Relationship Marketing: Are You Taking Care Of Your Network?

As Brian says about the people you know, “Your connection to the rest of the world is the people who already know you.”

Thoughts on reconnecting with people who know you around the time of your birthday or other events in life.


Are you taking care of your network?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Coming to you every day, from more than most days coming to you from Grants Pass, Oregon.

I’m here at the headquarters for, and I want to talk a little bit about your personal network.

So today, I sent out a message. And I get this opportunity at least once a year, okay, every birthday period, I have a time when everybody reaches out I mean, huge numbers of people reach out and say happy birthday, on my Facebook profile.

So if you have any type of social media profile, it’s a great opportunity to be able to reach back out to people because they’re reaching out to you. And you know, having that conversation that’s already going on in your customers mind in a sentence, you know, and that not that everybody who knows you or customers, but there are resource, everybody’s a resource.

That’s not a bad thing, it doesn’t mean that you don’t love them, and that you don’t care for the people in your life and everything. But they’re also a great resource, they’re your connection to the rest of the world is to the people who already know you.

And if they know you, like you and trust you even better.

But I sent out this message, and it was because my birthday a few days ago, sent out a video just saying, “Hey, I’m going to be reached out to more people.”

One of the things that I realized, especially this year, it’s something that’s for years, it’s becoming more and more clear. And that’s that everybody you know, is a resource for something.

And that you’re a resource back to them for something they may be able to use at some point or be able to get help with. It may not be you particularly but you’re at the connection to the rest of the world for them.

And so it’s in all of our best interest to stay connected.

On top of all them major issues with social media, I think one of them is it gives us a false sense of connection.

I mean, we are connected more than we ever have been, right?

I mean, I don’t think anybody has stayed as well connected to their people they went to high school with and other other groups like that, then we do because of social media. I mean, it’s amazing what we we do have some type of connection.

And we are able to see each other’s pictures and things of that sort, on occasion here and there. But for the most part, we are really connected with them, we are really talking back and forth with them.

In most cases, we aren’t necessarily even getting on the phone with them or having a video call with them. But we can you see it gives us the opportunity, we can start that conversation at any point.

The easy thing is to watch a feed a social media feed and seeing someone bring up something that then you can add something on to and then you can reach out to them based on that concept. It’s all about staying connected. And so what I told myself is what I’m going to try and do.

We’re just an experiment, we’ll see if I can actually get along with if I can build up a habit of calling people on a weekly basis.

Somebody from my past a random person that I’m connected to somewhere I either have a phone number, or we’re connected via social media or something and I’m going to reach out to them, I’m going to reach out over instant over the the messaging system, I’m going to reach out via phone, if I’ve got a phone number, I’m going to reach out and just say hi.

And if they want to talk, they’re always welcome to call me back and just chat and just pick up wherever we left off even that was 20, 30 years ago. So it’s just an idea.

It’s an experiment, it’s a chance for me to get out of my comfort zone but also to feel more connected. I mean, honestly, on a completely selfish level. I want more connections, I want to know more people.

Everything that’s good that’s happened in my life has been because of a very subtle, small connection that I had with somebody. I was looking back every job I’ve ever had, was because of a previous connection.

I mean, every single one of them I was connected to somebody their previous to working there, whether even if I knew it or not, and they probably had something to do with me working there.

Every job I had, and I’ve been self employed for quite a few years now. But up until that point, I knew somebody somewhere at some time and it was because of that that I had that opportunity. Most of the places that I’ve lived at for the for for quite a few years now.

Have been places where I knew the person that owned the property, or I knew the person that the places that I was looking to purchase it, I had a connection with them ahead of time, or had a connection with somebody that had a connection with them.

That just time after time after time, again, business connections, everything else, it’s all this long stream of people that I already had some type of previous connection with. And you got to attend that garden on a regular basis, whether you want anything or not.

But if you’re offering help, if you’re offering any year, if you’re offering yourself out there, I think you’re going to get more from it. Because in the end, it’s all about being relationship reliant, which is one of the three pillars of, being relationship reliant of big one.

It’s one that we are all dependent on, but so many of us forget how powerful and how important it is. It’s really the only thing that matters in the long run.

When you’re talking about continuing living on Earth, you got to know the right people and the right people have got to know you.

So hopefully that makes sense to you.

I don’t know if it does at all.

I’m not sure if my Facebook post to all my friends and family made sense, but I’m getting some good reactions off of it. We’ll see. So much of my life is not making sense to others.

Eventually I come up with the right wording and somebody gets it eventually. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Come on back. In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s especially for people that own businesses, or are executives are businesses and are looking to overcome competitive forces via the process of standing out, making yourself different and appearing different to your ideal marketplace.

Get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Get out there and let the magic happen.