Do It Before You Forget 🙄 (Punishment For Missing A Daily Video)

I know what you’re thinking, as the producer of this show I feel the same way. 😦

Yup, Brian missed doing a daily video yesterday and while there is no excuse for this, he’ll do his best to do that today.

Oh well, on to the next one! 🤑


Do it before you forget.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a show that we put on on a nightly basis, I record these little episodes, send them out over the internet, reaching you in social media land, reaching you wherever you watch videos, where you listen to podcasts. This is how it’s done.

Okay, I’ve made an ongoing effort to do this, we’re pretty close to 800 episodes now. So we’ve been doing this for a while. Every once in a while, some big flub happens and I miss a night.

I don’t beat myself up over it but I will pass on a little piece of advice.

Last night was one of those nights and there were two major factors that I think added to why I missed it.

The first factor I want to talk about today, sometimes, if you put something off just long enough, if you’re anything like me, you may forget to go back to it. And it’s not that I forget forever, it’s that I forget just long enough that by the time I remember, I don’t have the ability to do it. You just lose time, lose energy, lose the ability to do what you need to do if you don’t hit it right.

When you think about it, if you’re anything like me, if you have a memory issue, if you have any type of memory issue short term memory issues, that meaning you get easily distracted attention deficit, all that all the rest of that jazz. If you’re anything like me, and it’s not then you haven’t heard before, and it’s nothing you won’t need to hear again.

But here’s one more person just tapping you on the shoulder and reminding you Hey, if you know you need to do something, do it now before you forget.

I mean, just that simple.

So what happened last night, I recorded everything I needed to record. And what I normally do is I’ll then go through the process of editing any slight edits I need to make and I put the little titles that you saw pop up.

If you’re watching this, there’s also the title that you see right now for the website for my book, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business. In fact, it’s a free copy of the book, you can get it at

Every night, I’ve got that up here. We’ll probably be transferring to something else pretty soon. But right now, we’re still offering that free digital copy, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. So go check it out

Now, I do that every night, I add all this stuff in, and then I have to process it, I recorded this on an iPhone, so I’ve got to switch it over to an mp4 format. And then I upload it over to my podcast producer who then distributes it everywhere where it needs to go online.

So that’s the process I go through.

Once I was done recording, I put off the other steps. I put it off even though I know that it’s best to do them right away. And I had some guests over and everything else. So I got distracted.

By the time I got back to it. I went and looked at the video and I had a messed up video, which doesn’t happen very often. It’s very rare that something weird happens in the recording just doesn’t take, this was one of those times. And I did not have the energy or power at all to be able to go back and re-record the video.

So I just made it simple and said we’re calling in tonight, we’re calling this one.

So just a little tip back to you just reminding you don’t. You’re gonna forget. So I’m not gonna say, don’t forget, just do it when the spirit moves you and don’t put it off if you can help it the things that you know need to get done. Anyways, quick tip tonight.

Tomorrow, I’m gonna tell you one other thing that distracted me and that you can always, definitely watch out for. We’ll be talking about that tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Forgetfulness and Business: Part 2

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Forgetfulness sucks and Poison Oak is no fun.

Forgetfulness and Business Ownership

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