Don’t Fear Poking Them In The Eye πŸ‘€

If you’re gonna make content, it’s just a matter of time before you tick someone off.


Don’t fear poking them in the eye.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

Today, I want to talk about a common fear that happens when you start doing YouTube videos or any type of content on a regular basis where you’re discussing things that some people won’t approve of, or some people won’t like your stance on, or they won’t like your point of view, you really have to be careful not to be too nice.

Because being too nice as a killer, being too nice is boring. You have to be willing to poke somebody in the eye, not intentionally. I’m not saying you’re reaching out there to intentionally piss somebody off. Okay, yeah, I’m not saying to do that.

I’m saying that it’s going to happen. If you’re making content on a regular basis, you’re going to say something that somebody doesn’t like, you can go through my videos as an intentional in terms of being offensive as they are, I really never, almost never set out to cause any form of offense whatsoever.

I still get people coming back at me like I really said something horribly wrong.

The most recent one I did was a, you can go back a few months. And I had made a video about direct mail because I received a direct mail piece. Due to COVID.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses were not going door to door. And so they were sending direct mail and I got a direct mail piece. It wasn’t even for me, but it was for whoever the occupant was.

And I read it and critiqued it and judged it as a piece of mail, not as a piece of religious criticism one way or the other, or anything else just purely as a piece of mail, as in a way that a person could judge it and see how they can apply it to their business or what have you.

Boy, I got so much you go read the comments on YouTube with all the people saying Jehovah’s Witnesses are a cult, and this and this in that I wasn’t making any point about who was from it had nothing to do with any of that.

All the point I was making was how to use this medium to help your business. And using this as an example, a controversial piece of example, because there’s a lot of people that that don’t like what they’re what they were selling, basically. And so it happens, it’s going to happen, you’re going to poke people in the eye.

But this is what you’ve got to remember is that if you’re talking the 99, one rule, we talked about this a couple of nights ago, 90% of everybody that comes across your content that consumes any of your content whatsoever is going to do absolutely nothing with it, at least initially.

With any given piece of content, they are not going to do anything with it, they are not going to like they’re not going to thumbs up thumbs down, they’re not going to comment on it, they’re not going to share it with their friends, they’re not going to do anything 90%, at least 90%.

About 9% are going to do something 9% or may do something with it. Guess who’s in that 9% 9% first, first off is going to be people who you poked in the eye, that you did something that made them feel like they have to say something about it, they got to leave a comment, they’ve got to give you a thumbs down, they got to do something because they don’t like the cut of your job.

They don’t like just the way you did something said something, whatever. And there’s no way around it. If you’re putting out enough content, you’re going to get negativity back, you have to realize this is part of the formula. You have to get a reaction. Yeah, it’d be great if you got nothing but a positive reaction. But that really doesn’t make it happen.

Within the 9% and the final 1%, you’re going to have negativity that top 10% of people that respond at all to your content. there you’re going to have negative and if you want to get to that 10% especially that 1% that you get something very clear cut off of something very useful off of when you get to that point.

You’ve got to make sure that you’ve got some negative mixed in there, there’s gonna be conflict is what makes things move. You can’t help it. Yeah, you can intentionally go out and try and stir it up.

I don’t know, I’ve never worked enough in that realm, you really can do that. And people have been successfully doing that. And you could even see other people doing it and maybe try copying them.

Try it out, see what happens if you’re up for that. But it’s not necessary, you do enough content, you’ll get negative back. And that negative is a good thing, it’s necessary. And don’t lose any sleep over it. Just keep moving.

Don’t be afraid to poke in the eye mode.

Hopefully, that makes sense to you.

If you’d like to understand other ways of why you would want to put out content on a regular basis. When it comes to content marketing. I’ve got a book that really covers a lot of this, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s all about how to manipulate your marketing. In order to make yourself competitive prove how to make yourself stand out so different out there. I’ve also got a handful of the podcast where we go over these principles over and over and over again, even though they’re an interview format, we always come back and we hit upon all the principles you’re going to catch so much good stuff in those in those shows.

