The Importance Of Learning, Doing, and Teaching 👩‍🏫

Finding balance in personal continuous improvement.


Books Necessary For Business Growth? 📚

Just how valuable are books to your business education anyway?


Books necessary for business growth.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I talk a lot about books that I like, ones that I’ve run into through the years ones that I’ve reread over again. And I do that a lot on this channel.

But it’s done with a rather assumptive attitude as if you already know why books are a good thing to have when it comes to business success.

Are they necessary?

Absolutely not.

I mean, there are a lot of people that have been successful in business through the years that have not, and have not been the voracious readers and have flaunted the fact that they don’t read much when it comes to books or success books or what have you.

That’s all fine and good.

What I found though, across the board, is that if a person is is not achieving the successes that they’re looking for or would like to go to another level. Books help to take you to that next step, because it just helps you to change your mindset to be able to do what you got to do.

Sometimes you just got to hear someone who’s already been through it, you know, or hear of people that have already been through it.

So whether you’re reading a biography or an autobiography, those are two of the most, the best places to go to, to find people that you relate with.

To see what they did to get from point A to point B. These are all very useful.

Now, most of the people I talk to, on this podcast on these videos and audios is are people who are already successful to some extent or another.

I want to talk to you also here and not just make this just for people who are searching for business success, but people who have already achieved some success.

That there’s two things I recommend doing.

Number one, even if you are not, if you have never been a reader and have achieved success, I’m going to recommend that you also spend some time to look for material that’s helpful, not just to you, but to other people.

You see, no matter what you’ve probably have employees, or you have people that you work with, you may have vendors, partners, or may have partners in the future.

You’re gonna find people that don’t naturally think the way you think now that could be the way you were raised, or the way you were raised, you know, you may have been isolated to a lot of the stinking thinking that a whole lot of us grow up with.

If that case, you have to realize that most people just don’t think the way you do naturally. And that’s okay.

It doesn’t mean that it’s impossible for them to think any better, it is possible for them to think better, it is possible for them to drop a whole lot of the mythology that most of us walk around with in our heads, that just isn’t true.

That holds us back in life.

I’m not just talking success but successes, it’s a great example of where you can see this happening of how people shoot themselves in the foot over and over again, with just stupid ideas that they grew up with in their heads.

That’s a great importance of books I’m holding here, this is the I’ve shown this to you before this is the unedited 1937 text of Think & Grow Rich, you can get these out there now. I think I got this off Amazon or something and they’ve got a couple different versions.

They also have a hardback version, I believe the same one and it and I wish I would have gotten that one, I have some friends that have gotten the other one. I’m currently part of a book club.

Now there’s an older book, lots of especially this version of it lots of politically incorrect terminology and everything else in the thought patterns and ideas, cultural ideas from that time which are obsolete, but the principles in the book are very much something that you need to consider whether you agree with them or disagree with them.

There’s something you ought to challenge yourself with and ask yourself whether you’ve used these to be able to be successful, or whether you know other people who have or whether you think somebody who doesn’t have these principles in their life could get use out of them.

The only way you’re going to know that is by reading the darn book or by picking up an audiobook copy of it or whatever else but you’ve got to you got to familiarize yourself with these ideas.

Because you can help other people and by helping other people you’ll be helping yourself because you won’t you can surround yourself with smarter people just by taking the people you’re surrounded with and helping bring them up a little bit.

And that’s not an elitist concept but it is it is something that everybody could use more of. And people could use encouragement to be able to think better. That this is one of those books that is still controversial to this day.

There’s still ideas in here that I don’t fully wrap my mind around, especially the way that it’s presented in the in this book, it’s a he’s a, he uses Napoleon Hill uses very flowery language and everything else.

It’s not that accessible but it’s not so backwards, that it’s unimaginable.

So it’s worth challenging yourself. If nothing else, that you get some of these classics and you read them, they’re inexpensive.

Now, in many cases, you could find this stuff free online, because a lot of these I mean, there’s still debate over it.

But a lot of the stuff that the trademarks and so forth have ran out on. So it’s worth checking out. I’m in a book club currently where we are reading one chapter at a time, over a two week period. Daily.

The idea is that you read the chapter every single day for two weeks on in and we talk about our on a weekly basis, we get together on a zoom call and talk about this.

Doing that type of thing can also encourage you because you, you get to hear how other people see it, you get to be open about the things that you don’t understand.

It’s really a useful tool, if you can find people that are doing this online, it’s worth looking into books matter because they hold a lot of these ideas and put it out in a very systematic way. So that it can be digested easily.

Now, there’s other other ways to be able to take in information, but there’s just something about taking it in through the eyes. That’s extremely useful.

