Create Consistently, Be Patient for Results
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Create consistently be patient for results.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. We’re in a different section of the Orange Office right now. I just needed to do a quick video for you.

You may notice my voice sounds a little bit different. It’s because I don’t have my nice microphone so you’re going to have to deal with the unshaven non-microphone Brian Pombo today.

As we talk about creating consistently and being patient for results. This came from the Nathan Barry’s Article that we talked about yesterday all about endurance and endure until you see results and this has to do with content marketing.

This all comes back to content marketing. If you are marketing on a regular basis via social media, via anything online, and this also goes beyond online, any form of content marketing that you’re taking part of. If you’re creating some type of information entertainment that you’re putting out there on a regular basis.

What we’ve been talking about is daily content and that’s some of the best form of content you could be taking part in right now because you can do it all pretty inexpensively, with zero advertising budget.

And so what we’re talking about is create consistently, this is the same theme from yesterday, but these are two steps.

This comes at the end of that Barry’s article where he says, “create consistently and be patient for results.” Those are the two steps. That’s all you really need to do. If you could just remember to do that, if you could take those two phrases, write them down, put them up next to the area that you’re going to be doing your content from.

Whether you’re writing it, whether you’re speaking it out loud on video, whether you’re speaking out loud, just in audio, just recording it, write it down, put it there.

Create consistently, be patient for results. Just have the idea that you’re gonna keep doing this for as long as it takes because it doesn’t take that much money. It doesn’t take that much time. You just have to be consistent with it.

Just get out there, start the process, you’ll learn as you go.

You’ll see what needs to change. Little tweaks here and there. Maybe some equipment when it comes to, if you’re doing video, you might need some lighting and equipment. You might need some audio equipment.

Other than that, you could do it with an iPhone, like what I’m doing right here or with any type of smartphone. When you get past that point, when you’re at the point where you have a business that’s successful, that’s consistently successful and you start running into all the issues that a business owner or an executive in a of that sort starts running into, not having enough time, personal time away from the office, not having enough time to do the things that you need to be able to do.

You’re always focused on helping everyone else do what they need to do or watching over them or babysitting or trying to add a new element into your business that has a been there before and you feel like you’ve got to start everything from scratch and learn how to do it and then pass it along.

All these things start weighing down on you over and over and over again. If you’re already in that place, if you’re not in that place yet, write down this website, if you are in that place, write this down and go there immediately.

You’ll see a video where I explain what a Dream Biz Chat is. It’s what we call it, the dream business transformation and all it takes is 30 to 60 minutes on the phone or on a video chat with myself. And I will take you through the steps and apply all the lessons that we’re talking about here, principles, strategies, tactics that we talk about here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

We can directly relate it back to your business and show you how it will fit to take you from where you’re at right now, to where you want to be in terms of creating your dream business. Taking it from being really successful to being absolutely ideal for you in your life, so that you can keep going and keep building and take it the next step beyond that.

So that’s what we have for today. Tomorrow we are going to be veering away a little bit from content marketing, going more back into the mindset concepts. We’ll talk, we’ll see more of you tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.