Combine Interests For Extra Attention 😃 (Nintendo Lego Super Mario Magic)

Brian’s son Tyler jumps in on tonight’s episode to share his love for Nintendo Lego Super Mario in our talk about the power of combining interests.

Brian also shares how combining interest of gardening and chickens has worked for a recent company he interviewed named, Roost and Root.


Brian: Combine interests for extra attention.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. And with me is…

Tyler: Hello my name is Tyler. I’m his son, Brian J. Pombo.

Brian: This is Tyler Pombo here.

And he is How old are you?

Tyler: I’m 7 years old, and I have a Mario I’m going to show, it’s actually Lego Mario.

Brian: Lego Mario, okay.

What about it do you like?

Tyler: Yeah, like, if you put them on green Legos. It shows like, green, and it’s electronic.

Brian: And so you could play games with them?

Tyler: Yeah, like there’s a little pipe that you put them in, and that’s just like the Mario, you have a time and you have to go really fast. You only have one minute to delay.

Brian: So it acts like the Super Mario games.

Tyler: Yeah.

Brian: So what what do you like, Do you like Legos, or do you like Mario?

Tyler: Both.

Brain: Okay, so both Legos and Mario.

So they took Mario which which came first, Legos or Mario?

Tyler: Legos.

Brian: Legos came first. You’re right. And then Mario came out.

Tyler: So how you turn them on is, this a little button that’s down here. Then there’s a little app, and that’s one of my favorite parts.

Brian: An app for a phone?

Tyler: Yeah.

And then you push this one that’s up above it, then it actually connects to it.

Brian: It’ll connect to the app?

Tyler: Yeah, yeah.

Brian: Was that Bluetooth or something?

Tyler: Yeah. It’s Bluetooth. It’s awesome!

Brian: So do you think do you like that better than a lot of your other Legos?

Tyler: I used to build a lot of Legos that I changed to a bunch of stuff with Lego Mario.

Brian: Yeah, and you but that’s your favorite Lego piece is the Lego Mario ones.

Tyler: Yeah.

Brian: Do you think it’s because they that combines two things that you really like?

Tyler: Yeah, it’s like super super cool. You guys can like get it. I bought this at like, Fred Meyer I think.

Brian: We’re not doing a commercial just for Mario.

We have we have stores in this area called, Fred Meyer. That’s what he’s talking about.

Tyler: Yeah.

Brian: But, I think they got the point that you like Super Mario and you like Super Mario Legos. But the idea is, is that if you can combine…if you can combine two different interests, two different areas, two different things that people love.

For example, on my podcast, the Off The Grid Biz Podcast, we had Roost and Root and that website, it actually combines the idea of raising chickens with gardening.

Who someone that you know, that raises chickens and has a garden?

Tyler: Mama.

Brian: Mom does that. So it’s common to have two things that go good together.

You know, the old Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup concept to two things that are good alone, but also are good together.

So think about how you combine products, combine interests of your marketplace, and you’ll be able to get a lot more attention.

So don’t forget about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at and you can find out more ways to be able to make a huge difference in your business in the long run.

It’s a quick book, it’s tiny. It’s real thin. You get a hard copy or you get a free one and we’ll be back tomorrow. Thanks for being on Tyler.

Tyler: Yes. So there’s like, so like you can also buy expensive and expand on Lego Mario.

Brain: Oh yeah it goes on and on with all the Lego Mario stuff that you can.

Tyler: Also you can take off his pants.

Brian: Oh, yeah, which is always a good feature.

So thanks for being with us.

Tyler: He does not look like this in the package but he looks just like Mario when you buy him.

Brian: Yeah, he added some added some Legos on him.

Tyler: Yeah, yeah.

Brian: So that’s all we got for today. You have a great night. Get out there…

Tyler: And do the magic!

Brian: Let the magic happen.

Curiosity Can Fatten Your Wallet 👀

Things be happenin’ over here in BJP land, and Brian spends some time to share a little about what’s going on. ☺️


Curiosity can fatten your wallet.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

While my hair is all over the place, I’m looking at it. Oh, well, you know, it’s, it’s late tonight, this is a recording this on a Monday night. Had a great day. gotta talk to some great people today, some really inspiring people, and nothing ever wrong with that.

I wanted to go into a deeper conversation with you about some of the projects I have going on, and see if there’s just an a mild interest among my viewers and listeners.

