Find Out What People Want 🤔 Show Them How To Get It 😎

Thoughts on finding out why your clients, customers, subscribers really want and helping get it.


Find out what people want and show them how to get it.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, I’m gonna do another night based on a conversation I had yesterday with Tom, which I was talking with you about yesterday that Tom’s a new friend. And we sat down and just had a chat about our lives and about where things are, where we saw things going for ourselves business-wise and everything else.

He was really interested in his latest business venture. And so he was really excited to share with me the details, and I had a great time with them.

It reminded me though, of a process that I learned in my first years in business on my own. And because I learned it so early, I always assume that people get this principle, I should know better by now, especially after working with business owner after business owner. Inside and outside of large and small businesses. You know, I’ve worked with corporations like, you know, doing social media campaigns for Shell and a whole lot of others and I’ve also worked for very small, locally based companies.

But it’s amazing how some of these principles elude people that we forget, we get all caught up with the details in the processes and we forget the main principles.

All business is based on a singular principle, which is, find out what people want and show them how to get it.

Now, some businesses work even more directly in this sense, especially if you’re helping people build incomes, build businesses do anything of that sort, then you’re automatically in that realm. But every business in some way, you’re going to have to find out what your customer, your potential customer, your potential client, your potential patient, your potential patron, whatever you call them, you’re going to have to find out what they want. And you’re going to have to make an easy way for them to get it.

And that sounds easy iff you’ve never done business before. It can be easy if you keep your focus on that, well, it’s simple, let’s not call it easy.

It’s a simple principle, that if you can stick to it, things will get easy in time. But in the short run, it’s very difficult to find out what people want because it’s not on the surface.

For example, if you’re selling really highly nutritious cat food, okay, no one else out there really wants highly nutritious cat food. What they want, initially is a healthy cat.

But that’s not even really what they want. They don’t really want a healthy cat.

What they want is a cat that functions but they don’t really want a cat that functions, they don’t even really want a cat.

Initially, if you go deeper and deeper and deeper enough, you find that people want a feeling that is achieved from having a cat as a companion or something of that sort.

And it depends on that, you know, there are different reasons for this, you know, someone may want to cat because they want to keep the mice away and they want to keep them healthy. So that continued, that process could use happening and they don’t interact with the cat much. And that’s very different from the person that has a cat and sleeps with it and walks around with it every second of the day.

You know, these are two completely different people, they want two different things.

And if you go deeper in either one of their lives, you’re going to find a deeper meaning which goes far beyond the cat. There’s a feeling in most cases that people want to get.

Most people do things based on feeling, which is a very animalistic way of thinking about things but it’s just the plain fact of the matter of most things that most of us do, is to get or to maintain a feeling underneath everything.

It may be a feeling of health, of a feeling of wellness, of a feeling of not being sick, a feeling of not being in pain, of feeling it’s we’re running away from something we’re running into pleasure running away from pain.

It’s all feelings. Feelings of importance, of feeling, you know, and these aren’t all necessarily good things that we should one otherwise people wouldn’t get caught up on drugs and fake religion and I don’t mean real religion, I mean, fake religion, because there’s stuff out there that we all know that we would this, everyone here can find something they disagree without there.

So there’s stuff out there that we agree, you know isn’t good for people, it whatever you can point to that you would say is not good for a person, they’re doing it to achieve a feeling.

But also a whole lot of things that we consider good, they’re also doing to achieve a feeling. But then there’s a deeper level than the feeling and that’s meaning there’s a deeper meaning that people are after, then that’s you’re getting into a lot deeper territory, and you’re getting into something that maybe has a little more weight to it a little more gravitas, right.

And if you’re able to find that, and tie that through a string of events, to the product or service that you provide, and you can zone in on that, now you’ve got a way to have a deeper connection the whole time with people, and to be able to help them to be able to see it themselves.

We all do it.

But we don’t think about it. It’s not that we’re consciously thinking I’m doing this to get this feeling I’m doing this to feel this meaning in my life or to reach this meaning that we don’t think about that we do things out of automation, who we do things because we’ve always done it that way or because we think it’s going to get us somewhere.

But there’s always a deeper story that says the goal is for you to find out what that deeper story is to find out how deep the rabbit hole goal goes. For each potential customer, not every single one.

I mean, if you can be great, but you need to find out aware enough of your customers go because if you can find out where that is. And you’re okay with helping them go the pathway to get there, you’ve made it you now all you do is you find people at each step of the pattern, and you catch them and you bring them into the fold.

That’s how it works. That’s business. And if you’re doing it on a regular basis, if you have a business that duplicates being you don’t just help a person once, but that you’re able to keep a relationship going over a long period of time, that’s even better for you.

It creates kind of an ongoing stream, which is hopefully what you’re after when you’re building a business, or you’re considering that you want to do eventually is have an ongoing stream of income. It makes life a lot easier.

Hopefully, this makes sense to you. Don’t forget the principal, find out what people want and show them how to get it.

That’s it if you could do that. The rest is easy.

But that part’s simple, but not necessarily easy to get to that point. But if you keep it as a focus, you’ll get there eventually. It’s one of those principles that we could talk about over and over and over again in a million different ways and dissect it.

But I’m hoping that hits a nerve with you and maybe helps you to simplify your own business and the journey that you’re on. So that’s all I’ve got for tonight. Yeah, if you want other ideas to help kind of dissect and give you a direction to go with your business.

I’ve got a book it’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is all about how to stand out and make every competitor irrelevant. You get a free copy at

We’re going to be back here tomorrow night like we are every night wherever you’re watching this subscribe, follow connect what have you and come on back. I’d love to hear your comments, leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this or go to you have a great night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.