Catching Your Customer’s Eyes 👀 (Renewals by Andersen, Direct Mail Piece)

Brian gives us a mail review from a mailer by Renewals by Andersen.


Catching your customers eyes.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk about a piece of mail I got today. So we’ve been talking about like deep things lately on our little conversations, our nightly conversations.

But today I want to show you, this is a piece of relatively thick cardstock, let’s say it’s cardstock. It’s a relatively thick piece of paper and I don’t know enough about the paper to tell you how thick this is but they kind of get an idea just by the sound by looking at it.

This showed up in my mailbox. It was sitting there with some other stuff and it was sitting there kind of wide open. Then I looked at him like this is this a piece of mail or did someone slip this in my box.

So the first thought that went into my mind because it looks like just a piece of paper. And it’s just a very thick piece of paper. So it’s got the address, it’s got it’s pretty sorted standard US postage paid, Twin Cities Minnesota. looks like it came from Springfield, Oregon, or at least that’s why it’s made to look like Springfield’s not far from here. It’s a little north, a few hours north of here.

This is by a company called, Renewals by Andersen. But I want, I want to just point this out if you’re looking to get attention from your customers, regardless of what style of marketing, this is direct mail, but regardless of what style of marketing, the whole idea is to catch their eye.

The whole idea is to get their attention for just one more second, and there are so many very subtle things about this piece that makes it different.

Number one, you don’t get many pieces of mail that are just like this, even a postcard, or an oversized postcard. A postcard this size, it tends to have a little bit more weight and a lot more gloss.

This is not glossy, it’s a very flat matte look to it. Okay, that’s the first thing that caught my eyes.

Second thing is, I’m not sure if you can tell from the lighting in here and everything else. But it’s a very interesting color. It’s not white. It’s not exactly pink. But it’s a very light, something in between white and pink.

That’s off putting it catches your eye, it’s not a typical thing that you’d see. In fact, it kind of looks as I’m looking at it.

Now it kind of appears to be like a, if you’ve ever seen those carbon copies that used to have these around a lot more often before copy machines became so plentiful, and then printers and scanners. But the carbon copies where you can write something, and then you get a receipt and someone else gets a receipt and the top one will be like white and the second one will be like pink, and the next one will be like yellow.

And that’s what this reminds me of.

I’m not sure if it’s made to look like that or not but it appears that way. So it definitely caught my eye as far as that this is not accidental.

I guarantee you this is not accidental. If it is it’s a brilliant accident.

Having a very off putting color is going to grab people’s eyes, especially when it comes to direct mail. Just something that’s unusual. So it’s an unusual shape and size for direct mail.

It just It looks like a piece of paper, it looks like something that was torn off of somebody’s carbon copy. And there’s more to it. Okay.

In this, they’ve got this, what appears to be handwriting. And looking a little closer, I’m looking to see if this is an actual font?

Yes, it is.

This is a font. It’s a font that’s developed to be made to look like handwriting, how you can tell it’s a font is how similar, Well, I think it’s a font that now I can’t tell it’s very well done. How similar, a lot of the letters are, if you look at the similarity between a lowercase i here and a lowercase i in some cases, they have fonts that will I can’t remember the term for it, but it switches back and forth between they have like three four different lowercase eyes and so it switches between them.

So it appears to be like someone hand wrote this. And if someone did handwrite it it’d be just as simple because they’re they photocopied ever. It’s definitely photocopied ink. It’s not actually handwritten, but it’s made to appear like it’s handwritten in that customer information.

None of its personalized. So this is a sure sure giveaway.

It says we’re available in your neighborhood where it should say name, phone number address. They just kind of wrote over it.

We’re available in your neighborhood to provide price quotes. And then it goes through replacement windows all types including picture double hung. Replacement patio doors and fringe hinged and sliding.

Call our helpline a very clear cut call to action which is very important in any type of marketing that you do get a free installation, it’s highlighted.

The coloring is very I mean, it really appears like it’s highlighted you can tell wasn’t but it gives the initial appearance because it isn’t the same.

It’s the type of coloring that would not work on this type of thing. And so it blends in it’s perfect.

Says, call our helpline by March 31 for our installer discount plus an extra 500 off extra 500 off your project / Alex with his phone number. Alex, and I’ve gotten these things before, I’m not sure we may have done we may have shown something by Renewal by Andersen. But I don’t think we’ve shown this piece before because I’ve seen their Alex character that they use in all these things.