And there are actually three projects, and I’m going to tell you a little bit about them real quick.

But first, I want to talk about curiosity. And it goes by a whole bunch of different names.

People have different ways of explaining it, but there’s something about the ability to make your audience a little curious about something, the way to withhold information.

It’s like having a missing puzzle piece, and it just drives human beings absolutely nutty, it’s a dirty trick. It’s a horrible, horrible, dirty trick. But it’s relatively painless, and it’s not the worst thing in the world.

But it is a trick, and it does work. And it’s a great way to be able to take something, you withhold something from your audience in some form or fashion.

If you’re a business owner or executive, you could do this within your marketing, you can hold things back, you can string things out, you can add more intrigue.

That’s another word that gets bandied about a lot, yet add intrigue into the process of marketing, so that people aren’t expecting to get it all at once.

You see, it’s those quick little commercials that try and sell you in 30 seconds, or 15 seconds, they’re trying to sell you real quick, and they want you to buy, buy, buy, that always feel like it’s a bit too much, you know?

Oftentimes they’ll feel like and that’s why they have to be something kind of quirky and something kind of funny and something kind of a quick buy.

But if it’s something that requires a little more and requires a little more attention or requires maybe a larger investment, you’ve got to extend the process along where you’re telling the story where you have time to be able to unfold the story behind the sale, in a sense.

And so this can be done via email, this can be done via video, this can be done, I mean, there’s a million different ways that you can do the exact same thing.

But if you’re able to extend things along and you’re able to stretch it out a little bit, it builds curiosity, but it’s because there’s a longing for what you’re building up to. And there’s a way of doing it, and there’s a way not to do it.

We can get into all the details, but that would be a bit too much.

I’m going to I’ll probably be I’m going to use curiosity a bit here.

But to tell you that I’m going to I’m going to play more and more with this concept over time and talk more and more about it. So I want you to subscribe, I want you to come back and watch and listen on a regular basis. If you enjoy listening more, go via the podcast route.

We’ve got audio versions of all of these episodes on podcast, you can go and listen to it if you’d rather watch. If that keeps your attention a little better, then go on to YouTube or go on to the rumble or all the other places that we are located at and go and subscribe to us.

Follow us everything else there, and you’ll be able to see what we have going Facebook, LinkedIn, we’re all over the place.

So go check out Brian J. Pombo Live, we continue this conversation on curiosity and how it functions.

Now, here’s a curious point that I’m going to bring up. And there’s a reason why I’m stretching this out.

It’s not because I’m trying to string you along or trying to get you intrigued on anything. It’s really because I’ve got a couple more steps that I personally have to fix. Before I tell you the whole story behind these three projects I’m working on.

These are three long term projects, and I’ve been developing them for years and years and years.

One of them is well over 20 years old. One of them is older than that probably 25 I think I think we can say realistically it’s about a 25 year old idea that I’ve been playing with for years and years. It’s just now at a point where it can come to fruition, I believe.

And then a third idea third Project concept that I’m working on, is tied directly to…well, I’m not gonna tell you, it’s it has…it’s the youngest one of all of them, but has the most activity, it’s the least likely to be of interest to most people.

But if there’s somebody out there that does have an interest in it, you’re going to want to know what it is.

I’m going to go through real lightly what these three things are, just give you enough to see. It’s not meant to be a tease, but it’s going to feel like these just give you enough to see if there’s an interest level in them whatsoever.

Then I’m going to get you three call to actions, three separate ones, where if you’re interested in door number one, you’ll take that one, door number two, you’ll take that one in door number three, you’ll take that one, so on if you want all three, you can go through each door independently, but I’m going to have those ready for you.

Hopefully tomorrow, if not the day after, well, I shouldn’t be giving myself away out should I?

I should probably say tomorrow.

Okay, let’s do it tomorrow. Let’s do it. Tomorrow night.

You’d be here tomorrow, and we’ll go through it. So that’s all I’ve got for tonight. A little bit of curiosity, a little bit of intrigue. It’s fun to play around with those type of things. And it really does no harm, especially if you’re a magician like me and you.

You’re the bad magician, you you show how the tricks done. I’m giving you the inside. Look on how the tricks done here.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s all about overcoming competition, no matter who you are.

If you’re the one that’s making the decision in your company, you’re going to want to read this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Go get a free copy.

Find out a little bit more about it at

We’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Should I Repeat Myself When Putting Out Blogs, Videos & Podcasts?