I’ve got Off-the-Grid Biz Podcast, you can check that out at

I’ve also got Grants Pass, VIP, which is nothing but people in the Grants Pass area work or live and or live in the Grants Pass area who are movers and shakers, people doing stuff around here. And it’s my conversations with them and you’re going to learn something there too.

And also right here, Brian J. Pombo Live, just if you connect to some of these podcasts, you’re going to get a lot of different views and perspectives on business and it will really help grow your perspective. I guarantee it.

Go grab my book,, you grab it for free. In the meantime, we’ll be back tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You Care About What Others Think? πŸ€”

Should you care about what others think? Do you even have a choice?

Thoughts on if it’s right or not to care about what others think online.


Do you care about what others think?

Hi Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We get together nightly and have a little discussion regarding business concepts, but really human concepts, then we use businesses as an excuse to talk about right.

So a lot of times will surround the conversation with business owners or executives, people who are decision-makers in their business. But if you’re interested in what we’re talking about, glad to have you here.

Today, I wanted to talk about the whole concept of whether you care what other people think. And there’s a very common meme or concept that gets put out over social media all over the place.

I’ve seen it on Instagram, I’ve seen it on LinkedIn, I’ve seen it on Facebook, all these different places. And the concept behind it is, I don’t care what other people think.

I get that, I understand what is trying to be said there.

The thing is, is that presenting it that way, publicly, I’m not sure if it’s achieving what you want it to achieve. So I’d like you to add, if you’ve posted something like that, I want you to ask yourself, why?

What am I hoping to get from this, the fact that you’re posting something publicly about that belief shows that you do care about what other people think otherwise, why would you post it publicly. You’d write it somewhere privately and keep it like that.

We do have to care somewhat what other people think.

Now, there’s a bunch of different ways you could parse this out, you could say, I don’t worry about what other people think or I don’t worry about how people react to me, or I don’t worry about people’s opinions, or feelings.

There’s a whole lot of ways you could talk about the same thing, but the emphasis is in a different spot there. If you say something like that, what you’re really saying is you don’t worry. Which is great, I think it’s something that’s great to say, and it means something and it can start a conversation about the mean when you say I just don’t care.

Well, what’s that mean?

You don’t judge your opinions based on what other people think, you know, what are you trying to achieve by letting everybody know that you don’t care about what they think.

Because in the end life is really about knowing the right thing for you to do. And then not being concerned with how other people react to it. I totally get that not being worried and get yourself into the whole emotional game that everyone always finds themselves playing, I get that part that makes a whole lot of sense.

The thing is, is in the end, though, it tends to take you full circle to a point of helping other people. People that have got their stuff together, don’t need to care about what other people think in order that they can care about what other people think.

And in the end, it really comes down to helping other people live a whole chunk of life is about helping other people. You can’t help other people if you’re dependent on what they think and what they feel. So I’m not against the idea in and of itself.

I think it’s an okay idea.

I it’s probably an issue with English itself.

English and the fact that most of us don’t do really well with language that is English. You know, we don’t necessarily say things in the best way possible.

But English is not an easy language because we have one we have singular words that mean many different things and sometimes mean completely the opposite things using the same words, you know what I mean?

And so when you say you don’t care about someone else’s thoughts, yeah, I get that on one hand. On the other hand, you need to care about what where other people are at and what they’re thinking because that’s how you reach them.

And if you’re in any type of business, which in the end ends up meaning you’re going to trade something with them, your time, your effort, your money, your product, your service, you’re trading something with them, in exchange for something from them, their money, their time, what have you.

There’s a trade-off going on and to be able to do that you got to know where the other person’s at. You don’t have to worry about where the other person’s at.

You don’t have to get caught up in their drama. But you do need to care in a sense, you have to know where they’re at.

See his subtlety of words it’s a very careful thing that you have to watch. And you have to watch that you’re not giving the wrong impression. You see, once again, I’m having to think about how my words land, I’m having to think about how the other person’s taking it, you have to, that’s marketing, that’s business, that’s communication, human communication, you got to consider these things.

It’s great that you’re independent, and you don’t need other people, I get that.

On the same end, we live in an inter interdependent society, in a sense.