Very, very slick marketing. And for somebody looking for window or door replacement, this might just catch your eye. It caught my eye just because I didn’t It’s not gonna catch everybody’s eye.

A lot of people that are looking are going to notice this and go straight in the garbage. But because it’s different on many different levels, it has a better chance than anything else catching your eye. That the main thing.

If you can just remember that you’ve got to be different, you got to stand out, you got to you got to try something, you got to mix it up a little bit. I’m working with a political campaign consultant with political campaign and one of the things they’re doing is a different shaped political sign. It’s going to drive people nuts, you’re going to have a whole lot of people say, what is it? What is it?

Why are they doing it like that and everything else, it’s gonna get people talking, just by having a slightly different size sign, then people are used to it, it doesn’t take much to get attention.

So these are just things to keep in mind, regardless of what media you’re using. I talk a lot about direct mail. That’s something we all have in common, and something that’s really really underused.

I mean, seriously, you ought to look into direct mail for your business. But besides that, I’m not paid by the post office or anything else to encourage you to buy direct mail.

Overall, you got to have the initiative you have to have the desire to get out there and be seen more and stand out.

That’s what my books all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof of Your Business. You get a free copy at It’s all I have for today. You have a good night and we’ll see you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Tiny Business Tip 👇

Finding simple ways to connect with your customers.


Tiny business tip.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk about a really tiny business tip, but it, it has a greater principle involved in it.

So I’ll tell you the story my friend Joe runs a company called, Common Sense Wellness Worldwide.

And this looks like a postcard and it has the same it has same cardstock as a postcard would only on the on the opposite end is an invoice so well not an invoice a packing slip, I should say.

It’s a sticker packing slip that you’ll you have oftentimes when you have automatic programs, if you run any type of e-commerce company, and where you do have any type of deliverables, they probably have some type of packing slip, and a lot of packing slips have to peel off it on them so they can stick on other things.

That’s what they did here, they take the packing slip, they put it on one side, and on this side is a quote, here’s what they do.

So real simple idea.

Every month, they have a different little postcard and oftentimes it’s related with the holiday of the month, or what have you, at least the look.

Then they’ll have a really nice quote that goes along with it. And this one says it’s the dream that gives us the journey.

But the journey that gives us the joy Debbie Dixon, with their little logo on there, is simple, simple, feel-good stuff.

It’s one little tiny thing that a person can do but if you can get the principle behind this, every little thing that you can add to your company and the day to day monotony of your company, your relationship with your customers and your vendors and your staff and everybody else.

Every little thing that you can add a little bit extra to give people reflection to give people a smile, to give people a laugh. Every little thing draws more connection back to you, between the customer, the person, the in-person and the company, or the people that run the company so to speak.

That’s what this is all about is this alone isn’t going to change worlds. This added on top of other things within your company can make a big difference. It’s the little tiny things taking something as simple as a packing slip and turning it into something that you feel like putting up on your fridge or something of that sort. Which they’ve sent a couple of, I’ve ordered from this company for a while.

They’ve sent a couple more, I’m like this is pretty cool, I’m going to put this up pin this up on my corkboard or whatever.

So simple little ideas that help bridge the gap.

That help does make you distinct from everybody else. That’s what causes connection causes connection, which eventually leads to a belonging sense with other people when they have that same connection with that same brand that same company, and what have you.

Simple ideas are not mind-blowing, but they’re simple things that can make a big difference.

If you can pay attention to these types of things, I try to point these types of areas out on a pretty regular basis on a few times a month, I’ll bring up some examples for you.

So if you follow like what you’re watching or listening to here, you’ll be able to pick out more and if you watch for those things yourself, you can build up quite a what they call a swipe file.

You swipe the idea so that you even if you’re not ready to implement it immediately, eventually you can implement it in your business or a business that you’re working with.

Hopefully, that’s helpful to you.

I’ve got a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Those are more wide doors. These are tactics that you can use backed up with an idea of a principle this book is very much principle based with a with a handful of tactics in there showing you examples.

These and strategies that you can use you can pick up use directly in your business, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business is a book I came out with, you know a little over a year ago, and we’ll have more stuff. I’ve got another book coming out hopefully sometime this year.

We’ve got a whole bunch of other things coming right up around the corner. So really excited about this year.

You get a free copy of this book at

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Postcard Marketing Tips 📮

A case study example on using postcards to advertise in your business.


Postcard marketing tips.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk a little bit about postcards specifically for marketing. This is one of these oversized postcards and kind of talk about the direction you can go, just a few tips that you can work with here.

