How To Defend Against Energy Suckers 😈⏰

Thoughts on being mindful of time draining situations you encounter, even when you’re around those you love.


How to defend against energy suckers.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Hopefully, you like that little display. Special Effects!

Welcome back, we’re gonna talk a little bit about energy suckers and I don’t even mean the people out there that are absolute vampires that you know, you shouldn’t be hanging out with, you shouldn’t be around them because they make you feel like garbage.

If you continue to hang around people like that, that’s one thing, what I’m talking about are the activities in your life, then if you do too much of it, even if it’s a good thing, if you do too much of it, you know that it drains you.

Not everybody is affected the same way, right?

Everyone has different things that drain their energy, and different amounts of time in which it occurs, right?

If we all go to the same event, so I’ve got my wife and my three kids, we can all go to the same event, each person is going to have the amount of time at which they’re done.

And it’s all different for all of us and it depends on a whole number of scenarios, you know, how much we had to eat and how hydrated we are and everything else.

But if we’re out and active in an event, there’s going to be one, at least one person that’s upset that we’re leaving. Because those of us who have had enough energy sucked dry and we’re beyond ready. By the time we’re able to get everybody back into the vehicle and on to the next adventure. And that’s just one example.

But you take into account my family, I just had family visiting, I love when my families members are around, I really do. But there’s only so many activities and everything else before you can tell you’re losing energy from it and it starts affecting your performance and everything else that you do.

It’s just especially people that are used to a certain routine, as soon as you’re thrown out of that routine, whether you like that routine or not, it messes with everything. It messes with everything that you do on a regular basis.

So for example, a few nights ago, I missed doing the video, and I mentioned how it was, on one hand, I had put off an extra step that would have saved me from doing it now that and we talked about that yesterday.

But another thing is having a whole bunch of activities squeezed in a short period of time that I’m not used to draining by energy. And you can tell it’s not one of those things that we and I don’t mean it in a woo woo way in terms of energy, I’m saying that whether you like it or not, there’s, there are energy levels and you can’t always measure it.

But there’s only so much you can give and you just need to be aware, you don’t need to be aware of everybody. It’s everyone’s responsibility to be aware of themselves.

You have to be aware of what you can handle what you can’t handle. And if you have a partner in life, you’ve got to make them aware, when you’re reaching that limit, you know, and you have to stop doing one thing and start doing something else, or vice versa.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. Just simple.

These are simple topics that we’re talking about right now.

But it’s just a quick reminder, nothing you haven’t heard before. guard your energy. shield yourself against the suckers out there. Not just people, the situations that drain you. Be careful about doing them too often or too much, or in a certain way.

Because you know what those are and if you don’t, you got to pay closer attention. If you do, then you can enjoy a lot more of life.

Hopefully, that makes sense, we’ll be back here tomorrow.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back as I said tomorrow night as we are nearly every single night. You have a good one.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.