Like I said, if you don’t have that option, you could listen to an audio book or what have you and you can still get something out of it.

But repetition and really digging into something and is a lot of fun, as long as you don’t take it too seriously.

You try to apply the principles back to your life as quickly as possible so that you could see whether it works or whether it doesn’t work or whether it’s a bunch of hooey.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you. That that’s one of the things that I highly recommend that even if it’s not for you, think about it for those around you.

Maybe you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other people you work with that you can pass on a little bit of wisdom doesn’t need to be yours.

So I’ll be back tomorrow night, go check out my book, a little tiny piece of wisdom. While I hope it’s wisdom that had I put together a little over a couple of years now.

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow night.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Qualifications or Experience? 🤔💭 (What Matters Most?)

Thoughts on qualifications and experience from a question Brian received on one of his older daily videos.


Qualifications or Experience?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Over the last handful of episodes that we put out, five, I think to be exact, we had an interview with Ari Galper and if you didn’t get a chance to watch that, go back and watch those episodes is really good stuff.

Ari is a guy with a whole lot of experience, and qualifications. So really interesting in terms of a different perspective on sales, and sales is a huge part of business so really good to check out.

What we deal with here a lot, is ideas, concepts, principles, strategies, tactics that you can use in your business, if you’re the business owner, or the executive, where you’re in charge of making decisions and getting things done.

These are the types of things that we talk about here and we talked a lot about the principles that apply to businesses across the board, or at least when it comes to strategies. We deal with the questions that you should be asking yourself.

I got a great question here, off of one of our YouTube videos out there, that this was off of the Five Excruciating Steps to Becoming a Business Strategist. This is from Danny, he just posted this a couple of days ago. He said, If you were to redo your career, from scratch as a strategist in the year 2021, with the knowledge you have, would you focus more on qualifications or gaining experience?

This is a very interesting question and it might require some back and forth, but I’m going to try to answer it as best as from what I understand he’s asking here.

So thank you very much for the question, Danny, and anyone else that has questions, please leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this, you can always go to Go into the media section, and find this video or any of the other videos and leave me a comment and a question doesn’t even have to do anything with the video.

So this is a great question because there’s an ongoing argument over qualifications versus experience and it’s asking me specifically what I would do. And for me hands down experience over qualifications any day.

Qualifications is an extremely subjective term and it all depends, it’s very much dependent on the person that’s judging you, you know, you’re judging whether you they think you’re going to be good judging whether, whether they’d like to do business with you, and so on, so forth.

So that’s where qualifications really come into play for what I do. There are no qualifications. There’s no degree on business investment or strategy, not in the way that I do it.

And so many of the things that I’ve done, actually, most of my life, one of the main reasons why I never finished college, as a little tip there, I never finished college is not that I couldn’t, or that I didn’t have the ability to, it was more of one of these things where I kind of listed out all the different things that I wanted to do it like in life at that time.

None of them required a degree and a degree wouldn’t really help me in any of those areas.

And the areas I was already doing well in, able to get positions to work in, and so forth, they didn’t require degrees either and it wouldn’t really help.

Now, in some cases, people are looking, especially if you’re in a job market where it’s tight, and the employer is kind of in charge, and they got a whole bunch of people applying, they may have that one last thing that they’re looking to balance someone out by and they’ll say, well, this guy’s got a bachelor’s or a master’s and this guy doesn’t and they’ll go with that.

Now, I’m not saying it isn’t useful. qualifications are very useful, but it very much depends on what you’re looking to do and qualifications really matter in very specific fields, medicine, a lot of these ones where the specific knowledge that you have or specific knowledge, or the license that you hold, it’s necessary to have the qualifications.

All these things are very much important in those areas in the areas I’ve been interested in my whole life. Most of them don’t require any qualifications whatsoever. If there are qualifications, they tend to be very much on that subjective level in terms of well have you done this?

Or do you have experience doing this but see the qualifications fall back into the area of experience?

So I will go with experience any day of the week in gaining more experience. In fact, I’m looking at a couple of partners that I’m looking to work with over the next couple of years here.

I’m more interested in the experience that I’m going to get from working with these people. And the type of projects that we’re doing the 10 times more than the amount of money that I’m looking to make, even though I am expecting to make decent-sized money, that’s not the point, the experience is more important to me.

Experiences is so important because it only allows you to build up and up and up and up a qualification is it’s a very static thing.

People just don’t ask me, they don’t ask me what my qualifications are when I’m looking to meet with somebody, the closest thing I’ve gotten to in the past, which I’ve rephrased in the before is looking for testimonials and things of that sort.