So one of the things is if you’re using any type of direct mail postcards, you just have to think about the person on the other side who’s receiving it, and what their thought pattern is and you got to think about it for yourself.

For one thing, it’s the thing about postcards, you notice that nobody really sends postcards anymore, like personally, one on one you don’t see them that often.

Maybe you do.

I don’t see it that often. You could still purchase them from some places, touristy areas will still sell postcards, but it seems like most people buy them for themselves and rarely send them anymore.

But maybe it’s just me, I’d love to find out from you,, do you still get postcards?

It’s tough to send a postcard and not have it be known to be a commercial right off the bat, right?

The real question is that the trick that I think when it comes to a postcard is can you hold back what the postcard is about or can you say what the postcard is about so quickly that they read it?

Real quick they get the point, they can read more if they want, but they’re already left with something with that first sentence, those first few words are they getting the idea, if you’ve got a deeper idea, then the best thing to do is to hide what the postcard is about.

So it actually means the opposite of what you would think it would mean. It means fewer pictures, fewer graphics, fewer things that will give away, and more words.

Because it causes people to have to read more words, to get to the point because not a lot of people, most people are not going to throw something away right off the bat.

Now if they see it’s a postcard, it’s got a bunch of words, I know a lot of people will just take it and toss it.

But there’s going to be a number of them, specifically depending on which words are the biggest on whether those words attract them further.

So if you’re looking to get a certain sector of your market to pay attention, then you got to make sure those biggest words are the words that are going to catch their eye that calls them.

And so this is an interesting one very typical of postcard marketing. But there are a couple of good things on here.

So the first thing I look at is what are the things that draw my attention?

And the real question is, is whether they want the things to draw your attention or not?

So the first words I see on here, if you can see it, well I could put it sideways to get a little closer to you. But those of you who are listening to this aren’t going to be super useful but you might be able to glean some items from it you go over to and watch the video, actually see the postcard.

It says free installation. That’s one of the largest things that I see right off the bat on all windows and patio doors. That’s the first thing that jumps out at me.

Secondarily, I would say up here and kind of cursive writing it says end of the summer sales event. So this has to do with windows and patio door installation. And you’re either going to be interested in that right now or you’re not selling on September 30.

So this is definitely a very specific thing it says plus zero down zero payments, zero interest for one year.

Okay, on the opposite end, the things that stand out here, the windows, the window homeowners trust.

I’m not really sure what that means off the top of my head window homeowners trust.

Are you a window homeowner, does anyone consider themselves a window homeowner?

So that’s an odd thing to make so bold, secondarily bold where it says what is Renewal by Andersen Windows is made of right?

Straight into the brand name, which I’ve heard of before. But personally, I don’t have a whole lot of knowledge on that.

I know that it’s a brand name. It’s not set aside as if it’s a brand name.

It’s set aside like it’s an actual sentence that I would know what it meant when I read it. If I didn’t know about Renewal by Andersen Windows and that that’s brand new that’d be a very confusing sentence to me.

There’s a whole lot more writing here all our windows are made from fibrex material well with that you’ve got a capital it’s capitalized. It’s got the copyright symbol on it. A revolutionary composite made from reclaimed wood fibers blended with Polymer. This gives the strength of our windows, the durability of wood, and the low maintenance features of vinyl.

And it goes on and on kind of boring stuff to me. I don’t know maybe this appeals to somebody, but I doubt.

It shows fibrex in comparison to vinyl, aluminum, and wood in terms of insulating properties and low maintenance, and so on so forth.

I guess if a person was really interested, they may read through that and then call here’s the call to action, call this number or go to this website.

More than 300,000 homeowners recommend it.

It’s very Addy. It’s very advertisement.

And it turns a lot of brains off, I can tell you that straight off the bat.

One interesting thing, it’s got a door hanger thing here it says hang on the door. So this was made, no doubt to be a door hanger. It’s kind of it’s perforated here, let me see if this pops out easily if it actually would make a good door hanger.

So I guess they can if they have extras of these, they can use them as door hangers. So yeah, that works. That’s it said that caught my eye because it was different.

So you got to realize anything that’s different. That’s odd.

You may get a few more people paying attention, but for how long, and what are you actually trying to get them to do?

Here’s an interesting thing about this postcard that really makes it stand out. I’ll tell you why it stopped me the rest of this postcard I would have tossed even being in marketing and paying attention these type of things.

Most of it did just did not catch my eye whatsoever. But this down here, fake handwriting.

