Grinders: Stop Killing Yourself ☠️

Did anyone ever compliment you for being a hustler, having high-effort, or perhaps even a Gruden Grinder?

I bet you thought that was a good thing. WRONG! 😀


Grinders: Stop killing yourself.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I heard I heard someone refer to this before about grinding your face off. In reference to the older people that are hustlers and grinders out there, when it comes to business and there’s a huge passion in doing the hustle and grind.

I’ll tell you what, I’m both schools. And as you can probably guess, I agree that there’s a time and place to really hustle. To really make things happen and to really, really grind things, shred things.

That place is limited, you’ve got to keep it to its source, do what you got to do when you got to do it, and take lots of breaks in between.

Because to go go go for years on end, there are graveyards full of people that do this.

I know, it’s not an intentional suicide. In most cases, it’s not people that really go out to kill themselves, you’re putting in a whole lot of work, because that brings meaning into your life, or at least it seems that way to you where you’re at right now, if this is you, if I’m talking to you, if you’re a grinder, then it seems like that is where you’re supposed to be.

But you have to take it easy in between just to get your bearings, you got to be able to take a deep breath. You got to learn to meditate or something, you got to back off and be able to get your bearings and say, okay, is this the right direction?

Is this the right speed?

Am I digging in the right spot for oil?

Because sometimes you’ll get a clue just when you’re quiet enough that you may not be in the right spot that you may be a few degrees off. And switching now is going to matter a whole lot more than switching later if that makes sense.

It’s that whole concept of if I’ve heard it said of pilots, okay, I’m not a pilot. I’ve never flown a plane love to someday. But right now, that’s not where I’m at and I’ve heard that when you’re on course when you’re set to go from here to here, you’re constantly resetting the course, or the software that’s running the plane is constantly resetting course.

And if it doesn’t do that, you will end up in a completely different place. If you just set the course, from when you take off and you don’t adjust, you’re going to end up somewhere else, you have to constantly move back and forth back and forth to keep yourself on course to make sure you’re going where you want to go.

In real life, honestly, sometimes you don’t end up wanting to go where he wants to go, you think you want to end up in New York, but where you really end up is in Louisiana or something like that, you know, you end up something somewhere completely different.

Because who you are partway through changes. And where you want to go your idea of where you want to go ends up changing, you got to make constant course corrections. And it’s really difficult to do that if you’re in the constant hustle and grind mode.

Now, I’m thinking of a particular person. So I have a friend who just partnered up with somebody and he’s working with somebody who he’s known a long time. But he can see that this guy who’s supposedly a really nice guy, real straightforward guy, straight shooter, nice guy.

He’s killing himself in business. He’s just out there pushing so hard. It’s clear, he’s not taking care of his health. And he’s probably gonna get a stroke or heart attack over the whole thing.

I’m telling you, if that’s you, if you’re one of these people, talk to somebody, you got to start somewhere to start talking it out.

I know nobody understands.

I know your spouse doesn’t understand.

I know that your employees certainly don’t understand.

Find somebody that has some perspective. Another business owner, an advisor, someone you can talk to just unload on because of a little bit of a course correction as you’re going along.

I’m not saying you got to pull your foot completely off of the gas, but a little bit of course, correct may mean the difference between early death and a death that’s right on time.

When you’re done, when you’re supposed to be done not way, way, way too early, because you’re just too you’re grinding it too hard. There’s just it’s just a thought that was on my mind because I knew of this particular person.

And I know there’s a ton of people out there that are in that spot. It’s a spot that I’ve overcome, personally, at least at this point in my life.

Hopefully, I don’t fall into that again but it’s a point that I’ve been able to overcome.

So if you need help overcoming and you just need someone to talk to reach out to me

Also, if you’re looking for some help, and in this whole process, getting some perspective, start with my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Yes, it’s about overcoming competition and competitive forces, but it’s really about overcoming the competitive mindset. Because that stands in you if you’re the decision-maker in your business. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

That’s all I got for tonight. You have a great night. Get some sleep. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Rake It In Being Super Lazy
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Today, we’re going to talk about how to rake it in being super lazy. Sounds counterintuitive I know.

