought up. Great stuff. One of those you’ll want to go back to over and over again, because he has so much experience and brought in so many great points, principles and strategies that you can use.

One of the first things that I heard him say that I think really stood out is talking about exercising your, “what if” muscles, okay?

In a sense of not just looking at, well, what if this wonderful thing happens, which is, as entrepreneurs, we tend to be very positive to begin with, we tend to focus on the positive.

And we don’t spend enough time being skeptical and looking at, okay, what if the worst case scenario happened?

Or what if, you know, just a slightly more negative version came out?

What would we do about it, then how would we handle that?

And if you don’t take those steps ahead of time, you’re going to be in for a world of hurt.

If you do take those steps ahead of time, chances are a lot of those horrible things will never happen for some reason or another. If you prepare some, oftentimes you prepare for the worst and the worst never happens. But at least you’re prepared even when things start looking a little bit negative.

So that’s one thing I think is so important, you can write an entire book on that.

And Bob’s got some great experiences as far as that goes.

The other thing he said is, I don’t want to get involved in the day to day with my business.

So when I asked him the area that he loved most about what he does on a day to day basis, he basically said that he’s designed his life so that he’s only working on the stuff that he loves, and that everything else is being outsourced.

It’s being run by a system, it’s being run by people, it’s being run by automations, which is really a fabulous thing.

It’s the one thing I encourage all my clients to start heading towards, no matter where you are at in your business, whether you’re just starting, or whether you’re partway along, or whether you’re on the tail end of what you think is the lifespan of your business, you need to start pulling out of the things that you don’t need to be involved in.

And only focusing on those things you knew do need to be involved in and only spending the amount of time necessary to get those things done.

Having other pieces of focus, that was the thing that he put a whole lot of focus on.

You definitely want to go back and listen to that is having those alternative pieces in your life so that those pieces of your brain don’t atrophy. I love that analogy that was really good.

And the final thing, him talking about the power of books, both in the beginning of the interview from the author’s perspective, and then at the tail end of the interview from a reader perspective.

About starting with books that experts are writing first before you delve any deeper before you get into courses, high end courses, or before you even get into hiring somebody as as an advisor.

Make sure you take a look at their books and books around that subject matter so that you get a very well rounded idea of what they’re all about.

That’s fabulous advice.

It’s really is important.

All in all, great interview, can’t wait to talk to him again sometime in the future because there’s so many different directions you could take that conversation because he’s such a wealth of information.

Regarding books, I’ve got my own, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy of that at

And if you’d like to be on the show as an interviewee, if you’d like to have me on your show, or if you’d like to hire me as a speaker, go to

That’s all I got for today. You have a great one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Part 1: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories

Our seven-part interview with Bob Regnerus of Feedstories begins.

Topics covered in this episode

  • What led Bob to become a digital marketing and paid advertising expert
  • The THREE POWERFUL THINGS Bob’s done in his career to help him thrive in business, and attract clients
  • How Victor Cheng encouraged Bob to write his first book, Big Ticket Ecommerce
  • What are the main advantages of writing a book?
  • Finding Your SUPERPOWER

Full Convo ➡️


Brian: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories, part one.

This is a series of conversation that we had with Bob Regnerus.

You’re really going to enjoy it, you can watch all the other parts of it over at

And you can see everything else that I’m offering my book, you can have me as a guest on your podcast if you’re interested on being a pet guest on this podcast or the other ones we provide. Or if you’d like to have me as a speaker at your event, go check all of that out over at

Now, here’s the show.

Brian (Intro to show): Coach Bob Regnerus is the co-founder of Feedstories, a digital marketing expert and the author of five books, including, The Fourth Edition of The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising.

Bob, welcome to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Bob: It is so good to be with you, Brian. Looking forward to a lively conversation today.

Brian: Yeah, good deal.

So I like to jump into these things without a whole lot of research in general. But the issue is, is that I already knew who you were, because I’d seen you around. I knew that you had co-authored this book. And I’d seen your name around probably for years, because I think we have ran in similar circles.

Bob: Yeah, that’s probably likely.

Brian: Yeah, just tell me…we’ll get into the details as far as where you’re at right now, eventually. But tell me how did you end up where you are?

Bob: Yeah, well, I guess I took a little bit of an indirect approach to being an entrepreneur. I was a programmer by trade, I went to college, you know, studied computer science, studied business, I had a dual degree.

And I ended up working for a large corporation out of college doing programming on mainframe computers, that’s the computers that take up a whole room.

Did that worked at a couple different corporate jobs, and I met a guy at one of my gigs who was there on contract. And like, I was an employee, he was on a contract, I thought that was interesting. He kind of made his own hours.

And he was making, you know, I mean, he wasn’t getting benefits from the company but it felt like he was making more money than me doing kind of what he was doing.

So I became friends with him and eventually, I went on my own with him and was doing some contract work. I worked for TransUnion, the big credit bureau. That was about 1998, I really got the bug for the internet.

Obviously 1998 we’re going back a few years, internet wasn’t what it is today. Right?