Okay, I know what’s fake because it’s merged a little bit in the processing. But I had to look twice it’s very good fake handwriting. It says to mention this card and receive an additional $500 off your project. It’s got arrows, it checkmarks, yes. eligible for neighborhood discount?

It’s a checkmark, yes, it looks like blue ink. And it looks like actual handwriting down at the bottom.

This is also an interesting thing, he’s got like a fake business card here.

That looks as though it’s perforated. But it’s not it’s like to cut out and says Alex Bannng route manager and he says to, call my number to get a free quote. He has written and circles his phone number here, which is it’s a local phone number.

So this is something that I looked at, because I’m like, Did someone actually write on this piece of mail, that’s a draw. That is something that but it’s in a very small corner of this, it’s a very small piece of this, of this thing, but that drew me in.

Now if I was interested in getting these things that might cause me to make that phone call. Other than that, the call to action is not super strong here.

All the language is very adze, shall I say?

It’s just screams of advertising.

So I also on the back it also has said free installation plus $500 off everything.

So other than that, it’s not a great ad, I’d be curious to see if this really did what they wanted it to do.

Did it really pull in enough business or enough phone calls to facilitate the cost because it’s a good size, good size a piece of mail.

Looks like they sent it pre-sorted which is, it’s a form of bulk mail there you can say.

Interesting, very interesting that this is from up north of Springfield, Oregon, which is up north a ways from where I’m at in Grants Pass.

But interesting piece. It’s something you can learn from pay attention to other people’s marketing, especially if it’s in the media, that that you’re looking to use of postcards, watch other postcards that are out there. See what you like what you don’t like what draws your eye?

What doesn’t draw your eye, ask other people what they think, hey, if this showed up in the mail, what would you think?

Just throw it in front of somebody and see what they’ll say. It’s interesting what you’ll find out. So hopefully that’s helpful.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. FREE copy at

That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Direct Mail: Form or Function? ✉️📬

Thoughts on direct mail using postcard campaigns and the value of A/B Testing.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Direct Mail, form or function.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

When I’m talking direct mail, today, I just happened to be talking about postcards. Okay.

This comes from a discussion that I was having earlier today with one of my clients.

So we were talking about this because they were designed a postcard to drive traffic to a webinar, which is a great idea. If you haven’t used direct mail, to get people to do something online, it really is quite useful. Okay, it all depends on how you go about doing it and what type of results you’re looking for. That all plays into it.

But it’s something worth considering, especially if the whole idea of why you’re getting them somewhere online is to get money. All right.

So in the process of developing anything that has any creative aspects to it whatsoever, you’re going to oftentimes have a discussion that comes up of form versus function. In other words, does it matter whether something looks good or not, if it functions properly.

So she had produced a beautiful postcard to be able to go out. And I was looking at some of the functional elements and wanting to change some of them. And I’ll just give you an example. That ugly, can work just as well, if not better than beautiful.

This is the thing, I don’t really have much of an eye for beautiful. Now, sometimes it can go the other way around, these things all have to be tested, right. But this wasn’t a situation where there’s going to be an A B test of back and forth, where you send off and when a B test is when you have two different versions going out, and you see what type of results each version gets.

We weren’t going to be doing that. So it was kind of a one off deal.

And so I’ll show you this is a I’ve talked about Dan Kennedy’s group, the N0BS Inner Circle, they send me things in the mail once in a while, look at how ugly this thing is.

So there’s a little picture showing you what you can get. They’re trying to get you to do this on demand things. So they have they show pictures of all this on demand stuff. But it’s all words, all words you got you got a headline, a little bit of text. And the text is horribly ugly. It’s a, you know, it’s almost like typewriter type text, okay.

attempting to get a very specific reaction to get a very specific call to action, something very specific to be done online. So this is a very similar situation that I was dealing with earlier today.

When you’re dealing with that creativity is oftentimes very an emotional thing to begin with. And beauties in the eye of the beholder. So it all depends on who’s looking at it. And one thing, if you’re using a postcard, no matter what it’s seen as commercial, right?

I mean, something is unless you’re making it appear to be a personal postcard, which don’t happen as often as they used to, you know, people send in postcards, on vacation, and so forth. And if you’re getting it at work, it’s probably not one of those anyways. So unless you’re trying to hide it and make it appear to be something that it’s not, it’s going to be considered commercial to begin with.

That’s an automatic reason for someone to take it and chuck it as soon as they realize that it’s a commercial. But if you can grab their attention in any way, either by making it too ugly, or having a very captivating image, or text on it, to be able to pull them in so that they’ll pay attention long enough to get the message and move on it.

