Omnipresent Content Strategy 📽️😀 (Howie Schwartz & Conversation Domination)

How Howie Schwartz’s teaching of conversation domination helped change Brian’s business forever.


Omnipresent content strategy.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a picture of Howie Schwartz, which I will get to in just a moment.

Let me just kind of bring you up to speed if you haven’t been watching or listening to the past couple episodes. This is the third in a series on how I discovered this concept that I like to call omnipresence and the omnipresent content strategy.

Sometimes I refer to it as the ubiquitous content strategy, or universal content strategy.

The whole idea is how can you be everywhere at once?

How can you be in all quarters of the internet and beyond when it comes to your ideal customers?

So I have to apologize, my throats a little tweaked today, as it was last night, but hopefully you’ll bear with me.

So what I’ve came to discover, and I talked about this briefly over the past few videos, this was back in 2007, that I tripped upon Search Engine Optimization. And the whole idea of Internet Marketing kind of came out of nowhere.

I got bit by the bug, you know, this was pretty early on in the game. That not as early as some people, some of the classic people started in the late 90s. But in terms of a lot of the people who are active right now, getting started back then I got to see a whole lot of action and got to experience it, at least from the spectator into things.

So the original time, I kind of accidentally found how to direct traffic via Google. And by putting out a lot of content on a regular basis in a lot of different places, and using keywords and so forth to attract search engine results.

Then I came across and as I talked about last time, I came across a interview with Fred Fred Seibert of Frederator, and how he was able to create this huge Podcast Network and be able to get all this massive attention by doing very similar to me, but doing it on a much grander scale.

I knew I was going in the right direction, but this third piece that I stumbled upon is this guy, Howie Schwartz.

Howie Schwartz at the time, was one of these internet marketing stars. He was preaching the gospel of Search Engine Optimization and beyond this concept that he talked about conversation domination, how do you dominate any given conversation online.

And you may have heard Russell Brunson talk about this and how he was also inspired, in the early days by Howie Schwartz. This was a really brilliant concept, because he not only use search engine optimization, but found a way to take any form of free content, which in those days, there were a lot of different types of free content available, because everyone was trying to, to grab hold, it was the the great land grab of the internet.

Everyone was trying to stake their claim.

There were a whole lot of offerings out there for free, memberships of free, basically, a million different places where you could post free content that wasn’t just considered social media at the time was everywhere.

There was this whole movement at that time called web 2.0, where it was more interaction and everything that kind of led to where we are today.

But it started then and there were so much ability to put yourself everywhere at the same time. And the way that Google was playing off of it just made it better and better.

Google wasn’t the only player back then, we still had Yahoo and a couple of the other search engines were still relatively viable, you still get a lot of traction off of them.

I got to see this one of these large webinars how we used to put on these huge webinars to get people signed up into his courses. And in the webinar, he just give it all away.

I mean, he showed you exactly what he was doing.

So I’d be recording these things, everything right off the screen, doing everything I could to save this stuff. And I wasn’t expecting it, Someone had passed it along to me in just kind of at whim it was it was nothing and it ended up my entire life running into this information and how it functioned and realizing that I could build an entire business off of it.

Because within a few years, I had done pretty well for the employer I was working for, and then branched off into my own business based off of all the principles that I got from free webinars and these free things that were meant to advertise.

I did end up purchasing a couple courses from Howie.

It was great stuff, it was great connections, a lot of connections that I still have today, were two people that I met through how these original courses so big props out to Howie Schwartz, wherever he is out there today, mister angel investor in kind of, he kind of stepped out of the limelight and doing his own thing off to the side.

So really thankful that he entered my life and was able to show me how to do some of these concepts.

Eventually, that led me into the world of a much more broader marketing, direct response marketing, all that other stuff that I’ve discussed about before.

But if you can understand that the principles are still true today, for you and your business. It’s all about the same principles.

It’s about having content, having something that you’re putting out there on a regular basis, and putting it out in as many different places as possible.

Taking one piece of content, repurposing it, okay repurposing it multiple times, and sending it in all directions, over and over again.

Making as much evergreen content, the stuff that never goes away, make it as much of that as possible, so that you have something that’s building and building and building.

We’ve done a little bit of it here, you can go back and look through all of these podcasts, the other podcasts that I’ve put out, and we’ve we’ve cracked the code on a lot of these things that I’ve been able to meet a whole lot of other people online that have done the same thing.

I’m going to be bringing to you more interviews of people who have been able to crack the code on content marketing, crack the code on the concept of true salesmanship.

Crack the code on networking, how to network in the modern age, it’s all the same principles that you would have used 100 years ago, but how to apply those principles to life today in the 21st century.

So hopefully, all that makes sense to you.

We’ll be back tomorrow with more more principles, strategies and tactics that you can use in your business.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Chapter nine is all about omnipresence, that’s what it covers right there. It’ll give you kind of the basis of what to go off of, other than what we’ve talked about already and what we talk about nearly every episode here at Brian J. Pombo Live.

So follow, subscribe and all that other stuff and we will see you and talk to you next time. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Be Everywhere
More Daily Vids➡️ –

  • Part of finding your ideal customers is being EVERYWHERE…they are
  • Listen in as Brian explains an old marketing term taught by Howie Schwartz called – Conversation Domination