15-Mile Famous Dean Jackson

Brian talks about a local marketing celebrity idea as talked about by Dean Jackson on his podcast, More Cheese Less Whiskers.

Grants Pass VIP Podcast ➡️ https://grantspassvip.com/


15-mile famous. That’s a concept by Dean Jackson, who’s a marketing genius out there has a lot of podcasts and other things. And I will talk a little bit about him and his idea today.

Hi, I’m Brian pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Just get this idea out there, Dean Jackson, if you’re familiar with him or not, if not, you go look him up. He’s got some good podcasts, one called More Cheese, Less Whiskers.

I was just listening to an episode where he was going into depth on his idea of 15-mile famous, which is the concept is, and it’s really good for people that have local based businesses, to say, basically, if you took a map of the area you live in.

And you put a dot, where you’re at where your businesses at, and you just did 15 mile radius all around and said, okay, everything within that circle, what if I was famous, what if every single person that lived or worked with inside that circle knew who I was?

That I couldn’t go around without people knowing who I was and what I did.

And that’s it.

That’s the concept of being 15 mile famous. It’s really focusing all of your efforts in a small area, it doesn’t need to be 15 miles, it could be five miles, it could be 100 miles, but having a focused concept.

And the reason why this makes a whole lot of sense, on a lot of levels is because there’s only so much focus that you have as a business owner. If you work locally, it you’re going to get so much more by just focusing on those people that are closest to you.

Especially if you have something that has broad appeal, you hit everybody that is as close to you as possible, that could be an ideal customer, you’re going to save money on marketing, you’re going to have, it’s not going to take much to market because they’re all nearby. You can basically send somebody out with flyers, or anything else to get the message out there.

And even on social media, you can get very, very, very close to a very small area, when you’re doing any type of paid advertising out there, whether it be YouTube or Facebook, or what have you.

It’s a great idea. It really is.

And it’s one of those things where we always think of being famous as something that has to be, you know, worldwide or country wide or universal universally known.

It’s not necessary, you could be famous in a small area, on a very small budget, it would not take much for you to be able to do it. And it’s a great stepping stone.

If you’re looking to become famous at a bigger area, you start small and work your way out. And this is a little bit of the concept that I’ve worked on with this new podcast is Grants Pass VIP.

Grants Pass VIP, is the whole idea is how do we take local celebrity and be able to play off of it to build a very specific brand, which is the brand of this podcast.

So if you want to see how that’s going go check out GrantsPassVip.com and that is our website for the podcast. You could also listen to us it all the places that podcasts are available.

You go check that out type in Grants Pass VIP. Grants Pass is the city I live in.

So very small town, out here in Oregon, Southern Oregon, we’re kind of out in the middle of nowhere very, very close to the California border.

And it’s a neat, really cool place to live. And I’ve gotten to know so many people, because I’ve created my own form of media in order to get out there and to get meeting people. And there’s a lot of room for it. And you don’t see a whole lot of localpeople using podcasting for one.

But a lot of forms of social media are not being fully utilized by people who are on a local area and who are looking to become 15 mile famous.

So something to think about with your business but also with businesses that might be able to work with yours.

Run that through your brain a little bit and get back to me let me know what you think about that concept. Like I said I didn’t come up with it.

Guy’s name’s Dean Jackson. He you could find a couple episodes where he discusses this concept over at more cheese less whiskers fabulous podcast where he walks through one business owner at a time how to get over their dilemma and find what they’re looking to get out of their business.

So kudos to him. If you’d like to find a way to be able to get your business and take it to the next level. It’s also a service that I provide. And you can check out a little bit more about me from my book, 9 Ways to over….. Why do I keep saying that?

I keep miss pronouncing my own book title. I don’t know what’s less professional.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s my new book.

It just came out last month. You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. We’re back here every day. subscribe, follow wherever you’re looking at this. Come on back and watch another one.

Leave me a comment. Let me know what you think about these concepts. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

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