That’s the function of it and is it form or is it function. I always say that form should serve function when it comes to business mail, because we’re not looking to get an award on how beautiful it is. The beauty should be there only to serve the function so here’s here’s a quick way to be able to fix this.

Because there’s always going to be arguments about this back and forth. If you as long as you have someone that knows what they’re doing, you’re gonna have arguments back and forth, because there’s always going to be somebody defending making something more pretty or beautiful, or eye catching or what have you.

Here’s how you solve it.

Put out two versions, just like I said earlier, it’s the AB test, put out two versions and put them both out and see, you got to go to a wide enough audience. So that it’s not, the difference isn’t negligible.

I don’t think they were going out to a wide enough audience for this particular scenario. So I didn’t even suggested. But if you really want to solve the problem, have two different versions have a real ugly one that goes out and have a really beautiful one that goes out and see which one does better?

Sometimes, it can honestly go either way.

You’ll never know until you test it. It depends on what it specifically is that you’re asking them to do. How many people you’re asking to do it, how easy it is to be able to do it. And who that market is that you’re trying to get them to do the specific thing, right?

Very tactical, we’re talking very specific tactics, but there’s strategy behind the tactics, you just have to think a little bit longer about these things. And consider all options on the table doesn’t make one side right or one side wrong.

But like I said, when it comes to business form should serve function, as opposed to the other way around. It’s more of an of an order that things go in versus what’s more important than the other it isn’t, it isn’t one things more important than the other, just one thing precedes the other in the process.

So hopefully that makes sense to you. If you want to learn more about the wide spread strategies, the type of things that you focus on years ahead of schedule, and build up towards.

That’s what my book is all about, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, go check out a free copy you go get get a free copy that you can have for the rest of your life, digital copy over at Or you can go buy a hard copy over at Amazon or Barnes and Noble or anywhere that you purchase books. Or you could type the name right into Google and see where it takes you.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business by Brian J. Pombo. You have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Make Your Postcards & Flyers Work

Some thoughts on boosting your direct mail campaigns using postcards and flyers.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How to make your Postcards and Flyers work.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going to be I’m going to use a specific example of a postcard and go through this was this was handed out like a flyer. So the same thing is true of either way, whether you’re dealing with a postcard that you’re sending it through the mail or a flyer, the real question is, how does it work?

How do you know that it’s working?

And we’re gonna get into that in a second.

First off, I want to let you know that I’m a strategist. And I have kind of a philosophy behind business strategy about how to use strategy to make your business do what you want it to do and stop doing what you don’t want it doing.

How do you get it to double profits?

How do you get it to the point to where you don’t have to spend every last waking minute taking care of it and bathing and all these things can happen for you over time. But it needs realistic introspection.

And I’m going to recommend the first step you go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. I’m not looking to sell a whole bunch of books.

So you can get your own free copy at, get a free digital copy.

If you want to get a physical copy, you get one from, or any of the places you could buy books. But if you want a free one, go there and pick it up.

And then there’s a lot of other goodies that come along with it. So go check that out.

Now, let’s talk about specific tactic that gets used a lot flyers. And this is a small postcard size flyer. I’m going to go into in a second.

First I want to give you kind of an idea of the scene. So this I got this the other night when me and me and the family went out to a parade. Now right now, parades are verboten. We’re in the middle of 2020. We’re not in the middle. We’re at the tail end of 2020. Right December of 2020.

So we’re dealing with the COVID crisis and everything. We’re on the second levels of lockdowns that have happened to where they just don’t want people out there. They don’t want people interacting to try and slow the virus.

I’m not exactly sure the the distinct long term vision of where they’re taking things, but we’re not going to get into that that’s not important at this point. What I want to tell you is, is they have a Christmas themed parade every year. And this year, they said they can’t have it, because of all the regulations.

So where do you go from there?

Well, people tend to continue living their lives one way or the other. And so they decided to put on a Christmas parade that was not official, meaning they weren’t going to have really elaborate floats, they weren’t going to do it in the middle of the day.

They were what they ended up doing is doing it at night, covering everything with basically Christmas lights, you know, covering all the cars, some people just had vehicles where they had Christmas lights on, anybody can participate.

They said during this time in this time, we’re going to be just driving down the main drag in town, which is a one way and the one way in one direction one way and the other. And we’re just going to do a couple loops. So they ended up doing that it actually ended up having a great turnout.

A lot of people coming out people that just weren’t that concerned about that the people that were concerned wore masks and kept their distance from people. And it was all good fun. I think it worked out fine.