I’m Brian Pombo and we’re going to talk about laziness versus hard work and how I’m going to encourage you to be lazy. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon tonight.

This is a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart because I grew up working on a cattle ranch and hard work was rewarded, most of the time when I was employed.

If you can show that you’re working hard and that you’re putting out a lot of effort, you’re rewarded, meaning you get to keep your job, possibly you might get the move your way up a rank or two. But when you become an entrepreneur, when you become self-employed, when you become a business owner of any type, it flips. You aren’t really paid in the long run.

You aren’t paid when you’re getting paid from the marketplace based on how hard you work and how much effort you put into it. Because most of that, well, for one thing, most of it’s invisible. Most of it’s invisible to the marketplace.

Whoever your customer is, they don’t care how hard you worked for the most part.

Sometimes it can be a part of a story and sometimes it can be built into marketing and so on and so forth. For the most part, hard work has nothing to do with how well you’re rewarded. How well you’re rewarded is based on the value they believe they’re getting from you, not what you’re putting into it. So then the question is, how do you create value for them? That takes thinking. It takes smarts. It takes, and this is where they talk about working smart, not working hard.

It’s not that you should be afraid of hard work. It’s not that you should run away from hard work, but you need to focus on the right area, the right area.

Somebody in your company needs to be focusing on the customer and what they want and what they’re getting out of it on all levels, not just, okay, I bought this to do a certain thing. It did the thing, I’m happy.

The real question is what did they want beyond that? What do they want after that? Are they as happy as they could be with it? What would make them happier about it?

Getting inside of your customer’s head. That takes thought. That takes planning. That takes getting out there and having that conversation with your customer.

Finding out as much about them as possible, especially your best customers. Finding out as much as possible. So that comes back to you.

Why is being lazy helpful to that? Well, I remember a friend saying once that, if you really want a job well done, give it to a lazy person because they will find a way to do it with the least amount of effort.

If you could do something with the least amount of effort, it will cost the least to be able to produce it. And as long as you’re really focused on the end goal, on what you’re providing the value for the end customer, then you’re going to get where you need to get using the laziest person. Often times, entrepreneurs, business owners, they have a lazy streak.

They have a lazy side and I’m going to tell you, don’t run away from that because I’ll use myself as an example. The things I like doing the least drain me the most of energy. So one person may see it as being lazy, but I am always looking for the thing that drains me and try to find a way to stop doing it.

Maybe I automate it with software. Maybe I outsource it to someone else who really does enjoy doing it, who’s better at doing it than I am.

Maybe I find a way to cut it out completely or replace it with something else. One person may look at that and say, that’s lazy, but for me to be able to maintain proper energy to do the things that I do best within my company, that’s what I’ve got to do.

I’m going to encourage you to do the same thing. Don’t beat yourself up because some little devil on the inside is telling you that it’s lazy. You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to provide the best product or service to your customer. They want everything they can get, and it’s your job to provide it for them.

Provide them what they want and wrap it around what they need and you’re going to change lives in the long run.

If this makes sense to you and you’re a business owner or you’re an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have a self reliant life and you can teach people how to do that or perhaps you have products or services that help people to become more self reliant in any way or fashion.

Maybe it could be in health. I mean I even met somebody that is in the area of beauty which you wouldn’t think would be tied to self-reliance, but I guarantee it can.

If you’re one of those people then I like you to go to At I’ve got a quick little video there that will tell you about the dream business transformation.

What’s the dream business transformation?

It’s a quick phone call, 30 to 60 minutes with me where I can help walk you through the process and help you to design your dream business.

You’ve got a business, you’re doing good at it. I’m sure you’re successful. How would you like to make it completely ideal, as best as possible, or get it as close to as possible as being ideal?

Meaning you put in the amount of time you want to put in, you’re doing the things you enjoy doing the most, and you’re setting other people up, or you’re getting rid of all those things that don’t matter.

Go to if you’re interested in that. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking all about weather events, live events with real people! Weather live events is right for your business or not.

So come back tomorrow. We’ll be talking about that. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.