Blocking Magic In Your Life? 🪄

Thoughts on what may be holding you back from achieving success.


Are you blocking magic in your life?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I came up with this one because every day I am in the show by saying, you got to get out there and let the magic happen. And I think that most people, it’s not that you need to make the magic or that you even need to, I don’t know, conjure up the magic or anything that sort, the real magic in life I find will happen if you let it happen.

It’s everywhere. It’s a constant flow, constantly flowing. It’s just that we do certain things to block it. And I use it on a business show like this, talking to business owners and executives and so forth because it’s true no matter what.

But it’s really true, you can really see it in the field of business, that what people do is they set out to achieve a certain thing. There are a million different ways that a person can block the magic in their life. Just completely keep it from occurring.

Most of it, I think a whole lot of it, the foundations of everything come back to what we talked about yesterday, in discussing attitude, your frame of mind, and your attitude is the first thing if you don’t have that, right, you won’t get anything right.

You have to have that right attitude and if you don’t, that has to be fixed. That is a guaranteed blocker. Absolutely that.

I could break it down into a lot of the same ways I break down business ideas. So I like to break down the things we talk about here into principles, strategies, and tactics.

Principles are those foundational types of ideas like an attitude. Everything else that goes along with that. You got strategies, which are really the plans that you put into place and a lot of times people will, either, I mean, people just tend to under plan or over plan.

They get too worked up with the plan and have something do work specifically, exactly the way that they want it to work or they don’t plan anything.

They have zero expectations of getting anything that goes back to attitude. And because of that, everything falls apart. You won’t get magic if you don’t expect magic.

That’s one thing I found. I mean, you’ll get somewhat life itself is magical, you know, just being alive. Existing in a healthy state even more magical. But it doesn’t feel like magic. It just feels like okay, well, this is the same way it was yesterday type of thing. But it’s magic. I mean, it’s amazing how these things are able to occur.

The next one though, is the tactics snd the tactics are what people won’t get caught up in. It’s the day to day minutia.

I found most of the problems happen on the principle and it comes down to the principles, it comes down to your attitude on what you’re expecting from things on how you’re going about that process and playing it out and kind of not foreseeing the future.

But planning on having a better future and working positively in that direction as best you can. You can’t predict everything. You got to be able to roll with the punches. And then there’s the day to day tactics.

The What, the How you’re going to do it. And everyone gets caught up with that as if that’s that’s where the magic that magic just happens. It honestly just happens.

It’s there. It’s available. We have freedom available in this world if you can reach an area with political freedom, and an economic freedom and religious freedom.

You can there’s no end to what you can do. And there’s obviously limitations on all those freedoms everywhere you go, for better or worse but it’s available. It’s available to you if you’re watching this, it’s available.

There’s a way that you can get it but you have to want it and then beyond that you have to expect it. People block the magic by getting too caught up with the tactics, they get too caught up with the How to with the specifics of a day to day with the specific people they’re dealing with.

I tell you there’s other people you could work with. There’s more people, if you aren’t getting along with the people you got go talk to other people, you’ll find somebody that you can either handle better, or that can handle you better or both.

I think in most cases, it’s both, you know, what we need, we need people we can gel with long enough to get something accomplished in life. That’s what life’s all about.

It’s about moving forward, accomplishing things. And in that process, discovering what life’s really all about, which is underneath all that it’s not about business accomplishment and success. But it’s what comes along underneath that it’s the person you become in the process.

I hope this isn’t too airy fairy up in the air, and tough to wrap your mind around. But the reason why I say at the end of every episode, let the magic happen is because most of us just aren’t blocking it. We’re keeping it from occurring.

It’s not what you’re not doing, it’s what you’re doing that you shouldn’t be.

If you can wrap your mind around that and keep your eyes out on what can I stop doing?

That might be blocking the magic.

You could ask yourself that question. That’s a million dollar question. And it might just change your life if you can keep your eye on that sucker.

So hopefully that’s helpful.

I got a book all about the strategy side of things. Okay. It deals a lot in the principles and then shows you how to translate that into strategies for your life and your business.

It’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can go and purchase a copy their hard hardback book, but they’re short. It’s a very short, simple read. And you can get a free copy if you want. Digital Copy at

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a great one. We’re going to be back here tomorrow but in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

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