Now during that some people took the advantage, especially a lot of churches and stuff in the area took the advantage of handing out candy canes and, and other things wrapped with little pieces of basically, you know, advertising for their churches or advertising for their faith. And this is one of them.

Now, I’m not going to go through all the details of this one, it’s glossy, it’s cardstock, it’s rather hard, it kind of forces you to at least look at it. And the fellow was just handing them out just directly there was no not a whole lot of talk about it.

And this one says the Holy Bible written by 44 authors over 1,500 years with the perfect continuity. And all these other little sayings, you know, proven through prophecy backed by science, all this other stuff written about that kind of forces you to kind of turn around and look into it to see exactly what it’s trying to get you to do.

The front really doesn’t say much in terms of what you should do. It’s giving you a lot of the ideas, the concepts that go along with somebody promoting the Bible, right?

Look at the others. And this isn’t just about religion. So don’t don’t take it one way or the other. I’m not I’m not going to say whether I agree or for this or anything else is I’m not trying to go down that road. What I want you to do is look at this even as a business And is this effective or not? Okay, that really depends.

And we’ll get to that in a second.

On the back, great big, long paragraph, it starts within the light of these truths. And in reference to the Bible, reliability has to do with whether or not what it contains from ideas to history to geography, a more is trustworthy or not.

And it goes through kind of these concepts has a couple quotes from scriptures and so forth. On the very tail bottom here, you can see it says JP, graphics, artistry and design, okay, bit of an ad for who put this together probably helped pay for it. And it says, find RV salt shakers on Facebook.

Now, I live in an area of Oregon, that’s commonly referred to as the Rogue Valley. So a lot of things have RV in them. And it means basically Rogue Valley, the area we live in and contain multiple towns in this area.

So this is the RV salt shakers, salt shakers is a group that promotes the Bible and so forth and they’re on Facebook. Other than JP graphics, artistry and design, and RV salt shakers on Facebook, there’s nothing else to do. There’s nowhere else to go. There’s nowhere else to track it, to see what the effects are of it. So was this effective or not? If the main effect if your main desire is not to know whether it did any good, and just remind people that the Bible exists. And here’s some ideas about what it is all about.

Then maybe it’s effective, maybe it’s effective for you, maybe it’s worth putting money into this sending people out and having them just pass these out willy nilly to just anybody or not. But see it comes back.

All these things come back whether something is effective or not, is what it’s determined on what effect you want from it. What are you expecting to happen with this? Now, we’re not expecting people to show up to a church. There’s no church mentioned on here, that better not be expecting anyone to show up.

We’re not expecting anyone to purchase a particular Bible, or to get them from certain places, or we may be expecting more people to show up on their Facebook page, perhaps. And that’s something you can track you kind of see whether there’s an influx or what have you.

Maybe JP graphics, artistry and design are expecting maybe a little bit of a bump from people knowing that they’re associated with this. Other than that, there’s no way to tell if you’re wanting to know whether you’re advertising and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a postcard, whether it’s a flyer, whether it’s a piece of advertising you have on Facebook, anything, anything that you’re doing in terms of advertising, if you don’t have a way of tracking it, you will never know its effectiveness. And I’m not saying this is bad.

But you get you get what you expect. And if you’re not expecting much out of it, then you won’t necessarily get much. Maybe just doing this makes them feel like they’re doing something effective and then maybe they are, there’s no way to tell for sure, though.

And if you want effective advertising, I’m going to recommend you do you give people something to do. For example, in this situation, I would make it a little bigger. And say, to find out more about such and such to get your own free Bible to get give them a reason for coming to find you on Facebook. And then have them come there with their hand out said, I’m here to get this I’m here to do that.

Give them a reason to like you follow you on Facebook, find out more about the Bible at this place. All it says is just find these people here. I happen to know who the salt shakers are.

But the average person who they may be going after who doesn’t know much about the Bible and may be interested. They don’t they don’t know who the salt shakers are, what RV salt shakers is, and who says they’re on Facebook to begin with, right, depending on the age group, everything else.

Nowadays, it’s a it’s controversy in certain areas on whether you should even be on Facebook. So these are all things to keep in mind. It comes down to what am I trying to achieve? And how can I track to see whether I achieved it or not. If you do that with your advertising, you’ll go a whole lot further.

That’s the strategy behind the tactics of advertising. Hopefully you found that helpful. We’ll be talking more about this as time goes on. It’s just like I always do. It’s called direct response marketing and something you ought to look more into you have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.