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Momentum Is Not the Goal

Momentum is not the goal.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. This is Brian J. Pombo Live and today we’re going to be talking about momentum and that all starts out with getting to the point of momentum and that just comes from showing up.

Just putting in the work, doing what’s necessary to get to the point where things start building on a life of their own.

The reason why I wanted to talk about momentum is that it’s really is has a lot to do with goal setting and mindset of goal setting and we’re going to get right into that.

But first I just wanted to make a quick announcement to those of you who are business owners or executives in self reliance based businesses. I like to implore you to go to There’s a quick video there, eight and a half minutes long.

You could watch it. It talks about the dream business transformation. If you are in a position right now in your business where you’re successful, but you really want to get way up here to your dream business scenario, then the dream business transformation is probably just right for you and for this limited time it’s free. So go to and see if you qualify for a free dream business transformation.

Now onto momentum, this concept was brought to me by Producer Sean because he remembered reading about it in Steve Martin’s biography. Steve Martin, the actor, comedian, his biography Born Standing Up.

If you haven’t read Born Standing Up it’s a great biography. There’s also a great audio book where Steve Martin reads it out loud and it’s, I mean my favorite types of books are biographies. I think you kind of get the best out of somebody’s life.

Especially autobiographies are great too because you re you get the person’s own perspective on it and sometimes those can be pretty darn interesting. Born standing up is a great book.

In it there’s a whole lot of lessons and probably stuff we’ll bring up in the future because both me and Sean really love that book.

The particular point has to do with the Tonight Show, which was hosted by Johnny Carson. This was a show that many people watched. It was on late at night.

Well it’s still on late at night, but at the time when it was on, it was watched by many more percentage of people than it is currently watched by now.

Because of that, when Johnny Carson had a comedian, an up and coming comedian on the show. It kind of marked the beginning of their career. It was like this huge jump because all of a sudden they’re in the spotlight, they’re the national spotlight.

People are seeing them. And depending on how Johnny reacted to you is how good you were considered to have done. And so if you were able to get back on there, it was considered a great thing.

If you see any biography or read anything about any comedian that came up during the 70s and 80s, they always refer to the Tonight Show as being the thing that you were trying to get on to.

And if you look at any of the large comedians that came out during that time, they were either on the Tonight Show or they were on Saturday Night Live.

Those were the breaking out points for a lot of comedic talent and comedic actors. But specifically stand up comedians, they were always trying to get to that point of being on the tonight show and Steve Martin was no exception.

By the time he got there, he got on it and he left and he said, and you’re waiting for something to happen. It’s like I got there now what? It’s like what happens and there isn’t necessarily going to be a bolt of lightning when you’ve hit a point where you can build on and create momentum.

Momentum happens as you’re building up to it.

Even after you get to a point that you said is some type of goal and it might be a good goal to reach for, but by the time you get there, you have to have the plan to go next. Because most of the time things don’t lift you up on their own.

When things happen, they almost happen accidentally. Providentially, whatever you want to call it, they happen and they pull you along, but it never happens like by clockwork.

It never happens, just right after this point everything exploded. You could always see that in hindsight, but there’s no way to really pinpoint that.

If you get to a point of notoriety, you have to build off of it.

He realized this himself and realized that he had to build on the momentum of getting to this point and he did.

He got on the show more often. He got to guest host the show. He also went on Saturday Night Live, took every opportunity he could to build on the momentum of his popularity and go further and further and further.

This is a point that is if you run a business or own a business and run a business, we always get to these points where we think, oh, if I could just get here, that’s it. I’ll have it all wrapped up at that point.

It’s usually not the case. Usually you get anywhere near that point. It’s like, wow, that was cool.

But it’s not everything. There’s always something after it. And so always plan to keep moving, keep running.

Keep, you know, use another analogy cranking the well, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the old wells that you had to hand crank the hand pump wells and you had to prime it first with water and you pump and pump and pump and you put some more water in and pump and pump and pump it before the water starts coming.

When it starts coming, you still got to keep pumping until it starts coming out consistently. That’s life.

A lot of us get caught up in the goal setting and we miss the point of life is movement and you gotta always at least plan on more movement.

You don’t need to kill yourself over it. You need to make it consistent though.

There has to be some consistency to what you’re putting out there.

That’s true, not just in the education and the ability for you to produce your, either your products or your services through your company, but in your marketing, you have to have consistency. In your customer service you’ve got to have consistency.

This is where systems all come into play. Just don’t see momentum as being the goal. Momentum is a means to an end it isn’t the end itself. It’s the beginning.

When you start getting that momentum, when you start hitting those points, those small goals, they’re only on the way to the bigger one. Keep going. Don’t stop. Keep it moving. Enjoy what you do.