The value of repeating your message over time to your market.


Should I repeat myself when putting out blogs, videos and podcasts?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

People ask this question in different ways and it’s usually something more specific. It’s, you know, I put out these vlogs on YouTube.

What if I say the same thing over and over again, or what if I keep talking about the same subject and everything?

You know, my area of expertise is very small, what if I keep repeating myself?

And so the real question, is it the reason why I’m bringing up this question is because last night, I did a video in which is based on a saying from Dan Kennedy, I thought at the time that I had not done a video about that saying, all I had to do is do a search and find in my videos that I had done a video directly on that saying in a different way.

Is it bad that I repeated myself…and I said the same thing over again?

No, it’s not.

In fact, the real problem with most marketing is that people do not repeat themselves often enough, the likeliness of to have the exact same people seeing that same video, or hearing that same audio hearing that same podcast episode is very low.

Most you know, I don’t have the 1,000s upon 1,000s of people listening to these currently, as I’m recording this in March of 2021. Now, April of 2021, I guess we are now we don’t have that’s not where I’m at.

And even if I did, chances are all those people need to hear the same message multiple times, and they probably did not watch or listen to that episode, over and over and over again.

So they need to hear it again, you need to hear it again, I’m gonna keep saying the same things over and over again, whether it sounds like I’m repeating myself or not, I am repeating myself constantly.

In fact, just about everything that I talk about comes from the three pillars of which is if you recall, if you’ve caught these videos or podcasts before we talk about how to be relationship reliant how to be system based in reality grounded, those everything is around those three, or multiples of those three, like last night’s last night’s episode.

So repeat yourself, I don’t care how you’re doing it, or where you’re doing it, you’ve got to say the same thing over and over, he stated a different way. You can use different examples to show the same concept.

But it’s important for you to repeat yourself over and over and over again. Because that’s the only way that you can get into people’s heads and get the message across.

If you’ve ever worked that, well, there’s a couple a couple different analogies for this one, one of the most common ones is being a parent, if you’ve been a parent at all, you will know this to be the case, you have to say things over and over and over and over and over. And maybe some of it will stick.

But it has to be there has to be repetition, there has to be consistency.

Number two, if you’ve been any form of teacher or coach, you realize that you got to repeat yourself over and over and over and over. It’s not just because they’re children.

This is the same thing as with adults, even more so with adults, because adults are so distracted by everything. beyond what children are distracted by that.

I mean, some have more focus. But then those are the ones that are over focused, and they’re not listening to what you’re saying they’re stuck on something in their head.

You got to repeat yourself. You got to repeat yourself in marketing, you got to repeat yourself in all content that you’re putting out there.

Say it over and over and over again. Eventually, some of it may stick eventually, some will may do what you want them to do.

What do I want you to do? I’m going to I’m going to repeat this over and over again.

Because I say this every night. Nearly every single night I come out here and we have this conversation I talked about my book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business and I know you haven’t downloaded it yet. Go and download it go and check it out.

Go put in your email address and download the stupid book. Go check it out. I’d love to hear what you think.

Even if you completely hate it, even if it’s completely planned. I will I will give you your money back, which I didn’t take any money so it’ll be easy. It’s an easy thing to stick with that even if you go further and you end up purchasing a physical copy, I’ll be happy to give you your money back if you’re not satisfied with with the content.

So that’s pretty hard to beat. I don’t know how much better I can get than that, I’m going to repeat it over and over again. Because that’s the only way to get people to do what you want them to do.

What I’m asking you to do, what I’m encouraging you to do what I’m imploring you to do. So, hopefully that makes sense to you. We’ll be back here tomorrow night and it won’t be here. I will be up in the air and I will be coming back to you from a different state in the union.

These are recorded every night here in or in Grants Pass Oregon. This is where headquarters is head is located. And tomorrow we’re going to be on the other side of the coast.

So I’ll tell you more about that when we get there. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Zoom H1n for Podcasting? 👀

Brian talks about his cool new purchase for recording live podcasts called the, Zoom H1n.


Zoom H1n for podcasting.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we are reviewing the H1n, the Zoom H1n, and this is i don’t know if you can tell it’s a small little thing very simple digital recorder not simple it does a whole heck of a lot but it is deceptively simple in presentation.

There’s not a whole lot to it it takes two double a batteries in the back it’s got a little spot that you can screw in a tripod so you can have it i actually have a small small little tripod bought separately that i could just screw this right in is the first time i’m doing this so i’m assuming i could screw it right in, I can there it is.

