3 Video Content Tips 📽️

Helpful tips for those of you looking to create video content marketing.


Three Video Content Tips.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

If you notice, we’re a little bit shaky today. And one of my tips has to do with the fact that I left my tripod out in the car. I’m having to hold it with my hand because I’m too lazy to go out and get it from the car. Trust me, I will be. Let’s shake your video tomorrow.

For those of you listening, you don’t have to worry about the shaky video.

So how about that?

Okay, that’s number one, having a tripod that will hold your camera. Even if your camera has a phone, you can get a special little adapter that can hold your camera. Very useful.

For those of you watching this, if you’re not watching it, you can go on to BrianJPombo.com.

See this video, you could also compare it to most of my daily videos, when I am not holding the camera.

As a lot less shaky, it’s a little bit irritating to watch. So if you need to look away, go for it. I wanted to prove a point though with it. So there we go. Another thing you’ll notice if you’re listening is the audio quality may not be as good. That’s because I’m using my little iPhone headphones here with the microphone.

So it’s kind of rubbing up against me. Normally, I use a little lav mic with an adapter going into my iPhone, that’s very helpful and making the sound very clear cut the different types of microphones you could try out. But you can get inexpensive microphones that can do the job and can really add to the sound quality, especially if depending on the room that you’re using.

I was just working with a friend of mine tonight, who was doing some videos in a very wide echoey room. And so having a good microphone helps this is not the best, but it’ll help out in a pinch.

If you ever see my videos from the road, they tend to be a little bit shakier, and they tend to have lower-quality audio. So this is an example.

So those are the first two tips.

The third tip is lighting.

If you’re doing videos on a regular basis, and you’re doing it from the same location, like I tend to do here, here at the headquarters, I like to have very consistent lighting. So I have, I normally do it at night.

So if I’m not doing it at night, I make sure I lower the shades. And I have what I make sure I have enough lights, not just the lighting the natural lighting of the room. But I’ve got another light here. Let me see if I can show you check this out.

I’ve got one of these this is actually an inexpensive light. But you can see if I have it in the background doesn’t look as good by having a front not too bad.

Don’t mind all the other garbage in the room. But also just one of those little LED circular lights, they take hardly any energy whatsoever that you can you can adjust them really easily and they’re relatively inexpensive.

Something like that is very, very simple. This is one that I had bought before I bought some of my other lighting but this really helps out in this room it makes a big difference.

If you look at some of my older videos, when we first moved to the headquarters a few years back we the lighting was not as good and once I got the good lighting in it really improved watch ability so you’d between the sound between the lights between the shakiness of the camera, all these things can help out and I want to kind of give you a feel for how it can be done not as well. But any content is good content.

So get the content out there initially. And then you can always fix it along the way. Don’t worry about it, especially if nobody’s watching. If nobody’s watching it doesn’t matter. test things out you can always take the videos down if you’re doing any type of video content marketing.

If you’re wondering how to really do content marketing on a big scale by talking about some of the strategies here in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you get to go purchase a copy or download a free copy at my website, AmazonProofBook.com.

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one.

In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.

Part 5: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories & The Ultimate Guide To Facebook Advertising

Part 5, of our seven-part interview with Bob Regnerus of Feedstories.

Topics covered in this episode

  • Business Fundamentals that have Lasting Value
  • Role of a Coach in Business & Sports
  • Facebook Ads: Books, Education & Seeking Knowledge


Intro Brian: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories, part 5.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today’s a little different than other days, we actually have part five of a conversation with Bob Regnerus.

And so this has been a lot of fun, if you haven’t caught the rest of them, go back and watch them.

But if you would like to be on the podcast or if you’d like to have me on your podcast or speak at your event, go check out BrianJPombo.com.

And now here is Bob Regnerus.

Brian: If you can change one thing about either the industry that you work in, or your business itself, if you could change one thing what would it be?

Bob: I think one of the things that bothers me about the marketing industry in general is there’s a lot of disingenuis people who really aren’t there to serve people, they’re there to kind of make money.

