Brunson, Kennedy and Customer Experience 😃

Thoughts on customer experience from a recent interview Brian saw between Russell Brunson and Dan Kennedy.


Brunson, Kennedy and customer experience.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Yesterday we were talking about the VIP treatment, and how Disneyland has been able to do that for years with their club 33. Very exclusive thing.

And I’m going to draw on where Walt may have gotten one of those ideas from in a future episode. But let’s continue the concept of VIP treatment, and how to really be able to offer as much as possible to the small group of people involved in your customer base that are willing to pay large amounts of money. Okay.

So, this, this harkens back to in fact, it’s a principle that Dan Kennedy teaches, which is ironic that Dan Kennedy was recently his while his intellectual property was all under the auspices of a company called magnetic marketing and magnet magnetic marketing was just purchased by Russell Bronson’s company Click Funnels.

And so Bronson and Kennedy are working together. And directly which is funny because Bronson learned a whole lot of what he got from Kennedy initially.

It’s a very good match, I would say, and what you’re starting to see some really cool stuff that Bronson is starting to put out, starting to take a lot of this material that’s been out there for a long time and make it a lot more accessible.

So there’s already been a gold membership for $97 A month and a, and a diamond membership for, you know, $297 a month. And they, these are amounts of stuff that you get in the mail or access to online.

That that gave you a certain amount, then you’re getting, you’re getting all this material in on a monthly basis to help you with marketing for your business. This is the basic idea of magnetic marketing.

Instead of going through the details, you’re welcome to go and look into it. It’s a great deal. They got a great organization over there.

What’s really interesting is that they introduced a third level, which has not, there hasn’t been anything like this for quite a while and magnetic marking previous to that GKIC and so forth.

That organization has not offered this third level. And they just came out with what they call the Insider Circle. And you can find out more the I don’t get paid or anything from Russell or Dan or anybody.

So I’m just showing you kind of an example of somebody offering a higher tier. So you go from $97 a month to $297 a month and the people who really want like, everything that’s currently available, or for the most part that’s for sale by Dan Kennedy, you can get that boy that looks horrible with my shirt hanging down like this.

You can get that the includes what they call the whole enchilada, which is most of everything that’s out there for sale by Dan Kennedy search engine that you can find this stuff though.

You’ve got people that can actually support team that will actually help you to implement these ideas and new tools to be able to do that that they’ve never had before.

They’re charging $1,000 A month or $10,000 a year for this whole big thing called the insider circle. It just shows you what’s possible.

What if, what if you can offer everything What if you can offer the moon? And what would be a reasonable price for it? It’s something that you ought to think about for your own business.

What if you were just after that small bout, I mean honestly, in most businesses it’s between the top one to 5% of all your ongoing customers, your regular customers, out of that group of regular customers is about one to 5% that will possibly fit in probably even smaller, they’ll possibly even fit that high end that VIP experience.

And that and not that they don’t have higher things. They have masterminds and so forth available for magnetic marketing, but this was the next rung on the self, the self help customer service, do-it-yourself side of the business, which is the initial side.

Especially with inflation and everything else, you’re going to see prices rise and you’re going to see more and more offers like this available, and it’s something you ought to consider in your business.

It helps to fund like I said, you’re only you’re hitting a very small portion of the market, like we were talking about yesterday.

But by helping that small portion of the market, you’re able to bring in an influx of cash cashflow, especially if it’s something that’s an ongoing subscription base or something of that sort, if you can have that in your business, that’s something you can use to improve all the rest of your business for all of your customers, including new ones that don’t even know you exist yet.

So something to consider go check out the video on that page. It’s very interesting, Russell does a very good job of lining it up. It’s a great light.

He’s a master of the kind of the infomercial webinars style of pitching, and all the different ways of the apples to oranges comparisons, it’s not this much, it’s not this much.

But for this low price right now, today, you can have it. These are all psychological processes that everyone goes through, when they’re buying anyways, all he’s doing is he’s taking advantage of it and using it to be able to encourage you to buy his thing.

So there’s, these are all very good lessons, just even if you don’t purchase anything from these people, if you just see how they go about doing it.

It’s and these are people that teach how to do it, okay, and they’re still doing it, and they’re still gonna make money from it. It’s amazing how well that works. You can’t even fight it.

When you understand how it functions. When you understand the psychology of it, you still can’t find it off, when it’s something that you already wanted. That’s been offered to you at a price that’s that is made to seem reasonable. So hopefully that makes sense. Go check that out.

Also, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you want something to help you move to the next level. This is only a start. This has lists of books and other places that you can research beyond just what I’m talking about.

This is a great starting place, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can go buy a copy at Amazon or Barnes and Noble or you can get a free copy a digital copy at

That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one.

We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.