So I could set it down I bought this for podcasting and it’s one of those situations where it doesn’t take a whole lot to do podcasts especially live podcasts.

If you’re doing them at a distance zoom works perfectly well for an audio podcast or a video podcast but especially for audio. If you’ve got a strong enough connection it doesn’t take much i have also done interviews over the phone where there’s apps that allow you to record basically it’s a third party that’s recording the conversation that you you kind of have a three way call that’s the best ones i’ve been able to use so far at least on an iphone.

But when it comes to live conversations i was looking for something that i can record a conversation with multiple people in the room. Because i have these little lav mics like the one I’m using right now and i’ll have two of them on a splitter connected to my iphone.

And I’ve gotten really good at podcast quality off of those when you start splitting it more than two ways it can get a little iffy and it’s one of those things where I just didn’t want to go through the hassle of that in person.

I just wanted to be able to have something that I could sit down and record and this thing’s got microphones going in two different directions you can see that there and so it really gets ambient sound. It also allows you to adjust between zero and 10, they missed 11 for some reason but zero and 10 you can adjust the sensitivity of the mics to where you can really pick up a lot.

I mean I’ve got it somewhere between five and six and it does perfectly well you do it any more than that and you can hear yourself breathing and everything else.

It’s like I don’t need it that direct but if I have a further away from me I’d probably turn it up a little bit if i had a couple people in the room I might turn up a little bit and just send it away from us and make sure that it’s picking us up.

It’s got a place that you can listen in on it’s got a place that you can plug in another microphone and so you can get a whole lot out of this and just doing some minor recording off but i can’t believe how wonderful it sounds really really good.

There’s a whole lot of technical stuff about i don’t even understand but if you’re looking for something if you don’t need something that’s super techie but just has a very simple idea behind it.

You’ll want to get an sd card i bought this in a pack somebody had a little kit that included a 32 g i believe is sd card and that’s how you keep memory on it so you want an sd card. Was a bunch of memory on it so you can record as much as you want and stuff like 32 g’s quite a bit when it comes to just recording mp3 which is what i’m doing with this so so far so good.

If I end up having bad news about this thing later on I’ll let you know but you can see online reviews are very high for this thing it’s an amazing little piece of technology.

And if you’re looking to do podcasts and you’re looking to do them in person and you want something even more simple than your iphone in terms of having a whole lot of capability but also being able to do a lot this is a great little great little buy so I got a kit with this on its own it’s under 100 bucks currently if you buy it in the kit it has a whole lot more stuff I’m going to post this review on if they’ll accept it.

I’m Brian Pombo on the writer of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at or buy it on Or anywhere else so i’ll be back here tomorrow in the meantime you get out there and let the magic happen.

Podcasting: Should I Guest or Host My Own? 🎙️

Taking a look at hosting and being a guest on podcasts and which is right for you. 🧐

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Should I guest or start a podcast?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

That’s a question that I’ve heard and I’ve seen it spread around quite a bit.

The answer is very simple. The answer is, yes, okay, you need to do both. If your main goal in the sense of podcasting, the main goal is to stand out, the main goal is to be seen to be heard, okay.

If that’s a benefit to you to be seen and be heard, then yes, you ought to start a podcast. Yes, you ought to organize it, make sure it’s run right work with somebody that’s worked in, that’s built podcasts before and can help you through some of the stumbling blocks associated.

It’s really not that tough, especially if you already have a team of people that work with you.

If you’re a business person, if you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive of a business, it’s a great way to be able to do it, because you can pick and choose who does each role associated with having a podcast.

So starting a podcast is great. It puts you in front of whatever audience you want to be in front of, really, honestly, wherever you want to be.

Let’s say you want to get in front of gardeners, okay. Interview anyone that’s in the gardening sceen. I mean anybody, get the people that make the seeds, get the people that sell the fertilizers, get the people that teach how to garden, you get them all on your podcast, all of a sudden, you’re getting their audiences, right.

Not only that, you could play off of it, run an ad based off of the whole those metrics and be able to get more and more attention, based off the attention of other people all for free.

That’s the cool thing about podcasts, most of the time, they’re completely free to be on.

They’re completely free to get in front of these audiences and you may even find some advertising, some advertising some ways to advertise.