A lot of people will mistake that for qualifications and it’s really not, it’s really more in the field that I’m in, it’s more of I don’t trust you is what they’re saying, when they’re looking for a whole lot of background for what you have accomplished or what you’ve done. So there’s a trust factor there.

This is one of the main reasons why I’ve written the book, I have these ongoing things I do strategy sessions on a regular basis, record them, have them available for people to be able to view and be able to show my background, my experience, because a lot of the stuff that I deal with, it’s very personal.

And when I’m dealing with larger companies, you know that the stuff that I’ve that the programs that I’ve worked on with Shell gas, or with Jaguar, or with Craftsman Tools, these type of things, they don’t necessarily apply to everything I’m doing today.

And at the same time, I don’t have the ability to disclose what I did for them. So it’s one of it’s a, there’s a lot of catch 22 in the type of area of business that I work in.

Some of the most amazing things I can talk about, but I can’t tie the back to a specific person, and I can’t have them, give me a testimonial and just that doesn’t fit.

So not that testimonials aren’t important, we’ll talk about that another time.

But qualifications versus experience, no doubt in my mind for me, for me, in my field, the type of things that I’m interested in experience matters 100 times more, and it becomes a qualification unto itself.

If you really it as long as you gain understanding from the experience.

Hopefully, that makes sense Danny? If it doesn’t, reply back, let me know what you think about that.

If I’m hitting your question just right, or whether you meant something else, I’d love love to hear it.

Anyone else has questions, please be sure and leave them it’s there my favorite videos to make are either question and answer like that, or a back and forth with somebody having a good solid conversation about some of these principles.

That’s my favorite and hopefully, it’s helpful to you too because I know the things that I’ve viewed and listened to in the past that have had these types of concepts ripped apart, they’ve allowed me to gain the experience to be able to move forward.

So if you’d like more experience, and I don’t mean you actually do it, but you experiencing it through me and through other people. If you would like more experience in the term and the concept of business strategy. I’m going to highly recommend you go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at

I’ve just recently reviewed it again going. It’s horrible going back and reading your old material and saying, Oh my gosh, this is horrible.

Why didn’t I change this or this or this?

It’s really good stuff, you’re gonna love it.

For me personally, I would have rewarded a few things, and so on so forth. It’s still I’m also amazed at how much I was able to fit in a very tiny book. It’s a little book, but you can get a free copy at if you go right now you can also see there’s a deal in there on how to get an audiobook and I’m going to be sending out that audiobook version very soon.

I know I’ve been saying that for a while but we’re really on the tail end of finishing that up and you’re going to be able to see it in all your audio book stores like audible and iTunes and so forth. So you have a great night.

We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Part 5: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories & The Ultimate Guide To Facebook Advertising

Part 5, of our seven-part interview with Bob Regnerus of Feedstories.

Topics covered in this episode

  • Business Fundamentals that have Lasting Value
  • Role of a Coach in Business & Sports
  • Facebook Ads: Books, Education & Seeking Knowledge


Intro Brian: Bob Regnerus of Feedstories, part 5.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today’s a little different than other days, we actually have part five of a conversation with Bob Regnerus.

And so this has been a lot of fun, if you haven’t caught the rest of them, go back and watch them.

But if you would like to be on the podcast or if you’d like to have me on your podcast or speak at your event, go check out

And now here is Bob Regnerus.

Brian: If you can change one thing about either the industry that you work in, or your business itself, if you could change one thing what would it be?

Bob: I think one of the things that bothers me about the marketing industry in general is there’s a lot of disingenuis people who really aren’t there to serve people, they’re there to kind of make money.

And you know, these people tend to get called out after time, they kind of get it…it’s really hard to hide that stuff these days. You know, I mean, like, people talk and things like that.

I really don’t like people that take advantage of others.

Also I’m not real keen on hacks versus fundamentals, in addition to running companies, I’m a high school basketball coach. And for us to be successful as a team year in year out, is we have to focus on fundamentals.

I’m not big on this is like a fluke play or a tactic or a hack that probably has a shelf life of a couple months. I hate people getting…it’s the bright shiny object syndrome. I hate when those things get weighed in front of people and they waste money on it and they spent a bunch of time.

Yeah, maybe it works for a while and then it like fizzles overnight.

I don’t want people to be in that cycle.

So I try to do things that are based on fundamentals that have lasting value. And yeah, I think that’s what I would change, is that’s probably the thing that bothers me the most.

Brian: You mentioned coaching, coaching the sport versus coaching a business person with their marketing and so forth.

What are the similarities and where are the differences?

What do you like most about that aspect of it?

Bob: It’s great question.

So coaching is the same. No matter what sports or business coach is not there to play the game coaches on the sidelines. The coaches preparing the players, the coaches is coming up with plays and going over strategy, and putting the pieces in place to make a team more successful.