So yes, you’re self-reliant but in the end, you do need other people for certain things if you want to if you want the most fully rounded life possible. So these are subtle concepts and the type of things that I think a lot of people it’s really easy to gloss over.

And to pick aside, I’m all about myself, or I’m all about the group, I’m all about being part of the group and doing what the group that I those are two extremes that I don’t think are necessary. I think there’s a middle, a middle ground, where you are independent, self-reliant, but at the same time, you’re willing to help other people, you’re willing to bring people over to your point of view, you’re willing to have a little back and forth.

And so that it’s kind of one of these things, be careful what you post, be careful what you’re putting out there in all formats, both personally and for your business, for your organization whatever it is that you speak through, be very careful about what you say, because you may be given the wrong impression.

I think that’s most of the time what it is, I don’t think people really mean all the negative connotations that go with what they say.

I’d love to hear what you think about it, leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this, or go to and leave a comment.

And if you’d like to find out more about strategies that you can use within your business, which is a lot of what I focus on as a business, business investor. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can go get a copy off or Barnes and or all the other places books are sold. Or you can just download a free copy of All one word

I’m going to be back here tomorrow night. We’ll have another conversation. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

A Challenge: Search Beyond Your Industry

Looking to industries outside of your own for new ideas to implement into what your operations.


A challenge, search beyond your industry.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got three books here and there just to give you an idea of a very simple concept, but one that most people don’t take into account. If you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, if you’re in charge, let’s say you have an e-commerce company or an e-commerce based company.

And you would think that if you’re trying to make things better, you’re going to study your industry really well, you’re going to learn about e-commerce, you’re going to learn about SEO, and pay per click, and all these other things.

In the end, human beings are human beings.

People are people, no matter what they do.

Buying behavior, though, can be looked at a million different ways from a million different angles. And depending on what angle you’re trying to take with your customers over the long haul, is really how you should be looking at it. And you shouldn’t just be looking at it through your own eyes, but through other industries, the eyes of the same people.

I’m not sure if this is making sense, your customers are buying other things other than what they’re buying from you. They’re buying things that have nothing to do with you, but it’s the same person. And that same person may get attracted to you in the same way that they’re getting attracted to buying their makeup, or their gasoline.

It’s a very strange thing, but people are people. And no matter what, you can attract them in different ways and communicate with them in different ways.

When you’re thinking, marketing, when you’re thinking to advertise, don’t just go and buy things within your industry, or within the type of business that you have. I want you to think a little bit further beyond, I want you to think sales, I want you to think small little sub-niches.

And this is just an example. So you can go in a million different directions with this. But just as an example, if you’re thinking marketing, I’m going to give you three completely different ways of thinking about it.

First, I want you to think about one-on-one sales. You know, like Brian, you’re saying I have an e-commerce based business, why would I worry about one on one sales?

One is going to help you to talk differently in your e-commerce sale. Your marketing is nothing more but sales, salesmanship in print, in a sense, it’s you’re just trying to encapsulate the sales process in a different way.

If you understand the one-on-one sales, it’s going to help you move beyond that. So this is one an old book, I’ve got a little red book of selling by Jeffrey Gitomer. This is a great book, this is an example of a person that really excels at one on one sales. But it’s fun that, I’m not going to give you a review of this book, I’m just giving you an idea.

Here’s a fun book. It’s got cartoons, it’s got quick little quotes, little rules.

In fact, the very name of it is the subtitles 12.5 Principles of Sales Greatness, How to Make Sales Forever.

Now, you wouldn’t think of picking something up like this when you’re talking about making e-commerce sales. But you’re going to learn more about people in a different way different from your competitors and everybody else by grabbing a book like this.

This is a sales book.

Typical kind of sales book popular sales book, Jeffrey Gitomer, it’s got a whole bunch of good stuff out there.

Here’s another way, have you considered copywriting the concepts of copywriting go way back beyond before the internet.

Okay, here’s, here’s an example.

Here’s a book on traditional advertising and also a little bit of direct response style advertising. This one, this one’s called the craft of copyright. Now, this is not that easy of a book to get. I can’t remember how I got this, or how much I paid. But I know it was a little difficult.

In fact, this one. This particular copy came from 95. First published in 79, though, and talks about advertising and a very basic level in terms of the principles behind copywriting.