Make sure it lasts and make your business meaningful. Make it mean something to people beyond just the success that you’re achieving from it.

So I hope you enjoyed that. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the same type of mindset issues. We’ll have another piece around the same type of concept.

In the meantime, don’t forget about

We’ll see you tomorrow. So get out there and let the magic happen.

Be Sooo Good
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Checkout Brian’s interview with Janice Cox here –

Be Sooo Good.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass Oregon today. The kind of headline of this video is Be Sooo Good.

It’s the beginning of a quote from one of my favorite quotes from Steve Martin, the a comedian, actor, playwright, so forth. And it’s, “Be so good they can’t ignore you.”

This is great career advice across the board. It really does say a whole lot and we could go on and on about that quote and what it means to you and your business. But I, for some reason it popped in my mind when I thought of this lady.

This is Janice Cox. Janice, I got to interview a couple of weeks ago, I think it was a couple of weeks ago. All the days are starting to run together here because we’ve been running around so crazy. I’ll get to that in a second.

I just drove back into town from, from the Albany area. I was in Corvallis last night as you, you may recall if you were watching the videos then I was in Corvallis, Oregon. We were in Albany, Oregon for yesterday, the day before for the Mother Earth News Fair, which happens once a year in this area, and also happens at five other places across the United States.

One of the huge influences that got me to go there was this lady right here. This is Janice Cox. When we decided we were going to go, we started interviewing…especially the speakers. Lot of the speakers and people involved with the Mother Earth News Fair.

This was somebody that we talked to and it was great because she was local. So it was one of my first live interviews that I got to do one on one right here in the Orange Office.

A unintentional outlet always ends up here. It’s not a, it’s a horrible place for interviews. We’ve got a really bad echo here. We had the Shockey’s here, a Kirsten & Christopher Shockey , a fermentation fame, which I’ll talk about them later because they had a fabulous talk that was very badly recorded by myself.

They were the first ones I spoke with, but I spoke with Janice after them. We got the recording good. It’s a great episode of the Off the Grid Biz Podcast. You could reach that in the description below, above, wherever you’re watching this. You could see that.

Or you can go to and type in Janice Cox and you can listen to her interview. It’s a nice, nice little quick one and she’s just straight forward. Here’s why the quote reminded me of Janice. It’s not because she is super knowledgeable about what she does, she totally is.

It’s not because she’s an entertaining speaker. I got to see her speak here this last weekend. Yeah, she’s great.

It’s because she’s really a good person and for some reason it kind of hit that quote hit me when I thought of her because she just comes off very genuine. Very good. Very happy and she’s just having a great time with life and it kind of spreads throughout everything she does.

She also connects people. She connected me up with a whole lot of people, pretty indirectly. She mentioned me to people before I even met them one-on-one. So they said, you know, Janice was just talking to me about you. This happened multiple times over the weekend folks.

I only met her once, but I think we connected and everything worked out well. And you know, there’s just a whole lot of great people that we met over the weekend.

Janice is one of them. Go and listen to her story. She specializes in natural beauty, so natural beauty products, things that you can do on your own in a very natural way that makes you not have to go out and buy a bunch of chemicals and stuff and slap that on your face and do all those things.

So she’s also an expert in lavender, which I learned a whole bunch of things going to a talk from her all about lavender that I never thought I would know before. Now I’m seeing it everywhere.

I’m seeing physically lavender everywhere. I’m seeing people talk about lavender. It’s this whole thing, did you know. Go and check out, go check out that episode on Off the Grid Biz. You can also check out her books. I mentioned her earlier because she gave me this just great gift basket of stuff, including her two of her books.

These are just two of them. A natural beauty from the garden and natural beauty for all seasons. Great books. And so go check that out. I’m trying to promote a different podcast, every other time or so that we get together here in the Orange Office.

So come back tomorrow we’re going to be talking about another one and it’s going to be a good one. We got a whole lot of other things that we’re going to be going over this coming week, including a stack of stuff that I brought from the fair that I love to run over with you.

Some very interesting people that I got to meet that hopefully we’ll get to interview in the future and we’ll be talking about business. In ways that you can, do better in your business, grow things out if you have already have a successful business, especially if you’re in the self-reliance field.

The type of people that go to the Mother Earth News Fair, all deal in a very similar areas of self-reliance. And if you’re an owner or an executive in self-reliance, you’re someone either I would love to talk to.

Go to The link is in the description. Go and click on it. Go and check it out. There’s an eight and a half minute video real quick. The watch over there describes what it is. If you’re interested, fill out the application and we’ll see if you qualify to be able to talk with me. So see you in the future. See it tomorrow.

Get out there and let the magic happen.