Beyond that, to in some of these areas that with all these new people that you’re meeting, get out there and get people on your podcast, that’s great, then guest on others podcasts.

So a lot of people already have podcasts going, they may not even call it a podcast, it may be a video channel on YouTube or what have you.

Everyone’s got something running right now and you want to take advantage of the fact that it’s out in the open, everybody’s doing it.

Get out there in front of the crowds that you want to be in front of. That’s the beauty of podcasting, it’s something I I’m like a kid in the candy shop who I’ve got three podcasts, I don’t, I don’t even know how many different directions we could be taking old them.

This podcast here, it goes out on video, over on YouTube, on Facebook, on Instagram, on all these different places you’re watching, if you’re watching this, if you’re listening to it, you know that we go out as an audio podcast to all the podcasting, places that are typical, the iTunes and everything else.

You can be everywhere at once and we’re going to take this, it’s not just going to be me talking, I’m going to start interviewing people and cutting up pieces of those interviews and putting them out on this podcast on a daily basis.

So not only will you get a little dose of me, you’ll get a low dose of me in conversation with other people, especially those type of people that don’t necessarily fit on the other shows, or that we’ve had on the other shows and we want to go a little bit deeper with him.

We’ll bring him here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the cool thing about podcasts, you can do anything with them. And everybody benefits. The person interviewing benefits, the person being interviewed benefits. There’s no downside to podcasting. Do it all.

If your goal is to stand out if that’s not your goal.

Maybe it’s not worth your time. I don’t know, maybe not. But if your goal is to stand out in your marketplace, then podcasting is a great way to do that.

Inexpensive and even where you can spend money in podcasts and it’s all pretty worth it. As long as you are gaining new ground and you’re you’re seeing attention come back towards you, which is what I’m all about. It’s all about standing out.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business all about standing out in your marketplace. You get a free copy even for your own free copy, or you can buy a hard copy over an Amazon. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, by Brian pombo.

Hey, you have a great night. We’ll be back here tomorrow. Subscribe, Like follow wherever you’re at so that you can stay updated on these podcasts. We could continue this conversation maybe you could we could have you on this show, reach out to me.

Go to and reach out. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How I Came Up With 563 Podcast Titles

Part 15 in a 35 part series on headlines from John Caples book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How I came up with 563 podcast titles.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Why 563?

Well, this is the 563rd, at least by my calculation, video podcast.

Now you might be listening to this via our audio podcast, or you might be watching this on YouTube or some other spot, Instagram, Facebook, we’re all over the place, we’re even on Parler. Now everything else.

So we’re all over the place right now. And you might be visualizing it there or listening to the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. But this is 563 and each one had a separate title.

Some of those titles have worked better than others, some of them have hardly gotten any views or listens to at all. But that’s okay, because that’s kind of the game you play when you’re doing a daily podcast, slash video, cast slash vlog, however you want to refer to it.

But I want to tell you about how we came up with some of those. And a lot of them have been through this process of just plugging it into headline formulas. And some of the best headline formulas we’ve been going through here on a daily basis. These are the top 35 proven formulas for writing headlines by John Caples.

In his book, tested advertising methods, you go check this out, you go straight to chapter, chapter five, and we are on number 15. Which says tell a story.

It’s all about telling a story with your right in that right in your headline, bring them right into a story, which is why I started out by saying how I did this, because that’s a way of starting out a story that people get a little bit of taste a little curiosity, and then they come in for more, right.

And you may have done the same thing here and I’m going to tell you a little more about this. John Caples says in his book for telling a story, he says people buy magazines in order to read fiction and nonfiction stories.

Therefore, you can get high readership by writing a headline that offers the reader a story. In addition to high readership, this method offers the following advantages. A good story makes your message clear. And a good story makes your message compelling.

The effectiveness of stories was illustrated long ago, by the parables in the Bible, he gives a whole bunch of different examples, you know how I improved my memory in one evening of the diary of a lonesome girl, the tallest recycling story ever told.

And this is really the classic one, let me find the picture in here in the very beginning of the book, I think we mentioned this, in one of our previous I’m sure we’ve mentioned it and more than one of these video casts that we have.

This was an ad that he put out and says they laughed when I sat down at the piano. But when I started to play, and it the whole thing is selling, you know, a course on how to learn the piano. But that’s a very famous ad.

It drew people in had a really good picture for the time period. I don’t even know what when that was, I believe that this is 1925. If I’m reading it, right, this was 1925 when this ad came out, and it did extremely well.