And you know, these people tend to get called out after time, they kind of get it…it’s really hard to hide that stuff these days. You know, I mean, like, people talk and things like that.

I really don’t like people that take advantage of others.

Also I’m not real keen on hacks versus fundamentals, in addition to running companies, I’m a high school basketball coach. And for us to be successful as a team year in year out, is we have to focus on fundamentals.

I’m not big on this is like a fluke play or a tactic or a hack that probably has a shelf life of a couple months. I hate people getting…it’s the bright shiny object syndrome. I hate when those things get weighed in front of people and they waste money on it and they spent a bunch of time.

Yeah, maybe it works for a while and then it like fizzles overnight.

I don’t want people to be in that cycle.

So I try to do things that are based on fundamentals that have lasting value. And yeah, I think that’s what I would change, is that’s probably the thing that bothers me the most.

Brian: You mentioned coaching, coaching the sport versus coaching a business person with their marketing and so forth.

What are the similarities and where are the differences?

What do you like most about that aspect of it?

Bob: It’s great question.

So coaching is the same. No matter what sports or business coach is not there to play the game coaches on the sidelines. The coaches preparing the players, the coaches is coming up with plays and going over strategy, and putting the pieces in place to make a team more successful.

Same thing in business.

I’m not running your business, I’m not there doing everything for you. Like, if I’m there doing something for you, then I should be like an equity partner or you know what I mean, like, I should be paid differently.

I come in as a coach, and it’s like, no, we’re going to talk about strategy, we’re going to talk about how you win, we’re going to talk about positioning people in the right place, we’re going to talk about things that have some lasting value.

But in the end, it’s really up to you to be successful.

Now, a coach shares in the success, probably shares in the blame mare than the success. If a team loses, I try to absorb as much of that as possible, like I didn’t prepare you enough, or I didn’t put people in the right place.

But you know, there’s a shared sense of responsibility. But ultimately, the person playing the game, the person on the court, the person in that business is ultimately responsible.

And I think it’s a really good relationship for people. I don’t want business owners abdicating their responsibility to a consultant or something like that. It doesn’t make sense to me.

Because then ultimately, do you really own that business, if you give up the responsibility for its success or failure?

A good relationship for me is going to be one that I may be doing some services for you. But ultimately, we’re in a relationship where I’m giving you the skills and helping you win when it comes to to business or a high school basketball game.

Brian: That’s great. It’s a great way of looking at it.

It’s a funny thing about when a person is searching out a coach, or a person that has all these great services like you provide.

If someone were looking to find out more about say, Facebook advertising, what is the first step they should take?

Let’s say this is the first time they’ve ran into you. They’ve said…well, they probably been thinking up till now about Facebook advertising. But what should I do first?

Bob: I’ll answer it maybe a little bit different.

If I’m going to seek out knowledge on something, I’m going to go to a book first.

I’ll say this, I have a high end Facebook course, alright. It’s a couple $1,000 dollars. And it’s hours of me like showing everybody what to do inside an account.

But the book itself that I wrote, contains everything you kind of need to know. All right, now you pay for the course if you want to expediate things or you want that hands on, you know, learning for me.

But you go into a book and you start to work, you start to apply some things.

I love the whole idea of demonstrating something and then doing so kind of way I do coaching and practice is we’ll demonstrate a skill first, and then we’ll work on the skill.

So I like people that have a little initiative that like, okay, Hey, I got your book, or I did this in your book, and I’ve got these types of questions, or I’ve gotten this far. Now I really need to, like accelerate my learning.

You know, that’s really what kind of a course or coaching is for is, I want to take it to the next level.

But you should prepare yourself with a baseline of knowledge.

You know, I wrote the book, so that like a beginner can pick it up and do some things and intermediate because certainly like advance and get to be an expert real quickly.

An expert reads a book and this is interesting, I’ll have people that have been doing Facebook as long as me or at least, you know, manage maybe more bigger accounts than me, who will get into the book and say, hey, you gave me that idea on page 270.