Copywriting is the story that you’re telling, in print or online now, but with words the story that you’re telling to lead the prospect lead the prospective customer or client into purchasing what it is or doing what it is If you want them to do.

Copywriting is an entire field that you should be getting into if you’re interested in bringing more people in, and you’re interested in telling a more compelling story, this is just an example of a book.

Very good book, and it’s an old classic.

As I said, it’s out of print, it’s tough to find.

How about network marketing?

Network marketing is a really odd niche. But the reason why it continues, or should I say niche should all depend on how you pronounce it. It’s really is an area that is extremely unique, kind of considered to this day, still on the fringe.

But you’re talking about billions and billions of dollars every year is made in the field of network marketing. And there’s a reason why it continues to be popular.

And there’s a reason why people continue to buy, continue to purchase products and services via network marketing. So I love to dig into network marketing books, because you’re getting a different perspective of people, especially people, how they act in mass, how they act in that what in a, in a club-like atmosphere, because that’s kind of what network marketing plays off of.

And also the process of one on one sales in a sense that whether it’s considered sales or not.

Here’s a little book, here’s the here’s this is one, The Consistency Chain for Network Marketing by George Campbell, and Jim Packard, awesome book.

This has very little to do with network marketing and more about personal motivation when you’re dealing with people who need to get something done, and how to properly do goal setting without actually setting goals. An intriguing book, you’d never jump into this, if you weren’t looking outside of your field.

So look outside of your industry outside of the books that you would normally go after, get interested in some of these sub-niches. And you will find that your whole viewpoint will change and with that viewpoint changing, your creativity will grow when it comes to making a better story and reaching people in a different way, which is what you need to do.

And if you’re interested in taking this business long term and making it really grow and making it grow in a way that other people can’t compete with, then you’re going to have to, you’re going to have to be different and part of that is studying other things looking at the world differently.

Hopefully, that makes sense to you. If you want more ways to be able to look at things differently, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s all about making your business competition-proof. Completely top to bottom. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can go buy a copy, or you get a free copy at

You have a great night. I’m going to be back here tomorrow night.

But in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

90-9-1 Rule πŸ‘€ (Neville Medhora of

Math and Content Marketing, who knew?

Thoughts on 90-9-1 Rule Brian first heard from Neville Medhora of, on expectations for consumer engaging with your work.

Checkout Neville’s Work here –


90-9-1 rule for content marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’ve talked before about different ideas when it comes to content marketing. And this may be a big surprise to you if it’s new for you. If it’s not, then you’ll recognize it and you won’t have to get freaked out about it.

So I first heard about the 90-9-1 rule by Neville from, you can go check out he’s got a lot of great content out there in social media land.

Now, this isn’t a rule that just applies to Facebook, or just applies to whatever your social media is of choice. It’s really a rule across the board when it comes to content. And I bet even for offline content, if you were able to track it, you would find a very similar situation. Because it really comes back to the 80/20 rule, which is it’s just human nature, that if you put out enough stuff, and you’re able to track, you’ll find that a very small percentage do what do the most of what a very large percentage have the chance of doing if I could say it in that sense.

So let me explain this.

What this means is that if you add these up, they come out to 100%, right?

So 90 plus nine plus 1, it comes out to 100. And represents 100%.

If you took 100% of the people that are consuming your content, you would be able to take 90% and they’re the people that are just lurking around, they’re just watching, they’re listening, they’re reading, whatever you’re putting out there, but they’re not going to interact with it much further beyond that, okay, and this is just just the stuff you could track.

I mean, let’s take video for instance, this is just tracking views. So if you got 100 views only about somewhere around 90 are just gonna watch, they’re not gonna, let’s say it’s on YouTube, they’re not going to leave a thumbs up or a thumbs down, they’re not going to comment, they’re not going to take the link and share it with friends.

That’s about 90% and these are all relative terms.

Obviously, the more the bigger your numbers are, the more solid these turn out to be, they’re probably even more skewed in the direction of a large percentage of people not doing anything when you have fewer and fewer numbers.