It’s been one of those top selling ads and the the headline, style has been copied over and over and over again. Because it works because it plays off of certain emotions.

And we won’t get into all that. But it also brings a person directly into the story that they want to hear more about.

It just kind of pulls you in if you have interest in that type of thing. Same thing with the title that we use here, it’s all about telling a story, give them just a little piece of a story.

See if they’re willing to hear the rest of it. Stories are the most magnetic thing that you can have out there.

A great way for bringing people in to hear your message, whatever that message is, whether you’re looking to sell something, whether you’re looking to bring people over to a cause it doesn’t matter. It’s all the same thing because we’re all human.

We’re attracted all by the same things over and over again.

Now, I’ve got other examples of this in my in my own book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You want your own free copy, or you want to find out more about it, go to

We’ll be back here tomorrow with number 16 Let’s see was this 15 Yeah, this was 15. We’re going to go through all 35 John Caples proven formulas, and tomorrow is number 16. Once you come back then in the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Chaos Requires Pivoting

Some thoughts on being able to pivot and adjust to changing times with your business from an upcoming interview on Brian’s podcast, Off The Grid Biz.

Off The Grid Biz Podcast➡️


Chaos requires pivoting.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, I had a couple good conversations today, recordings for my upcoming podcasts. And this is specifically for Off The Grid Biz Podcast.

So if you’re a listener, be sure and pay attention because there’s gonna be new ones coming up, I’ll give you a little bit of a clue on one of them. But there also is and those of you who have never heard it before, go to

But we have a one couple we’ve had on our show before. And I won’t even ruin who it is at this point. Because I’ll remind you as soon as the show comes out, they had a really great business going.

Actually, they originally had a physical business going, they went into the information side of business, and had that moving really good. And a whole lot of it depended on giving speeches and putting on workshops and a lot of physical activity all around the globe.

It was going good until COVID-19 hit and you get this chaotic situation to where no one was allowed to move around the world, no one was going to be showing up to events for a long period of time.

So what happened?

Well, they took advantage of the situation. And like, they were telling me, they pivoted, they pivoted, and they built a an information source online, that worked very much like the events used a whole lot of the same resources.

So they were able to garner all of these resources, people that they knew and be able to plug them in to this same function. And yet, I’m not going to ruin it because I want you to listen to the podcast, when it comes up.

When it comes out, excuse me, and so it’s going to be really good stuff. And it’s something that anybody can do in their own space, in a sense of if you’re too dependent on one frame of marketing, if you’re too dependent on doing things a certain way, as soon as that way is being kept from you, you’re dead in the water.

And so you need to be able to pivot, you need to be able to have another way of doing something. And they’ve started from scratch starting in May, they started something brand new, something they had never done before.

Although it was similar in the sense of the product that they were creating. They’re creating a very similar product than they had in the past, but they were delivering it in a different way.

So I’m going to ask you, could you take your product, could you take your service, whatever your business provides, can you take it and deliver it in a different way?

If you do things offline, can you do them online?

If you do things online, can you do them offline?

If you are providing them, via….let me think of a good example here.

If you’re doing everything in person, could you do it over the phone?

Could you do it over a webcast?

Could you do it over a recorded video?

Could you do the same thing?

Can you train other people how to do what you’ve just done?

Or can you become a source for other people doing the same thing?

Instead of you doing all the work, can you just be the go between between the people that need?

Let’s say it’s information, need information and the people that are providing it. Can you be the go between for that?

The whole lot of interesting conversation to go on there.

In fact, I wish I could have talked to them longer about the same issue. I think we’re going to be in a place in the next six months to a year to where there’s gonna be a whole lot more to talk about when it comes to what they’ve put together.

And it’s something that anybody can do. If they have the right frame of mind, you can build something very similar. So it’s all about pivoting in a place of chaos.

Can you pivot quickly?

We’ve had a whole lot of conversations about that this last year, because of the COVID situation, it’s woken people up to the fact that their business might be stuck in a very specific realm.

You don’t want to be stuck.

You don’t want to be at a point to where you can’t move if necessary. So something to think about certain things you can’t plan for at all.

But you need to start thinking about and start adding on small pieces, at least to what you’re doing. That would give you the ability to move longer.

I shouldn’t say longer, I’d say in a larger way. If the time comes.

Hopefully that makes sense. If you’d like, tips on how to get your mind out of the box, and to really think about these things more clearly, go check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business.