Or they look for one or two nuggets out of the book and it’s worth it to them.

You kind of have to kind of figure out where you’re at. So yeah, I call myself a Facebook expert. But I still, I drop in and I follow people that are on top of things in Facebook, because I’m not going to be able to be on top of everything.

I’m not like going to Jon Loomer, let’s say and stealing, like, oh, he came up with this idea. I’m gonna steal that and no…what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to expand my knowledge and keep up to date with those things.

I’ll go in and I pay for Jon Loomer training because what he does for me is he kind of keeps track of what Facebook does every week. I don’t do that, okay. That’s not what I offer.

I’m more about creative and account structures and things like that, it’s more of a strategic thing.

So if Jon comes out with something, I’ll go to my group and say, Hey, Jon Loomer talked about this. All right. And I’ll give credit to that.

And I think that’s kind of what you do is you start with a skill, you go into a book, you take a beginner course, and then you just keep accumulating that knowledge, like you’re in there practicing it.

I mean, a physician does the same thing.

They go to college, they get a base level knowledge, they start as an intern, they practice medicine, they keep up their skills.

I think anyone who claims to be an expert in anything really has this value of, I just need to keep learning this, I need to because there’s things I know, I don’t know.

And things are going to always change, I need to make sure I’m on top of those things.

So that’s why I approach it, I think that would probably the way most logical people will approach is get a base level of knowledge than the level of acceleration you need is really how much you invest.

So if you want to become better at something faster, you usually have to invest time or money to accelerate that.

Going back to the example before, I knew I wanted to run a company and I had this idea of running an agency, I paid to go to a mastermind, because I know it would accelerate my success.

Because I wouldn’t have to go through all the trials, I had people in that group that would help me get to where I needed to be faster.

So that’s kind of my rationale is you pay either in time or you pay in money to accelerate where you want to be.

That’s kind of the way to stay ahead of things and accelerate what you’re doing.

For full conversations, go to BJP chats.com.

Feedstories: The Power of Your Story 📖 (Videos That Sell)

As Bob from Feedstories puts it, “every business starts with a story.”


Brian: Who’s the ideal person that would benefit the most from Feedstories?

Bob: We like to work with people that have some sort of mission or purpose behind what they do.

Every business starts with a story.

I think if you don’t start with a story, or you don’t start with a reason why it’s not really interesting to us, and probably you’re not going to have lasting value.

We love pulling the backstory out of somebody, it really gets to the heart of why they do what they do. We do these videos called Big Why Videos.

And it’s really amazing to kind of just hear from people like, why do they do what they do?

We interviewed this guy, he was down in Texas, and he started a whole chain of yoga studios, and he wanted to start this academy for training more yoga teachers.

And that’s a great business, right?

Like, you think Yoga is hot. He’s in Texas, he’s growing like, fantastic.

Well, in our interview process, and what we got a video was the reason why he started the yoga studios, which was his mom had back issues when she was alive, and she went in for surgery.

And, you know, he was kind of nervous about that ended up that the surgeons kind of botched the surgery, and she lost most of the ability in her legs. And she suffered for a number of years.

He really felt that if yoga was an option for his mom, she went and had the surgery and she would’ve had a long quality of life.

And you could see like the passion, right? And this is all on video.

Now, if you’re a yoga teacher, and you see the passion from this yoga owner, and he’s like, I want yoga to be an alternative for people to have surgery, freedom from pain, and things like that really powerful, right?

That’s why video is so powerful.

Now, we love working with kind of owner-operators, okay.

Typically we’re working with companies that are like somewhere underneath $10 million.

So from startup to 10 million, we have and we’ll work with companies that are bigger, but when we can get the owner on camera and get his or her story about why they do what they do.

Talk with the clients and the customers of these businesses.

That’s really an ideal client for us when there’s a substantial story there and we can pick up on it and about a 15-minute phone call, then they’re a really good candidate for us.