So 9% are going to interact a little bit. Okay, they may leave a thumbs up, they may leave a thumbs down, they may do something every once in a while they’re going to do something.

And then 1% is going to be your star players. So literally one out of 100, 1 out of 100 are going to leave a comment, they’re going to want to talk back and forth, they’re going to want to learn more about you, they may watch more than one video, they may go beyond that.

And so you have to understand that you got to hit a lot of people if you want any type of measurable response back. This is not to say that the 90% aren’t useful, or that they aren’t doing anything, or that they won’t view more of your stuff.

That’s not what we’re saying here. They might or they may not. But you don’t know you’re not going to be able to track them other than a view other than a hit click here or there, that there’s not much else that you’ll be able to do with that you just have to realize, you have to get enough numbers, everything always I know some people really poopoo the numbers game of things, everything comes back to numbers.

No matter what you’re doing in business, everything comes back to numbers.

Yes, you should be good at what you’re doing so that the numbers you’re hitting matter, and that you get better rates. But everything comes back to get more people through the quote-unquote funnel and that’s all this is.

This is a percentage no matter what you do if you’re in if you’ve done any significant amount of sales, or, or, or any type of direct marketing of any sort, especially direct response marketing, you understand this, you understand this concept. If you’re new to content marketing, this may blow you away a little bit and you may really be shocked that you can get hundreds of views and not a whole lot of action measurable action beyond that.

This is the game you’re in and you just have to realize it and you can look more into the 80/20 rule.

One of my favorite books, especially for someone just starting out looking into this is 80/20 Sales and Marketing by Perry Marshall. It’s a fabulous book on this topic, one I go to back to on a regular basis because he really takes this really deep idea and splits it up a whole bunch of different ways for you to be able to consume it. And so that’s worth looking into.

Also if you’re wanting more help in terms of strategies that you can use to stand out. So going beyond the numbers, go check out my book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can pick up your own free copy at AmazonProofBook. com.

I’m back here on a daily nightly basis. So come on back, watch, listen, comment, please let me know you’re out there and you have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Find Out What People Want πŸ€” Show Them How To Get It 😎

Thoughts on finding out why your clients, customers, subscribers really want and helping get it.


Find out what people want and show them how to get it.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, I’m gonna do another night based on a conversation I had yesterday with Tom, which I was talking with you about yesterday that Tom’s a new friend. And we sat down and just had a chat about our lives and about where things are, where we saw things going for ourselves business-wise and everything else.

He was really interested in his latest business venture. And so he was really excited to share with me the details, and I had a great time with them.

It reminded me though, of a process that I learned in my first years in business on my own. And because I learned it so early, I always assume that people get this principle, I should know better by now, especially after working with business owner after business owner. Inside and outside of large and small businesses. You know, I’ve worked with corporations like, you know, doing social media campaigns for Shell and a whole lot of others and I’ve also worked for very small, locally based companies.

But it’s amazing how some of these principles elude people that we forget, we get all caught up with the details in the processes and we forget the main principles.

All business is based on a singular principle, which is, find out what people want and show them how to get it.

Now, some businesses work even more directly in this sense, especially if you’re helping people build incomes, build businesses do anything of that sort, then you’re automatically in that realm. But every business in some way, you’re going to have to find out what your customer, your potential customer, your potential client, your potential patient, your potential patron, whatever you call them, you’re going to have to find out what they want. And you’re going to have to make an easy way for them to get it.

And that sounds easy iff you’ve never done business before. It can be easy if you keep your focus on that, well, it’s simple, let’s not call it easy.

It’s a simple principle, that if you can stick to it, things will get easy in time. But in the short run, it’s very difficult to find out what people want because it’s not on the surface.

For example, if you’re selling really highly nutritious cat food, okay, no one else out there really wants highly nutritious cat food. What they want, initially is a healthy cat.

But that’s not even really what they want. They don’t really want a healthy cat.

What they want is a cat that functions but they don’t really want a cat that functions, they don’t even really want a cat.

Initially, if you go deeper and deeper and deeper enough, you find that people want a feeling that is achieved from having a cat as a companion or something of that sort.