In it, I talk about nine very specific areas that you can focus in on to see if you think your business can expand a little more and make it completely competition proof, which is a huge part of business in general, if you know what I mean.

Go check out a free copy at That’s

We’re going to be back here tomorrow. And so why don’t you join us again, we’re back here every night where we talk about tactics, strategies and principles to help explode your business. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Think Local and Global

Brian talks about a new podcast that he just launched called Grants Pass VIP Podcast.

Grants Pass VIP Podcast ➡️


Think local and global.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live. Today I wanted to talk about a new thing that just came out. So I live in the town of Grants Pass, not specifically in the city limits, I’m outside the city limits, but I do get my mail.

I’m in the mailing address of Grants Pass. So I consider myself part of Grants Pass.

I lived within the city limits for quite a few years in the past, so I very much consider myself a resident. And one of the things I wanted to do was get to know more people around here.

I’ve lived around here long enough and I still don’t feel like I know a whole lot of people. And I don’t really know anyone all that well and I wanted to find some people with similar interests and so forth.

I like meeting people that are doing things whether I agree with the things they’re doing or not is irrelevant. I just want to meet people that are out there doing things that have a passion that are doing something with their life, what I would call movers and shakers.

So me and producer Sean Douglas came up with an idea for Grants Pass VIP.

And what Grants Pass VIP is is a podcast.

That is an interview podcast similar to my Off The Grid Biz Podcast, where it sit down and have a little interview a little conversation with people and see where it goes. S

o I had had a great one today, that’ll be out a little bit later with a gentleman named Tim Thompson, who is the owner of And he does a whole bunch of other things. Very interesting. We had a great conversation and it’ll be out later on let you know when it comes out.

But right now if you go to Grants Pass VIP comm you can see the first three episodes now the first episode is just me giving a little intro as to what I see the show is going to be and what I hope it’s going to be.

And then the second two are happen to be two business owners from the area and out and you go check them out. It’s good stuff, really good perspectives on things.

And you know, both controversial and non controversial and how businesses are handling all the COVID-19 situation and so forth. It’s a really great stuff. At least I had a good time and I got to I got to meet or get to know two people a lot better than I knew before.

And that’s only the beginning. We’ve already interviewed a handful of other people that those shows will be coming out In weeks ahead,

hopefully, every couple weeks, we’ll put on another show.

So, here’s why I mentioned this. The whole point was for me to get to know local people a little better and be able to if, if it gets to be as good as I hope it will, if I get to meet the type of people that I already have been meeting. And if that continues, and it continues to go in a positive direction, which I think it will.

I’m going to pass on this knowledge to other people because anybody can do what I did. Or what I am doing locally here.

You could do the same thing where you’re at, as long as you’re not here. If you’re here, you could do it but you’d have to do something just slightly different just so you’d you’d play tour to a different crowd but or, you know, call me up so we can team up together. I don’t mind.

But you can do this anywhere.

I could do it down the road. If I go A half hour away and to Medford much larger metro location. You can have a metro Oregon podcast. And excuse me a Medford, Oregon podcast. And that would be great. You could have that there’s a smaller town there, Ashland college town, you can have an Ashland, Oregon podcast.

Very few people are taking advantage of the podcast platform to hit a low local locations. And I see it as being a really wide open opportunity right now. So I don’t know anyone else who’s that I’m sure there are people who have done it, especially larger cities.

But I have not met anyone that has that. I haven’t heard any podcasts that play to this type of niche. But it’s a way it’s a great foot in the door. It’s a way to get to know more people.

People are very open about I mean, they’re either open to doing an interview or they’re not. But if they are, and many people are especially if they have something there Promoting, then it, it’s a great foot in the door, it’s a great reason to be able to come in and not be treated like an unwelcome guest, or some salesman that’s trying to sell them something.

So it’s worth thinking about. But I want you to think, locally and globally. So this local play that I’m doing is really just a way for me to understand what to do on a international basis also, so that they all play together.

Don’t just think about one or the other. I think thinking about both at the same time will be to your favor. And I can’t wait to talk about some of the conversations I had today with you as we move ahead into the future.

Hey, come on back again. And while you’re at it, if you haven’t gotten a free copy of my book, go to Amazon book. Excuse me, you can get a free copy of 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Go check that out.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. You get out there and have a great time. But, you know, just let the magic happen. Have a good one.