Same thing in business.

I’m not running your business, I’m not there doing everything for you. Like, if I’m there doing something for you, then I should be like an equity partner or you know what I mean, like, I should be paid differently.

I come in as a coach, and it’s like, no, we’re going to talk about strategy, we’re going to talk about how you win, we’re going to talk about positioning people in the right place, we’re going to talk about things that have some lasting value.

But in the end, it’s really up to you to be successful.

Now, a coach shares in the success, probably shares in the blame mare than the success. If a team loses, I try to absorb as much of that as possible, like I didn’t prepare you enough, or I didn’t put people in the right place.

But you know, there’s a shared sense of responsibility. But ultimately, the person playing the game, the person on the court, the person in that business is ultimately responsible.

And I think it’s a really good relationship for people. I don’t want business owners abdicating their responsibility to a consultant or something like that. It doesn’t make sense to me.

Because then ultimately, do you really own that business, if you give up the responsibility for its success or failure?

A good relationship for me is going to be one that I may be doing some services for you. But ultimately, we’re in a relationship where I’m giving you the skills and helping you win when it comes to to business or a high school basketball game.

Brian: That’s great. It’s a great way of looking at it.

It’s a funny thing about when a person is searching out a coach, or a person that has all these great services like you provide.

If someone were looking to find out more about say, Facebook advertising, what is the first step they should take?

Let’s say this is the first time they’ve ran into you. They’ve said…well, they probably been thinking up till now about Facebook advertising. But what should I do first?

Bob: I’ll answer it maybe a little bit different.

If I’m going to seek out knowledge on something, I’m going to go to a book first.

I’ll say this, I have a high end Facebook course, alright. It’s a couple $1,000 dollars. And it’s hours of me like showing everybody what to do inside an account.

But the book itself that I wrote, contains everything you kind of need to know. All right, now you pay for the course if you want to expediate things or you want that hands on, you know, learning for me.

But you go into a book and you start to work, you start to apply some things.

I love the whole idea of demonstrating something and then doing so kind of way I do coaching and practice is we’ll demonstrate a skill first, and then we’ll work on the skill.

So I like people that have a little initiative that like, okay, Hey, I got your book, or I did this in your book, and I’ve got these types of questions, or I’ve gotten this far. Now I really need to, like accelerate my learning.

You know, that’s really what kind of a course or coaching is for is, I want to take it to the next level.

But you should prepare yourself with a baseline of knowledge.

You know, I wrote the book, so that like a beginner can pick it up and do some things and intermediate because certainly like advance and get to be an expert real quickly.

An expert reads a book and this is interesting, I’ll have people that have been doing Facebook as long as me or at least, you know, manage maybe more bigger accounts than me, who will get into the book and say, hey, you gave me that idea on page 270.

Or they look for one or two nuggets out of the book and it’s worth it to them.

You kind of have to kind of figure out where you’re at. So yeah, I call myself a Facebook expert. But I still, I drop in and I follow people that are on top of things in Facebook, because I’m not going to be able to be on top of everything.

I’m not like going to Jon Loomer, let’s say and stealing, like, oh, he came up with this idea. I’m gonna steal that and no…what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to expand my knowledge and keep up to date with those things.

I’ll go in and I pay for Jon Loomer training because what he does for me is he kind of keeps track of what Facebook does every week. I don’t do that, okay. That’s not what I offer.

I’m more about creative and account structures and things like that, it’s more of a strategic thing.

So if Jon comes out with something, I’ll go to my group and say, Hey, Jon Loomer talked about this. All right. And I’ll give credit to that.

And I think that’s kind of what you do is you start with a skill, you go into a book, you take a beginner course, and then you just keep accumulating that knowledge, like you’re in there practicing it.

I mean, a physician does the same thing.

They go to college, they get a base level knowledge, they start as an intern, they practice medicine, they keep up their skills.

I think anyone who claims to be an expert in anything really has this value of, I just need to keep learning this, I need to because there’s things I know, I don’t know.

And things are going to always change, I need to make sure I’m on top of those things.

So that’s why I approach it, I think that would probably the way most logical people will approach is get a base level of knowledge than the level of acceleration you need is really how much you invest.

So if you want to become better at something faster, you usually have to invest time or money to accelerate that.

Going back to the example before, I knew I wanted to run a company and I had this idea of running an agency, I paid to go to a mastermind, because I know it would accelerate my success.

Because I wouldn’t have to go through all the trials, I had people in that group that would help me get to where I needed to be faster.

So that’s kind of my rationale is you pay either in time or you pay in money to accelerate where you want to be.

That’s kind of the way to stay ahead of things and accelerate what you’re doing.

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