And it depends on that, you know, there are different reasons for this, you know, someone may want to cat because they want to keep the mice away and they want to keep them healthy. So that continued, that process could use happening and they don’t interact with the cat much. And that’s very different from the person that has a cat and sleeps with it and walks around with it every second of the day.

You know, these are two completely different people, they want two different things.

And if you go deeper in either one of their lives, you’re going to find a deeper meaning which goes far beyond the cat. There’s a feeling in most cases that people want to get.

Most people do things based on feeling, which is a very animalistic way of thinking about things but it’s just the plain fact of the matter of most things that most of us do, is to get or to maintain a feeling underneath everything.

It may be a feeling of health, of a feeling of wellness, of a feeling of not being sick, a feeling of not being in pain, of feeling it’s we’re running away from something we’re running into pleasure running away from pain.

It’s all feelings. Feelings of importance, of feeling, you know, and these aren’t all necessarily good things that we should one otherwise people wouldn’t get caught up on drugs and fake religion and I don’t mean real religion, I mean, fake religion, because there’s stuff out there that we all know that we would this, everyone here can find something they disagree without there.

So there’s stuff out there that we agree, you know isn’t good for people, it whatever you can point to that you would say is not good for a person, they’re doing it to achieve a feeling.

But also a whole lot of things that we consider good, they’re also doing to achieve a feeling. But then there’s a deeper level than the feeling and that’s meaning there’s a deeper meaning that people are after, then that’s you’re getting into a lot deeper territory, and you’re getting into something that maybe has a little more weight to it a little more gravitas, right.

And if you’re able to find that, and tie that through a string of events, to the product or service that you provide, and you can zone in on that, now you’ve got a way to have a deeper connection the whole time with people, and to be able to help them to be able to see it themselves.

We all do it.

But we don’t think about it. It’s not that we’re consciously thinking I’m doing this to get this feeling I’m doing this to feel this meaning in my life or to reach this meaning that we don’t think about that we do things out of automation, who we do things because we’ve always done it that way or because we think it’s going to get us somewhere.

But there’s always a deeper story that says the goal is for you to find out what that deeper story is to find out how deep the rabbit hole goal goes. For each potential customer, not every single one.

I mean, if you can be great, but you need to find out aware enough of your customers go because if you can find out where that is. And you’re okay with helping them go the pathway to get there, you’ve made it you now all you do is you find people at each step of the pattern, and you catch them and you bring them into the fold.

That’s how it works. That’s business. And if you’re doing it on a regular basis, if you have a business that duplicates being you don’t just help a person once, but that you’re able to keep a relationship going over a long period of time, that’s even better for you.

It creates kind of an ongoing stream, which is hopefully what you’re after when you’re building a business, or you’re considering that you want to do eventually is have an ongoing stream of income. It makes life a lot easier.

Hopefully, this makes sense to you. Don’t forget the principal, find out what people want and show them how to get it.

That’s it if you could do that. The rest is easy.

But that part’s simple, but not necessarily easy to get to that point. But if you keep it as a focus, you’ll get there eventually. It’s one of those principles that we could talk about over and over and over again in a million different ways and dissect it.

But I’m hoping that hits a nerve with you and maybe helps you to simplify your own business and the journey that you’re on. So that’s all I’ve got for tonight. Yeah, if you want other ideas to help kind of dissect and give you a direction to go with your business.

I’ve got a book it’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is all about how to stand out and make every competitor irrelevant. You get a free copy at

We’re going to be back here tomorrow night like we are every night wherever you’re watching this subscribe, follow connect what have you and come on back. I’d love to hear your comments, leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this or go to you have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Perfect Time To Retire? πŸ§‘β€πŸ’Ό (Giving Up Meaning In Life)

Thoughts on retirement.

Should you ever retire and is retirement a bad thing?


Perfect time to retire.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is funny because this is a conversation I was having earlier today I’d like to thank my friend, Tom for having me out, we both had an iced tea, while I had an iced tea and he had an Arnold Palmer, looking over the Rogue River, and having a great chat.

One of the topics that came up, I think is one of those that gets discussed from time to time, but probably is great advice that gets followed the least I would say overall in life and that has to do with the concept of retirement.