But I was a coder.

I actually developed my first e-commerce website, I built a shopping cart for a business from scratch. By the way, there’s still a client today, there’s still a client. So it’s pretty awesome.

But we launched that thing in 98 and it was pretty funny. The business owner who I’m friends with is like, this is great, you know, we’re getting orders, like the middle of the night, you know, when we’re closed, it was a big deal.

He’s like, how do we get more people to the site?

I said, oh, that’s not a big deal, I know exactly how to do that. And of course I had no idea how to do that.

So that’s where I dove into the World of internet marketing and direct marketing.

Discovered Dan Kennedy and Perry Marshall and all those things. I really became a student of marketing.

And I shifted from being a technology person to a marketing person, just kind of felt really comfortable for me, it felt like the next step. And I felt like I could provide more value to the marketplace.

So I think was a pretty good decision.

I’ve done a lot of training and, you know, work with clients over the years. But yeah, I mean, I’ve been in the business now 20 to 23 years, written some books and helped 1,000s of people. So it’s pretty cool.

I really love the paid marketing, like paid search. I got really good at Google and then Facebook was just the perfect media for me, because I really love telling stories. We can dive into that a little bit. But I’ve been doing Facebook advertising and coaching for people now since 2013.

Have some really great successes over the years.

So I love the predictability of paid advertising, like put in $1 and make five, make 10 you know, whatever the case may be. Never really got into SEO, we never understood it, was too frustrating.

I like the predictability of paid advertising.

That’s what’s been paying the bills and what people have been paying me for over the last two decades and really proud to keep rockin on and teaching people all the cool stuff that I learned.

Brian: Wow, that’s fabulous.

For full conversations, go to BJP

What Offer Have You Made On Facebook Today?

Are you making offers on platforms that your ideal prospects hangout on?


What offer have you made on Facebook today?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Why such a specific question?

The question is specific because I wanted a specific answer. In most cases, I’m willing to bet that you didn’t make an offer on Facebook today.

Why do I pick out Facebook?

Facebook’s just one example. You’ve got all the different social media platforms out there. Chances are your market, the people you’re trying to sell your products services, your vision to they’re on Facebook, chances are they are they really are.

Because if there’s enough age groups there, then there’s enough of all of them there.

And you can find out who they are pretty simply by going through their ad platform. Even if you don’t buy any ads, you can do a search and find out what type of people reside on Facebook and chances are they’re there.

This isn’t a pitch for Facebook, I’m saying what ever. The platform is I’m using Facebook as an example. But you’ve got all these platforms out there that you can be offering commercials for free out there.

This is without sending a advertising out you just throwing it out there. Even if there’s not a whole lot of focus as to who’s actually seeing it and everything else.

Did you make an offer on Facebook today?

And you say, well, Brian, did you make an offer on Facebook tonight?

Why did I do it every day. Very rarely do I have a video that’s right here where I am not making an offer. In every podcast that I put out. Every audio podcast I put out not just for Brian J. Pombo Live that you’re either watching or listening to right now.

But my other two podcasts that are currently up, Grants Pass VIP and The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, both of those have advertisements on every one, I’m making at least one offer per podcast. And those are up 24/7 on each of their networks.

Along with being posted over on Facebook along with being posted on all the other major social media companies and a lot of minor ones.

With a lot of the emerging ones, we’re always testing them out and putting things out there.

And with great thanks and help from the person that makes it all happen, which is my podcast producer Sean E Douglas, an amazing person.

But this is all about making the offer the simplest concept, it’s just making that initial connection and offering something for something else.

All I’m offering right now is a free book, a free book with that free book. See, I’ll tell you how this works. I offer this free book it’s my, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

In fact, chapter six is all about making the offer, right?

So you can get this book, you can get a digital copy for free at

Now how does that help me it is an offer is not an offer for money. It’s an offer for an email address, you go you give me your email address, and I will give you a chance to do well I’ll give you the book.

And I’ll give you a chance for a couple other things. When I get I’m also going to make you an offer. After after you get the digital version, I’m going to make you an offer for a physical version, along with the physical version is going to come an audio version, which is coming out very soon.

So we’ve got an audio version, we got a physical version all for i think it’s for $20 right now. Not only that, I’ll plug you in and off and give you a free give you a free strategy session, which is which currently is going on the website for 627, I believe is what we charge for an initial strategy session.

You’re getting all that for $20. But if nothing else, you walk away with a free digital copy of my book. So what’s that do?

It’s an offer, it’s something, is it the best offer in the world? No.

Are we reaching all the people that we should be reaching? No, absolutely not.

If I was buying more advertising and everything else, I’d be reaching a lot more people and reaching the people that I need to go after. That’s another story.

The question is, are you making an offer more often?

That’s what needs to happen. It doesn’t need to be on Facebook, but it needs to be somewhere and needs to be consistent.

I don’t care if you take the same video and post it every single day. I do a different video and then take that off audio and post it to podcast.