Outro: For full conversations, go to BJP chats.com

The Beginning of Feedstories (Bob Regnerus of Feedstories Interview)

Bob talks about how a visit to Facebook / Instagram headquarters led to an instant business idea that helped to launching Feedstories.


Brian: You touched briefly on Feedstories.

Why don’t you tell us a little more about what that is how it came about?

Bob: So that’s interesting, that period between like 2010 and 2013, I was doing a lot of things to kind of find my way again, after you kind of lose an agency, you know, I was just kind of freelancing.

I hosted a radio show for a number of years doing kind of what you and I are doing right now, which is great, got to meet a lot of new people help other people, write books.

But 2013, I got heavily involved in Facebook.

Facebook started to become a media that advertisers could take seriously. I got my first five clients, and one of them just went into the stratosphere.

It was a clothing brand. In fact, it was a headband company, and it just took off.

One of the best things I did with that client early on was I said, got a headband. It’s, you know, it’s a $15 headband, I said, anyone can knock this off.

I said, but they can’t knock off your story.

I said, we’re going to build your whole advertising and your whole kind of foundation based on your story. And your story is what’s going to sell headbands, and I was right.

I was really glad was right, but I knew kind of internally that would be that way. This business called Bolder Brand Headband, they won Shopify retailer of the Year in 2014, driven by Facebook sales, like 99% of their sales came from Facebook.

Facebook recognized that and said, Hey, Bob, we’re having this meeting with some other big brands want you to come in, we’re going to kind of brainstorm I had a chance over a number of years to meet with Facebook.

But in 2016, in particular, I went to this meeting and all they talked about was video, Facebook said we’re a video company now Instagram, which’s is owned by Facebook says we’re a video company now.

And I’m like, Okay, this is my like, I’m looking ahead toward the future. And I went outside of the meeting was in the sidewalk outside of Facebook headquarters in Austin, Texas.

I called Brandon, who’s my business partner for Feedstores. Brian is a creative guy, he’s a copywriter, he’s a video graphic guy.

I said, we really need to be prepared for this because Facebook and Instagram are changing who they are, and video is going to be like the thing that they are emphasizing the most.

And so we started that company, literally a conversation over the phone, came into the same city kind of put this thing together and started feed stories in late 2016.

That’s how Feedstories was formed.

It was literally what I heard Facebook and Instagram telling me that they were going to prioritize. And so if I’m going to continue to be a really good Facebook advertiser, I need to have really good video creative.

And why not create a company that produces the creative that I know is going to work in the Facebook ad. That’s how that company was born and we’re going strong here in 2021, so far.

Part 3: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories & The Ultimate Guide To Facebook Advertising

Part 3, of our seven-part interview with Bob Regnerus of Feedstories.

Topics covered in this episode

  • How a Meeting at Facebook Headquarters led to the beginning of Feedstories
  • The Power of Your Businesses Story
  • Navigating through COVID-19
  • How COVID-19 led to an increase in demand for video content


Intro Brian: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories, part 3.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today’s part three of our series with Bob Regnerus. I hope you’ve been watching, if not go back and watch the rest of them.

If you’d like to be on this podcast as in a conversation with me, or if you’d like to have me on your podcast or speak at your event, go check out BrianJPombo.com, for all the details.

So here is part 3.

Brian: What do you think that most businesses can learn from that, in terms of you mentioned having cash on hand. What are the other things that you think that made the biggest difference for you that you think other people could learn from?

Bob: Well, for me, it was investing in things that have the ability to be flexible.

So team members that are flexible with multiple skill sets technology, like we were perfectly positioned to be remote.

In fact, our company’s been remote for years, we were on zoom before zoom was cool, we had used it. So essentially, that didn’t change.

We also had this enthusiasm for what could be, but we also had a sense of what could go wrong?

Now, the reason we’re able to do that is we’re in a mastermind with Perry. And as you know, Perry’s my friend, he’s a client, we do business together, but I also pay him for mentorship, because he’s so wise.

And we went through an exercise, January of 2019, which is like, what could go wrong in your business this year?