I just wanted to touch on kind of my view of it because Tom shares, I think we have a very similar view of what retirement is because he refers to himself as a retired real estate man and but it really the retirements in quotes.

It’s that idea that if you really are retired in the traditional sense, that concept that I don’t know how traditional it is, but really within the past 40, 50 years, there’s this concept of retiring, meaning you never have to work again.

You don’t work again, you don’t do anything. And that unto itself isn’t necessarily a bad idea. But it’s more, I think what ends up happening, my personal belief is that people lose meaning in their lives.

If they tie all their meaning to work, and then they give up that work. If their entire meaning of life is somehow tied to that job, as soon as they give up that job there…it’s not that they’re giving up the job that kills them. It’s giving up the meaning.

The reason why I say that is because I don’t know if you’ve seen this, but you can go and look up the stats, that it is very, very common that people that have a very long term job, as you hear it mostly about police officers, or firefighters, that there are certain professions that as soon as especially really intense, for some reasons, intense professions, that take a lot of effort. And that as soon as they give up that work, they go home and not long after that, end up dying of something.

Something gets them and they’re done.

But what really got them wasn’t them giving up the job. It’s them giving up that meaning of life, the meaning of their life, and being able to pet and so I think I’m oftentimes it could be something as simple as just having more of a connection with people on a daily basis.

Maybe that’s what gave that person’s life meaning. And because they’re not in connection with people, they lose that. By default, it’s not the job itself.

But it’s that reason to get up in the morning, so to speak. And if you don’t have that, then retirements, horrible scenario, it really is the concept of just hanging out and not doing anything.

I think that’s a bad scenario for most people.

If you don’t have a real meaning in your life, if you don’t have a dream you’re chasing, or something important to you, passing on wisdom, if nothing else if you’re at an age where you don’t have anything besides a past, but being able to pass that wisdom on to the next generations in some way or form.

That’s a meaning that can be something powerful unto itself.

I don’t know, what are your thoughts on retirement?

Would you consider yourself retired?

Would you ever retire and what would be your purpose for life after that?

Where do you see yourself going, after that so-called line in the sand?

Love to hear what you think, leave me a comment down below wherever you’re watching or listening to this or you can always leave a comment over at

We’ve got all of these archived over there both video, audio, and even transcripts of how a lot of these episodes so go check it out. And if you’re interested in any of this information and you’re willing to and this is very much a broad concept today, but if you’re looking for strategies to help you in your business life, regardless of what type of business you have, go check out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get your own free copy at

You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Defend Against Energy Suckers 😈⏰

Thoughts on being mindful of time draining situations you encounter, even when you’re around those you love.


How to defend against energy suckers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Hopefully, you like that little display. Special Effects!

Welcome back, we’re gonna talk a little bit about energy suckers and I don’t even mean the people out there that are absolute vampires that you know, you shouldn’t be hanging out with, you shouldn’t be around them because they make you feel like garbage.

If you continue to hang around people like that, that’s one thing, what I’m talking about are the activities in your life, then if you do too much of it, even if it’s a good thing, if you do too much of it, you know that it drains you.

Not everybody is affected the same way, right?

Everyone has different things that drain their energy, and different amounts of time in which it occurs, right?

If we all go to the same event, so I’ve got my wife and my three kids, we can all go to the same event, each person is going to have the amount of time at which they’re done.

And it’s all different for all of us and it depends on a whole number of scenarios, you know, how much we had to eat and how hydrated we are and everything else.

But if we’re out and active in an event, there’s going to be one, at least one person that’s upset that we’re leaving. Because those of us who have had enough energy sucked dry and we’re beyond ready. By the time we’re able to get everybody back into the vehicle and on to the next adventure. And that’s just one example.

But you take into account my family, I just had family visiting, I love when my families members are around, I really do. But there’s only so many activities and everything else before you can tell you’re losing energy from it and it starts affecting your performance and everything else that you do.

It’s just especially people that are used to a certain routine, as soon as you’re thrown out of that routine, whether you like that routine or not, it messes with everything. It messes with everything that you do on a regular basis.

So for example, a few nights ago, I missed doing the video, and I mentioned how it was, on one hand, I had put off an extra step that would have saved me from doing it now that and we talked about that yesterday.