I do that on a daily basis, along with my semi monthly or whatever other podcasts that go out, along with everything else that I put out there.

But you should be offering more often is the only way that you’re going to start the relationship with people is by giving them a chance to be able to move in your direction. If they’re not moving in your direction.

They’re moving away from you. Guaranteed. It’s just not going to happen. There’s too much distraction, right?

Too much distraction, people are just pulled away in a million different directions. You got to let them come towards you. They’ve got to start that process.

That’s how you engage with people. That’s how you create a community. That’s what it’s all about. That’s how you create long term business is through relationships.

So I talked about being relationship Reliant. That’s all I got for tonight. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. So subscribe, follow, do whatever you need to do wherever you’re at. And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Number 2 Tip: For Getting Into A New Market

Using targeted advertising to reach your market.

Sign up for a Strategy Session Today➡️

The 1 Ad That Will Explode Your Business!

The 1 Ad That Will Explode Your Business!

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Grants Pass Oregon for Brian J. Pombo Live coming to you live every week. No, everyday really. Every week, every day coming to you live and having recordings being spread out throughout the internet.

So you could be watching this and one of many locations and we’re always talking about ways to help you and your business to stand out. So today we’re going to be talking about the one ad that can totally explode your business.

And what do you think that is?

What do you think the one ad would be?

Where would it be?

Well, before we get into that, let me just mention, is the home of the dream business transformation. Go check it out. There’s an eight and a half minute video. It’s free to watch. You don’t need to add your email address or anything else.

It’s right there on the front page. go to the link in the description.

So what is the one ad that’ll completely change things for you?

It’s not what you think. The one ad that is going to completely explode your businesses is completely unpredictable. You cannot predict it. There’s no way. It’s a trick question. Honestly. The problem is is that most of us are always searching for that one ad that’s going to blow everything wide open and real advertising tends to not work that way.

Now you will have points where you have an ad where you do some form of marketing and you’re putting out a message and all of a sudden that resonates. Hits at the right time, hits the right market and things go good, but it’s never going to completely explode your business forever. It will. You’ll have a height off of it and then it will level off and that’ll be that.

Yeah you very rarely would you ever have anything that would make such a dynamic change that it would blow your business apart. It was so dynamic.

It just, you don’t see that very often and it’s not something, it’s kind of like the whole concept of going viral.

How do I make a viral video?

Well, if everyone knew how to make a viral video, everyone would be teaching how to make viral videos and everyone would be making viral videos and we’d be inundated with viral videos.

No videos go viral on their own. It’s unpredictable. It comes with the definition of what viral is. It’s that unpredictable thing. So if you’re looking for your ad to completely blow things apart, you’re looking at an advertising completely wrong.

What you should be looking at is consistency.

Consistently putting message out there to the same audience with a very clear cut, a string of events of things that you want them to do, a step-by-step, or at least do this right now, that whole call to action concept, which we’re going to talk about tomorrow, what call to action means.

It’s the idea though of getting the person that’s viewing, hearing, reading what you’re putting out there, getting them to do a very specific step. That is how you should be getting engaging with your advertising.

I was having a discussion earlier today with my friend Patrick, and we were discussing his business and how he was always looking for the, “oh boy, this is going to be it. This is going to be the thing that I do in marketing or advertising his services that this is going to be it.”

And he said it was a realization he came to that. There isn’t an it, there isn’t a one thing that’s gonna change everything. It’s really searching to win the lottery is what you’re trying to do.

And you gotta get out of that lottery mindset and into the focus of, “okay, there’s a science behind this.”

How can I make this work for me?

How can I make it undeniable?

And it comes with consistency and continuing having an ongoing stream of ads. Now, whether you’re paying for the ads or whether you’re doing any form of free advertising, free advertising online or in person or what have you, it doesn’t matter. It’s still an ad. It’s an advertisement.

If you’re encouraging people to do something, you’re advertising to them and it’s better to have that as an ongoing thing versus a singular explosion. You don’t need to hit a grand slam every time. What you need to do is get a base, hit a little baseball lingo, therefore you that you gotta get a base hit as often as possible.

Just hit it just far enough to get to the first base and then the next ad, the next connection that you’re having with the person.

We’ll take to the next step and the next step and the next step.

Take little baby steps, but do it consistently. Have it be ongoing. That’s the ad that’s going to cause your business to explode. It’s the one that’s gonna take it and allow it to explode over time so that you can build up a following.

Hopefully this makes sense to you. If you’d like to see how it can fit directly into your business. Customize this message and these principles that I discuss here and see how they fit into your business and can make things really blow up for you. Go to you’re always welcome to sign up for a strategy session there.

They started a $600 and above, and if you are in the self-reliance field, go to that website I mentioned in the beginning, you might have the chance to speak with me.

Get a strategy session for free.

That’s if you happen to be an executive or a business owner and the self-reliance field, meaning that you offer services or, uh, products that help people to become more self-reliant, go to that’s all for today. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about call to actions.

What are they?

Do you need them?

We’ll talk about them tomorrow. We’ll see you then. And in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.