Now, nobody predicted COVID, but we had some scenarios like, okay, you know, if our technology failed, or we went through probably five or six scenarios, it got us thinking.

Even then, like, what would happen if?

We weren’t shocked when COVID happened. We certainly had this sense of dread like everybody else. But we had been exercising our what if muscles and had in mind, like, everything’s not going to be rosy. So we’re mentally prepared for what happened.

And I was really proud of kind of how we just, we didn’t panic, we had some really thoughtful consideration of how we’re going to move forward. And we positioned ourselves well, we were prepared for some worst case scenarios.

I think that’s one thing as entrepreneurs, we’re always thinking like, the best is going to happen. And I love that part of being an entrepreneur, every project we get involved in, we think this is gonna be great.

We haven’t unbridled enthusiasm for it, and you have to, but you also have that sense of, okay, what if this doesn’t work out?

Or what if this idea doesn’t pan out?

You want to have contingencies, you want to have plans in place. Maybe that comes from my upbringing, maybe it comes from experience, I don’t know.

But it just seems like the right way to approach things. Or you don’t kind of have rosy blinders on and you’re oblivious to the fact that we live on an imperfect planet, you know what I mean?

Brian: Absolutely. Boy, that’s great stuff.

You touched briefly your company Feedstories, why don’t you tell us more about what that is and how it came about.

Bob: So that’s interesting, that period between like 2010 and 2013, I was doing a lot of things to kind of find my way again. After you kind of lose an agency, you know, I was just kind of freelancing.

I hosted a radio show for a number of years, doing kind of what you and I are doing right now, which is great, got to meet a lot of new people help other people write books.

But 2013, I got heavily involved in Facebook.

Facebook started to become a media that advertisers could take seriously.

I got my first five clients and one of them just went into the stratosphere. It was a clothing brand. In fact, it was a headband company and it just took off.

One of the best things I did with that client early on was I said, you’ve got a headband, you know, it’s a $15 headband. I said, anyone can knock this off, but they can’t knock off your story.

I said, we’re gonna build your whole advertising and your whole kind of foundation based on your story. And your story is what’s going to sell the headbands.

And I was right.

I was really glad I was right. But I knew kinda internally that would be that way. This business called Bolder Brands Headbands, they won Shopify retailer of the Year in 2014. Driven by Facebook sales, like 99% of their sales came from Facebook.

Facebook, recognize that and said, Hey, Bob, we’re having this meeting with some other big brands want you to come in, we’re going to kind of brainstorm. I had a chance over a number of years to meet with Facebook.

But in 2016, in particular, I went to this meeting and all they talked about was video, Facebook said we’re a video company now Instagram, who’s owned by Facebook says we’re a video company now.

I’m like, okay, this is my like, I’m looking ahead toward the future.

And I went outside of the meeting was in the sidewalk outside of Facebook headquarters in Austin, Texas. I called Brandon, who’s my business partner for Feedstories.

Brian is a creative guy, he’s a copywriter, he’s a video graphic guy.

I said, we really need to be prepared for this because Facebook and Instagram are changing who they are. And video is going to be like the thing that they are emphasizing the most.

We started that company, literally a conversation over the phone, came into the same city kind of put this thing together and started Feedstories in late 2016.

And we kind of felt for years, we were ahead of the curve. We did a lot of video for companies but it wasn’t kind of people’s number one concern, COVID was really the catalyst for us where people were like, suddenly realized how important video was.

But we’ve prepared for that.

That’s how Feedstories was formed. It was literally what I heard Facebook and Instagram telling me that they were going to prioritize.

And so if I’m going to continue to be a really good Facebook advertiser, I need to have really good video creative. And why not create a company that produces the creative that I know is going to work in the Facebook ad. That’s how that company was born.

And we’re going strong here in 2021 so far.

For full conversations, go to BJP chats.com.

Should I Repeat Myself When Putting Out Blogs, Videos & Podcasts?

The value of repeating your message over time to your market.


Should I repeat myself when putting out blogs, videos and podcasts?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

People ask this question in different ways and it’s usually something more specific. It’s, you know, I put out these vlogs on YouTube.