But another thing is having a whole bunch of activities squeezed in a short period of time that I’m not used to draining by energy. And you can tell it’s not one of those things that we and I don’t mean it in a woo woo way in terms of energy, I’m saying that whether you like it or not, there’s, there are energy levels and you can’t always measure it.

But there’s only so much you can give and you just need to be aware, you don’t need to be aware of everybody. It’s everyone’s responsibility to be aware of themselves.

You have to be aware of what you can handle what you can’t handle. And if you have a partner in life, you’ve got to make them aware, when you’re reaching that limit, you know, and you have to stop doing one thing and start doing something else, or vice versa.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. Just simple.

These are simple topics that we’re talking about right now.

But it’s just a quick reminder, nothing you haven’t heard before. guard your energy. shield yourself against the suckers out there. Not just people, the situations that drain you. Be careful about doing them too often or too much, or in a certain way.

Because you know what those are and if you don’t, you got to pay closer attention. If you do, then you can enjoy a lot more of life.

Hopefully, that makes sense, we’ll be back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back as I said tomorrow night as we are nearly every single night. You have a good one.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do It Before You Forget πŸ™„ (Punishment For Missing A Daily Video)

I know what you’re thinking, as the producer of this show I feel the same way. 😦

Yup, Brian missed doing a daily video yesterday and while there is no excuse for this, he’ll do his best to do that today.

Oh well, on to the next one! πŸ€‘


Do it before you forget.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a show that we put on on a nightly basis, I record these little episodes, send them out over the internet, reaching you in social media land, reaching you wherever you watch videos, where you listen to podcasts. This is how it’s done.

Okay, I’ve made an ongoing effort to do this, we’re pretty close to 800 episodes now. So we’ve been doing this for a while. Every once in a while, some big flub happens and I miss a night.

I don’t beat myself up over it but I will pass on a little piece of advice.

Last night was one of those nights and there were two major factors that I think added to why I missed it.

The first factor I want to talk about today, sometimes, if you put something off just long enough, if you’re anything like me, you may forget to go back to it. And it’s not that I forget forever, it’s that I forget just long enough that by the time I remember, I don’t have the ability to do it. You just lose time, lose energy, lose the ability to do what you need to do if you don’t hit it right.

When you think about it, if you’re anything like me, if you have a memory issue, if you have any type of memory issue short term memory issues, that meaning you get easily distracted attention deficit, all that all the rest of that jazz. If you’re anything like me, and it’s not then you haven’t heard before, and it’s nothing you won’t need to hear again.

But here’s one more person just tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you Hey, if you know you need to do something, do it now before you forget.

I mean, just that simple.

So what happened last night, I recorded everything I needed to record. And what I normally do is I’ll then go through the process of editing any slight edits I need to make and I put the little titles that you saw pop up.

If you’re watching this, there’s also the title that you see right now for the website for my book, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business. In fact, it’s a free copy of the book, you can get it at

Every night, I’ve got that up here. We’ll probably be transferring to something else pretty soon. But right now, we’re still offering that free digital copy, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. So go check it out

Now, I do that every night, I add all this stuff in, and then I have to process it, I recorded this on an iPhone, so I’ve got to switch it over to an mp4 format. And then I upload it over to my podcast producer who then distributes it everywhere where it needs to go online.

So that’s the process I go through.

Once I was done recording, I put off the other steps. I put it off even though I know that it’s best to do them right away. And I had some guests over and everything else. So I got distracted.

By the time I got back to it. I went and looked at the video and I had a messed up video, which doesn’t happen very often. It’s very rare that something weird happens in the recording just doesn’t take, this was one of those times. And I did not have the energy or power at all to be able to go back and re-record the video.

So I just made it simple and said we’re calling in tonight, we’re calling this one.

So just a little tip back to you just reminding you don’t. You’re gonna forget. So I’m not gonna say, don’t forget, just do it when the spirit moves you and don’t put it off if you can help it the things that you know need to get done. Anyways, quick tip tonight.

Tomorrow, I’m gonna tell you one other thing that distracted me and that you can always, definitely watch out for. We’ll be talking about that tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.