What if I say the same thing over and over again, or what if I keep talking about the same subject and everything?

You know, my area of expertise is very small, what if I keep repeating myself?

And so the real question, is it the reason why I’m bringing up this question is because last night, I did a video in which is based on a saying from Dan Kennedy, I thought at the time that I had not done a video about that saying, all I had to do is do a search and find in my videos that I had done a video directly on that saying in a different way.

Is it bad that I repeated myself…and I said the same thing over again?

No, it’s not.

In fact, the real problem with most marketing is that people do not repeat themselves often enough, the likeliness of to have the exact same people seeing that same video, or hearing that same audio hearing that same podcast episode is very low.

Most you know, I don’t have the 1,000s upon 1,000s of people listening to these currently, as I’m recording this in March of 2021. Now, April of 2021, I guess we are now we don’t have that’s not where I’m at.

And even if I did, chances are all those people need to hear the same message multiple times, and they probably did not watch or listen to that episode, over and over and over again.

So they need to hear it again, you need to hear it again, I’m gonna keep saying the same things over and over again, whether it sounds like I’m repeating myself or not, I am repeating myself constantly.

In fact, just about everything that I talk about comes from the three pillars of BrianJPombo.com which is if you recall, if you’ve caught these videos or podcasts before we talk about how to be relationship reliant how to be system based in reality grounded, those everything is around those three, or multiples of those three, like last night’s last night’s episode.

So repeat yourself, I don’t care how you’re doing it, or where you’re doing it, you’ve got to say the same thing over and over, he stated a different way. You can use different examples to show the same concept.

But it’s important for you to repeat yourself over and over and over again. Because that’s the only way that you can get into people’s heads and get the message across.

If you’ve ever worked that, well, there’s a couple a couple different analogies for this one, one of the most common ones is being a parent, if you’ve been a parent at all, you will know this to be the case, you have to say things over and over and over and over and over. And maybe some of it will stick.

But it has to be there has to be repetition, there has to be consistency.

Number two, if you’ve been any form of teacher or coach, you realize that you got to repeat yourself over and over and over and over. It’s not just because they’re children.

This is the same thing as with adults, even more so with adults, because adults are so distracted by everything. beyond what children are distracted by that.

I mean, some have more focus. But then those are the ones that are over focused, and they’re not listening to what you’re saying they’re stuck on something in their head.

You got to repeat yourself. You got to repeat yourself in marketing, you got to repeat yourself in all content that you’re putting out there.

Say it over and over and over again. Eventually, some of it may stick eventually, some will may do what you want them to do.

What do I want you to do? I’m going to I’m going to repeat this over and over again.

Because I say this every night. Nearly every single night I come out here and we have this conversation I talked about my book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business and I know you haven’t downloaded it yet. Go and download it go and check it out.

Go AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com put in your email address and download the stupid book. Go check it out. I’d love to hear what you think.

Even if you completely hate it, even if it’s completely planned. I will I will give you your money back, which I didn’t take any money so it’ll be easy. It’s an easy thing to stick with that even if you go further and you end up purchasing a physical copy, I’ll be happy to give you your money back if you’re not satisfied with with the content.

So that’s pretty hard to beat. I don’t know how much better I can get than that, AmazonProofBook.com I’m going to repeat it over and over again. Because that’s the only way to get people to do what you want them to do.

What I’m asking you to do, what I’m encouraging you to do what I’m imploring you to do. So, hopefully that makes sense to you. We’ll be back here tomorrow night and it won’t be here. I will be up in the air and I will be coming back to you from a different state in the union.

These are recorded every night here in or in Grants Pass Oregon. This is where BrianJPombo.com headquarters is head is located. And tomorrow we’re going to be on the other side of the coast.

So I’ll tell you more about that when we get there. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Audio vs Video: Which One For Your Business?

Audio or video, video or audio. Which is best for you?

Sign up for a Strategy Session Today➡️ BrianJPombo.com/Amazon